-V t - ::V' t' i t I.- V f V CfRANKL-INfiniWlES V ft"- i V J. A. THOMAS, ED. & OWNER SIX KONTHB,"1 , THXRB MONTHS, rL00 Lr j55 i Friday, October 15 1909. A Letter From Fowler Call ' ; . fornia. ' v Fkajslnxin Timbs, Xouiabnrg, N; C; Mr. Editor In my last Utter- said I .would write -of; the game in California. I will only speak"of the ones that r have seen, the kiote (or -wolf.) They are quite foxy; and as large "as a fox bound, and there is but few, dogs that will fight hirri alone. They have long sharp teeth and snap fear fully. I wasiij the bay field and one was in twelve feet of a pointer dog, I tried to make the dog run him but he would not. -.tad1 We have the Jack Rahbitt , but they are not as plantiful as they have been. Boys use to get $35 per tnonth to hunt them. They eat, yWgSes and trees. In a new country they have to be killed" but to ' get a vine yard or an orchard. We have the Quail, and their habits are about like the Partridge, except when they are flushed they pitch in trees. I?he males have feather that comes out between his ejes and hangs over his bill that is very pretty an gJMfcf al. The dove is the common araeand they are plentiful; and aire killed without any mercy. We have toads that walk, and are three times as large as the North Carolina toad. The horn toad took my attention, they are about .four inches long and two inches wide and flat as a nounaer, nas norns ail over his body and the longest o hfs bead and neck. His head is like;" a lizard and tale like a turtle. The flret-orjre I " law I thought it was a- little . "Squirrels live in the 'ground and are' mischievous little things make holes in the ditches and cause them, to break, and eats the best be can find. The -gofer takes the place of ,the mole; I have seen their sand hills in the" side walks in Fowler. They are found every where and are rloW wanted. :- V Yours truly, ; J. j. Edwards. October, 1st, 1909. ;T hV"readern!of this papf Will be pleased t learn that there is at leant one dreaded du eaee that nciencr ha been abe to ear In a its Btajres. and that i Catarrh., HaU'a Ca tarrk Cure U.the only bow tire cure '-mow known to the, medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitution disease, requires a con stitntianal treatment. : Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internaHj.' acting directly upon-: the blood nd mucous ..surfaces -of "the system. thereby destroying theIoundstion, of the dieawiead ftitiUfS the patient strength by building vri the. 'constitution and assisting nature ltf doinjf itsworK; ' The pronnetors nave so mncajaitn m. its eurauTe powers that they offer jOn Hand red Dollars ' for any case that it fails to core. Send for, list of testimonials.' " - s v , v ! Add res P. J. CHENEY & COvToledo O. . Sold by all 0rusari8t,'75e. . s. r iat nau s x amuy xrm tor , constipation irs iamUT rnii SPECIAL LOW: RATES AND SPECIAL TRAIN contain- iii vCVrWwiwwLiCHiC' R wlrtnA nf a. termer of saJo ed in that certain mortcmsre executed on the 10th. 'day of October, Q7 , Am -morels ana ttiib io x a. wtj and dulv recorded In the UrsUtrr. i Franklin county, in Book 142 at paee the 'been fnt -wi 1 - on 54 ocai v i r of November. 1909. it bclcsf tne to ; Ralegh, N.C. 37. deiauit ni.T in j? payment or the debt tUercDy tne undersf 1st dai first Monday in taid month, , at About the hoarof noon, at the : Courts Hoie Door, in Louisbor?, is. C. oacr, xor i sale to the . highest bidder at -rcbUc auction ' for cash.- the tract oi ' Jand therein eonveved and therein described as follows: -Thsttrsct of land wtuste m Franklin' county. Gold T Mine; T$wt ship, and .described as follows: : Bound ed on the North by. the lands of J." A Andrews and Sandy Gfoek; on th.r-Jt by the lands of J. J. Lancaster ' and Sandy Creelc; on the : South by the lands of J. J. lAncaster: on the .West by the lands of J. A. Andrews, cootain- intr one hundred and ten - (110 V acres. more or less, atid known as the Kear ney land. This 1st day of October. 1509.. 1 F. B. Ricks, Mortgagee, j to the use of D. T. Hollintfsworth. I Transferee. , . t Wm. H. Ruffin. Attr. l r j E Embarrassing For the Lecturer. Civilized people when they listen to a lecture on. some abstruse scien tific sTibject applaud' even, if they do not understand. But tHere is evi dently more frankness among say ages, according, to a story told, by Captain. Guy Burrows. A wbitarman; one evening tried to explain to some members of an African .tribe, i the Mobunghi, the wonders of the steam engine and steamship. . He drew (diagrams on the sand, and the audience listened and -looked with apparently intense interest. At last he asked his hearers whether they understood. "Yes' they replied they thought they did. . "There was a deep silence," Cap tain Burrows said, "for some time, and- then a voice in the center of the ; crowd expressed the ..unspoken sentiments of the whole assembly in one emphatic word,; uttered in a ton6 of the deepest conviction ItaxV" 1 . I - " . Embarrassfiiffv for the lecturer I .Westminster' Gazette. 1 OCTOEfER; 18th to 23rd, 1909 On Account. of , State Pair Th Seaboard announces special rates to Raleigh, "and in. .addition o their excellent regular Strain service, will operate special trains from Hamlet Weldony Dunn, Louisburg and Oxford, to Raleigh en Wedneaday and Thurs day, October 21st arid 22nd : v The "Shoo Fly' Nos. 29 and - 3t on October 20th and 21st Wednesday and Thursday, will start from Weldon at 7:00 a. m., arriving in Raleigh 10:35 a. m. returning leave Raleigh for Wel don 6:15 p. m. This train will also hare extra coaches from oxford, leav ing Oxford 8:15 a. m. Special train oh Wednesday and Thursday, October 20 and 21st, will leave Louisburg 7:30 a. m. arriving in Raleigh 9:50 a. m. returning leave Ral eigh 6:50 p. m. Special train, will leave Hamlet on , Wednesday and Thursday, October 20th and 21st at 6:30 a. m. arriving in Ral eigh 9:50 a. m. returning to leave Ral eigh 5:50 p. m. Special train will leave Dunn ; 7:00 a. m, Wednesday and Thursday Octo ber 20th and 21st. Via Durham '"and soumftrn ivy., ana ivpex, arriviug in Raleigh 9:00 a. m. returning leave Ral eigh 5:00 p. m. All these trains will,be provided with sufficient extra coaches to accommo date the public In addition to this all regular trainrduring the week will ,be p-ovided with sufficient number of x fcia coaches to accommodate all. Tickets will be sold at very low rates including one admission to Fair Grounds, October 16th to 23rd, with final- return limit October! 25th. ,K . - , . S ROUND TRIP RATES FROM Louisburg 180 Franklinton $1 60 Youngsville 1 35 WakeForeat... 1 25 For further information relative to rate s, schedules, etc., call on nearest. Seaboard Agent or address the undersign, . C. H. GATTIS, D, P. A. v NOTCE. I will have at my house four days, the finest Spanish Jack, that has ever been in this county. His weight is 855 pounds, color black So if you wish his service come at once. . . . D. T. Fulls r TRUSTEES SALE CF LAND.! By virtue ot a power of sale contain- Tved in that certain.deed of trust execut ed on the 15th day of Februrary!' 1905. by J. A. Andrews and wife to Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, and 'duly recorded in the Registry of Frankhn countj, In Book 150 at page 470, default having beei made in the payment of tLe in debtedness thereby securtd. and de mand for foreclosure having been made upon the trustee by the party holding the bonds secured by said deed, the un dersighed will on Monday the 1st day ot November, I9C9, It "being the first Monday in said month, at about the hour of noon, at the Court Hoase roor, in Louisburg, Ji. C, offer for sale, to the highest bidder at public auction, for cash, those .certain tracts of land by said deed of trust conveyed and therein d scribed as follows: Firs tract, Bounded on the North by the lands of J. A. Andrews and Sandy Creek, on the East by the lands of J. J. Lancaster and Sandy CYeek, on the Soath by the lands of J J. Lancaster and on. the West by the lands of J. A. Andrews, containing 110 acres more or less, and known as the Kearney land. Second Tract. Bounded on the Northy Sandy Creek. n the east by Sandy Creek and the lands of D. T. Hollings arorth, on the South by the lands of D. T. Hollmxrworth and J. A. f Andre ws- nd on the West bj the lands of R. B. Stallmgs containing 105 acres, more or less. Third tract. Bounded as follows: Beginning at a Hornbeam on Sand 7 Creek, Andrewa corner; thence S. C9 W. 129 poles to a mulberry, tne An drews corner; thence 8 30 1 2 w 71 1-2 poles to a sourwcxKl and pointers; thence s 36 poles 15 links to a rock and point ers, Andrews' Corner; thence N. 75 W. 25 poles to a Doetoa.lt; thence N. 11 1-2 W. 20 poles 20 links to a Sweetgum; thence N. 28 W. 11 poles 5 Units to a whiteoak; thence Kr25 W. 5 poU v N. 6 3-5 W. 10 poles, N. 5 1-2 E. 11 poles to a whiteoak; thence N. 13 1-3 W, 14 poles to a stake m Hollingsworth's line; thence S. 52 E 55 poles, to a rock in the path; tKnce N. 24' 1-2 E. 17 poles 15 links to a Sou rw cod and Span ishoak, R. B. Stallina' comer, thence N. 38 E 189 poles 10 links to 2 Gums and beech, pointers on Sandy Creek; thence down said qreek aa it meanders to the beginning containing 48 acres, more or less. The Kearney tract of 110 acres con tains two good three room dwellings and about 40 acres of cleared land with timber sold. The other tracts compose the J. A. Andrews tract, with over 100 acres cleared and timber sold, and makes one of the finest cotton farms in that sec tion, It has a dwelling and necessary outbuildings, and is a very desirable farm. The tracts will be sold separate ly, if desired. This 1st day of October, 1909. Wm. H. Rufin Trustee. ' Jenner as an Eater. Dr. : J enner, the famous English physician, was a great tea -drinker and very . abstemious, never taking any stimulant except a measured glass of brandy when he had indi gestion. Once for that cause he Tived on stewed chops and rice for luncheon and dinner, with tea, , for a couple "of years, hut ordinarily he "Waaagreat feeder. 'I recollect' said his friend, Dr. Cotiper Bentham, "on one occasion Eeynolds came to see him. Jenner wasat dinner. He had soup, fish, the. greater part of a chicken:v and he - was in the middle of a huge-rice v pudding when Reynolds entered and f v asked .J him how , he was. ' Jennet - drew,- a pitiful sigh . and .repliedj i anvhot at all well, no appetite.'' NEW LIN ' I am just opening a new line SAMPLE SHOES -Sample Shoes means wholesale cast. , THE BARGAI N STORE- W. Bi COOKE 1K0TICE TO TEACHERS. .'. a ,;- The School of Committee Gold Mine .township ;will r meet at Centreville on : Saturday October; 23rd, 1909. for the . "purpose i of ' electing, teachers - for the t-s several .schools in said : townshm. - All tnose wisnmg.ro appiy must send their A.- V ' applications to the- undersigned before , j.''-, thafdate:"-'"" -."T "f -N7.;r ,i - '?ilX : " 1 - A H:,Whej5ess, Ch'm'n.O ' ' Oct'. 3rd, 1909. -p ; -')r' 1 . : CZ ;- 7 'V SAVE YOUR Ihm a aM And Nervous (Energy and go to One Who Knows. ,f Let me fit you to glassesV I can and will pive vou classes that you will bo proud of, glasses that will relieve that headache and will vemove all strain from the nerves and muscles of the eye"and will giveyou comfort and ease that is irn possible with glasses bought elsewhere. ' ' .'" : . . k- .i,r, .-.:-.7.v- -' . " . . AFew Reasons WhyYou Should Let Me "Fix Them! -For You: 1st.- I sell the finest.Lenses that caojbe bought. V ; , " -'2nd: IgivemorethdrouRhexamiriation; of the eyes than 'anyone cW la - oru. AYiy moaera memoa 01 itjuus uie eyes are the aama ax that used bv the (treat sneciklistk in this country. r . s. ; .,-' ;- 7 r,Aitu: I dd an honest business, and. seU honest Roods and charge honest rricc for them? ' ' r ;v " :' " -l! v- . fc "". V jj will be in Louisburg at the Louisbunr Hotel,' Tuesday fv-lnir rtts , 4 "', ' Hats - Gaps hi .--:- " in " i Shoes, I F. W. I My lire U Urym rle.ixr THE -VALUES ARE BE YOND COMPARISON 4 t.r mfto ir fvrti.t ila Inr I 5c tuA n. 5c c4 r.rrj 1 U. Necessary Furnishings 1a r? ?ti lir?. t.iT a ra 1 i CB katf fcjaj t. J fk Jcif $OC.-7rf ecl t- tata3 k.t.t:. COME TO SEE ME 4 vcikcx n. KtJpetlfclli Louisburgfs Qothier i & K. K. ALLEN'S MGadquartcrs for Mers Correct Clothes, Shoes, Hats, and Fashionable Furnishings. The ojnin of ur nw uck i of tjia- istrt4 etrnr petition. who pridrf hinjelf on hiM jrro&U irtrx.. W ay U iv to our cuik-mtn tht our Urp tof to crerdairtr'g r-.Ui foi bought with Ui trrit CArr, .fcd Pwl rrrdijCly CtiU t, o.c.n and mtpcrt ihrnx i Wc Purchase Advantageously with lh idea of giving buyers loff frrir a ci t j.rl t a crOlt can Ixs itrn at a gliao. ifiylA, f4.hoa, qui dt -r 1 -aj-erxrt crltti.r. fhij' pcrvd ry garment. I Our Stock of ' Ladies and Gentlemen's Shoes it unprtntc4 in rnaUritl. titir, wotlaatudiip dorainlilj, reni the mrfection hc craft, iff , Th hrytt and met ooj4tl hat ef 4t x4 r-ti Umm compruing eterr ntjle, flnjb tjtaJitj kswa li u5. An tnjipticn oC our slock of vit,Ur sad (tl tt;Jt nr. h iu reroarVablr 'ow pnca, will alotih tru. Ktrj jrr4, jti!ixv pric that can W dcriji.ci X, H. Wc aJo hatr spial diict i cltiUzg as.4 Lck fc t U voung fcllowt V ho watcJoiMr atxJ-fcox rr tp asS diuV COME TO SEE US ' yo will tlwaT RWt vou taol c-orlUDr if ll:rr rc tc t,3j ?5 31I1EULES lot the RlSno? DR- Si s RAPPORT 4 -