, " ' ' ' I - " ' .' p., - . , , ,-y- : .y -v --- . , , , - . - ? , - - a - , - - , - . v V . ... - , , 7 jProfessional ' Card D R. ARTHUR HYNES LEMlNGr : '"V:-:- ... " V . Surgeon DenUst, Office in Ford Building; Mztin and Nash street Louisburgr. N. C. 'W -,. N ' " Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. . D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, Raleiarh.N.C. Will be in Louisburarat the office of Dr. Arthur Hynes Fleming, the first Monday in each month, 1) H. H. A. NEWELL, PHYSICIAN THE SUNDAY SCHflOL, ' . ' - V Quarter, For . - Oct. 31, 1909. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. V,oniburg, N. C. Phone No. 156 F IIANKLINTON HOTEL Franklinton, N. & R. A. Speed, Proprietor. Good iiwBry in connection 1) C H. BANKS , ', DENTAL SURGEON L':mtbnrir, N. C. office in Hicks Building, Mtin Street. 1 ) H. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Louisbnrg, N. C over Cooper & Pleasants, Store. Prompt! to rae. D U. J. E. MALONE PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Lonisburg, N. 0 Offi e in rear o! Beasley-Alston Drag Store. 11. s. P BURT PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisbnrg, N.,C. Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store D" R. F. YARBOROUGH PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Louisburc:, N. C. Otflc in Yarboroagh & Biftkett'building. Nijrht calls answered f.-om T. W. Biekett's retidence, phone 74. B. MASSENBURG ATTORNEY AT LAf Loaisbarg, N. C. W:li practice ia all taecoartsof the State Office in Egerton Building M. HAYWOOD RUFFN ATTORNEY AT LAW Lotitsburg, N. Will practice In all courts of Franklin and a'tjoining cpuuties. alsa in the Supreme rmirt and in the United States District and lOMiit Court. Office over First National Bunk. T B. WILDER X JiNEY AT LAW sburg, N. C. 1 ATTOl Loui office on Main street in Cooper building. VRUILL A HOLDEN s ATTORNEIS AT LAW Louisbnrg, N. C. Will attend the courts ol Franklin, Vance, 'Jruivilie, Warreu and Wake counties, also tn Supreme Couit of Vorth Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections Office in tfpruill building. R. B. White Franklinton, N. C. T. W. Bickett,' L')iimburg, N. C. glCKETT & WHITE LAWYERS - i Louisbnrg, N. C. The .wttieaienb of-espcttes for executors, Ad ministrators and Guardians is made a spec ialty, and the bonds required by law can be secured in the othce. Office in Yarborough & Bickett building Main street. M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisbnrg, N. C. Practice in all courts Office on Main Street H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisbnrg, N. C. AH lpa;al baainesa intrusted-to ml f receive Promot attention. Office in Egerton 'uil'ling. M F. HOUCK CONTRACTOR aid WILDER Louisburjr, N. C. . --". ttm, IOr an kiqos oi Duuaing sap- r!i rti8tic Mantles and Tiles, Tw 'iesigus aubmitted. ' Arcljitec- Th H0TICB. 6 Place for hungry men- wiil be fonnd at . 6- S. WHITE'S RKSTATJRANT aving receritlv. moved in : ,Bew building. A first-class ot ijttfc to best the maket Jords. . Cone to e-3 ne; Text 9f the Lesson, Acts jexvil, 13-26. Memory Verses, 22-24 Golden Text, xx" 5 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. . As we hear Agrlppa say privately to Festus, "This man miht hare been set at liberty if he had not appealed unto Caesar" (xxri, 31), we are tenrot- ed to feel a pang of regret that Paul M had thus Rnnaalorl Kn4 ' I RSd -, uui wueu we re member, that his tiberty would proba bly have - meant his death because of the Jews, whot were watching their opportunity to 'kill him, we are glad that his life is still protected. Paul? and other prisoners jarer committed to the care of Julius, a rtoman'centurlon, and set sail for Italy. 4ristarchus of Macedonia (xlx, 29) being one of the company. We have no account of fare wells, as at other places, though we cannot; Imagine that such were lack ing, but we have quite a detailed ac count of the voyage. We note, with gratitude to God, the centurion's cour teous treatment of Paul and that when they' touched at Sidon he was allowed to go unto his friends to refresh him self (verse 2). We cannot but hnr that this centurion ere he parted com pany with Paul had received Jesus as the Christ and thus become an heir of the Inheritance and a joint heir with Christ Himself. After sailing by Crete they met the storm, as Paul had feared, and for two weeks they were exceedingly tossed by the tempest saw neither sun nor stars In many days, and all hope that they should be saved was taken away. A glance at the map will show that they had completed about half the voyage from Syria to Italy before they ran into thisstorm. I remember thinking much about it as one beauti ful day in the fall of 1897 'we sailed across from Port Said, in Egypt to Briadisi, In Italy, and we passed close by Crete. ,1 can never forget that most refreshing sail across the Medi terranean after the heat of China and India and tropical seas and, last of all, the blue Red sea, which, the captain said, may .have been called red be cause it was so often red hot We met no eurocjydon, and, though I have been in some storms, yet never have I known anything like this that Paul passed through. Thank God for all who know in storm and fair weather me refuge and rest there are in the Lord Himself and in the consciousness or His presence and care. He is in deed our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, a refuge from the storm (Ps. xlvL 1; Isa. xxv, 4). He was watching over his servant in all this storm and probably comforted him with the assurance, "The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of any waters yea, than the mighty waves of the sea" (Ps. xciii, 4). No doubt the assrance in chapter xxlii. 11, "Thou must bear witness also at Bome,'rested Paul and made him be lieve tharhere was some way out of this, althoughxthe others had given up all hope. Well, there came a day when Paul stood forthtethe midst of them and, with a word about the mistake they had made in looslngfcpm Crete told teem how a messenger fdta God had come to him the night before and had assured him that, while the sh would be lost by being wrecked upo some island, there would be no loss ofj any man's life, and he added in the words of the proverbial saying, "Ther shall not an hair fall from the head of any of you." Compare I Sam. xlv, 43 II Sam. xiv. 11; I Kings i, 52; Matt i 30; Luke xli, 7; xxl. 18. He exhorted them to "be of good cheer" (22, 25, 36) and he was successful, for as he took bread and gave thanks to God in the presence of -them all and began to eat they also nta enough to strengthen them and were all of good cheer Thus one man helped 275 others by his confidence In God (verses 34-37) What a beautiful illustration of "In quietness and In confidence shall be your streng h" (Isa. xxx. IZu They were of good cheer not because h storm had ceased, but because they had words from heaven on which to rest No words of earth -or of man' wisdom can. give rest in time of real trouble, but we can rest quietly and unwaveringly on the words of Him who died for us and rose again and who has all power in heaven"' and on earth Whether this was . another ap pearance of the Lord. Jesus TClmself, as on three previous occasions (lx. 17 xviii, 9; xxlii. 11), or a messenger such as Gabriel, it. was certainly a message straight from heaven reminding Paul that he mu&t be brought before Caesar and that he must-not be afraid (verse 24). Then there was added. "And. lo God hath given thee all them that sail with thee." ' - -How grand are -Paul's words icon cernlng his relationship to .the Lord, 1 n "Whose I am and whom I serve. (23), V the.propert- of no earthly master, un V J der no man's thumb, however great 1 1 ) but able fo Yy with, Elijah a$d Elisha, y 1UC UUlUitUl -:.avau irriu.- : UtlUi r- whom I stand." lWe know that one 01 v Ms great principles was 4n'ot as pleas Ing men. but. Gcd. who trletqrvoui hearts" (I Thessli. 4), Then his 'words of .simple confidence in,God, believe God. that If-shall be even, as it was told tae" (25)-what a motto for, ft Uf. timet Let us say It. concerning every v promise and prediction in all the bcptu let , us . be fully persuaded that , what God has nromlf d He will perforia TV are urged, to. follow the example of thousands of thcdstera'md;takeCt Cardui is a non mineral, non-intoxicating medicine for women. It is for sick, weak ladies, with sick female ogans, v It Will He!l You J 27 i It is a erenmne. cnmtivp mp.rliHno tfiti it r f- 7 - .-.wuwf vuui UIXUUJ3 up the female system and relieves female pain. v ijxrs. m. a. fit. Clair, of Kikrin o w Vn v. "Before taking Caxdui, I hhd given up all 'hope off! lett side and was confined to my bed, so I took Cardui uiu nuw varaui nas aoout curea my female trouble," AT ALL DEUG STORES The Improved Monitor Self-HeaUn Sad Iron Willi ivt Ire aaj t3kM ru da &a issjy Inmlajr at us ri xm f all cot nr, a out Iroa miih it H diy at a &$ aJloci 4 Krrty Iroo CcuuliwS is. wxmX. (xrlncO if ... iro 04. Irf Mrs. c h. Strickland, Yocminc. h. c SALE AND LIVERY I have dVcioWl to run acain a SW Mnre the public with Lirery Stl4 aa4 aa prtmrml First Class Teams At All Timea. Will bm KUd 10 ba a bWral ahar r trocar aJ ttimm mjSm,m r Uama mad politm and aroatdaUzf tfriwra. R- F. FULLER THE PUBLIC Independent of All Trusts Inozt shoes are m.ulc of trust lealher iar.nt-d frcm tr.tst hides. Everybody kiKAv-3 that adulteration ar.d hih prices are the usual results cf trust hicthods. ENDICOTT-JOHNSON CO. is the first and only ,hoc house in th9 World to buy raw material in the open market tan leather and make shoes independent of all trusts. This is the largest and most complete organization In the World for xt production and distribution of good shoes, on the lowest possible basis of cott. The leather in Endicott-Johnson Com siws is tM htt because ft U the only leather made from a shoemaker's standpoint of quality. In addition these shoes are placed directry Into oar store, cuttinr out a'l middlemen's profits. See that your next pair of ahoa bar tht aaait En dicott-J ohnson Co. Urdr Uxj contract at Vb Ut f Vtm jwUm t Um Ifwct Warchou- prvrrty. w caot aliorw aT ejrnx IS k4 t4 atjj etty, aa4 we men IrwUt vpcm th rvcxml ctf a kzs&Uw trm c it ;r,nrtr AT ONCE, aoi that bt4Ac4 arrco ie t fster. CHiri Utm aajx will he coruidemd at Uvijam arJ it-v u;.mt W3t w?C vnnurC. . Ti.it li rrxant for ttrjbatj. GRIFFIN &. BEASLEY K. A. PERRY UiCIMlt Kri. V C SOLD BY B. G. HICKS O O O O o C) o 0 o o o o o Hft m. www wwvj wwwwwww wLJLJL J Headquarters For Everythiiog () () () C) o o () o C) o Good to eat and good to wear. Our Motto: Lowest Price always, Best Quality always, Prompt Delivery always. PHONE 47 My ICE HOUSE is now open and wifT continue so the balance of this year. JNO. W. KING LOUISBRG, N. C. O O o o () o o o C) o o o o o o o C) o o C) o o C) o I m cow ta rita3 to iitnh all ray in.- vi HEAVY AND FANCY CROCERICS I Uo Kt kt all i e 1 . of ttth rRffl aS r t.i vt MAt, .t, PHONE NO. 100 LOW PRICES TO GET RID OF GOODS On thi prial I L- $ W csy t: c,I x jrotj will f.a4 o b a fTwt 4-J i,r ti4s cl;e 4 w Hambtirgs and Lkcs I hrr lot of lh lxrt 5j.t I witi lo. r-c-t r3 of l t.r M. C. PLEASANTS o o o o o o 'VS W WW W WWWWW WWW C4 o () o o () o o o () o o rwwwwwwV Vwwwww nni nn nri The Time To Deposit i (Ron. Iy. 2i. wi:d let lis srr? "Jtr-.v O o () 0 () 0 0 f yoar money is now Iont wait until you get more. Yoa will be 'tempted to spend what you hare while waiting. We accept email a well as larfe depoeitf. We intite yoa to become a Depositor and offer you al the faeilitica a man of many time of your means enjoy. - tiBrmers and Merchants Bank -'!:' LOUiSBURQ. IN. Of ' i. i GAP1TAL AI3D SURPLUS OVER C40-000 KV1 C'.ILEY. President V7 'VATSOX Cs;M:r o o o 0 0 o C) 0 C) C) 0 () () 0 o () o o .() () C) o 0 ( ) lapital $50,000.00 t o o o o o o 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts AH tfce fariliM. al a lMrgy T-tX miVt KrtznKJl 1 Srtu ct ftiicaJ iUxk FIRST NATIONAL BANK S. R. HARRIS, S T. PEACE oliow he Crowd TO THE RACKET STORE WE ItAVr WHAT YOU WAAT I DRESS GOODS ... Look at Our CetSiiU Ii Cfttl. ITiaart GoaJbw IUUt C3oal Ctfm Xri' J tara &4 Ilcr-a, Ccnaisi Cariala Lni ja, H-Vt as, 4 a4 Laf.t Oct Xiaca 'Drxuln V W htv ht to pte trtrjir, tad trCl t 4Ultl t airw j;3 lhroo.r!i the ttoe.K WnitiT tc rsrtn