-.. - 1 , - X RWN Kill I N T O N D;EI?AsR e: n ' ' - WEDNESDAY OCT. V. Let us "do jour advertising. It will pay you. Try it G. R. Moye has taken a position with the B. W. Ballard Co. Cotton sold here Monday for 13.40 cents per pound. If syoa do not take the Fbank ias. Times you had better subscribe at once. Right many of our people are attending court at Louisburg this week. Quite a large number of our peoplt attended the Fair at Raleigh this week. ' A town is what its citizens make it. .Get to work gentlemen ar d make your town a live one. At the regular services at the Methodist oh arch here Sunday thiee additions were made to the church by letter. The Graded School is still pro gressing very finely and our citizens should see to it that it gets ail the patronage it deserves. Business men pay attention to your advertising, and if you are not represented in these columns, get your ad in at once. - The new residence of Mr. N. A. Black, on the McGhee property, is nearing completion and is presenting a r.eat appearance. Mr. J. M. Best came over from Kinston the past week and spent a few days with his people here. He was en route to the western part of tiie state. The case between Mr. C. S. Williams and the Seaboard Air Line Railway attracted right many of our citizens at court in Louisburg yes terday. The road work in this township is progressing very rapidly ah our people are bginning to see the wis dom of good roads. Let the good work continue. - . Thp attention nf nnr roadarj id " - V V kJ .O l . . . . - A.Z 1 ni called to the chancre of ad of th l,eiu In Ricsness. one came as near - i . McGhee-Joyner Co.,' in mis Usue. fillm3 a11 positions in life faithfully They are after your business and as anv woman I have ever known, you will do well to read what they But sne is Sone and wi,l De sadly have to say. missed. She lived the christian's life We will asain call the attention and died the ristain'8 death. of the.citizens of Franklinton to the Her funeral wa8 Preached bJ the fact ot making notes of lt h,. wnter at ro- 1 near Cedar ino-. in th twn A i.: Rock and was laid to rest in the lamuy ourying grouna. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. May God bless and com fort the bereaved ones. G. M. Dure. .In llemorium. -This tribute of - respect to tre memory of sister Lucie Smith," wife of M.D. Smith, was delayed be cause the writer has been continuous ly engaged in protracted meeting work from her death until now. Sister Smith was born in Novem ber 1864 and died August 10th, 1909 being 45 years old at her death. She was the daughter of Bro. Wil liam and sister Insco. Her mother died just before she did her father now living an aged soldier of the cross. She professed religion and joined Cedar Rck Baptist church while in her teens and was a faithful consistent member until her death. She was married to Mr. J. J. Cook in January 1882. tJnto them were born two children one ot whom died ininfancy, the other now living. Mr. Cook died in September, 1892. In September 1897 she was married to Mr. W. G. Parrish. In July 1902 Mr. Parrisb died, leaving v her with two children who are now living. In February 1906 she married Mr. "W. D. Smith, who survives her. - All of the marriages seem to have 1 been happy ones. Her gentle patience devoted affection and faith ful t-ervice making each of these homes happy ones, especially the last one, the happiest home I ever visited. The last time she mar ried it was into a laige family. Hus band, wife and children, each striv ing to make the other happy. It will be difficult to measure even at this distance, of time sister Smith, in Her, all the graces that go to iake up the true woman seem to have met. Not only did she possess the graces and modesty of true woman hood, but she possessed in a large measure executive ability and could manage successfully hr own affairs. She was affectionate and true as ja i m t wife, s loving, gentle and firm as ,a mother, dutiful and kind as a child and sister, consciencious and true as a christian, devoted as a friend be nevolent and kind to the poor, pa- V give them to our reporter that we may give you a more interesting department. Dr. S. Rapport will be in Louis burg, at the Louisburg Hotel, Tues day, October 26th. Franklinton, Wednesday, October 27th, stopping at Dr. Ford's office, for the purpose From the Experience of Louis- yjL cAaiunuug ej cB auu luting glasses. REAPING BENEFIT. See his card in this issue. Capt. I. H. Kearney requests us to state that all members of Cora- prtujr A-, rauiiuu vjuarus are or dered to meet at their armory in Franklinton on Friday, November otn, at l o'clock, promptly. At this meeting it will be decided wnether the company will go to Wilmington on the 9th to take part in the cele oration. . A crowd ot our younger people, enjoyed quite a nice possum hunt on Monday night. Among those who were in the crowd were Misses Effie Vinos Allio T- n4 TT i ik.r t-t iii.ro tiouwus, -ii a i ne Aicvtnee Bessie Joyner, Maria Whitley, Mar burg People. We are fortunate indeed to be able to profit by the experience of our neighbors. The public utterance of Louisburg residents on the following subjeet will interest and benefit thousands of our readers. Read this statement. No better oruof can be had. W. H. Beddingfield, Kcnraore Ave., Louisburg, N. C, pays: "I suffered for years from kidney t and bladder trouble. The kidney ieer tions were very irregular and painful in passage and I was forced to arise frequently vat night on this account I had pains througbrny kidneys and guente Wlii" - ualo to r.st welUt , igbt and Meaa. J. T. Moss, C. -E.-' Dexter; : Roy Pernell, J oe Conyers, Dur wood Kearney, D. C. Hicks, Earl Under- wood, J. W. Weathers, WJ; Bal i, R. B. Conway. Mr. and Mrs. iL C. ' Pirie acting as chaperohes. -There catch amounted to two nice obossums and a big lot of fun : ' , sWhy " Druggists Recommend cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and X . Diarrhoea Remedv. , Mr. Frank C. Hinrahan, a prominent - druggist of Portsmouth, Va.'iv-saysi-' "For the past sic years I have sold and . recommendee Chamberlain's i f!nii Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv It is a - great remedy and one of : the best nat- ent medicines on tbe market. , I handle - some others lor, jne same purposes that uav me a larger profit, but thia remedv , is so surr to effect a cure, and my eus " tomer so tu.appreciaxtf my-rec ommending it to him. that I give it the preferencs." For sale by Scossin Dru was utrable to find relief. Finally it was my good fortune to learn of Doah's Kidney Pills. I procurtd a box and they gave me so much re lief that I continued using thern un til cured. At present I do not bate to arise once during the night and teel better m evry way. ' 1 cheer fully recommend .Doan's Kidney Pills to other kidney sufferers. or sale by all dealers. V Price 50 cents. Foater-Milburri Co Buffalo, New &Ybrk.- sole x amenta for .. the United Statesl svV- ' Remember : the nam - lJoan'a- mrmm J if! v i . fc M 55 'mt)J The Talk 1 1 Some of th: ifion' tiot portiUr Knyon Coata It rV ILM c The Toojd XT. I i,Ui,'kf t. r. The Styles Thi tlr r th Uui. .Kc juiit rtr'Js.t and prirr rguUr hroi ?.t h t ;; ins; r. 4 thf jw!tn. Suit 110. fli. I IT. I.vi. T t30. JftrkrU and Hutrru irrtz 3 u f & McGliee-Joyner Co. Franklinton. N. C. BOUT FORGET THIS That when the burglar or t'e nrt comn and --ur wr ings of years are gone i: njuht, it i r.ot u alonr that ouffers, but all of th"s dependent n ou. Thr loss of the money may mean that your wife U bare to spend her old age in pirerty and laUor, or tl.'. your son may have to go with-mt an education Hne you the right to risk thir ilfare by kepm t- ur money in unsafe places? Hnnj it in and depoit : with us and )ou and your family will rt jcure. THE - CITIZENS - BANK 0 Look ! Listen ' HENDERSON. N. C J. B. OWENS. President W. A HI NT. tjhirt t 0 0 0 0 THE s. Mm 4 $13 Sf ' . $75 CKi ODD DRESSERS Bunu. Wfthta:4, V: ?. library Kitrhca TabU-v An Sua ISp.. !ir.C etc., a! aa ut3.l 1cm rlr.. i hl U Sforc vou 14 V tare trj ?:j f Wo art Th H WlUlUrd C, cU c-n Mtn .irvt. COOK FURNITURE C0MPAM anery! Millinery Dress oods Dress Goods CLOAKS The Bargain Store has a beautiful lin of Sample Iadie Cloaks from $2 up. Don"; buy until you e them. AIo Sample Lin Shoes. THE BARGAIN STORE- W. B. COOKE tit tt-oclt n4 c.h. Mr rv.tn cx n-k-t't c ! Vet V 9. mRAFORD ; FranMinton," 2TV 0M . Or;c3 in t-untcnEi:I!;Tln- y ,TtJa aaotnor of Ihcir good featurea, an important one. - ui bun- tt -cur a-nnuaiiy xrom sparks aetUicg on tLo roof, ' n , puJ lbem on Toot now than wijth yon had UUr. her ttirn A enoQg a life Urce. Kcrer necd( Tt?ir$ nr.d rf "I'i'caruuco oi any nouso into a Iiotr.e. Mv stock consists of the weuves and designs and all nee Novelties ond Triinings to mat 11 y MilUarry Dcpanricsi u r&tspUu fc4 Lr t ens for rem tzjkr r krrd Ul id ry iT!t lyU iU bo C4 jU llu. lo fcff id Jet cf tVa tea tkl I l.u VctJ V M M. H E N L E c. Let Us Do 'Your Job Printing .ess. We guarantee Quality and Neotn to see us or mail your order. J Louisburi & Co. f . ! 1 It " 1 . 'r

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