),IEb A. THOMAS, -?-yS-i--:" "v": ' s-?--..----; t-": ; - ' "" ""TTT TTTT TITT" Till III .. :v';, - '7""7T- - - . ,. y , SORSCHIPTIQH Sl.00 PES YEAS RfllfrflT- " . : K0KBERS5 V0L. XXXIX. JIG LAND jJlNY LOTS SOLD A ' VERY GOOD PRICES. r. ji Crowd of People from all Around Penny Brothers Did Good Work A Grand Success. uis'ver io tne many advertise- of the occasion there was gath- Uunn oa Tuesday one of the ; crowds that has gathered at 1 1 ti . i vuiaQ m many yeara to . I. . - 1 -J! 1 ... 1 .1 : :" aie oi iois py tne Amer- ; ;lty and Auction Company, nboro, and the Suburban , mi1 Auction Company, of 1. From early morning the , iipgan to come and contiuued n in until a good while after ' in came. Thitr was due at i ..'clock but owing to the un hlle delay it was about an , !;ite. This was carrying three c;,r iiar were loaded with people an: !)' whom were the celebrated am :i iit-rs, toe irennv JJrothers whn dl.l r'lfc ' K.m.i-v Brass Baud, who had bfpn l . r i s. .."iivi io Turnisn music tor the no. and it is hoped by the many friends ot tne tamily that he may soon re turn fully recovered, lit Has been learned since the above "occurrence that the dog that bit the child had bitten several other pet dogs in the neighborhood and the owners' of such dogs will do well to put theto p or kill them at once. LOUISSURgV N. C. FaiDAY; OCTOBER 29, 1909. the 'jmm PEOPLE. (:!.:;: H ! SO - on Mr. R. R. Harris Dead. J he death of Mr. K. R. Harr, Postmaster at Louisbnrg, w"hich oy- currea at bis residence about one mile irora town on Tuesday morning at o o clock, although not uneiDtcU ed, was received with much regret oy our entire community. Mr. Har ris was 63 years old and had lived a life that had caused him to make many friends among the people .with whom he came in contact. He was twice married and leaves one daugh ter, Mrs. J. A. Turner, byhis firTt wite,- and one daughter, Miss Ina and two sons, Rusaell and Joaeph,br his second wife, who now survive him. Mr. Harris had been promi nent in county politics, beina at his crying off" toe lots and the 1 ?nl fr 88Veral Vs Pri Brass Baud, who had b.Pn Chairmn ot the Republican County Jixecutive Committee of this cdunty, had served several years as Clerk of the Superior Court of this' county and : was at the time of his death Postmaster at ,Louisbur4. He is survived by his second wife, who was before tbeii union, Miss Ina' Mann. The Juneral services were conducted frod iiis residence bv I' Rsv, F. A. Bishop, pastor of the Methodist church; and his remains were-tenderly laid to rest Wednes day morning in the cemetery in the ftjahee ofalargeQiiHibtrr of friends who had gathered to pay their last tribute. The floral offering was in deed pretty and immense. The pall bearers were Thos.B. Wilder, G. V. .bordvJVM. Allen, E. L. Harris, E. S. Green, W. H. Yarborough, Jr. fPV. V. 1 i i uc ueiuaveu lamuv nave our sympathy. i'iv:t soon after the arrival, of the lr..!i "v.-rvthinir was DUt in rekdiniaa :: i . worK Degan. t The twin a,; in ih selling the same lot in the sun v..kv created much suroriao and ivs '. '.il HI ttlH iOtS hrinfTinir o-nnrl Some of the business lots ' l as high as $325 and many uM for $250 II ! Railing continued for about ) t.j hn-sr diid the Da nd furnished m i,',-1 ,i music in the intervals. ' iadies served dinner, refresh- S etc., for the benefit of the i and many of the. school girls buny raising funds for the library, ail of which ' received "H'i support and the day was a gr-'it sticoehs in every way. ! fie were many people present " ian,cu juunn in u long j l'!rs -.1 -.rith the progre'ssiveness of ill ;' Sfvuon and its people, while she met and bnr hr Kwx, mentwith a beautiful christian res ignation, all who knew and. loved her,felt that, in this affliction her gentle ' spirit V received it deatli b!tw. Her career on earth h endd but its influence will remain, and ns wa contemplate the life so peaceful ly closed, one thoaght, one feeling dome's to all, "Blesd are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Her remains were tenderly laid to THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND r OUT OF TOWN. Tiiose Who Have Visited Lonlj. burfr tli!) Past Week-Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Biisinoss or Heasuro. It. !. EgIrtou wrnt over t Hrt;. dirsin TutJav.' Mm-J. M leron If-ft SumUv i.. for rtliintiff dferHjrjr. Johrutnh County 5ir:. Bnk piainttllt, ppi. rest in the cemetery on Tuesday af ternoon amid a large, number of sor rowing friend3, and the ties evi i vl'11 ,u r f V' atVVvuto... deoced by the many beautiful flow was indeed pretty. The pallbearers were v;ra. Bailey, W II. luin, P.R. White, W. M. Person, C. K. Cooke, J. WT. King. , thirst ta OJ U:mv Wright v. r i , i 43 1. nit Alforvl v. ii? rrfrr.4 i a lIMnbt;rj w rtfer. ce v l nard. cntarr.i nja uit. Duiner to Old Veterns. T'ltsday there was gathered t,M-'Jfr here about one hundred old ' "ins for the purpose of partak-'"- ' iiountiful annual dinner gi- AauguuBiB ol xne ; ihcv. These ladies had ev ; ;v.ell arranged and deserve ( ' "lit for the excellent work ' Dr B. F. Dixoi,,of Raleigh, 's, nt and delivered a very ami touching address' to the 'l'" cr.)vd present and was intro- witlj very appropriate remarks ' li'-v. G. Al. Duke. The intro- " 'i ; V of Uov VI t , . - .ui. lyuac wen as "',-'h of Dr. Dixon was highly i by all present. The Old :' expressed themselves as'be- ' ihlv pleased with the enter-" foil lii'lil nf fhft Iqv mnA aiA K.. "ccasions grow better and bet- jr-ai. o am atways giaa to these old "war horses, for 11,1 ' ur whoU. country holds the '"t respect, gather together in 'lr inwlof I I ",jdi) io mmgie among l l(;,n fr it sems to make Jife more 'A,,r1' the living " Bitten by Mad Dog. - c ,T w " " ;v" Aiv oisu Won Mr8' J . W' Hollings- -j morning ,bya 'mad dog.' ine(t0w80wn, Kw,,- ... orth ad wa8 a pet of the family. ,lad hown eigns bf bein iick but no one rw; , him tK 4. auymmg -aoout Imn1lal1.8,,g?C8te?- hydrophobia. ten t J afler tne cniId was WtT n the dog waa kiUed an(i fcl3 hea(l Qt ff and sent to Raleigh' for eri -nation by the state chemist V r!ported tbat , it had a Genuine l-dNO 1 1 -.2 .'- ' - - . .... . r - raooies. The little ehild was " "? aab ur treatment. Death of Mps. John Neal On Tuesday morning of this week when the tidings of the death of Mrs Fannie Neal spread throughout our town, there was felt univeisal and profound sadness. She was a woman deeply loved bv her iare eircle of friends, and from those who knew her at all she had won a sincere admiration and esteem. Belonging to one of our oldest and moat influ ential families, being a daughter of Mr. Richard Turner Yarborough, and sister of Capt. R. F. and Col. W. L Yarborough. Her whole life had been lived in this, her native town. In early girlhood, being scarcely more than seventeen, she was happily married to Mr. John Neal. Not long did her sunshine remain unclouded, for in Ies than two years, the grim and inexorable hand of disease, touched the young husband, and after a few months of lingering illness the earth closed over him, and the ghl-wife was left wrapped in tho gfoora and disolution of widow-hood. To her baby boy she gave all the love and tenderness., in. her stricken heart, and in him, as h e . became a man, she found the happiness of her raaturer life, and the joy and com fort of her declining years. Herna turex was loving and loal, and her refined gentleness made her a char acter lovable in the extreme. For . many years she had been a commun icant of the Episcopal church,' and to her ehurch she gave V devotion so djrue-hearted and a service so faith f nl : as was rarely ! beautif ulT Her sympathies were jkeenv aad sensitive and sne was e verready to respond liberalltaeverydeserving call for help. Irfber death, pur' chapter -of TJ.,D. C. has sustained s a heavydoss for ahe was a' true daughter of "our Southland, nd gaveto our cause her loyal andrgenerous sapportvThe -of .her gonV Mrl W. P. Keaij "occurred only' a f e w, taonthg agpj'and From the Daughters The U. D. C. wish to extend their sincere thanks to those who o kind ly and generouslv contributed to th splendid dinner gfventhe veterans on October 26. These brave old soldiers look for ward to this annual gathering and thf-re is a pleasure and an inspiration attached to the planning and servmtr of these free dinners, and the haimv faces and warm 'hand shakes o the soldiers give evidence of their appre ciation. We realize when we see this noble gathering that thev are our aged citizens, ' and sonio ar- feeble, and their do wed heads and measured steps are unmistakable signs of their long and useful liv? while thrw are others, where aiie rests lightly upon them, but at best, they cannot be with us many vears and we cannot do too much for th ?m. The few courtsifrt r..t ..J that we can sJiow them is but' .. compensation f. i the eervice ti:-r have done us, and the hardshij's they endured iu war. The placing of ilower and tl ! upon their graves will not s a flic fr the kind needs we might have shown them. So lot us, each' year nuke this occ.isiou more glorious for tlu tn. Dr. Dixon's address was ably and well delivered, and we f .el grateful to him and are satisfied thi- we cauld not hare chosen a better speaker. Those who did not hear him raissed a great deal. The vet erans listened to him with tears iu their eyes. He was the on , th,.v wanted to speak to them, for tlu-v luffeied together. a-1 I:. HicVt, onecru!!. J. E. Ttxomz9 fjH.ni ,MV,rl dawl Prof Winri. it 7 XVllt : h. Rocky Mounts week. j rror Winj-ato Underbill Dead. NVUc :.i,M,if Jones aia'con cam. ovir from lUl I i r" :uts .t4.nu tW... um W7 pie here, t ' 1 j lul. J.-1 ,.n xS, h.ul j tUtf . V,, Mrs.T. A. P,ron,c.f (irt,nv,i J Mr. rnderbtb i . . . 4 is viuiting Person. .Miss Ruji.tlie lJurnh.tr.lj, SaUsbury, i vMiting Mih iULn Cren!iau . .Mr. C. F. I,m j,r.d Mhm, ilau,f0 Dickens, of Franklmton, w?r in town yrterdy. Mrs. Mmie Maaon and Mr. W.!. lie Tillman, uf Richmond, aro viMi- in at Mr. J. .J. Persona. Irs. Lucr liurnctte and nun I.Jkf, vim .f.i ... 4t ill t.roti-hi Ix,uihorC on t.y ;:r Wrt ibu and ib fcntJ ; ct n fcTli tw ill probably U h.Id S:.d.r 'c.i, c 5r, ru.i ,f. morning tb bom o( Mr F X . -r .-: f. v,htX ;f ,u K k 4 ror th New North Carolina Industries. of Alabama, are v; ,,er aun: 7Hn'" r-.u, . Dr. I). T. .sm.thwick Uft ,.. s..,r.. f. ... . . . x . nts.lay -u bum lr,p to n,...,. . ... . . . sou and Warrett county . . . , Judtft. O. M. toke h.f i Momiav ruiij.'.ifi.; tor lift t'ni ' Co rat:.? i ior Alison wiK-to. Ju. ,jj hol,j . r .a-rtuav. T special term i.f Wihon CourL (tat..r.JA - i 1 jo Rockwli, isiud hU brother .fr U .1. CoofWfj,. parv k. .Mr. John W i'tTn', I)r a. 1; H.'.vklnM and si ,tu- AUv. vi 1 ail itod :it Vir. Wm. i;3ivk t! John I Wi; ...1 1 ... IVI.IIitl.lW . il 111. . iiMiig a uumikm c-).rH.. at Kin.. - 1 C .'!: i i - luaifi-s C lii''. turned hotr.t-. Mr-. Kaiie Cr-r.i.-!w, nivi la--' .. t-r. Mi i!t.Un. .M-c-r, :. I i. their gut-s:., Ha WVdn. i.v ,r Iialigh. 1 i.u 1 , . 1 . l.-i 1 1 hcvn viiiim at th h,.l;. . f Mr C High, !,.ft V,dtVl.v f ,r home in firnstMr-'. Mr. F. N. Kgrton culled to ' Wiiminion Tu iv l.y Uvrain on account of the n i !uh ,n.in. . la, Mr. Winatt. rr.drrhiil. .1,,' V: in Took Her al Her Word. r 1 1. r 1 , if!:ii ; 4 r r 1 7 1.IH ,. 7 t v t.t , . ' . .r. tin "A;.-. 1 chntv.. There will !- a regular metin" of the U. D. C. in the .Masonic Hall, Wednesday, N:..mlier :rd. A full attendance is ur.ently requested, v, there will be an electi.iii of oiihvrs f jr the coming year. We hope ev ery member will b present and with renewed energy and luterfnt for the monument b now in siht, and we nt-ed helj-. Weddings Ten Years Hence. flare is the way the papers ; write up weddings ten. years hence: "The bride looked rry well in a traveling dress, but all eyes wre centered upon the groom. lie wore a darfc suit that fitted hia form r fectly and in his dinty gloved hands he carried a small rose. Hii curly hair wai beautifully done, and a delicate odor of hair oil of the best quality floated down' the aisle as he passed. The young people will miss him ; now that he ia married. 1 le i. lored for his many accom Dliahm tnt hia tender grace , and hit inning .'3r Pnae coram and a gKd iook-keeper ; aid: the oomwiU miaa none of the laxuriei which. he haa been accustom ed. A $Vtd. L PVy' men ea V Jdtu off' at tb dnnf JT5,T' V Vs. - . .' . v- - . -.'.. i ... i '.6Fea tr?uVe .8eemi to be tLat tho kmd of .; women . wh we V rotes would help the ballot do not appear ... n.i;cfw, ji -a. j ut 8 m-M I of f ; f t it 1 t 1 1 na'i un-inrgoiu. an .....ration in ti-.t ! hospit A there. j -Mis Annie TimlH-rlakr. gradu.Ued as a trained nuro 3r Taking the nonur- t iuck r. . T i-.!TT r .,,f b u liO th. si.- ;., r jr. a:i J t! back l'r Wil f"n Sanitarium !i(.rt while 1. t. . it! a tL uu I lhr-k b : tl ....v. indue u,.r i,imp in 1:. 1 .Mount, tpem a fMr ,th l.r ! ... Mtl. , peoplo near to.vn ek. ; x,,, v r s MuwA.ike Journal Mr. Joe M ay and dauhitr, Hui ' L'.n:.v, ot anton, N. ( 1,11 frit-np and rektn.s in t.n tbxi week Mr. Mity -.v.:. a former C4t:zn of thi county but hjv! nft iiird Here before in twenty voar. Franklin Superior Court. The following cases were diipontd of since our !at' report, which cloed on Thursday evening: . Jouet Adm'r ve Green ei nl, Con tinued. Mann vs llarahkll, continued. In Re Will of Walter IUildtck continued. Grifiin et al va Stevens, continued. Collint vs Pcarc, continued. Iloack and Ford Keal, eon. tinued.' ... f , S . Yeatherby viGyt coniinutd. . Strickland vi Stricklaud, jojg. ment ijjneL . t : 'EJlia, J&m'r ra IloJSn, ooottnuad. J Price et al va Splraf et' al, obo-tmued.y-'-. r " iy v Alford va Gay continued. - 'l 'Brantly, Marahburm Ox, ti Dan ton, jadgaaant for plainuila. - Allen ra Aliubell, oontinuecL A Lartre and Enthualaailc Keei Ihp: of tho Alumnae and Former Students of Louisburtr College. In rtn t , the call for a tnrt. i ing o( the Alamn AifccjaUan by tliel'riJn!, Mr. J. S. llarra, a lVje tMmtr uf tijt former llcta Sobered at the Collage oo"rceUy afternoon, Oct iPlb. )lra. Barrow atated that the fvai poie ef the roe?lm vn ti .ociklar the former indenta pari b the . larzemenl of the College. After aeme dwaoaatan ot waya aad tae4ca ahe aacete-i that a Ure o caber uld conlribuU la the tmiklbg tzi through a baxatr who toigjji tK olharwiee be able i make a doca tloo. The jTopoiUa oei vitS Haoeral apprpVal and firl Celda wr forropd for the parpe of bric-jCg about united action araoaj; prat and former at ait nla at Mlovc Xo. 1 Tbm Caroline Patteraca Guild mciading alt ttudtou pier to the year 1875.. Melame J. 8.1 Utnow, Charlce M. Cooke, J. H iicar. HZ k j. o dirorc.jadgm.ot-for pliioUa. ,. ootom,,,M-- -; . . -Wlllttoia, Ta 'Bargtrdn, jtd;-pntat Th CVali Ltvracce Mret 1 .? ( r.rrr.jf ,..,4 tht". Ibfcift, -mttc iz. ll'.ijftr.o t -at fctJt tci.K. tbi n. lib Hr rt(Ce. Jteral of tb ivr arcn;r 4 ati4e.! lb Xivb ccstjty cra.fcia.a. of ts Far&era rck at Ki.aU iUe laat 5air3ay. . Xfr. W. II Uc.m 4 erx5e tl to Cedar U U: 5tt,tf. Mm- MaUie Derii-e Laa aeoa; uJ a r-ciiica hh B. W. tjp. church al Srij; Hc7. Haaa H4- ill Ct'T Is w St. day ScUkL Bl w tb e.!;V3r aai ii.e - 1 WecaU tte alKziba of eta- trirt to t!ue ctsr c4 dt cf I. rcrclure CotraT la liia letua. Tley are bcib laIsg jc cf ex. G1 c;?jruillaca u t xy arriijj W LVlr !:: n rrry rrtrLiiU rr;.-eJL

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