t .' )! j ) ) sa 3 S3 D ;h ip BIES A. THOMAS, EDITQIl " um : L - - . t - , -I - ' , " - - - Tm3:COTOTYf:TIin STATE, Tx-U UtXIOIT. v SUBSCRIPTIOM St.OD PES TEAR louisburg. it c. c fbidat; HOvniiBEri, is'.ibob.,: v -. - . TT . -", " , - - J -.' -' - - - -- - '- im imi i-m i 1 '" ' 1 - - - i " " - Kumsrats FIRE TUESDAY i.UORtlillG IeROIC WORK BYtbcAL Fie . DEPARTUEHT., sis kfll j'tawe-ptopU and coiti Tnorei money . than -all;, other .commiinicablf dweasesWmbed.'JBnt . itjwSl take a" combined Effort ptf the part of the entire people torpreTjuit It Tljia campaign on,Tubjfcnl6si8:i8 - clearing up tne whole local health iitaaticm We cannot get control vpf tubercnlo- h0 Store RocxaOccupied by Cause of i Fire ?Dhknovm--r (?? 51 -maUngiitpractiealim y InRiirAd. ' . Po8iDieioaarottnenn or neea- ovf'R less eaee:id exUUilxif getting rid : was in a Sa situated ould get i,rht b Use. me nome ir.:. Qtrui inat hulnxr . FTart'n If! JW.'1U J-"" " " .'; y ar ehouie. The fire created riglt Uoh excitement put luupagu Trj ihhorn tne Bremen aoon nu er their con eitiraate larince of $500. btut Ied to preTide" hospitals f for danger OMcasea wnlthat:? oyer 1,000 -beds ; have been "estalSlished in the past jiiar;' At the present (irae ;there aire, howerer onlyOO bedfnd cases whieh ought to be m hospitals. ;Fttliy'75O0Otheri couldr bV Ireaud at hbmtj but. it would bV saf tr for themunityjto sezregate them lii A .T!1E r.lOVHIG-f PEOPLE .V THEra uoYBpHirrsf ni axd 'r'v-'r OUT OF. TOWN, r - ) . o.m aMie will raw. uie-wwu 'CZ 'ard orrflhSt6r the - aTenge ! get to thecene the store- of see vcurejhe re- conducive to diseases is a primary object of this .effort ; " We would like this information to be brought to the attention of the inisteri of, North Carolina in new ntroll. Thiloss oh stock l1 a requestVto rnke. Sunday, tfov- dl at,about 'U;600,.wither,28t.MMtary Sabbath(OaJ I $500. ' k j that day we hope that every mmuter The damage to.the building was w SWi "will ifach a special .t 400 with no insurance': an& heath serinon, explain' the; IHUe, Bed to Dr. O. L. Ellis. . U'M UHnstraasstamp and its mis Th cause of the Jre isnot known HMjn .Pm to ngnj; agam ui- but H 8UppOB.ea lO "avo uauoou v - r j v o cuoBumpuoD auu appea; xo xne peo V fats. ; j . , : t - ' The firemen are to be -congratu- V save themselTes. v;e. desire , n nit tne service of the minister for our ..u: i-w.fthliiM: sanitary Sabbath, fH III OA.IilUftD"JS itittto6na;-very;. advancedt'caw of tuberculosis is a center from Vhicu V the disease: spreads, and unless the patient u uugnt now to De careial in his ; habits' and unless Ke: has'- the proper home sarroundingt, jbe should be inva hospital, where beN Witt : Oat b'a menace td others. -v The latipnal Associan - for, the' Study, and Prevention rof Tuberbulo sis declares that at least 70,X)QO more beds in hospitals are needed for ad vancedfeases of consciraptioti.; TTtU these are provided, ' tuberculosis can; not be wiped out It CTerybody in the United States gave $5 to; provide hospitals for the dangsrbnjoon sumptives, sufficient finda' would be procured to destroy forever the threat of tuberculosis from this country.' v J As to Light Bates. f The Cemetery. For the past, few days we have H We bate beenequested to call mpmniacuJii u iw, wow i vuuuuiun uui voiucici t. - uio md we also one spot in eveev town that tno lights in Loui8bu! worth Carolina Day. Decem- Jv: ber 17. North Carplina day in the schools will be observed December 17th The booklet is being prepared by Secretary R. D. Connor, of the North Carolina Historial Commissloh - -. the subject being the, study of then western section; that -is the sixteen mountain counties. The various subjects under this Th TonH hm Cherokee Indiana in Those.Who Haye Ylsltlril$. Tjtxrff xn past Weei-rThose Who Have - Gone: Elaewhere for Business or Weasnroi Dr.VJ.' Ulalone returned this week from a viut to Greensboro. Mrs. T. -W. WaUoo is vUitonr Mrs. John L. Hassall, at Oreenvilie, MrC. 5. Wilson, of: Wilson's Mills, was a fbitor to Lbnisburg this week. ' .. . ... - . . Mrs, G. W. KittrsU, of KitUell, m m m . K . visitea ar. u. u. uneatham the past wek ; . ' y Miss iuary r. iyng,oI Warrsntoa, is vuitinfe at the home of CsptP. G. Alston. i Jndge C. H. Cooke returned this week" from Taiboro where fre hs been holding Edgecombe Court Miss Annie Green, who has been yjaiting her sister, Mrs. Lojd D. Lilef, of Charlotte, returned home this week. Mrt. Leila Williamson returned this wtek from a visit to friends and relatives in Raleigh and Mills prwnpuyaisu tfoctana cjociflg I eocae to bivi,igtWmc at .4:30. .'-....". leotstfl a dkLsrbtB f .f-Lr mm! All members ot botli'-XIpta .anllfsl at trtt tovtwr oct to oTirtTi a frt,Kn, tMvonary . tUss are bos lax tzcmgh to rasa dweiarre earneaUy requested to atUod these lLaisv his caatkxa is um W t'w strrt&es and a most eordul utlu-lappsrat r&oeMS b ertuitr troU tionts alsoextoodedto all womn wilhoct Ulec etgHt tad tctZjU ana young people of the eh arch and oorar&iu moi tTach d discn; WWD, - k . libit H t. ,Ka The" thanks Gsrlag made froalhia t tEe door wlthVrirv ddlar uay to Ut.wi1V be aopUad to the Use lt aca mof loo. At mb wice ot the Sods jS j is entJtat he can gtt as jjck4 a , r I w bslvsf elMwhtrs aed Le can MUlTled- JhuTe aboct La dcltr. Bat alter On Monday "Snornlag Mr. 8. J,hVatIag a covfle of rka without Staibel, ot LouisvUU, Kj and Mra.surtca he Ubs to Uaoe Vm txri S. Bakery of lUlstgh, were raarmdjlock tpoa his Icrarr trsjlojtn al m ihb parlors of . LouUburg II o tail to talk abwt tbto. JLai b tUs b bf Squire B. B. Maassnbtxrg. mks Hs crsaltirt taU of L The aosA whe wthte the cZk i at last diaorttrs IM arrk sre bot needed tsjwbsre tuallf were othsr dsn art cpSoyed be dx r4 cifa valst rWd and Lis i&tcto. ce en othtrs is sccb -iLst lb wboe Cloilneoat Sale. " head will be Sky;w The the 'War of should earil inal BUUIW iao u - j ioi,di a VUOIUI IU1U tBlUill UfrlVULlUU i cutting jut their lights and these from the citizens nd wetlilk that may b to an extent justifiable,- but jour cemetery ne)ds 'i Jiniediate at t us it looks an it a citizen wfco tns tention fi;z:' ' . - hi lighu cut out is right . muoh in Jor a suggention would pre- his own Jisrbt as yon will know - that sent the idea that some of our liberal ii w not seitsratamrag tne .uiutwow ifnerpwnwwpis will hare to be made up. .taxation theear round to give hlsttexit A , . . . 1 i v v , . v , - . .. i xviues mouiiiain uoys. ana ine lie mmH hn first thmjf tnflT VTC RAAnincr.lt in ortinrf nnrfitiftn nrt J ' w. - " araps tnd tne electric ugniB wouiu ut uie suuou oi ac9iaminee 10 e grtater than the difference of in- sphcit contributions from all who will rease in taxes to keep up the plant. give and more especially those who W feel safe in saying that if . the have loved ones buried"1 therein. serg of electric lights will only bear We have heard this suggestion pn with the light commute it Will discussed among eer oral of our oiti- fcnlv h a ahort time wherf the Com- zens and it nas also been stated that r . . . , mttee will arrange everything all the cost Ij each individual would be atialactory to every one. a great deal, less than the cost they We do not t anv advantage A now bear in having their own lota rf , o- i ' - uttine oat lights to save - expense, cleared up. , Dr. A. H. Fleming returned Wed nesday from TarborQ where he his been on an extended hunting trip. He reports one of the finest hunti he has ever attended. lircialJr on thee laic uU rA Mrs. W. B. Copnsdge. who .has 1 c zt. i - i-viM iua au. Auura warms ua lull !been risitiog frieads and relstrvas in I av. ti t Rockioghsm county passed through fori,: They have an exoeedinglT town Saturday orr her return to her Urt jU)ck o( of . nqme at lax liock. , , - aaa bis dri oWot t&rm and Hhri.u Misses. Baai sod 1 1 are I Morris, of ciaa things thai will g oa this ,ie. Richmond, who hate been voting IUad thsir adtrtineijT m MrxJ. S. Lsncaster, at Louisburg what thsj bare to say. Hotel for the past' several weska, - Western Pioneers and Their Settle ment of Tennessee:" ' "Tenntssee. a Daughter of If orth Carolina;" "The Life and Service of David L. Smith;77 "The Building ot the West ern North Carolina Railway." North Carolina Education. Donkey Party. On Thursday evening of last week ut if srery person keeping house We shall be glad to see some one a donkey party was greatly enjoyed . . . . - -. I .r. i ' i in i - a. a i iv. ir. T a :r doiner business in LOUiiDiire man a Mart on inu matMr aau win ai luiwowo ui iu mm jjr. x. aid only have lights installed and 1 gladly lend such aid as w can to as- Thomas, on church street by Mias successful Adelaide Johnson and a number , of wo fas tbera in the place of. oil lamps sist such a movement to a oa would very soon see a dinerence tena. pot only in rates but in. tes. By pi means it would render the em a well paying investment flthe earmncrs would go towards creasing taxes. ' W have also been informedv the coramitte that the rates here sys- and de- i little friends. There was about twentv-five of the little folks -who thoroughly enjoyed the fan ot pin ning the tail-to the donkey and th many other games played. Mr. CL T. Cox was the winner of the first prize e left Saturday for Greenville, S. C, where they will make their future home. Inauguration of President. The editor acknowledge reosipt cf the following invitation: MTbe Trustees of the Bast Caro lina Teachers' Training School re quest the honor of your prsseace si ToHany. Tha following iavltatbo hasxben rsMivtd by the Tmrna; Mr. and Mrs. Itofcj d. Dske an noucce the tnarisre of thtlr daeab ter Maude to Mr. William G. 8csed-cr,w on pe. He m .M Thursday, November the etghttnth pro5ubla o Lis alojr aal U nineWen hundred "and nba, at bomt, jk""1 t cf all for Epsom, North Carolina. (by itaitbg his prodeeiiTe catcty Le lowtrs lxs war tatu re exx , ecre only edd j&t. TLz lbs briffhl protpscu cf wife oi clu. drsn art Ww'.rl al tb fcrsrr tat to h!p earn tbtir lirtiihcol Uf the chOdraa art ukta frs K-i-K4 sod Mt to work at ca at ibt eta arn a dUr. Th rasa lo wiuh mi the dock brbt biasrlf end all dreadtni o hira duwn lo a frooUl feral that csatJ tbvo xni cifriso K Sseh it bvarUWt tuiurr cf rpci csn atl fhf aboci4 1 warding to vtry vrb taaa i Id The oacg man who dxrt tb . jroval ef btt freo.a at4 tte cn&. dmcwf lM ecc;4oyer wbe ! bitioaj la abrtvi s&d (rla trv tiecsof jrtaur raattvcrlka wbo .- flf aheuJl ntr alloir tiw'f t be i&cAci b taa w5 rvcH e clk- RaiWr ibcvU plce hit&t tTol a&rh isf utoe as far rl m qockly j ;ca.liU lev la to 3c4C lira tia cclr aajtstea. Ex. rrom their half page adrertif meat on our editorial page yoa will Wilton's I see that the Alston Comptny are ad vertisiog a great dosing oat aale, coramtnerag Monday, - November 15th and conunuiog untd January lit . " v This firm baa already made a record for being af low prioe store Entertainment Honday Might Wo give below the programme the three act comedy "Maiden All Forlorn' to be given at the college Monday night cbajuctx: Maude Meredith Janie McWhcrUr Hliaaueth Lyndon Cousina Sarah Jcme Bertha Banlsdale Eltxabeth Jouea the Inauguration of President Robert Louis Maraton, their auat by are sen ted it to UUe Miss Camilla Yar borough, kpwa8te-next closest winaer. . Pi C9VP JV -r " muxsiure dollj-was won by Miss Pearle Lan caster. Home made candy and fruit were served instead of refresh ments and all enjoyed themselves very mueh. The party-waa given br'Mr. J. H. Thomas to Kis little nlec, Miss Adj elaide Johnson and her friedds. Tuberculosis' Being1 Wiped Out. During the year that has passed since the International Congress on , .- - . . . a Japanese oup and sauoer and pre one .institution or . organization -for r J -r , -i.? g. -n ... Z. the treatment of r orevention of ruber- er tnan in rwaieign, etiuerson, j - been : established--eiverr al Association for the Study and Sanitary Sunday Prevention of Tuberculosis. Fifteen Thomasville, N. Xv "tSauitary riew beds injiospitala or sanatoriums Sunday" is annnounced br the tub- have been provided also for every miosis and health authorities for day of the year. Sunday November 28th, Dr, Charles A year ago-the rate of inerease Julian, Assistant Secretary f6r was one organization or instituti6n fobrcnlo8ia for the State" Board j every otherday, only one half as fast Health, has issued the following as now. Loss than a year ago there pen letter to the churches "and were 40 consumptives for every hos Parch Deoole of North Carolina: pital bedprovided. To-day the num There is no pmpaign of eduoatfon for the study 20,000 beds are now provided in and meteorology, tne oniy one, cm prevention of tuberculosis! in I institutions for theAtreatmentoton-taining the originsl "Hicks Weatber hia State :a- ' W.Ki inmntian. in meres a a of over 5.500. T For Afimtj" "Birmail.1 DOStnaid. 85c vj. kjvieiiLiBba uun usuii"i""- , -j t - ' ' . athedisftas. ooV n4 The number of SDeciaL tuberculosis ! on newstands. 30c One . cbpy.free ot only chectfiri Kt Ki;t-rtaH an disDensaries iri theiTJnited- States has with i 'vear's suDscription to World u u mm & M BW I r - . . ffaced from the earth if a well or- mora than doubled, the number ot l and .Wqrks,'the RevMrl -R. Hicks H. Wright on Friday morning, No vember the twelfth nineteen hun dred and nine at ten o'clock Green viUe, North CaroW" . b naaaa sj PTepared for Santa Cfaus The editor of the Truss vwaa called in and shown the Santa Clans department at the Racket Store yesterday evening and to tay that they have everything nicety ar ranged and a large ass ertment of Christmas goods is putting it mildly. Mrs. Hall is noted for her exdelle nt taste and good judgment in things of this kind, and in tbtg case she has exceeded her former sttrseUve dis plays. ' The Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac - r -Forl909. :,"vv Ready November 15tb, 1909, a being condftcte$r;a per has .been reduced to 30. Nearly pleudid year bodk, -on astronomy Psuline, 5mith Mrs. Maloney, landlady Maggie Fl eye Place: Shortly Coltag raar n Hilly Brad and Ue 13 ir Surry Madeline Ktar&ey Dolly's Lessen Mary ilxun Burt Wiggina' Courtship Annlt Jereae Runaway Boy Camilla Tarbcroogh The Bta Vnj Cat Ruth Hall Song Primary Department The Han who Watch ei the Clock e In nearly every industrial swlaV Uahixrent there as a man who wUb es the rlock. ue watches It ko Bitten by Cat I tlose more saxiootly thsa others. ; Mr. W. H. Wdd.U. lft. A. H. ror ,M.e " ' Fleming, HU. U.rg.f Hy.nJorn'oe,- ,6 eiok colj Md ..rl cilired popU left Siv 'oUj - -'.v.- T..ti. . ..ti deed so otun he m able to drop Lis urusy rooriiioz lor xuiejgn u mv . .. w i. . , . rpK . i tools on the second fofgstUng all the Pasteur treatment They bad I , .4 . ... anoai tae sve or ten cunaiea ne itsi iamzed attempt i8 made fin the ! di- anti-tubereulosw.asioc .:MtnUlyxMaga ection ot aasiatance, and i with .jxeen creased 68 per env mbthryn. Ameriea! r Diswnhta on ighted educational measlwe and -sup-i ofeliospalsftaiids Iricr ihquantici "ision. But the facpemaat fe$ his battle against i.:ffli Sclbrancn Hickaorecasuf ire not published prpetuated by thanlm& PM depends upon iheorOTnizorli r I f a fia hting forr in a MtLi n1 ? van aW has T been maderthat.ia.l WoTka Publishing Co 2201 Locust , ly devoted to its objectnpi -Vi' 'ru 0 a eona4. JJ -"i-A''aS?-.:iTT ' - auu unaoatea f activity, inoji.auona : ior sutkuou. aap. . . j lrculosisisa prevexUaola disetie fifpw Subscribe to the Fsijraxnr Tntrs, &1 per year, strictly- in advance ; been bitten by a pet cat belongmg to Mrs. Fleming, which bsd gone mad. On Monday a raid was made and alarge number of the cats la tew a were killed.- when he begaa to work ta the mora lcg. In the gouts cf a wtea sch a rasa is csuallr indebted to LU' e. pj oyer for half an fctar or moratzme vet wtrold kick like a Texas al if he foand hia- wagta has been dock Vmd tnr lf To to til m. ' laval taring. Week ofJfrayeBJid .Thank - ' ' "lthere is osVsr a r2re foyal employe VGod wilUog; the Woman's For- thanhe.c. I - :Z': eign -Missionary Society t of the - Indeed the- rain who hshcisslly Methodist cnrch vrill obeerve text Tttchcs the "clock as the cae employe week; from Tuesday Noyv l&th in of all who bootti hia loyalty. U asa- ciasive, the annual seasdn if rxayar too and aut And he prstcrxit tot and Thanksgiving set apart by the to understand why he la xat treated Woraan'f Board of Missions. . as othars are, why Ledews &ol gain ..A prayer service will - be 'held la proaotloa'aid why ettcrs tra fn "the church each afternoon beginning . 0tl ovsr Lim. Aftar a tie ks No Peoplo EverGrtat Who Wers Hot Law-Loylac One creal utty U the vt!ti hat we need t gxard agrtitat is lie undency to uke lav isi cf eva hands. No lyecLrrj cat as? cibtr " e? form cf neb viaUsce ai etr sbJe. Tcs easy bear oe e:n i ' eissse z&r it, vzi uit aiwait . - be ssfe thai thre ae atrs rr ret. ccj saisat it than tar rL We wk iLrosjb ilt fy U lay ep ocm eoa ot jrTny for the Is- tare, and at nigtt we lay down ia rtaee to aletp, ad cdy Uetaat we knew in tath eas4 thai law La AtatrUaa a stscelly strscg cstgh to protect both car Uvm e-n! the prcprty wa try lo tarsssalsia.. IU sittW, tken. Cut erry time yo lsurat aay kr 4 c:-b 4 leAoe or UwkJera, yea wkra that net fed fee law c wSacb all fi. Uc eaoe ad tcsrity csbti mt Lyxlrjtialt.riijt, Uim. pirt il tbtae tlba Ut dosra lte gap lot recklesw saA lo kXJ eoi plsdltr, aad no Brtii.ra fina Wy aVooli ever cossuranne sv cf them. Right aow, fcr i&tut, wtle tV. Soaih as teat trroa tLe task cf d. relcg sUc tilieli, the wofk at cdtdtcxU by U1om c&ra who lo cfUA Lare tL Ijrsr; iiir cif ether saeo. wba ocxtt 19 LsUw Wf. Ur. WLatrrer the sides tsay tfr. Loan far, tte tarmirg rjie tbe 5c -ib are Cr. ta stasd for ccrUeg the evil : el isteesajaaav s tlU oaada m that U.e cw stry tyt wf 1 Lare als trcr tasXJsecrsrtUs9 aai wil be li;;W wi nwiri ceeifsl tua iUa wtU Lstrvite Le , poaiirisL-IUIk CK. C) Prrrea. aire farmer. U IXJLLl .17 Bsbscribe to jLs Fuurxira Tucxa, tl per Tt- iL-Ict'y ta adrair -iSSJ-iJ-..