11 .be nd $5, sk ier ler $2, ies ap, $T nd nd fat .S0 iU on aarf ica nti. at Samaria, this county. L handsome new cburch is Best Food fop wAit.M n....i. Wheless took U work rdav to tase a puoiuuu ; o 6 iw8 mat supply nourishment wiuivki taxing dlgea-. Unt will tlonand yet It Is the least expensive iwuu uue can eat, '. This gre&t fOOd. Value nnrt Inv onat make It an ideal food for families -who warn to get The greatest good from what they eat. , Laborers, factory or farm hands tA be liffhted. It wilt be Plentifully on Quaker Oats will work O ' hatta anil 1 ii re- and is i -1- OQtn inaf A dedicated on vw - Will U "J-, finishme touehes up - UettRr flTin WIttl loses fotiffii'd . I .;t and an ornament,, auu uo fed on almost any other kind of fond. u;fl aire in the state will have A11 of these facts were proved and' to w10 . , . very interesting Information about bauiin iw numan iooas were gathered by Pro- lessor Fisher of Yale University in Nashville and Oastalia J-ele-l ular size packages, anoV hermeticallv is having poles placed seaiea uns; tne latter is best for hot icer lone Co., .u linfl that will soon be pui ntf IIJO ' climates. Joseph Yarboroiigh ..TAILOR., A. V NEAL Building . Lotiisburg, N: C. I am prepared to do your pies- Binsr. clcaniner and tailoring: at verv reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. : Giyr me a trial and I will please you. Is IMPORT BULBS Now in Opsratioo t0 recMTe 5!. :"e:.!u ForSale i l fesvmaa will im iiul m Vtr i . . iurai r we navea no. ti Kemington Type- 17 .v, thr balance of the world, writer just from the factory that is in fnrth benefit of BSnlllo1P, wiu leu rfbe laie """ iw w, , mis macaine . uas Deen duux i, rrivp an OVSter Bupuct uu uici tuiu juu nuiuut mil u uum a new .nVivin? evening at the dormi- Beldom find in a typewriter, P" . i A AV TD G 'Jt. V If ITF ...nQ)imant8 vrill ' be .home ICUDDU a and a most delightful time NOTICE. noked forward to by ail. This is to notify all persons that ll T J raSWGll) TV Liu uai uwu liiv iivuiiiiug jjii vncgcB, uu tiio isuu .... horn tnr twelve veaxB,nas v " ltlDa8 , a a -ii low Louisbure on the north side of p r w n w i m lit -jm i i IflUivena uw u Tar River, is owned and reservecf frtr four more years. hv K. K. Allen, and anv terson jjr C. L. Moss, a clever citizen of caught hunting in any way on H'lliardston section ot wis coun- bucu ianas win De prosecutea to . .u;n matftrlal on a hand- the fullest extent, of the law. This 18 F L ,wh. tice is put in for the benefit of ue site ana couw all and no one will be excused if d Brookbank will begin this weefc caught 1 1 : J ,r nni I TT TT mnst SrVlltn reBlUBUW m wwx XV. IV. AL,IiiN. Uv w le "city. Yoane Rowland, son of our excel- citizen, Mr. I. C. Braswell, made - Miik Kin nurn lg year wiwi u " " - .a J form nrndiicts. 1 hlS IS in fill Ul K . l fine showing ana one xne Are now arriving. W have a fine as sortment, plant early for the best re- sum,-send "for new. price list. Re member we are headquarters lor choice CUT FLOWERS r. Wedding Boquets, Floral Desiens and FlftWPTB fnr oil rwn oinna - mail f ola- graph and telephone. Orders promptly nueu Dy We serve all kind of cold drinks. Phone your orders for everything in our line. J LO'QUINN&.CO PHONE 14.9 Raleigh, North Carolina. NOTICE! t wi.-h to give notice t ed a s land Sale By virtue of an order of the Superior court of Franklin county, made in the special proceedings entitled, Mrs, Re becca Pearce, T. C. Joyner, et. als. vs. Chas. T. Barker, et. als., the under signed commissioners will OUR CUSTOMERS That we will not do anv more monthly work after Jjine 30th. Because it seems to be. so much dissatisfaction to some of our old line of trade, but will b glad to sell .The Scoggio Drug Co Prescriptions Rilled With Skill $ The Best Policy The Safest ompany exnose to and vounc men should consider saie to tne nignest Diaaer at rz ociock iwii w wi The strength, conseraaam. . r Lavinff their home and llr n for 12 shares, and they are for economical management of the Jovnerdruff store corner, the following casn. e win give me nesi grade IIU I aonviKal vaol ooi-nla ai-fnoforl -r oa'i 1 rT TXT 1" L- When you t?et done sowing wueai, Franklin county. rract JSo. 1. Beginning, at a pine stump, corner for No. 2 and Holden, thence along Holden's line N 47 de grees E. 12 chains, 90 links to mouth of ditch in Brandy Creek, thence same di- r(inn Sf link-a anrnoo vtoaV . flionoo A sprained Ankle. Williams line X. 46 decrees E. 9 and '1L SuTti and lw! Equitable Ufe Assurance Society w some more. Plain Tom. ing none to beat it. Shsmpoo and hair dressing to compete with the world. ALSTM & YAKBORO of The IL S. Make it the safest company in which to insure. The liberality and adaptability of the As usually treated a sprained ankle' chains 75 links to rock, corner for Wil- ill disable the injured person ior a nams; uience aiong w imams lines, o1 nnth or more, but by appliyiug Cham- degrees E. 41 chains, 40 links to a large Main' Uniment and observing the red rock btaley's corner, thence along lionth or ;4mno with PaC.n DOtlie laiUU iy, a ucy a iiuc. u x uckico T . iaj t L, - r r rf-v-M" rtlTQl IT, I .rU)tlU H ilBT Tlfllli ' I I 1 M 1 1 f'M Uft. M TK U rt 1 ss than one week s time, xuis uui- wug uxic ui usu puuu imcc iccv uc- lent is a most remarKaDie prepare uuu, i jiwuu uaw, vucuc ouuwmftiu asvug uuo PURE - DRUGS New York Standard Policy v Make it the heat form to select. Full information and rates furnish ed upon request. Address Sending a child for drugs is it for a sprain or. a bruise, or when parallel to dam to point opposite south perfectly safe if you direct it to id up with a chronic or muscular ena 01 uam, mence eaBw-aruoiigeuge to this pharinscy. You will leumatism, and you are certain to we w puuu. i uvmu uii ' f irwxu , . . f j service as Uehted with the prompt relief which red oak to fishpond; thence S. 1 degree ?.e 3usl as 8u.re 01 gooa trv 1ce a l 0ff..e Fnr hv Scotrffin Drue 45 W. to a post oak, Staley's corner, if you came in person. e cannot aistance irom rea oac to post oaK in ao otnerwise, oecau6e we nanoie straight line 3o cnams and direction b. 1 degree 45 W; thence N. 87 degrees 30 W 30 fthains S3 links to rock. Stale v' a Norfolk by GOOd RlgntS d6" corner, thenc S. degrees E. 9 chains . a r 4.1. n n '5 links to large red oak; thence N. 80 lOugSio nuiiu arunua. N degrees 30 W. 13 chains 21 links to tt fn wnndArfid whv it stake, corner for Staley and No. 2; lia,0 . tlienCeN. 80 degrees 30 W. 81 links to as mat, in tne original geugiapm- a stake, tnence l. 41 degrees 3U hj v 1 11.. "MPrtiL. woa chains 40 links to stake, thence N. 43 ai 0 118 011 liUO VllY Ul lunula V w ort V x u . . deerrees W. 30 chains to beffinnine. con- .11- 1 1 1 1 . . 4. I . w ' - I hot lfltlaaed in XMorm varowua vei- tainmg 193 acres and being: the old E. It should, have been and H. Joyner land. . . a iract xno. z. oegmning at same pine R. H. DAVIS, TOWN o itorj. o o () o o o o o o o o o o o () o o o o o o o o Christmas Presents T THE TAX - NOTICE " o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o o o o o 0 o W SX S- W V- WW W WW w www www w w w w w w w RACKET - STORE The Best Selected 1 Stock in the Oitv Everybody Can be Suited at POPULAR PRICES Corr.r xi rr.iir torn Wlc-t t ni.r Yotrj$ mr:.Y MRS. A. M. HALL OF DRUGS. and purest we herew every reason why it snouia. Btump. thence S. 60 decrees 20 W. 39 is m every sense of the word a chains 50 links to pine stump thence S. J 87 degrees 15 E 28 chains 42 links to orth Carolina town geographical- stake Underwood's corner in Staley V and otherwise The people there line; thence along Staley line N. 3 de- r . errees E 11 chains 16 links to stake: nd the people here have so inter- whence along line of No. 1, N. 80 de- ONLY ONE KIND I ASV TTT A 1 . n 1 1 A. . 1 1 . narried and "inter moved" that we frees auw oenains imn to 8tue; I thano nJ A I Hoirrooo XII r. 7 chdina All lire practically one family or mem- links to stake: thence N-43 decrees W. can get So no matter wl ether ers of the same cup-board." The 30 chams to beginning containing .0 you come yourself or send a child; r acres and binar land described in deed n otu nltvafu onra r f rlifai Til n cr of the city ,is from Gates from W. Holden to L. W. Joyner, book ' . ,rntT Rfir- . h fB the only kind worth having. Clayton High, our efficient "soda squirter" has just returned from TheVTax books for the year 1&0U for1 Lonisburg have boon turned over to mc , for collection and I urjjp all liable for t such taxes to come forward at onco and settle and save trouble, as I am ordcml to collect them within the reuirtxl limit of the Law. D. C. HIGH Tax Collector W WW WW WWWW w o coo oc pnavor ot the oitv is trom uates county or a near-by county. From ihira on down the roll of municipal officers can be found Carolinians. You will find them among the nom inees on every ticket, in every mun icipal election. And this reminds us 37, page 191, Registry of Franklin county. The terms of the sale will be one third cash, the remainder payable in twelve months with interest on deterred pay- - i r f 1 x : i. mmis Trnm naifi ni Nam ai six uer eni -r-r i t 11 - -- Nfi-w YorK ana rsaitimoro ana ue per annum, rnis sua day 01 aov. uy. J. L. Mitcheix and R. B. White, Com. says he can serve drinks as good, if not better, than anyone olse. tbatthe mayor of Newport News is Irom Northampton countv. No Choice and Fresh Cut-Flowers RocImr A Ictnn Hrnr7 Cn - - , ucaaicj-niJiuii ui UOunt that K.flafArn llnrriliTVQ in t.rm J principal feeder, commercially, Nor has. And it is to Noifolk a lot of our ennntrr hnvsi first cro and rise Of Carnations. Roses, Violets, etc , 0 11 departments ot life, and once Floral designs and Flowers for all occa- therft nnrl aoitlarl m t.ripir chosen sions. Potted Ferns and all kinds of business or profession they become a pot and out door bedding plants. Veg- Nice Line of Carbon Paper and Typewriter Ribbon on hand at this om. We will t.ke pleasure in showing ou and furnishiutr vou wheu in nn?l of same. ALL TO SER US OR WRITE Pan and paroel of the city and are imbued with the progress and pros Pprity ot the city and county gener- aly. All this considered aside from eographical reasons, we say, we "ave often wondered why Norfolk not included in North Carolina territory. -Windsor Ledger. ' etable plants In season, promptly filled. All orders Yo&t Last Cijance IWh, Dggists Recommend Cham gain's Colic, Cholera and D'arrhoea Remedy. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh, N. C. WANTED! 10,000,000 pounds of any kind of SCRAP IRON old at once, pounds, Mr W,. . - . . pwuuuo, drufflrist of p HanratiaJ? a prominent Brass "Fnrtl f Portsmouth, Va.f says: Copper recomi PSt six J65" I have 'sold and rE fecommendee r.homWlain'a Coiic. ?ZT UK, pra r- . "UT , ,T . M-eau great remedy and one of the best pat- Sm?eJ!cme8 on the market I handle orne others for the same purposes that r-j ine a larger profit, but this temedy teni to effecfc a cure, and mycus- I will pay 25 cts. per hundred Bones 25 cts. per hundred per pound Xinc 6 oents 8 4 ' 2 ; 1 25 cents per hundred 9f) . ' J : 14 Old Rags Beeswax Green Cow Hides 8 Drv " f .: ;io This fall to get a suit from J. P. Winstons. Clothing going 25 per cent under cost. A f w ladies clocks left at 50 ets on the dollar. 40 pair No. 3 ladies shoes, 37 pair No. 3 1-2 ladies shoes, 10 pah No. 6 1-2 ladies shoes, 50 pair Nos. 7 and 8 ladies shoes. 100 pair of men s wool undershirts bu cu on dollar, a few oil cans, scissors and carvincc sets.. 1 clock $1.50, boys sweaters. One Soda Fountain. 2 iron safes, 15 2nd hand buggies H Sewing machines. But boys and men come on and get a suit while they last.' 60 days from now all may be gone. Look for the bug gy wheels in front of J. P. Winston store and you will uot make no mistake to find the right place.- 0 o o o o o ,o ,o O O o o () o o o o o () o o o o o o WWW W W WW The Time To Deposit ! HUYLERS CANDY ALWAYS FRESH A T The Scoggin Dru Company tOM w ww ww www ww w rww w w www w Ww ww tjr wi.fci us Utt v The Farmers and Merchants Bank LOUISPURG. n. c. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS OVER S4O 000 WU BAILEY. Pm.JMl T W; WATSOR CutWr Capital $50,000.00 0 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts All the fsdtitK of a LYttx Vx with U rt,rtt-rcai ScpTvioo cC a Ntceil fUt.k FIRST NATIONAL BANK S. FL -HARRIS, ST.PP'' Prcst o O o o ( o o o o o o o o o o o c o o o o c ( o ( ( c V! i I, pay cash ibrjil6f ;the above. P. Winston I JW IV... werencs x ux- saie ny pcoggm; vrujr I ... it mmending lt to him th t j &ive it the I

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