j7a. THOMAS 'ED.jA OWNER FbidaY, November 12 1909. I5DSX TO BTBW ABTKRTISXMXBTSL I ' ' Standard Oil Stoves. tv6 K. K. Altea No ice. .v v Viffst-Var Sale. Tar River VLfg, Co Wanted." - - W H. Eyerr-rwtagrapns . Z ) . v The Alston ' Co Closing,-'6ut. Sal? Locals. . ' '''w. TAR DROPSl J. W. King ; received anothtf of ice Mqnday - -.,," r u Cottoaseed is still 'folding up a 44 1-2' cents per bushel. '-c - -The Bargain store has change 0f ad in thw wane. Read it. , "Maidens 'All Forlorn" at the eollege on Monday night." Xet eV- erybody t0. - v - - Cotton was selling en oar mar ket yesterday for from 14 1-4 to -A14 y-8 cents. -' " Read the new advertisement of the Aliton Company on" the editorial page in this issue.' :.' ;; '. . Mr. J. W. Hollihg worth is hav ing a new coat of JpainV pnt ' on his residence on Ken moor" Avenue -The Tar. River Mattress Com pany were busyj Monday installing a new machine for packing mattresses. Mr. W. D. Jackson was the' lucky person in the contest at P. S. tt K. K. Allen's on last Saturday night. . .K - .,v: .. " - . HeipVto build the: college by at tending the play io be given by the stndents oh Monday night in the college chapel. -rrMr. and. Mrs. R. O. Pernell, of near Franklintoh, spent Sunday evening with their daughter, Mrs. F. W. Wheless. Read the change 6t ad ot Mrs. A. M. Hall in this issue. She has something of interest to everybody and especially to the ladies. The Gem Theatre has started ap again, under the ' management of Mr. J. S. Cobb and we learn that some very good pictures are being shown. V"Vxr " -'i - Read' the 1 new advertisement of M. C. PleMiiMln'iveJIUyw yaitP-rfea.. quamy ne tens you wdere to get them.- Tobacco is 'still- coming : n in pretty big, lots "and is bringing pret ty fair prices. : A11 the farmers we have heard apeak of the sales were very, well satisfied. The attention of our readers is called to the change of ad of K. P. Hill which will be found otf another page of this Mesne. JHe - sayfl he is going make it interesting for some body. ' .. Mr. J. U. Bobbitt has opened the old Macon Hotel now as the" Bobbitt hotel and is open for tran sient guests. He will no doubt re ceive a liberal share of the public patronage. ' v " A. W. Perry, Jr., & Co is the name of a na w , firm that has opened a stock oWgroceries and general merchandise Jn. the store room re cently vacated by Mr. E. Odom, on Nash Street. Let everybody go out to the play at the college on Monday night. It will be played for the benefit of the building fund of that institution, and the admission is only 10 and 15 cents. Inside improvements are being made to the building known as the old Academy building, that stands near the college on the college grounds, and which is being used as ('!ass rc orris of the college. Mr. W. E. White and Dr. C. H. Hank went out to F. W. Mitcbiners on Tuesday evening and 'be three vent possum hunting on Tuesday night. They report catch-ln,-' fix and a very enjoyable hunt. The attention of our street com- Uee j, caIed tQ the COEl(3ition ' lm 'n t. There is a portion of of 1 ls atnt in good shape and there " "nlv ' -mall portion of it that ,tj needs work and w hope , they vvl11 take it into consideration; - V -Wr. Will JCookerwiVhes ns to 8te to our, readers that the- idea tht the Bargain) Store had"- dosVd when he opened the 16 nd-10 "s cent mistake. Mr; gain store-andJ the 5 Und 10 cnt .In givin tbe b'allotrof the..'Re publican Executive C6mmytteeMasVt week fqr Chanjman we were mirror by stating tharTaroorough received 4 and Mitchell, 2, it ''should : hre b!?n'rna Yarbprbugh . reciivte'd - 6 J -: -x. - t-x uty crrur-ccUEga-iDy getting up the article in a hurry and we ar glad to make khevrrection: ; A friend from Katesville gives ua.the? following item:' -bne of oW IP?k ajen wenttuVkey, hunting one ye pasiVeek :and uporr finding and bagging mVame'' become.'' so e nthus.ed ;that he ran allh the .way backjilbme leaving hirHhepolmer dog by.theway side. He is1 now offdnng a reward for the return - of his do whorasswers to the name - of xrownie. 'v- ? -2 . i .f . , Bimn. Items bmcft the phenomenal sale of lots here jwo Veks Vgo things have been getting a move on in Bunn. A number; of prospective - enterprises are Degmnmg to taw shape. Among these are a famiture factory, cotton mill, drag store anl; so .forth. :The depot has be'en 'epmpleted and' te ginning with next week the railroad company willtputpn regular jas- senger tram irom this place Jo Spring Hope. This, train will make two trips a day making connection with the Coast Line trains in Spring Hope morning and afternoon. Bv this m$ans BunafwiiV- have excellent railway facilities and business will start in eardlst business which is destined to make Bunn a thriving town. The people of Bunn and the surrounding country are . very en thusiastic and hail with great delignt the first regular schedule jfej Mr. JL J. Wells, eivil engmeer of Rocky Moun, is here laying oS more lots which will be ' ffered for sale. T ' Prof. Santford Martin attended the ; meeting of State High School Principals, which was held in Greensboro last week. TMrs.; XtHWbathers returned from Raleigh., Sunday, where she had been spepg.mg. several days tak ing' tmetriobrs1v;( and Glasscock. Thfaetilty of .the High "School, accompanied by Dr. B. C. Johnson, spent Sunday at the horns' of Dr. R. P." Floyd," afew miles from town. JBunnHigh School is having the most prosperous year in its history. There are quite a number of board ing students besides the large num ber attending from the High School district. Painteis are busy putting a new coat of paint on the Academy inside. A considerable number of books have recently been added to the schoollibrary. COERESPONDENT. Agreed With The Court A lawyer came into court drunk, when the judge said to him: "Sir, I am sorry to see you in a situation which is a disgrace to your self and family and the profession to which jou belong." This reproof elicited the following colloquy: "Did your honor speak to me?" "I did, sir. I said, sir, that, in my opinion, you're disgraced yourself and family, the court, and the pro fession by your course of conduct." "May i i it please your hon or, I have been an attorney in in this c court for fifteen years, and, permit me to say, your honor, that this is the lirst correct opinion I ever knew you to give." Dundee Advertiser. Why Druggists Recommend Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan. ?i druggist of Portsmouth, Va., says: "For the past six years I have solrl nnr? recommendee Chamberlain's Coiic, Cho'era and Diarrhoea Remedv. It- i n great remedy and one of the best pat ent medicines on the market. I handie some others for the same purposes that pay me a larger proht, but this remedy is no surr to effect a cure, and my cus tomer sa certain ; to. appreciatemy recj ommending it to him, that I giro it the preferends."For sale by Scoggin Drug . V I. Pin es a I v e acts' usb i poditici" BtDre is altogether, a vAjnoble.eCort hta been surts'd. Lv the friends and ' pupils of the lata Prof.Y. ODunn, " (who" gave hi life's work , to the bbys.and cirla of ITaslvFrank counties) toerjBct1 a worthy, monu. m ent to'nis meroory it : Wise! K. C where hisboy greajCday;,;;-; and friends would be clad to J finn. trjhijtjj i to Wp"rthjrrans4 and kno t Knowing tneir adaresteSj we Ukt thw"yray of ynakingit known fort we are sure they-need only to know sach;aQ:eff6ft 1 has . been : tart Ahyv anaount will be gladly deceived BUUf. ecora tept of all who : ceo tri. bute;ViMay: the boys and cirls ' that went to school to him at the diffsr- nt piacscyme Wio'uassutano nd Help t6. make, this a grand success" bejQjrarthe year closest v'- -Give jrotfr ''contribntion to Mr. wl M. ;Joo!ne:L'3iiUburg N. C. or send ...uwt, w tug ueuurir, axx. J, It. PwKsallWise; O. . ' ' ; ; J Stockard, S e'y. ' 'WSSfEB SPILLS DIAMOND ---- V w Httbon. TXKJt KO OTBUU BirrfTMAV Mkvfer CUXBJ.tii V - years regmrded as Best.Sfet, Alwiy. RelablZ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE I WANTS I ee t Iiook at tht 25c enaueltd wear at Alston Co. tJalico and Ginghams 6c at Alston vyompany. Hew about that Wrights Under wear $1.25 suit at Alston Co. H aye tou seen tho&e 10c Galva nized buckets and pans at Als ton Co.?. If you have any Shucks for sale we will buy them. Tar River Man ufacturing Companv, Louis burg, N. C. NOTICE. This is tonotifv all persons that the hunting privileges, on the land owned by J. M. & W. H. Allen be low Louisburg on the north side of Tar River, is owned and reserved by K. K. Allen, and any person caught hunting in any way on such lands will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. ThiH notice is put in for the benefit of all and no one will be excused if caught. K. K. Allkx. Of Carnations, Roees, Violets, etc Floral designs and Flowers for all occa- j tins auu till K 1 '1U3 OI pot and out door bedding plants. Veg- etaDie plants in season. All orders promptly filled. H. STCINMETZ, Plorist. . Rakigh, N. C. Yoar Last Chance This fall to et a suit from J. P. Winstons. Clothing tfoin "Jo per . cent under cost. A f w Indus' clocks left at 50 cts on the dollar. 40 pair No. 'A ladies slios, 37 pair No. 3 1-2 ladies shoes, 10 j an No. () 1-2 ladies shoes, 50 pair Nov 7 and 8 :aaies shoes. 100 :ur of men's wool undershirts i0 or- on dollar, a few oil cans, scissor ami carvincr sets. 1 clock $1.5(), lK.vs sweaters. One Soda Founfair 2 iron safes. 15 2ml hard Iu:urrjt... 2 Sew in.t iiiacLiM-s. Hut ;:.,! men coiiic on and u'ci a -nit w.:l they last. '')(!:!-, '.:. t .may be yonc. L lor tin gy.Trheela in" front of JrP. Winston stoTe and.you will ' . not -make ; noJ J BRAND J..-'P. ' ' ' ' - '7 I 4 he commercial V V. 'keerVa ch;l m rtf: .We are' Z""1 W J r , - yoa place yoaralf in poeitloli lo tjoy osr , the dolBtr, tb.j ! FIRST UNDER Sour xnd , L- WW lrivc he s:uvc?. W 0 0 , - 1 4 - " Y V T V V , ; -:nvr-: ; ....... I .J A hlvc 1 -i 1 - - - 1 O Sz the lrst r.V": thai hv.: ::n '.' produce. ( ::'.v ;r- v:v thev .'.m ;c::.'M.trti to ar. rr. hoi'i an cd-; I-.:;?: :ha:. ., . , . .....i. R.xor is a po?it:ve ;..v;-' . . ... -. otiv them and av .-s:"-. ; , - and otitic; . : o:j! v : -old r.!!lc; i :. ! r . ; : stvlc5. sharx, a-. ! s;.-r- I DJzJrH I McKINNE - BROTHFR !; TV III . I Y: IH 'I A RUNNING RISKS m ,t eolj H.l8K ar. Jt tiX im! bring thHr money to tit Wtk. Are You Running These Risks NATIONAL. LOUISBURG, N.a , SUPERVISION OF U. S Heninizs Goods M huw. r&O-c&cr. -ifkW. pUia with wrrio ac New Oatmeal of wheat. rtrh of r,.Urrt c,My P HI ON THE CORNER PHONE 42 LOUISBURG. N. C. .; I . w for. lW VloW Ucw QANK GOVERNMENT S -"0 Wk 4? Imx K,t 5 CKS, . Ml t- w : ! - . w O fJ) - If r - - 3 - O " r r. i- A 1 1 ,:: C i O k rr nn v O o O o o o o - . o. o o z o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 f . - 1 1 - ',' I - - ' ., ' ," ' . . f -r .v ... ... . -. ... . ' ' - .