1 1 1 : , . -r1 .'',l.'"'V''j.V..vi ..-.--.v.:rr-r..,..:.ir.,. .... , ( ., . -' ' X. " " ' ' . - , ,x ....... . . ' . .- . . . . . ' " - v . ' , v . - . . . . . ,0 () IS () ) ) o ) () ) o () () () () o C) ) ) o o o o o () 8 o 8 C) o o 8: We are Banning the only Independent Warehouse in Louisburg and we QUARAtslTEE 5 SATISFACTION On Every Load of Tobacco Sold on Our Floor. Our motto is to give WB GUIS o I I o D1DGIM PRflCES and Every Farmer a Square Deal. We are in the Warehouse Business to Stay. acco F01RP & HAIRIRDS, a Managers OCwOCOOCOOCOOOOJ V. . k r -r- - V v. h . . . - 'WWWWW New Hope Items, We are afnid that the good peo ple of Franklin county will think that we are out of .the race in the busy prosperous world but the "Tor toise" is still on her journey towards the goal. And our people are eager, andstriring to be one of the fore ' most communities of our county and Mate. The New Hope Academy School is doing great work for our bovs and girls. This term our school is being taugnt by Misses- Lillian and Pearle vrupton. We are well satisfied with . i - tneir worfe. .Misses Cheatham, Mills, Poole and Dr.B. C. Johnson, of Bunn, epent the day, October 31st, with Dr, R. P. Kloyd and family. Mr. John Edwards and daughter Miss Lula, and Mr. J. B. King have returned from; a trip to Sanford, where they attended the convention of the Christian churah; They re v pott a very pleasant and eijbyable trip; . Miss Lee Wiggg is Tiiiting at Dr. RPFloydV Misses Hauie Floyd, Lillian Gup ton, Pearle Gnpton and Mr. Clifton Floyd paid Xouisborg : a flying trip last Saturday. ; ie baseball team ot New Hope Academy : are expecting Ho play z gameKov. 26tbi Everyone vis in Wted to oome out and encourage the boys. Tbey do well. Messrs Joe Jones and Thomas KempV of Wakefield, sDent m our oommunity, guests of Dr'fc Stop S Look! UsfcemtO My Stock Must Move Before Christmas (WTW I St miag mj large stock of Clmlnne ntaPurmshingi., Shoee, Etc., which must be clo.ed out S mc ml?, g rgaio. mnhri better eooe to seem. t once. When you tome in and see what a sarine 1 am aikin f, ,. to feel bad over .t, so you had better come at omce and get yoSrdio? You too well know, that when I say I am ofFering you real bargains they are real bargains and you had bet ter take advantnpp nf t.r.iB POrtumty- Dont tate my worn this time but come and eee for yourself and roo Will readily see from mv Tr,-.. ,:.u , J.. r"ou.Bn' joo t , . j nwwi ro way uoaer me market , that In S much '"tested in the profit as I am in moyinc my .tockJt wpulibe impossf or me to give you an idea of ray lew nHctTin 0 space as.it i toa smaU. Uy gids are all new and -MS.H W AARON DEITZ, Louisburg, N. C WW. j o ooo rpnrTnn n SALE 0 Oil Ashes Settle After a Long Time OOO Mil nn p P 111 pn IfflU, 09 Come to the big Mortgage SJ and voc, wul . .nd to on, aetUing ftfur .o InaVi OytS his. list of subscriptions, to' the dif Si18 tame.i Most : 'Vmf nBaturdayiEvert ' . -S t 5 : od be glad U Arenew: Uem; f or - ' . -v-yotfj&r tb take, any -nefesubfiftrin-i A-, ' tiqiis. ; I tAke snbicriptions to ail magazmes.v Guarantee prices on The law compelme to close up the onsness ef V. P. Nai & Co The Goods Have to be Sold Therefore if you wnt tofbuy: 4 J pur Own Price Sale;- Now On ums saie- A H guarantee you will not re gret a day spent at one of my mortgage sales, wheth er you buy or not. 1st, Because I will sell any man a horse, mule or buggy all through the year if Ik will give a note and promise to pay. 2nd, Because 111 sell him out in' the faU il he doesn't pay Experience U a dr ttbool. but fool, -mi I .. ! the cauee ofit alL Now to you U,y, 2,Viu wUW" ttori '-' ' Cotton t. tUadr Ief.iier i iiTo hT. all Tn v ta ' ' ' E1 JM MAe your arraanjinu. Coat f ! li'Ul, , ... v IUm or bine. r.metaUr th. dt. NorraUr 23rd Tm. -r ra.ub ; for xnea only. . ' acr CT Hi rST wltt,tJI? 1.x. '. a .n no ' y vSr0tostmas presents, .JPEbiie ?me ! ; ; . - S. P. BODCIE SarviTing p&rlaer of W. p. eal A Co. J "o