rR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, . Sturgeon Dentist, ' ' V , ' . , - - . Office in Ford Baiktlnsr, Main and Nash Street; Louisbursr, N. C. - . - Hour: to 40. Phone No. 40. - D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Kye, Ear, Now and Throat Specialist, r Eateteh.N.a ' Will be in Ixmkbarr. at the office of Dr. Arthur Hynes Fkmintf, the first Monday in 'each month D R. H. A. NEWELL, THE SUHDAY SCHOOL. PHYSICIAN Louieburg, !f. C. Phone No. 15fe -plUNKLINTON HOTEL Franklinton, N. C. R. A. Speed, Proprietor. Good Lirery in connection D" C H. BANKS DENTAL SURGEON LfruuDunr," N. office in Hicks Building, Muin Street. 1 ) 3. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-L A W j Loaiabnrg, N. C. i tver Cooper & Pleasants Store. Prompt A,t txntion gjren all legal buaiaess entrusted to me. ' ' J. E. M ALONE Physician and surgeon Lonisbnrg, N. i Offi e in rear of Beasley-AlatonDrug Store. jyi. S. P. BURT PHYSICUN and SURGEON Louieburg, N. C. Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store R. F. YAR BO ROUGH PHY3If,lAN and SURGEONj Ixraisburc:, N. C. . Oflce in Yarboroagh & Bickettlbuilding. Niirtit calls answered from T. W. Bickett's renidence, phone 74. B B. MASS EN BURG ATTORNEY AT LA if Loaisbnrg, N. C. Will pra:fc'n;e ia all tbe conrfes of the Office in Egerton Building State HA.YWOOD RUFFIN ATTORNETS AT ;LAW Louieburg, N. C. Will practice In all courts ol Franklin and adjoining comities, atso in, the Supreme Coart and in the United States District and Circuit Court. Office oyerFirst; National Bank. p B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisbjorg, N. C. Office on Main street iu Cooper building. gPRUILL & H OLDEN " ATTORNETS AT LAW Louisburg, N. C N ill attend the eourts of Franklin, Vance, Granville. W arret, and Wake counties, also the Supreme Court of orth Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections -Office : ti i v i i iu praui rauuiug. R. B White Franklinton, N. C. T W. Bickett, LoniflUnrg, N. C. "glCKETT &i WHITE LAWYERS Louisburg, N. The aettleoMnfe of estates for executors, Ad ministratoT and Guardians is made a spec ialty, and tbfi bonds required by law can be Heoared lathe oiflce. Office ia Yarborough & kBickett building Main street. C. a M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Practice in all courts, Office on Main Street H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. All legaV business intrusted to mi JTreceive prompt attention. Office 4 in Egerton Building. M F. HOUCK CONTRACTOR aadJBUILDEBS Louisburg, N. C. Tradinar agent for alt kinds of building sup plies, artistic Mantles and TUes. Architec tural designs submitted. 1-- ; NOTICE. be place for hungry men will found at be 6. S. WHITE'S RESTAURikr baving recently moved in Mead ows new building. A first-class meal can and will be served fresh and bot, with the best the market affords. Come to see me. r - - ' Yours to please, . ; V Lesson IX; Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 28, 19C. ' THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tho Leon, Rorn. xiv, 10-21. Memory Verse,N19t 20GoIderi Taxi, ' Rom. xiv, 21Com mantary Prvrd by Rev. D. M. fit Bishop Woula speaki of this ectton of this epistle' from chapter, xil on ward as present dnUes In the nower ofeternal facts." Soma of th ft are the sin tha Is in man, thV re demption that Js in Christ Jesus for sinfui man. the "no condemns t Wn" and "no separatIon, of chapter i as a result of that great redemurion su.l the farreaching, gioriona prospect for the whole creation with Israel as n righteous center bringing true riches to ail nations. The effect of this upon me uima or tne Deiierer should be such a renewal that henceforth he is done with this present evil age and dou with himself and determined to live wholly in the perfect will of God, as a new creature in Christ, old things passed away. all things become new (Rom. xii, L 2; II Cor. v, 17). Even Christ pleased not Himself, and in th epistles we are taught how we ought ro walk and to please God and to let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification (xv, l-3i. N6w, it seems to me that the giear point in our lesson is that ch one should for himself get right hi thU matter and not misspend his 'time in seeking to get others right while he himself is all wrong. "Every one of us shall give account of himself to God" (verse 12). Therefore why Judge our brother in any matter, and espe cially in eating and drinking, since all" believers must stand before the judg ment seat of God, or of Christ for Christ is God? (Verse 10.) If we have received the Lord Jeans, then- we are in Christ and are looked upon as hav ing died with Him and risen with Him. so that our judgment for sin .Is past on Calvary, and we have His as surance that our sins and .Iniquities He will remember no more. It is possible as His redeemed" ones to walk in the light under th shelter of His precious blood and have con scious and unbroken fellowship with Him as wa yieM onreeiTea to Him moment by moment to walk in the good works He has beforehand pre pared for us and to lire the life of ut ter self renunciation which He desires us to Uve to His glory, making it our ambition in all things to t accent- able to Him (Eph. H, 10; II Oor. iv. 10. 11; v. 9). Although our Lord said to His disciple at the last Passover. "1 appoint unto you a kingdom, a? My Father hath appointed unto Me. that ye may eat aad drink at My table in My kingdom and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel" (Luke xxii. 20. 80), yet "the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteouvaen and peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost" (vere 17), and the chief object of our t noughts here should not be what shall we eat and drink anc1 wear, but how can we best make mani fest and make known His righteous ness, which Hf offers freely to all. and thus bastes His kingdom of peace on earth. We should think of every one on earth as "on for whom Christ died" (verse 16) and trust Him to use us to bring as assay as possible to Him. that tfcey night obtain and en joy His ri$htoosass and peace and then brktg o&hecs to the same.; When the kingdom comes and a King shall reign in( Eighteoueaess. then on all the earth the work of righteousness shall be peace and the service of righteous ness shall be quiets ess and assurance forever (Isa. xxxli, 1, 17). There can be no pease to an individual or to a nation or to nations apart from right eousness, and there is no righteous ness worthy of the name except that which God has provided in Christ, the righteous one; but, believing in Him, we are thus justified and have peace with God and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Through the comfort of the Scrip tures we wait patiently fr the hope, nnd the God of patient e and comfort gives us the mind of Christ toward others, while the Gd of hope fills' us with joy ( and peace in believing, making us to abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit and the God of peace is -with us. and gives us peace always "by all means (Bom. v. 1, 2; xv, 4, 5, 13. 33; II These, iii. 16. If it is thus .with us the minor matters of eating and drinking will , keep their right place and we will never be found insisting that, we may eat this and drink that no matter what others may say; but being filled wih thoughts of His kingdom and glory, we will live for the salvation and edification of bth era rather than for our own gratifica tion. As believers our self life was crucified with Christ and now we are to reckon that .old life as ' dead and buried and live a new life wholly, unto God. (Bom. . vl. 6-lli, not in any way tolerating anything roc . wnicn our hearts would condemn us (verses 22, 23; I John UL 21). All that God works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure will be approved, but, ail that is or or for self, or to please men will prove to be wood, hay and stubble to be burned tip Oor. ill. -11-15). , This Judgment seat of onr lesson is for be lievers only. that;they ? may .be Judged for their works and hare their, places assigned ' them in the ' kingdom, and canst not be confounded with the Judg ment of Matt xxv or the great white throne of Eer. xx., , - -;rr,.: f m fpii slip?5 writes Mrs. Mary Hudson, of Eastman, Hiss 4tooK my advice CardnL 4 Sho was Btoviher wi. a me and wsia in terribla Tniflfirtr Vinf f!nT dui helped her at onco.- , IPiil i l: i It Will Help You 'A "Last spring," Mre.- Hudson continues; "I Was m a rack of pain. Thedoiitordidnogoo, so I began f; TO iaao uaraui. -ne nrsr aose neiped me. "Now I i Birm uobwsr aeaim man m inrce years." Every girl and woman needs Cardui, to cure irregularity, falling feelings, headache, backache and fdmilar female, troubles. Cardui is safe, reliable, eidentinc. Try Cardui: AT ALL DRUG STORES F K J ' ' ' "T That is another of their good features, an important one, as hun dreds of fires ocur annually from sparks settling on tbe roof. Better put them on the roof now than wish you had 'ater. mi t . v ..... T xney re cneap enough, iast a life time. Never need repairs and hey turn the appearance of any house into a home. M. F. HOUCK, Architect and Builder, Louisburg, N. C. -AN D LLIVERV I have decided to ran cvb a Eie enrs ths rUc with . Urrri llU aai sa rct;yi la First Class Teams At All, Times. Wm bs KUd to htvs a libtrU share oi patrwci ax4 rotuU thUoo. 1. man pwis sna sxpcg.tftftgjitteg srftrra. Ft. F". F"U "9 .MM l LJ L. l Under the contract cd at tb ikai cf lbs idut of ib -llxt Ejuww Warehotus- property, vi canaoi sBow T bttrsmiom oa lb kcf U prc erty. arad ws moat ImUt upoo Xbm rcxnX of all hsW mrm cm li rorty. AT ONCE, aad that no bspic4 Ucrm its the fstom OuSrl tSt sso will be considered as a txtspsAt and tU Uvspajcr WH with mmtsttfj. JUt U mat for everybody. GRIFFIN &, BEASLEY CCCCCOCOCCOO CCCCCOCCCCCCD () o o () o o ) o o () () o C) o o C) o FRUITS, CANDIES, GROCERIES From now on all through the fall I will cattj full and complete line of fruits and csodiri i4 hire s full frsh line of the ehoicsit frrocri sd jv&rU merchandise. I do not cJaia to undersell y cosa petitors, but I do claim to furaUh yos the very Ut that money can buy it reionbU frttm Git r& aJl M. C. PLEASANTS ccocccccocco ccoccoccocccd o o o o o o o o o o o o K. A. CD hm kmc? JbmeJf I LOUISBURG. N. C. I am now in position to famish all my friends and customer best to be had in HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES with the very I also have at all times 4 fine line of freih FHUITS and will be glad to erv? vo Watch this space each each week that you may keep potal PHONE NO. 180 y( fresh supply EVERY DAY. FARMERS .Sow ia the time tht yoa rrklii a yo-ar tu work. Aa yoa sell jour Col tot. Tot due. pcm yeur aocy on ofa acoec! is Mrc Bank. Pay your Kill, by clck 4 Ti4 ih dstrr of carrying large tm of toty its yt crfici Out Hanking fcilitit and or r aJiy i ih 4j Po of our cuatorDer and xvttrr fnVsl. To UZZELL A PERRY when vou are" in need of FRJFH FlJH aa wt gt HA nn IVl EM IVl THE - CITIZENS - BANK HENDERSON. N. C- lit NT. C"WW T 1 i . . x mave now openea an up-to-date meat market in the old di8peruirY building and will carry a good line of beef and fresh meaU j all the time. My appreciations for your order will I i be shown by prompt delivery of good meats ! When in need of meats or anything else in my line call Phone : Na 80. I will also continue my ICE HOUSE and will be glad to furnish vo with ICE until the season doses. FU LTuU J r o. All Kinds of Furniture D v O PEARCE, i 3 Independent of All Trusts fAost shoes axe made of trust lealher tanned from trust hides. Everybody Knows" thajt adulteration and high prices are the usual results of trust methods. END1COTT-JOHNSON CO. b the first and only shoe house in the World to buy raw material in the open market tan leather and make shoes independent of all trusts. ; This Is the largest and most complete organtiatkm in the WorU for tbe productldn and distribution ot good shoes, on tbe losrtstpossible basis of cost. The leather In Endlcott-Johnson X!eS shoes is tks Uti becauss tt U tbepnly leather made froa a shoemaker's standpoint of qualtry. v In addition these shoes are placed directly tatoocr store, catting oct aH .IaUdlelsspofi.i...li: " ,-. " 1 n ' , See that your next pair of shoes bears the na EndlccttJo6tLion Co. SOLD B. G. HICKS 000000 c o c e a r w r r r r r w w rvnrvwSkji wsvaa-a.a a a a. JtA jv Ji a a x k t x X X TT Z W T T T' t T T T r P m mm wm m mm wwiiPirimrimnnmPiMMMiMimiaiia W now have our sales nor& sad iortr rccmt wtU flllcHi with one of the largest fUxke of cboir fenuure c f aiJ kiads wshav had before, and txlad to tea priai irtiutics. to cajl and ae our ruek. As to Our Saving YOU Money on Your Punrhax-j Will Iet You be the Judge. We csn sell yoa farnitor it alooit any rrir torn o uuu i taut w coxae in ana eg wtro tn town. We alts have s full line of Phonograph and rrvU. Croe in and hear a pie. fcS43. nTnTfTmrmnrrrrrmg W.E. WHITE Furnitare Company Rcceoviinig Every Day A large nice aasortstnt of HraTy sad Fsatj Gr& cerirs and we ars sstling Ura within ths cf alL You will do yonrself bjnrtics if jtm bvj be for coming to ujl Our pric sd goods both proved to b ,tutscWry. GEO. M.. COOPER ,8. WHITE h ' Ve

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