. 3 . . t . v . t 4 . . ... . 4 -4 . 4. " J .. . , V. r - . ' , " t-u o, 5 J , -j- 44 " j ' - . -t . ' - V 6 1 V 7 4 : . , JAMES A.,TH01US,BD01I. '; .r yH1" IPIE ??iOII. ; ' ' ! - STOSCIUPTtOW St.OOPgtt TtUt VOL. XXXIX. - ' wmrwtrM AT TRIBULATI011 HALL MAYOR YAltfeOROtJQB , HAS SEVERAL CASES. for the Past Thirty Days the Mayor's Court has Been Kept Fairly Busy Measuring justice to Prisoners. Mayor Yarbtroah'a court has been kept right busy for the past thirty days handing out justice to tjj08e who violate the laws. . Among fimHe of sufficient importance to mention we notice" the following. Thomas Green and Mance Rnfiin were presented before the court un der charge of fighting on streets and after hearing the troubles from each side the Mayor "decided to allow them to contribute to the funds of the town in Hhe amount of $8.45 each. Tom Davis was next before His Honor for striking little James King, After Tom had trieof to convince the Mavor that it was iu self defense j because of illness. The program was as f ollowsr's,; : ; Doxoldgy r ; Prayer, Rer. X. H. Shore. ' Address of ..'welcome for Green- TjUeT. aHardmg. a;- X , Addresa of welcome for-the county of Pitt, CoL F. G. JamesW Greetings frem the faculty, W. H. Address of welcome for thk Board of Trustees. Hon. J. Y. Jorner. Chahman Exonicie . Song: The Old North State." Address: . Col. J. Bryan Grintea, Secretary of State. Inaugural ' Address: President Robert Wnght ; , " onc;: "America." - Words of Greeting from Sister Institutions. ' : ' . , Benediction. :-- N While Gov. Kitchin's absence was deplored, Secretary of State, J. Bryan Grimes filled his place well. Mr. Joyner, as master of ceremon ies, was peculiarly happy in his intro ductions. The speeches were varied and appropriate. The greetings trom toe sister institutions were es- and failed he was informed that it would be necessary that. he turn ov- J pecially cordial and inspiring. Prof. M. C. S. Nobfe represented the uni .1 .1 4. A1 A f( er to tne town tne amount ui and costs as a guarantee of good be havior. Eva. Mitchell was then taken be fore the Mayor to answer to the afsault upon another woman with a- stick of stove wood. After hearing the evidence in this case theMayor decided to impress upon Eva that glove ood was not the proper thing to light with so told her she coula turn over $10.95 to the town and take her liberty. Charlie Cobb and Tom IVIassen-? burg were broughc in under" charge of an affray, and not being able to convience the Mayor that thy were versity; Pres. D. H. Hill, A. & M. College; Pres. J. I. Foust, the State formal; Dr. J. B. Carlyle, Wake Forest; Dr. E. McK. Goodwin, the State School for the deaf jind dumb at Morgauton, and Pree. F. B. - Hob- good Oxford 4 Seminarf Letters and telegrams ofvgreeng were re ceived , from many sources . among them, University of - Virginia; Har vaid, Johns Hopkins, U. Sv Commisr sioner of Education Brown and Sec retary pt thJEeabody Fund. President Wright's speech was a clear, statement of the idtals and purposes of this school, and. of the ''plaving" were toucnea tor Flwlo"Blu" VL "'"S- AUO u""- each I can ideal is . political freedom; to Frnk tor beinedruft: and maintain this ideal, a trained citizen i aVtin let imnnrVont' tVii frointnrf rt disorderly was informed that he I"4"' D 6 gia last year, none of which cbuld be called a ancceas and smost have been failures, some Itodar ' are ! not even running. The writer ia anxioua to see creameries established in. North Car olina and it doing all he can' to "ad. vance the dairy industry but an .vn stfccessfol creamery . would kill every spark of darry interest in the' com- m unity ft which it was a part" -- Remember that the United SUU and the State Departments of. Agrl culture stand ready to give assistance advice along all dairy lines, creamer ies including. The United States Department of Agriculture ia pre pared to furnish creamery plana and estimates of building. A creamery for handling hand separates cream J without an ice plant, will cost about $3,000, with ice plant, about $4,000 The writer will be glad to assist any community in organizing a creamery provided there is a sufficient number of cows to warrant the undertaking. Be member that all plana, advioes and personal assistance, are absolutely free coming through your State and National Departments of Agricul ture. Yours truly, J. A. Conovkr, Dairyman. Approved, W A. Graham, Coramis sioner. THE i .LlOVHItU PEOPLE T4T. V? 4 THfelR InVEIIBNTS 1H AND OUT .OP TOWN would have to make a deposit of $3.95 and a, premise of good be havior in order to receive hia lib erty. Ce Yancey for disorderly con duct was relieved of $5.25, after finiing that he could not satisfy the Mayor that it "was not his fault. citizens is in the hands of the teach- era. hence it is necessary that teach- eis should be trained for their pro fession and only the prepared should be allowed to enter. The school should be the centre o the life of the com munity and must keep close to the needs of tke people. "ThU school was built by the people, for the peo- '.Valter Hawkins was required to x and may it ever remain with the deposit $4.00 with the court for be- people ag a serTftnt & thflTpeople. in? drunk and disorderlv. I tu .r,. k Fred Satterwhite also haA to make student body impressed the audi- a deposit of $4.75 for being drunk ence. and disorderly on the streets. The town was decorated in royal Thomas Mitchiner was next purpler and' ld gold, the school col ander charge of running a blind tig- ors. All businesi was suspended . . . . ; T I j it. : 1 :i l or. in this case Tom mignt nave uurmg ine xwruiseo. ureavmo u been innocent but after the equip-1 tertained royally the stranger with ment that was found in his ppsses- I in her gates sion was placed before the Mayor he Bazaar. We are requested to state that on or about the first of December a ba zaar will be opened in Louiaburg for the benefit of the College build ing fund. And to ask all those wish ing to contribute any article such as chickens, eggs, bolter, hams, fancy work be4 .quilt, or anything else salable to send them to Mies Cora D. Bagley, at Louiaburg Female College. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated and by this means a good many will have an opportunity to help this worthy cause that could not otherwise do so. Further announcements as to the place and exact date of opening will be given out in a tuturs issue. ''as told that he would have to ex plain matters to a judge and jury and was bound over to January court under bond. '. Leroy Wright came next also un der charge of retailing. Wright claimed his N innocence but after the Mayor was informed by Fred Sat ter white that he had purchased the "Dooze" upon which he had loaded To Our Readers. We are in receipt of the following letter trotn tne State Department of Agriculture, which explains itself. Nov. 6th, 1909. Dear Sir: ' There has lately appeared in this state a -firm of creamery pro moters who are trvme to secure . . - - up with Sunday, from Wright, the swck tor co-operative creamers, Mayor also inforW Wright that he Plan DemS w gt ou or nu men mieht not hm aniltr of th charge to suDScnoe xvu eacn ior me pur Tobacco Market. The Louisburg tobacco market has been on quite a boom this week Tuesday being the biggest sale we have had this season. On this day we had a block sale and only two warehouses were able to sell the tobacco on their floors that- day. The sale at Harts warehouse had to be carried over to Wednesday. rrom woat w can learn tne prices are holding up very good, and gen eral satisfactory prevails. Our ware housemen are doing all they can to get the highest prices for the toba co sold with them and are extending every courtesy and accommodation they possibly can tor the enter tainment of their patrons. If you have not tried Louisburg with a load this year, try it. You will not hard ly regret your action. , Those .Who Have VlsltediLouls- fcur.therPast Week-rThose Who Hare Gone Elsewhere for Business or Measure. Mr. T.' W. WaUon returned Wed- nesday after a abort vacation. , Mr. W D. M6rria, of Portamouth, Va., is visiting Mr. J. S. Lancaaur. Mrs. Q, F. Best, of Franklinteo, spent yesterday with her people in town. Mr. Henry Perry, of Hunderaon, wit a visiter to Louisburg' the past week. Mr. V. C. Williams returned home this week from a short vis.t to his mother near Kittrell. Miss Annie Pegram returned Wednesday fro k a visit to frienda and relatives in Henderson, Dr. S. C. Ford and bride arrived in town on Wednesday evening and are visiting 'jug people here. Dr. A. Hawkins, of IUleigh, andjwho iaTtiident of the Farmers ana lerciuavs lianic Lere, tpnt several days in town the past week. Mr. J. L. Bowden ani wife and H. C. Bowden, went to Haleigl Monday to attend the tunera! of Mr T. C. Ennia. Capt. 'J. H. Finlatoi, returned bunday from Greensboro, where he went to attend the funeral of his Aunt, Mrs, rah Lumaden, little Harry. Hollingaworth, who has v been in Raleigh for the pa thrM weeks takiue the Paaleur ireatruent, returned home Sunday. Mr. Hubert Martij, Private Sec retary to Senator Lee S. Overman, was in town this week. Hubert has many fritnds here who are always pleased to have him in their midst. Messrs. J. S. Lanoaaver, T. W. Watson and H. C. Bowden went ov er to Henderson last night to take the degrees in the Chapter. They were accompanied by Mer. J. W. Hollingsworth and S. P. Boddie. in each two: pln betUee fo31,oa; Wine of Caxdai bottle with one-half pint in it,' and eooegh empty jajci front two to four gallons to aceora medau thirty.firo gadlotM of whiskey. The beulae that ware filled ha4 pa per and cob stoppers ii tbara and a L timber of empty pint and half pint bottle were also found. Mitchtuer M given a beariog be fore Mayor Yarborough SaUrday moral eg and upon the preeeoution of the above article aa evJeo ht was placed under a $100 bond for hla appearanee at Janaary eoort and in defaaJt of seme he was nla.od in laiU lie afterwards gave bond, tod wai given hia liberty. aad tovl&x Father f tU Calbrrlem II b ver aaenJ dety to belp care for the children a4, tacre than tkat, l b oct Ufted prhilrj. At th TbanLrpvin iumq, which as approachiog, tsay tt-aji a largtr oarober cf or rwc?U tret to do freetar ihbp for this cacae thin ever before. Tbe detr.aada vpea ocr orphas. agte have Uervxd. The coat 4 livb baa edraAoed. Tbe tzttm- tiona are nd.avcartng ooxatanlly to do a oort citat werk. Tbr Deeds art grtaUr. Oct wiJl, we trait, n utibvr oct beany and liberally to imt ta exttbg The First SaTtrif Buik. rhe firil aavbt baak la Ikton was the i'revrftnt Inftitauon for Savingt, atabliahed in the jsar 181C and still in existence. Indeed, it ia probably tbe richest savings bank ra the world. Tbe firat bank in oor country was estxblUIted in PhUadtl- phia, in the year 1781. It tro in corporated by congr under th namef of "The President, rhrttcr, and Company of Uv Bank of North American." In the vear 17 S4 Came Ner Eelo? Scrlottt- Tfe liml ytiturdav vea.tsj that on VrfdovAjay acr&5 vtta Mrs. W. O. fitoo. cf fetaJUtfa, wrtu oat to ring tbe bed for 12 oick, s bolt eantt atd ibe btJ!wvifib. ing VX poaada, Ml frao a twJve fool pole ttnktsg Mrt- 5tr a tb riklnJ of fbt aJ ccm&g a uh la the cii, kecUc Ur MUe4t to the rrcstJ. Ii a.a3 , btuttrd her hoaiir. h vm mi:! 1. t. . if r 44 uiqk wi octnM in ivCMton vhtrh : . .. t. ,i ' WUWNU" Maaeacnaeeiia u.na . lQ Um tt!Ur4av U al .W vu In the year 1785 the firat raiuijgttbg v rmrkayT su btatea Hank w. foondd. Th. Vt 4 f:,.tf ef Mf j ,t founding of aavinga banks haa bn j ttir 5f jj, one of the Wat ;hinga in th hiaiarr of ourcountry, for ther bav uttu-, laud economy, aad have afford !Tb H,a5,on of, 1 Hcwiptpcr. the beat of all inveeuneota for small saving. Ex- That l of ibv 5unli Kat4rrri bM tL"ocrrtt lira 4 ih Ktvit raimt&o of tS ui; i;t atnj4r videtiaJ ir t. fc41oir. to t tb v cf z, Military Orders Capt. C. H. Danka requeats us to state that a meeting of the members of the Louisburg Hifles is ordered for Wednesday, November, 24th, at 8 o'ciock p. m., for drilling purpoata. And every member is expected to be preslnt or will have to a after the conseqnencee. Lyrics From Cotton Land. Two years ago latl Saaday, John Charlee McNeil dvd, and wm boned near the home of hia paronta in Scot- aoooont far fatitg to n 4?n land count), bat he i not forgotten, f, ura ntmvr than ff-r ptihir-jf for he left behind hira a rnonctntnt ( on ira of nw more laaling thaa atone. Th ' ned! r u frienda of the charming yooag : otaa atxl c-Sii4ra U Kk4 At. Scotckruan with the pontic gift did ; human hutbaad and fLT. t.r fcr not begin to realrxe hia real worth j .r.r!r bnaisg ia to lutaclicht th until after be paaad away. 1IU , came of axxne taaa wto to do .c? aonga and lynci are mor highly and ; oaJd 1- aa rajtii r'etbo kx genuinely apprectaled tday lhaa j ha claJtcU aod ir.Urrrtj . Tbre they were when they first came fronj om nw thai ta ad tzuuii his pen. Charles S. Ston, whe it for tie pUc eye, aJ, like tacaily doing eo much for North Carolina j akelttoaa, it ahoold be We writers by aiding tbem in getting j had rather have it a o-sr taWioa l thir effnrta before the potlic, haa t- j Usild ep thaa to Ujlt down, a-a4 to aaed throngb the Sloce A. Hirrinjr : gocl in oar fJlow rain than to Co., of this city the saaond e1ilkn of . ek oal the evil Tbe editcir lo-a a Lyrioa from Cotton Xand," ariiauc- j pi tt.at ca'U f tauch cxtm u to cfun ally bound in bandana cloth, j ibootl ia tf xrca cf tLi fr. and beaatifally illaatraUi bv A. B. Froat, K. W. KmUe and Mra W. O. Kibble, making the most at- dra, axi it u one that ahcacd bat that he had failed to satisfy hira tf that effect. However he would giy him an opportunity to clear himself in a higher - court, iand hoatwi him ever to January court Qnd bond. ' ' " - ' ; The Inaugurotiori;6reiiieT Robert H. WritfeSSilK 1 he formal Carolina Teachers opening ef-: the : Bast ers;f Training School at Greenville, aha"! tnatjeS ,n resident R,,id)rit MAn occasion of great moment to the. tast. Many visitors) frem ; various vaix 01 tne, btatewjBrepreiieptl -'v" w seen regrer tDat vrovern or Jarvis, after hayingHwrought un Singly for the establishment of the , chool, was l barred from attending pose of building ,and equipping a creamery. Tne .writer 'a experience I teaches that there is net a place in the" state whereit is safe toput two . er three tAdtfs&nd el ollara into aueh a plant much Jess five or six:.; thousand .The cows' must come before the c;r eainery , not the creamerJJief or e jteteows'ltiioVs lish a creaaneryness there least uu cows aiaineBwwB?;iuuBt be close eaougn to r te exes rnery, !eicjen8feiu to the plant ia n9t too greater -..; At jio olace in the) Staters Cthere a thelbuiMmof nd jdollar: creamery. JA such creameries tvere built in Geor- .4$ if Demonstration. Mr. R. O. Burton, of Richmond, Va., arrived this week to sssist Mr. W. E. White, proprietor ot W. E. Wbite'Furniture Company in a big White Sewing Machine demonstra tion which : will begin on Monday November 29th. This demonstra tion will be in charge ot Mr. W. T. Fitzpatrick, an expert White St wing Machine operator, who is sent ''out direet from the factory. This will be a week in which the ladies of Loaisburg and Franklin' eootfty can visit the ' store of the ' W. B: White Furniture Company, aad have . many pieces of fancy-work done . free :pf charge, c and each -lady in ' Franklin and adjbinincountiea twill W ex- timded: a special ) invitation to call to see V. them. " In - the space -f W.E.4 White Furniture CoL -next Uweek wil "appear tnefoil-ahnoiincement of "this demonstration 'which should'; be found and read' by all the ladies es pecially" D6nt fail td look up their ad neit week; .'-': . v , . tractive book ever printJ in the State. In the cover dign( the a "Maidens All Forlorn " and the illostrationa. Mr. 6tone bu The play "Maidens all Forlorn" shown excellent taale, and tbe entire waa given at the college on laai Soaih owe him a debt of gratitude Monday night to quite, a large and fer the book ta typically 5etbro appreciative audience. The little II. E. C. Bryant in Cbarlette Ob- girls did their parts well and deserve aerver. much coneratalation, and reflect Tbe editor of tbe Truas ia in re- moch credit to thoae who bad the ceipt of a copy of the above natad management in chargo. Twenty publication aad thoroughly agre dollars was realiied to be added til with Mr. Bryant in hia prae both of the book aad its contents. Thanks to the pabliahera for the copy sent as. to the college building fund. Mr, R. C Beck Leaves Mr. R. C Beek, who has been Saperintendent of the Louisburg Water and Light plants for nearly four years Jeft Vdntday, accom- Onr OrDhanacres at Thanks- The Orphanage i North Carolina panied by hia wife . and little aa, are performing a valuable arvoe. for Richmond. - I They drearve oar intertat aod tap-i During his atay bare Mr. Beck I port. Many of eaf people generoea- and hia good wife made many friends ly eontribute to the taalatecance aad among us who regret very much to ex Una ion of the work of iaatitatSocu learn that they will leave Iwuiaburg se worthy. to make their home somewhere else, - -Thanktgivlcg Day ia tpedal Or- and wiah for them abundant auccees hanaMay, in oar Elates ' -whsre-ever they may locate. At thie Maeon a people graatly bleesed and craufui o God . for bis A Comnl 0 to 0 U tU t. . 1 merVea eirreee their thahka U a fit- iChief of Police D. 0. High; In : tiog.practiaal way -bf.cffiHagt :to .vt . mm nn Thrtmai lfitfihlnar. I aid the wotaiifor needy., ticatlaes last Sftturdayerning foam! I ohe jlinle one ;al wtrfc fcr- OeTUaIota atnDinff room of the ,Harte ? -Ware-1 of Gad.. , r j house where Mitchiner waa wotklog. Tb 4 lK QS 3J a Complete oatflt. -for " the sale ef pleaaed. with a spirit e grttltede la t f m whiskey, which contained. a pint cap, About AdverUilng-. Ia lle data cf pJvgrrw the caan who wo aid a socked meat a4vrruv. This aa an eviabiu!! fjad thai tbe moat a txcm f al baai&M r&tn tcA a ly ta tbW tow bst tr-rcebcat tb ccruntry are large advertiser. Now ocraxmally we Cod a tsercbsat who do not belUv la advtrtiaiar, at all. He tried a aiaall ai fcr a ractih prrhafe tad thenatof rd it ThoajJt it d4 not j ay. Did not take down that big sign over hia tfoW at tbe aatae lie? Oh, a a. .Now tben, what ia the difference? Ikrth your aiga and yocr adverliMrat ire wrd u draw trade. Both are deonM-arv 4 to our raecr. Of tha two tear advertirseat ia the raeet itsportaat . m t 9 m tcau tu lacaerxw aa gr rater. It reach ee tbe teotde ei when tbev m 9 are hcrrytnu rai yoar atore a t appetite aMe of lb a Urrt, bat ta tbelr laiaste raooat4, when they are given to god aatwr tScaght, and fc ta your own f aall if ypa . aztuA at sash a time ptrct yorcr t s-rinrea ia sach a raenatr utoaaakt t Ixiuar Impfecaifa on thaa, Te tery few ansa are cent be! by tte t rat ap pen. - it ts liae lit ;7 cl grafcc It tstut beprraefl toa ;?forjt, line a poo line, here a Utt'e a-I lb re a liiCe," ai" U la this, way bayers are tr Soatkara PcUkScr. fuhael, gradaale, three i beer- bottle vith cne-half pint of ? com whiskey the hearts of raen,- And does not thk method ot exrTeaair.r thinks meet with the approval cf the wii SI Ssbiaribe io the Pxirii Trxra j c r y c a.2

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