it.1- 1 I ' ' - . - . i . . - .. ..... . . ".....-,-,. - - . . . i JAltfES A. THOMAS, EDITOR VOL. XXXIX. ' - .zx. coinrTT. the .gtate. THE uinoir. y LOUISBUftO, nf c;; FRIDAT, II0VggDBR23.-1009; subscript: oh st.oo per teab RECEPTION ; 0?e k 'pilia ar beer becoores the real tfiinfft" lOUISBORG... CAUt bvjiwu or ceareries of vats lo the -in sipid level of Soda water.' Perish the The Reception Served at Louis- thought! It proclaima itself in North hnf ur Hotel Larcre AttAnri- " " fwo lieir na tucceetor nee of UembershipNlne Xt -fft. 7 MnH 1 habblt,. and sparkle and- eaap. . It New Members, t nkJW the diiltt; uQtln, On Tuesday , ght of tbia week arid land I not 'ke entirelf Loaisburg Camp No. 214, Woodmen wicked -but" trj, me.' It capitalizes othe World gave an elegant and en it .kinship: iidth :bndW? ljoyIble reception to its members. Schlittar It legrna nod water as This occasien was me roost entlius- Koosevelt scorns a mollycoddle, and iastic one in the hiaiory ot this camp lords it over gjrape Haiw'to a rnint iat mwMK , uto wa8 nine i juie(p over a mux shake. candidates m waiting to' learn the mysteries of the otder. The eamp Hrs. J. P. Winston ; Entertains. cauea 10 eraer at :au o'eloek Mr. and,llrs. J.LP.vinston cbar: jfl the evening with very good at- mincly entertain "ftt tendance, but before a verj great Mondayevenin in honor of Miss while the hall was filled with live Ethel WinstbbVof Selma. " - -and energetic members and upon Beliffhtfnl rtr.a,rr,. z' each face iVas eeen, aside from sincere of salads eto. were served " friendship and brotherly love; an ex- Those enjoying the evening were pression of expectation, which -was Misses Nan Malnn Pi-. , " ; "J "uu"Ul WIU&B) Helen Crenshaw, Hattie Lee Guess. The work began and abeut gix ) Annie Green, and Eannie Boddie memoers were lasen inrouga oetore I ana Messrs. K. Ij. Kfit S n TTi time for supper was announced when B. T. Holden, A. W. Person T. T the entire membership with the can- Tyack, K. K. Allen nA TTw , w ,, Kt V Mates in waiting was command ad I Martina to repair to the spacious dinning room of the Louiaburg Hotel where a beau tiful report was served. The menu here w as small but ;io much cannot be said as to the Rich Copper Vein Discovered :,, in Nash, Nash county bids fair to mine ccp per in rjavincf rmantiHa ; tk u iviy in whicli it was served. It was w r n; 4- j u :a? VT. MGnftn discoverd , a copper mMv iv m.iuy who uau . aiceiiaed I : .. . . . T : , , , ouuie years ago, wnue sinking a unv rpceotions ana bancmts har I - . . . . . e . , ,T. t r , I weu on ma tarm and now a rich- w i Vein nas DAn: nBAarth.rt of XT.K,,.n xclnded tnvthinff of the kinH m., ' -"j I ine x) armera ( iii ( nmnonu n k ' .. . , wen rqcenuy ran onm vein And hautwa, h,gh.y enjoyed by (onnd non d,pojJ .3 g II, ai many had prepared eipressly i,H ,ua. a .Kil.;v"l'5 li-ii cheerf uland bad ' lovifjg sach one i . as.; Bhauncoiacinnal';. UarTaetyaftorhoon;Sshe-" brought bait here &ns altwte -lier sweet,- waxe features tamed upward auu, ine A)eauufW , hands that; had done so much'for others ; Vere vnow xowea on her peaceful bosoms' . h purer, inore gentle or more self aao ridcing; creature ever wipged. its flight upward, ; no more r deVoted mothepr more dntifil wife or truer friend ever breathed. There wa toucb 'of elegance and refinement in hr manner and everthing beautiful m nature, music and art found a res pensive chord,; in her heart. Weep uu iona nusDand, deyoted 'children and friends, wbila you wUl lonK tor a touch 6t the vanished hand,- sbe will have claimed a harp and will be sweeping. the strings iq: unison; with the Seraphic iBand, whece With Jesos for her constant companion, she', will await the coming of her loved one's Bhe has left behind. KUITEE2 0 A Fbixnd.' Teachers Meeting. There will be a meeting of the public school teachers in the office of the Board of Education on next Sat- urday, November 27th. It is espec ially desired that -all teachers in. the county attend this meeting. f r ii r r , pya '..,.; i ; Those .WHo;wWW;itV;.'; "fW hi tiroa . u ,7 am, a tetaperaaoe dil of ooau . Bieiyjiore wt www six. -for ;. Bnjtows:4)rlejiurS;V H was the feU.wbg day ti Ji ohnjStdvalVcf BUvalL w' vUiilnc Jni who Udl ih .Jooa hu brother, II. iL Stovalf party called. -Say! look br Sjttre Mies Eth,l nnston; Rm. 01 Wtt4 er vtm. I viiuing at Mr, J. p. Tinatori. eR5t to ko w bow T aad la with R.' R. .Perry. oT Z.tIft ! P visitors to Wuhnm f;?. ,Tfl w e uew ptwr lis MWn .Tiil lowithunyoBr I Dr. E. 3." Green and wif r t;. I nA i... t . v v- -vUvuoof in mi4ir. rev ir:"' TUQ1fff inanugivmg goioff to give every body a show, acd w"u m' PP'- ' r. -The Freeze" i. g0ug o be ta. - Musts Mary Cote, of Rii.Igb, and paper ia seveo eounUw.- S Bessie Ilolmof i3pyduo, Ti., Sqe Jones give promise to foar Tia iaismrr t Ms -week. wtmog eitmeats and fOltd mto the Mr.F. B. Mckinnlewbo is a MWiPP bmbe -all'iMagB to all uieiaoer or me T cVS&& ,.bord of Wf rasM De nigbt win Ixjauboro'Femiln rn.,. Idouars. expressly g0ia aiSA or the oeeaswn by not taking sup. thepggets gathered to be firiepec er before. And even these .were- imens p! , cojpe The $ orelS aanimous exwesaionvbat fbuittf Bim was plenty and to spare. fiyeW TntM aJ" AUw aI1 eater all that they may ensue from this. Twin flnnntv ru i"uge iue crotwa reiurnea to I Jiicno. lie hall and there finished fie work If conferring degrees, after which Aiiotri Schedule- For the information of the public we publish below the schedule of trams on tne l-ouiaburg railroad: Leaving Louisburg ' 8:00 a. m. 11:30 a. m. and 5:16 p. m. Arriving Louisburg 9:50 a. m 50-p. m. and C:40 p, ra. Via nnmmifl a in Ahm. t t-V. I L- - a. : "irrr.r J6hn Weodard. color. er, composed of Messrs. J. S. Lan- brought in town Snnrfv mL- k aster. H. W. ThomDaon and 1 TT" ta A s , tr iepusy onenn K. W. Hudson and Wu., B WB UBWUIgw Wlin tn. taken before B B Massenburg, J.P. rr" w' Benaa wlw he was arraigned under charge anner in whmn thmv hl mda K I . ... . . - B j I or retailing wbiskev. He was nantrht b i nr Pin.rr kk -i I I he mtereut in the affairs of this miles from Mp iti becoming to be general and found around where he was cftnrht frong and where this was quite ata complete outfit, minus " the ood number for one nisrbt we ua vhiikT. nr th. i....: formed that they haye a suffcient measunng pots, emntv bottla umber of applicants to repeat again I plenty of jugs. aneanTdate. 1 hi- .u'js' , wu pustponeu untu Monday morning and he wsm placed N ear Beer Explained. der bond for his appearance, whick We clip the foUowing from Wed- he 8acedjn giving, button Men- laj's Kews-Observer, which was ajr nwnui Iauea ow up. en from a speech of Attorney fneral T. W. Bickett on Tuefday last week before the Supreme m in the case of State Ws J. pnneneerg; from Meeklenburg wy, In this case the city's Au v . Dnty to pass a license tax of $1,000 near beer saloons was contested: In the course of bis argument At y General Bickett , departed What is near , beer? The testi mg .Conference In Raleigh week. tkts Tb leedleM to nr. ihifTh. Free Lince" u a Mnguiatiy bat tle ground," and the only way who Squire ktpt out of troabU wM by. ai he aaid, -taking oiry irora thta little parable we ahoaU Farmers' Union. The next meeting of the County Tarmorn' T 7.-. . ' . : 1 1 i . . . vu.uu wux D DeIC ID 1 1 .v . T . - icwa n iDOXaV lO run ft ftmmm JjOamnnrtr nn TknM).. . .1 1 I - w u" nVw. IfirtQ a,. . " C" "'": ' P'P to U.n poliUlT ,0 ... . u ,uerei your titrvr Kfiftr.f .4 . Avonder. was junior Book Club On Monday afternojn Miss Fannie Boddie entertained' th e Junior Book Club As this was the first; meeting no program as followed rhe club lBtudy! Shakespeare during the winter. . Refreshments consisting of salads, etc, were served. Those present wereiirivited guests, Mesaames. K. S. Ford, S. C. Fbrd 1)n? in thi case shows that it is a and Miss Ethel Winston; of Selma erage that finds ready 'sale as a Club", members,-Misses Nan Ma- puute for real beer. Our. bibu-J lone, Eleamor Cooke. Helen n P9 cntituents cryAfor it as . chil- j ahaw, Lynn and Grace HalL Annie Fcry for Castoria. It is made by Green, Blanche Egerton, Kate Her- Pop who make ' , beer. and ring. Freston and Hesdamea Tr P! r y me people who drink beer, ocoggm. a. A. JMeweli and P lP 0k8 like beer, smells like -bW.l White. ' "Ul aproned ' man tr nhinh DQ8 wK ' "j won 10 comiort us ther daro t. . . . ' Ja- it is anriVAn gnrnai viuunrai inn rn ''mm. A. , In Memorium. On Tuesuay;SVpt 7, at St? Vin cents Hospital .Norfolk Ta.,'7; Mrs. ed back han -7 . 1-1 1 afcWB "wis, wire, or Mr. U. W, hrodit. n .rVP11?1.. Roberts feUasloep in. vTesuaT 41 he kint, th. ; . rt ----- wis uer menas ana toved.ones here i o illusion (Vtmn ata A uiinvivi rt uu. 4"-ues in the si Arricultur6 Readinisr a Guide Jtost toBetter Fanitng r Does anyone Really doubt' rff we If so, it is surely because he uas ndt observed very closely. &0me Farmers there may ; be who read and fail to profit by what they reaa some, because they -decide that it is "not practical," and others, because-they spend' all their time in theorizing over what they read and so have no time tb put into practiee. And thero may be, here and there, fairly successful farmers who do no reading at all about their work; but they are very rare. The average farmer who does not read agricultur al books and farm papers is a pretty poor sort of farmer not at all the man whoni one would look to "for leadership or hold up as an example to emulate. He is usually a man who is content to go along in the old ways, and who makes little progress as the years go by. The man whu, through bis reading, can profit, by the experiences and advice of others, has a tremendous advantage that constantly grows greater. "This is why we mv all our folks to read all the v. can alone the lines of farm work; and why we wpuld now especial! urge them to take up lor the long winter eveninei some such ays&matio course of read ing as that outlined. No man who follows- the. course outlined there, using his mind as he reads, weighing and considering and apply ing to bis Own conditions what he reads, can fail to be benefited by it. Why not? tprmv a neighborhood dub of farmers for some such course of study. this winter?' It Will not only be a pleasant wayv of spending the.evenings, but it will mean . bet ter crops next year, better farms, andbetter farmers. Tr1 ft.. Let" us know about how ybu getaTo'ng: and if we can help you at any rn call Jlp.on!tbe4afraid you will learn too ur ur Iarmmfi All ot ns nave win oe many questions of import. ana to be considered, T. H. Slktkjk, Co. Secretary and Treasurer. your piper bright and tpkT, treat God, and alwaya try to furotih copy tkat peopU wUJ read. Oar Fair lets Onee, Growth of Fraternity. One of New York's most proai- cent miniiUrs deolared from the pulpit last Seodsy that a gr4, con- Rev. F. A. Bishop Leaves for Conference. rvev. j.. a. liwnop. pastor of the Method Ut chnroh l-f. T . r i w urn m iiTnv . - m . . . morninc 'for fci.M .kuv Tr . W " wt.gteai 'JnP., ,.. , irawrnai ordert--maUnt in ihu V. Mxhophasjaateompted net fail to a good cWn in such awav that h will K l. , . . Dwa w mF l K .k. ol Kt fraternal Of nn r J V ordert, .11 of which teach tn, ' M k itapoi-1 prpt aod RlhlA Trr na t a.n W..v. . . . I . r,Ui w ivurnvu ntre, ooi we do net j arda. feel that a better or more eonacin w-crt s Rt3 it Ulm i lU rows a tis orltx. " TU kbei b-4 J ctriiy h aiwan to Ue rrv b WW. No -rU ajcu. oe e w CaTs a dtd rare, I. ft f tir W aa beriArs i: WUviH ttcN crwt tolW c which be Hesaf caa beco a la-' Ugril part, if b o deeW To Ua ttre is aJwin rcwiS mcKX rtj for Btaul sol fbyiicU e3rc. oant lUald U be Wftni.y of h. ' i ECUPSEOP HOOH. An lnUrtnXuffAnido bPror. LanntanofWtltd.Fcrtiu . Bat do feet took ft it b a. eivtv. g or Ufore elleiiu UtU lhn,ad Uur, ibt oe-f 6Cf ven-.wm MwtJ m ojsal eutwsr aretM ieani ACCV0 an bocr, n via jut rvb iu txrta'. Ic o.j hal ia, at 2 o'ciock a. t. C.- .MOV, tf hich the eiil ,lrtij tuiward T a uoua man ooujd be found to fill his place. He was so social and enooar aging that bia presenee was always welcome and his genial remarks si ways acceptable, thoagh at all time hi a 4. Inll .a.. -41- " wxo oi nia potuuon in life and tried te make every act and L Kierj or me one whom he was serving. For ua, we wouia oniy oe too glad to learn that he shall be returned. He preached. two excellent ser m npg f m. i - Hvt . geou aaaienoea on Sunday before leaving, in- which he The increase io membership of the leading orders is aot oooned to ny particular order, bui autistic at hand indicate that all societies having for their object the esubUsh- ment of an universal broUesbe-oJ, are daily gaining in aomUrt. The bringing together of kindred spiriu. ibe Incmleauon of brotherly pnociplee the extension of a belpiag hand to the needy and distressed eil of theaeare the found amenta I principle which attract men to the variocs or. rvslJflr. a mmi, I ? r, . itaousuo&s. idi great power toe .?.n1 V. .k expreased hisloveJorLocuburg and T 'Z STu T , euly understood by the tumtn iu people m very f..l,ng words. .... .,.r .7 x.vmvw w miuuuii uie woria at HOW tO Knn j NAtvannn t . w-w - aeperunent of th. members 0f fra That is iaat.what th ftlr ,..-1 f-.i . . - - u lXLuoesee ever ra,BU,R ''Mid like to know, sad working toward the hit best stand! . . 1 - wnat everybody ouuide know .exactly how to do. seems U I rn IV ft flhnrr t.fma orf htnVtstWi; It.I mtiAh frt leeiiM ,1a. J k At 1 ,'w -- w . wuMr w UK.11.V a.uiia bviiilt i m r r 111 uvju eu inoi la vshi snrs isr ys Tna wsaa oaming the alche- cnnditinn misfit TV ' m'. wiVr;- tAJiLsJc-JA-i: proiected from r .-.i. i v.T. lit - I f ri'i-a-tV. v j-ct--.--,' - . -. y 7 j r fv-:" ,PI!J4 aiinougn reaaa, woo is gomg to; do tne: ;bet vaiik fliiu talk" 1 inff ar t f miviv f hni tnm-U t J i S.;M. 1 1 .- ',"o; w . ""iMiy uibu . ' IIOU 1 :' S 'Qau's expansive mo uar. worKfl a trim, i u : y a - " r - - raatinn j a v, - . rwou unuermmamg ner irail coriatitu- ruon, and suddenlv: vn tW. s - - - ' . - & . - . v-!- i - aud help.-'mbst ixi faking Wlt . V. - 11 . 1 . . r !, vuo ptr jsnow mat la re sponsible for the xaaningrta between the i;to frcna ezrJoiM it -toe anadeaUy U ..4t, a qearu. rui 2 Vlck it mill U Otirlr .iUjfa tb, .trth-a .Uio d.fnri 0f .J! tllu-iia b 4 ualihL And yet, if wx! toi toaj. rar, occhsa, thtre ba;Ts to U just a.of-tlikk? d4s e&xir.,r ruood the arth Ho a.s tbetDooo, Move hkejy. i,u troend iht rta wi:, u&4 itu, iU hadowrd UgU ,zl t0 the moon a soaewhal ocrrr r . JTha TuJ4ity retejJ Hsa-r be f aore thiV toe "bU la e win r-egta to frta tke prof rod teg, bhKlx cTcViU 4o, iv wrfea to mere than -alf-tscco" for a fan henrr. ly VSS a. m. coorieujy ihrorria reesttta her shfcrpg wy. in axjywte dseased by the s. oount.r? Tee; bsi cri .ir. , i tJtJ ffry eooaday, by a two keen' acrlcC dearth of direct rAaU&. Tbiok of met-!iacw txfrir&ce 4urbf s wul of 0. h:ch oet.r lute e,.f t trla Btes. Btrds sad Uasve t,4 ee tssn er appaJUd by that rad2a. brief darken TThsi if ii oc-tio' ted for to tours? As evcaeUaaee h'tVz oo the tun sasfdreUea taoou. tt ..vwtTer, u.ere are cwrui&tv acitnjJs Uer te qss,ke with fra sach tia. Vrmnl isded tfcey trm framed te Ihnee without a drr d( water; t breathe air rarer thaa uSealiglt rto deal tn aa X-ray ulai-d iefi;t. ed lo leaar deya Mcb a seraaS 1&C that is, can sid i4 be-crs cf co. uaeoc. svshite carvhv-d by the ltuiet doad at4 euaUr Wrj ribu of sKoJiHcJi arciU Itxae, K0 ar at a caatter of ote three bcrurt,' Jon F. Las-yaar. Wake Fornt, K. C 'hnll . r- I rt 7-,.;-Trr!, aurr and. opea to. the use ot ceauine wamty , ttt . ai S , ---- - Z -.. ff MAaM. -aa A ' - 1'- n'" l V T V "fi ' 1. B k I ou was: urmni KtoHiTB anaer. ;)t . iti n. m . . I i . .v . . of good auxe&shlp. The raatneea of these orgioixitioat, reaching at they do to the uttermost poinu ef the earth, cannot .fail to appeal to the Scilla and Charybdii, for he b doing men who believe in the strength ef his very best to do the thing rijrht. B,l7- while the outsiders are oock-sar. he's I As previously stated, membership ! mbtl 10 Uie U any wrong, and.. have iust fortv.'aevrnlin frateraal ord the lavcideat of aa aJLett n . . - v - a.''w vt 1 dozen, ideas about it that they affirm benahip, and good dtlaeashtn rr. will be sure, t win. Squire -Jo nee I motes public welfare. The nrvJitT announced ,that. he wonld beginOn) with which the laws jf the verioa the firat of. the following month, to orgamxatiooe are enforced la a fitting run "a first class couaty newspaper1 training for the proper obaervaivoe of and getting out his prospetua be I the civil laws. It is c air Diirt circulated it- broadaaat in his own to look at tbe quality of the oemUr- and adjoining conntiea. He aras ahfp in the various Vrars to, ,ppre soon flooded by viattora, the chair- date the fact that it( as : com poeed, M man: of the ceunty Democratic Com- a tula, of the higD'efV ttraU of ril. mitiee.callefl to know "if hU sheet jbarfon-and advanced thought. Mb- was to be tbe organ of the Demo- UUrs of the gospel, phTsidiEX. fcrku eratio arty??.Of eomre,of coarse, of the highest stajidicgliUrary tae, CoIoneL" I: generally vote the Dem- merehanu and la fact every walk of ocratio ticket" : . v life is renrtMnted. The chairman of the. Re'pablicaol ' The fraternal rplruaod the brotb- arty called, to know 4f that pro-1 "f wve taught by theW aocietxss pottdsheei " waai to be - sf frTe tol001 fall to foner the etirit of bu- oigbeet M&ae. litis meets with a case BtflecUonj of a Bichalor. Toe can a e&ai u tat good ot-iaioa of tviae4f by the war he haj a poor oplabo cf etberiL A wcaaa who res a bote whh a big family ttartis a let taoa ef, but she sever grta it. Thepsily lisse m .womta eu erf more botwuf ally than ever gobg away on a trip is whea abe prU be c besse a cxitL - Aciibovite ca ach his "wife ta twice aa esurt fcr hatic ttose cf his knowls3e, . , - . IXaasetst la io a wctsi ta btr phokraph Ua'ahecl IL , 4 ,

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