V -v. ' J A J A vi 3 A. THOMAS, EDITOR. VOL. XXXIX. zffijj : :p'Y:-t ; : COMMISSIONERS MH. ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY OF THIS WEEK. A Joint Meeting of the Coun ty and Town Commissioners and Sanitary Board Two Sessions. ( n Monday a call for a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was requested bv Superintendent of Health, Dr. R, F. Varboroagb, for the purpose of har ins; a quarantine station established. And in the afternoon they assembled and requested the Board of ' Towo. ( omrnissioners to sit with 'Shorn jointly when the matter was taken under consideration. Those present being J. H. Cooke, J. H, ITzzell, N. B. Vountj and W. H.Ruffin, attor ney,for the county, Mayor J. B. Yar borough, Wm. Bailey, K. P. Hill, I). F. McKinne,G. "VT. Ford for town and Drs. R. F. Yarborough and J.E. Malone. After inrestigation it was oidered that a quarantine station be establish ed and all subjects of small pox be placed therein under guard. 1). C. High was ordered to secure a suitable building that could be rented for the purpose if possible and that he be assisted in getting guards and other necessary equipment by the Board of Town Commissioner and Dr. J. E. Mai one. Dr. Malone was ordored to confer with Dr. Rm F. Yarborough fn; re gird to vaecinVIdn " and report at meeting Tuesday. . :) ; Those present on Tuesday were T. S. Collie, J. H. Uzzell, E. M (iiipton, T. W. Bickett, attorney, for the county, D. F. McKinne, Wm Hiih y, K. P. Hill for theltown, Drs U. F. Yarborough, J. E. Malone, R. P. Floyd for (he Sanitary Board. T. S. Collie was elected chairman of the joint meeting, after which the fol lowing order was passed, after re- iving the report of Dr. J. E. Ma- "t iered that all colored people rrsi.Jents in the town of Louisburer G7 le vaCCInated at once." "That the County Superintendent Health and other physicians acting w'th him be authorized to vaccinate ail other persons white and colored 'iy may by reason of exposure or location be in the opinion of the phy sicians m danger ot contracting small pox and quarantine all such persons a the public health may require." l- H. Meadows and Joseph Moye were retained as guards for the 1 station, after which the meeting came to a close. s With the rigidity of which the of ficers are taking steps in this matter there is very little danger of any spread of this disease. They soon Rot hold ot all suspects and seeurely placed them in the quarantine station Jrifl our town is now safe from any danger of spread of the disease. Dinner to Veterans. The Daughters of the Confederacy cordially invite all the old soldiers to a free dinner which will be Hm(1 ' the Court House, Tuesday, (ctobar th. DrB.F. Dixoriihas ndlY wn.onted to deliver an ad ' 'ess' hidi will make the day.es 1' ',l:i"-v mtesting for the. soldiers, l'" public generally, arid we erybody will hear MhDini " r Ul, '-eferv-fd'to t.h Knldiers im- i j - l,ate,y -'f-er the addrj8;''' The Home Paper. Me inquires; n'mber of v.inr "tamilv rlifl - 0,1 print the re.oliitaons on a 'ill I. " 4 it yournvite entertamea 4 - --caire progra iH rn., mme man?r;If yoa L ,0lnS t0nlarge your business h 'UU"J vou ise it in ia hotel reg i ' ;ing"to:;have a 1 i - - '.ViV v " wedding in your familywould you get out a handbill? ;You would send items to a newspaper, would yon not? Then why don't you put your adv'er tisemets in a , newspaper? Every man who uses a billboard is adding' to, nature faking. The nowspaper builds your town. Why not help to build up the newspapers? There is no better advertisement in the world tor a town than a good newspaper. A newspaper is the barometer ot the town's industry. Show us a good newspaper full of advertising and we will show you a good town full of ive merehants. Billboards are an eyesore; handbills are a nuisance; theatre programs are worthless; hotel register from an advertising stand- point are rediculous; Newspapers are town builders, town advertisers. foartune makers, news disseminators, sermon deliverers, prosperity fore casters. Thev are a necessitv. not a '7 luxury. They must b maintained. Without them we would retrograde to the medieval days. Don't pat rnize them from a charitable stand point. Patronize them beeause they deliver the goods, that is, if they are th right kind. Cut out the foolish ness and work for the upbuilding of your town and state by upbuilding your newspapers.' Now for the Confederate Mon ument. 4 On Wednesday evening at a spec ial meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy the' plant for building a monument to our ... Confederate dead was?5, agreed trpon. .Tb plans will published in full in our next issue. The bed rock of the plan is that every man in Franklin county will be asked to give something. Will there a man say no? Services at Baptist Church, A series of revival meetings was commenced at the Baptist church here on Monday night of this week. The pastor, Rev. L. W. S wope, is being assisted by Rev. C. A. Jones, of Bennettsville, S. C, whe is de livering some able nd forceful ser mons. The night services commence promptly at 7:30 o'clock and the morning services will be held be tween the hours of 8 and 9. We are requested to extend a special in vitation to everybody to attend these services. Some Interesting Facts. In the building ot theatre galleries anl grand stands the supporting strength of the structure has tq be carefully worked out. This is done by multiplying the area in square feet by the pressure which it is es timated a crowd exerts to the square foot, and making the supports pro portionately strong. At' one time the weight of a crowd was determin ed at between 82 pounds and 102 pounds a square foot, but experi ments have shown this to be a great underestimation, and the weight ex erted is now calculated at trom 123 pounds to 133 pounds. The extent of the use of chewing gum among the people of the Unit ed States is illustrated by the fact that theimportation of "chick! e" in 1908, chiefly for us 3 in the manufac ture of chewing-gum, : amounted to more than 4,000,000 pounds. The article ij'chickle's; obtained in Southern Mexico from the trunks of the sapodila plum tree, and the im portation of this gum during the last decade has amounted' to , 13,000,000 tons valued it- raided it:$8,000,000 r r " ;V ,v--:s?.;.'fc-'- v. 1 - ;Aj8bestos houses ar much used 'in It is stated ; that th e v , are not ' onl r fireproof, but impervious ' to ; water: l unaflected by beat or; cold and . of anntflpi. hlAn ?a W.r i of that it is not attacked by white Cants southern countries ui uiuti iuociio . vuai'.'.auvuuu 1U THE COUNTY, THE LOUISBURG. N. C.. F RI FRANKLIN SUP'R COURT. FOR THE TRIAL OF CIVIL CASES ONLY. Convened on Monday, October 18th, Hon. C. fi. Cooke, Judge Presiding No Great Interest Shown. On Monday morning at the proper hour Franklin Superior Coart, for the trial of civil cases, opened 'with Hon. C. M. Cooke, Judge Presiding, on (he bench. He delivered his charge to the jury in his usual force ful and pleasing manner and soon had things in readiness for busmesi. Mr. J. J. Barrow, our efficient cleric was always promptly on hand and as usual, his documents and rec ords were in such perfect shape tnat they could be easily and rapidly taken up, which materially aided in the quick disposition thereof. This being a terra for the trial of civil cases only there was no great crowds in attendance and no cases of especial importance. Judge Cooke began the work ear ly on Monday and up to yesterday noon the following cases had been tried or otherwise disposed of: Wester vs Wester, continued. Gill vs Gill, continued. House Cold Tire Co., vs W. i. Cowke, two cases, verdict for the plaintiff. W. P. Neal and Co., vs Uansdall and wife, continued. Dr. Shoop Family Medicine Co., vs Cale b AJIen, verdict set aside . and tjie case continued. Youngsville Supply Co., 'vs W. T. Rogers, continued, I. H. Kearney vs H. G. Brasrg, verdict for defendant. A. W. Person vs Seaboard Air Line Railway, verdict for plaintiff. C. S. Williams vs Seaboard Air line Railway, continued. Williams vs Burgeron, plaintiff called and failed. Judgment non suit. Mitchell vs Seaboard Air Line Railway, continued for defendant upon payment of costs of this term. Edwards vs Merritt, appeal with drawn. James Mitchel vg Carolina Power and Light Co., continued by con sent. Williams vs Williams, plaintiff ob tained absolute divorce. Ferrell vs Ferrell, divorce, judg ment for defendant. Duke vs Person, adm'r. continued by consent. Jeans vs Jeans, continued. Sandling, Ex'r. vs B. S. Kearney, continued. Morris vs Alston, continued. Collins vs Pearce, continued. Honck & Ford va Neal, continued. . Allen vs Mitchell, eontinued. Sanders vs Coppedge, continued for report of refree. Cable Co., vs Macon, verdio-t for defendant. As we go to press Court is still in progress and will continue until Sat urday. This was a two weeks term but as Judge Cooke bad bren select ed to hold a special term of Wilson Court beginning with Monday the 25th, this term bad to bw cut to one week. Farmers Bullentins. Representative Claud Kitchin "is sending out a large number ot letters containing a list of bulletins for farmers, issued -by the department of agriculture. His -purpose t to arouae so far as possible, interest in what the department', is doitig for the. farmers. Thus he aska farmers to select from Jthe list such- bulletins as they arj in terested in and. be offers to nave for- warded the bulletins selected.';- yy e, uopw . viiai our ,iariuera wui avaitheiselves.:of ItheVo'p .hvoffewdsVr bullitinsj are Taluable' and .'areto be had for the asking The ideas to be gleaned from them cannot but be initrurncntsl in STATE, THETINIONV 0 - D AY, 0 CTCTBER 22, 1 909. boosting the .rten and , tmriroTftl ngricaltnre. fooston Fros Prew. Mot any of our. eoogrwmcn will b pUd to farhh th fanner with auch bul!etins if they will onlr ak fi r Brae; aod Will fnrnwh yoa a Ut ti select from furtho akin. Baby Found In Well. Coroner J. A. Turner waji calli to CenUeville oniVednfiKlay to hold an inveetigatioa ovar the body of an infant baby that was found ia a wU btitween thsro and Wood's store. The child wM a colored btbj and a post mortem exatnination wm held Wednesday nighV: As the Coronr left here early yesterday morning we were unable to get the name of the jurv, but learned ' that the bearing would take place in Lnuiiborg on next Monday. J N"o arre: wr made but wq uoderiund the jury has some partits coder suspicion. THE MOVING PEOPLL THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. ThoseWho Have Yisltedonis burg: the Past Week Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure. J. E. Thomas spent Sunday in Rocky Mount. C. J. Gee, of Oxford. tUiicd Louisburg this week. G.M. Langley, of Durham, wm in town this week. M r.-CK, J ohnxm visited Arx ttvL wwek 6n "bTSrmw. Mr. F. S. Spruill, of Rocky Mount, is in town in attendance on court. it n it -r .... .nr. i. u. ij ,cv, oj liockv ilount. j ivm w m.. is in atttn lanc- on court hro thw ! car, :l ptootu rhuu week. ( rT plao! in it uh &'jtt & Miss Kuby KMiidco, of (Wen,- ! n lheTn t!- r-1 ti:b, J boro, is viMtinc the home Mr. I). 'k'? ibe,m m nJ !hf q ijTh The join! HarJ trJr.l xr T ... tl. . , . ! pulsory ccjnUorj ir-futa'1 .Miss Lillian High returned hpmoLn T. , . ouiuiu irem a pnort i?it lo j Greensboro. C 1 . Air. alter Farabow return-! ; Monday from viit to his eopt at i Hester. p i t , , t 'r t . rn hiiii ue, oi seuuion, viited Louisbnrp Monday on a hop ping trip. Miss Hattii Le (iupw, of Den mark, S. C, is viatting Miss Helen Crenshaw. Mr. A. S. Blount, of the firm of Blount Broe Marblemen, of Suffolk, Va was in town this wek. JJeisrs. A. W. Alston and Clayton High returned this week from an z tended trip through the North. Kev. G. M. Duke, Mumm. A. V. Perry, Sr., and Ivey Allen went to Henderson yeaterdav on butinew. Mils Mary Judd, who baa ben viiiting the koroe of Mr. D. C. High, left Monday tor her home in Dill, Texas. t Pick-Pockets. We learn that about the usual number ot pick-pockets were in evi dence in Kaleijh at the Fair this week, but have not learned where jny of our people havt tuftered verf much from them. It ia a i ret pity that this daaa of people could not be eliminated at stch place, and when one ia caught the law should show no mercy for them but put thu pen alty as stiff as possible. The Tobacco Market, The sales for . the past week pr more have been exceedingly heavy j and a' great: deal of the weed has j Seen aold.v The fannrn hav been ! coming in from all sections of the conntrv and all luem to be exert. ing themselves aa beiog more than - - f-v- well pleased with the outKora of iiilthntr tnhs rm i , - . Ur to a direct question .by "at one 0f the warehousemen said that '. tb average was holding up all right and thero n na i! 1 :V GREATLY EXAGGERATED. SMALL POX SCORE HO FOUNDED. WELL U is True a Few Caiet Uf Been Found but Proper Steps Have Been Taken Doctors Don't Think Any Dsntr. Upon tb finding of a fv c&k of taiill pot here tie put wMk aai by th qatck action of oar setter iUm it baa ca&afri some popl to b. come frichUoed tod th raen to be tent oat that art dataai&s to out towo and w ttb olir pab lic Thus all very raocii for ai'thoie ptiiata who tr ta found to hav ibe dta btv hma plao.l in a qorniin iutKo ctic proper caard. Io aatver to a 4i rtct fjuttiion in rrjird lo dcr of paoplt CNxainr lalo aa4 troici? cat otLoaUbmg, J. K. M!on taya u fol!ov: "Thre u at prroi a pral Kir? (unfounded) aUal iaJpox is louiibnrg W hf lir4 loop noogh ia loaiibur u tiai itt uuonn.Dgi goi o.ar Uc bui ihe witchfoltMxt of olort of th KaluS i -i i . . meaner n.ppl ih tfo3W. ,o a. ou. a nrgro dot NfJ val Company" aad rttarnl 1' tn-ical at of mkllrit )f 4tcovrd b h4 aaociiJ uiint .... 1 ly with Tri hww, to coatrcl- ed th dtMU At i joint t&Un- of the Oontr atvl Town (oi alnr-i-a iKu . . . u . I IT-II. 11.1.) fullv and in-l'juu r rarni -i. Franklin County Union. The nest ifMion of Kr&nl'i: i 'e neti ion Courrty Tuion wjil t hl 1 wiiS to 31. The fo bat been arrang1. rtii'4t i.iit Sermon IUv. I). T. lUnn. ut nale lUr. (t. W. C"oppJc A Tt"llt T :30, I'tiUa Sert iw IU Morton Gren. 10 Organisation am r,tu from the churchr. U iUlation of tbt chsreh lo World ly. Amairtinu IUt. M. SumpHL, S. J Alfr4 arvi John Odorn. !:30Have Baptk.1 churchy a r.rht .. I- W. Swop, Prof. Martin tt4 Htv. J. W. Slmit. iSO-Th Ioflo.nc of lUUzc ' V2U U:l fc 1 t,li-I-iterature ou ih. 4 Mr. Jbtana and lUv. H I). I tiar. VSO S. t. raiM rnUn? evjtviao- eI by Bro. Jame Folgham. 1 11 Sermon. 1:30 Th Ace.1 Mtniftra flhf Board General Ittcuion. I. Atttx, G. M. Di ke, Com tat Us Land Sate at Dunn. Since the completion cf the mJ road in Hann and the bal!Ib cf tr depot. The vXraerican !UaJlT a4 t ( j Auction Co-, of OrctT.ib&m, aa4 Tt 1 t. , a cuumwjq iwiur i3t ucuuo v,o, Pulei have arrange w-th -0,. oC Urc tf i around the depot to ral ll md c;i In nc r, ! ) ., sr. ! ; v.-.:; r- : tv , j ., . , : . ... StJESCHIPTIOH Si. 03 NOKBtl 2& t-f ArctlJMtCfft t 'irr cciztsit. ilr ir t y. Ccrrciponisntw W wcu u ttr r:k4 to cit a Uoo cl iL nevftj W J ut that vvil4 tKtutx j,r., cl oy&sty tUl Wj U oelr t o RU3 V y Unb cwn4 t Ci MO. Tin u a ttiuUca to ycs fcc e4 Ci tt futiit f-j ei.tj Wl bt tl yea Ui fcol4 $. Of (Vim mm U Ur U& ttmm Itu w ca? 4 Ui n:w taca..tt all natMcr-4 U, Ut xJLm 4m um I r? vjj rturt i - Krs. Hary Sltd at Ef tt. Oa TtJu mnit CVsJl Z XZ94 x UUt, t tni St M yCi 464 U.r ! h,t riur ifi l Ji f o 4t. cnvalj ' wa' . rJx l!i 4 ..nw iW ?vj Hit , - 'U Him v In fci. Hit Te.5. J, Mtt SJij lk u r,iu .,$ tett,t rue tt-n Sj Sc W rSjJ ri:-r.a rji hit Il bet c.i tt4 St; t. oxrt, tz. tiit ani Hi tjcrit tt lt orifc-ft c f I St ic. .J ktui mr l-r jo - i.,tt. $ct r-'5 t il TJ.jr. t 4i.t. rtk tsir.g tKj ;. lU.-.t tCr fc 10. 1 tt,f5. ti ti lcr 14 t Sfcl ti.f loff OOt U ttTCfci C.t tnJ y.aarat cf .rij val tKt ft t?tf ttjt c:U t.Stra tft ;.4MtrJi; W tc- rrtff t. -A Ftitaj.. Mr. Wjnn Kakt SUUat&t j v , i.v 1 To iht KJita. Fttf iui Tjwa.t, Ir Sir In ih Ui Mb c4 i Tiwsi. Mr J S nutria tt 1 t.i . ..V Ir. 0 rt till f htifmi tJ was tist t-t tcaJraJ t4 fc-rtv (9t4t of I! SU3tJ wtills we-S..i cct bss4rt4 Sfct4 OLntt 4tj sn3 cct htU fK'ntiit. Ttt : Win woI4 fsJJ it x 1 vrire4 at! I tirtf rBt. h weV.J rtfct a lxtil kt i . . . . ! ' ' ' wmmw vmt v i Maw oorvteJ. t3t I tr4 If, WUt u I j clii a t4 oaar t-iia. . Uut tit IoanWrif; cvrt:a tcvl ? wrcojr. te standard rijtv ,tie4 441 oo, ho4rJ at4 tlr?y sM ui e Kaif ra5iw 2 J;'ui i! aca! aoi Iti tUta Cwrfti, 1 f-J th kZ a l !1 tb j;'.r.t 1 aiwlJ ntitaJ I tat ia ir!irtr'sJ ty trrI cbtn tlii ttff it a tj UlUe 4.?trrrce ia Utlr vt'Vta J ti It:irr-wr -Via, I I- t

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