Professional "'Card QR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMIN Surgeon Ientlt, Office in Frd Baadiwer. Maim and Nash 'street. Louisbursr, H. C Hours: 9 to 4:S0. Phone No. 40. D R. JOEL D. WHITAKER, Kjr, liar, Nose and Throat Specialist, Raletsh. N. C. Will b ia Louisbursr, at the office of Dr. Arthur Hynes FTw"i"C. the first Monday in each month, 1) R. B. A. NEWELL, : PHYSICIAN Luuisburg, N. C Phone No. 156 J1RANKLINT0N HOTEL Fraoklinton, N. 0. R. A Speed, Proprietor. Good Li very in connection jjlt. C H. BANKS DENTAL SURGEON L tuburac, N. 0. office in Hicks Building, Miin Street. P II. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-LAWi Lonisbnrg, N. C. ; )v?r Cooper fc Pasaats Store. Prompt 'r,"ntion fiTn lejrai buaifiQ.sp- entrusted to me. it. J. E. MALONE PHYSIHUN and SURGEON Louisburjc, N. (.', Olll ein ruar of Buaslev-AlstonJDrug Store. D" S. P. iiURT PHYSICIA.N aud SURGEON Louisburg, N.,C. Office over P. S. & K. K. Allen's Store D" R. F. YARBO ROUGH PEIYSI'UAN aad SURGEON Louislmrtr, N. 0. Odin in Yarboroui;a & Bickettabnilding. Sisht calls answered T. W. tBickett's residence, phone 74. B MASSENBURG ATTORNEY AT L A .V Louisburg, N. C. prictin' i i all tn courts of the. State Office in Egerton Building AM H1YVVOOD RUPFIN ATTORNEYS AT ;LW Louisburg, N. C. Will practice in all courts of Franklin and HiljoiuitiK counties also in the Supreme Court and in the United States District and Oiruutt Court. Office overFirstJJNatioQal Btlll If. T B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Otfii.-e oo Wain street in Cooper building. sPRUILL A H OLDEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3 Louisburg, N. C. Will attend the courts of Franklin, JVance, 'ipaarille, it arreK and wake, counties, also the Anrtrtmxm Cnnit of Vort.h Carnlina Prompt attention Riven to colleetious, Office in spraill building, ft JBl .tSi S v T. W. Bickett, L Miiaburg, N. C. R. B. White FranklintOu, N. ICKETT &i WHITE LAWYERS Louisburg, N. C. Tii settlement of estates for executors, Ad' minirxators and Guardians is- made a nnc ebonds required by law can be Ht'(ard in ne once. Office in Yarborough & .Biekett buflding Mam street. M. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Practice in all courts. Office on MaiD Street WH. YARBOROUGH, Jr. ATTORNEY aFTaW Louisburg, N. C. Ml business intruntel to ml "rceiv pi-omot attention. OffioeJ in S.Egertoi Building. M F. HOUCK ". - CONTRACTOR aadJBUILDER J Louisburg, N. C. Trading agent for all kinds of building sup 1'1'eH. artistic Mantles and Tiles "Architec f'iral design submitted. NOTICE. place for hungry men will be found at 6. S. WHITE'S HESTAU.RMT ".oinif recently moved in Mead 8 new building, , A arst-class ea) can and will be served fresb ft"d bot, with .the best the market afford. Come to ee me.; o ; Yours to please, . - : THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, lesson XI L--Foarth Quarter For THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, a Comprehensive , Quarterly Review-Golden Text, II Tim lv...T'5c?lT1'rnentary' Prepared by . Rev. D. M. 'Stedrhs. ' ; Lesson I.-PauV a Drisoner the t. rest. Acts xxL 27-39. fiold m Tort IT Tim. ii. 3. "Thou therefor. nrt,i hardness as a good soldier of .Toon a Christ." Paul knew tlictions waited . for him ererrwher (20-23 margin), but: whether he unnec essarily ran into some of them or not xv-e . cannot say. This was probably one 1 of the " three rirnV that mac, beaten with rods (II Cor. xL 25k Ha accepted all as being in the will of that Just One for him and coreted only 10 De nis faithful witness. ' Lesson II. Paul a prisoner the plot, Acts xxiii, 11-24. - Golden Tert Ps. xci. 2. "I will say of the Lord, He Is my refuge and my fortress, mv fiofl- in Him will I trust." Beaten and hfa life sought by the mob, liable to be pulled in pieces by the frenzied Jewish council, how comforting must have ceenxne visit or the Lord, to him that night with those words: "Be of '?ood cheer. Paul; thou hast testified of Me." Lesson III. Paul a prisoner before Felix, Acts xxiv, 10-27. Golden Text, Acts xxiv, ,16, "Herein do I exercise myself, to bave always a conscience void of o'ffense toward God and toward men." The topics of this chapter are the faith in Christ, righteousness, tem perance and judgment to come, the hope of Israel, the resurrection of just and unjust ' and believing all things written in the law and in the prophets. Lesson IV. Paul a prisoner, before Festus and Agrippa. Acts xxvi. 19-32. Golden Text, II Tim. i, 12. "I know whom I have believed and am persuad ed tnat He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day." For the third time the story of Paul's conversion, the resur rection of the dead and tho fntnro glory of Israel, the present forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ for all who will turn from the power of Satan unto God and the eternal Inheritance. Lesson V. Paul a prisoner the voy age. Acts xxvii, 13-26. Golden Text, Ps. xxxvii. 5. "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass." Paul's advice to tarry at Crete is unheeded. A two weeks' storm-follows in which all ex pect to be lost probably all except Paul and his party but again the Lord comes to Paul either personally or by an angel and assures him that no life shall be lost and that he must be brought before Caesar. Lesson VI. Paul a prisoner the shipwreck. Acts xxvii. 39. to xxviii, 10. Golden Text, Ps. xxxiv, 22, "The Lord redeemeth the soul of His servants, and none of them that trust in Him shall be desolate." Death and its master pursue Paul most relentlessly. The soldiers advise killing all the prison ers, and;, that being avoided and all having escaped drowning, a deadly viper threatens his life, but the Lord delivered and used him to bless many during the three months' stay in Malta. Lesson VII. Paul a prisoner in Rome. Acts xxrili. 11-31. Golden Text. Rom. 1, 16V "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." Wo now see Paul dwelling two whole years In his own hired house as a prisoner and contin ually preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ out of the law and the prophets and from morning till evening. Lesson VIII. Paul's story of his life. II Cor. xi, 21. to xii. 10. Golden Text, II Cor. xii. 9.-"He said unto me. My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect n weakness." It seems a strange portion to be en titled "Paul's life story." but it does tell a marvelous experience of ''a man in Christ," who suffered all but death, or, as he says, "deaths oft" mid finally a martyr's death, for Christ's r. ke. The appearances of Christ to him on the way to Damascus and after wrd were most exalting, and this one above the rest. Lesson IX. Paul on-self denial. Rom. xlv, 10-21. Golden Text. Rom. xiv. 21, "It is good neither to eat flesh nor to drink wine nor anything whereby they brother stumbleth." The believer, be ing a citizen of a kingdom of righteous ness and peace and Joy in the Holy . Ghost and being filled with all Joy" and peace in believing, is supposed to live far above the mere eating and drink ing for which so many live and be ready to deny himself any selfish grat ification which might offend another. Lesson X. Paul on the grace of giv ing. II Cor. viii. 1-15. Golden Text. -Acts xx, 35, "Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said. It is mor . blessed to give than to receive." Again the lesson is one of being so co'nquered by "Him who gave Himself for us that we cannot help giving our selves wholly to Him for the benefit j of others, even at the cost of becoming poorer, by - doing so. if only we can ' commend Him to others. Lesson XL Paul's last words. II iiui. ir, -uvmucu jicii, run.-1. ax. "For me to live is Christ,-and to die is gain." ; What' shall we say of giving when' we see Paul 'at the close of a ilfe of untaid'suffering saying. Now I am ready to give myself a-sacrifice, a mar-! tyr, for Him wbose I am and 'whom I serve? He could look back-over a life, of self denying service since that great - Damascus day, ; and . he could look forward to a- kingdom of eternal glory Yn the ages to come. . -V "- -' I igsj' . The Perfection Oil Heater neither smokes nor diffuses odor. The new Automatic Smokeless Device positively prevents both. Repeated tests during its incipiency and derelo-v-rnent, innumerable trials after it had been pronounced perfect by the inventor demonstrated its utility and sure effectiveness. The wick cannot be turned up beyond the point of its prcatest effective ness. It locks automatically ard thus secures the greatest heat-ricldinjf fUrr.e without a sign of -smoke or smell. Removed in an instant for cleaning. Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing hr.t for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Your. Write lor Itcripti CtrcU to the Nearest .Vgeocy ol the STANDARD OH COMPANY That is another of their pood ultU8 Ui urt;a o.-cur annually lrom sparks sttlini: on ti.e roof. Better put them on the roof now than wish you haH 'ater They're cheap enough. Last a life tunc. Never neel repair anl hy turn the appearance of any house int.. a home. M. F. HOUCK, Architect and Builder. LouijthurR. N. ('. N V f0 I have now opened an up-to-date building and will carry a pood Era all the time. My appreciations for your orders will be shown by prompt delivery of good meat When in need of meats or anything else in my line call i Phone No, 80. I will also continue my ICE HOUSE - and will be 'glad to furnish with ICE until D G PEARCE. - . !.. i i . liif.r xrv i c ' 'V : " c: -T- . . . . ? -. :f c:l!:. rrr t- . . K.CMll J. 1 ; so fi.-: ;.cnor to ordinary leather that there nractically h'cst-rocf and waterproof Is lighter in weiit arvd ; .-i ... a' : i u v more liexioie xaan conrnc.i uic icuuicr. Years of cccc'ar.t end coir:cntrited effort wtra rfpent by FiOlOOTT JOHNSON CO. tn prfctinc tVj iAnninj process of KROMEUC. tt is the greatest achievement of tie century in the bo and leather Industry. Yet, with all these reaarkiLW qualities. KROMEUC tol3 t&oem cost co more than the other kiad. N W Lxa-to tlim U ell B. G. SOLO . BY ever genuine KROMEUC lofc. tegttha M Heat Without Smoke - ' v No inaner how sensitive your olfactory nerves may be, or under "what worklne conditions you en counter the PERFECTION Oil Heartier (Equipped with 8mokelcM Dvlc; you':: not detect the slightest cxlo'r o smoke. features, an important ono h a r. nn n fn BBMKQ u UViiiniUUUU meat market'in the old dipenarv meata line of beef ami fresh the season close. jchjson to. Shoe TO ' L III 'VN 3 11 Jrful new sole leather that cut- roles. A tfrtdM far Mt HICKS wiia 0 uw ENDlCOTTJOrCCON Ca sale: and livery I haT W:cVcj to n fv th Ue miih First Class Teams At Al! - Tiraes.x R. F. FULLER 1 GOOD DRY STOVE WOOD W n i . i a GRIFFIN &, Q o o o o o o o o o ocooccocco GROCERIES From now 0n throtjrrK merc-hnd. I Jo i .t rt.tor. but I do rU;n t tht rr.onT cxn bcr t o o o o M. C. PLEASANTS COCCOOOOCCO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I FARMER work 1 u v , il tour pi-c t-r otf t I. 1 . . . ' i.r. x t your t i: hy o. cKtry n. -Mfcf nci . f t" " oi:r rm'.'?.ft sr.l THE - CITIZENS - BANK MCNOCRSON The J?. X Sc lJ MRS. C M. STRICKLAND. Younsrsvillc. N. C Receiving A lfcTjT t.if t-r for c-otsjc rxtb prc4 GEO. H. Sli00 PER - YEAR BEASLEY CCOCCOCCOCCOO o o C) o Q O () O o C) C) o o ihe I tut e;4 t.c .lerJl tr.t . fcrr.uh vc3 U nrt .i r.r.. r'je.. 0 V CCOCCOCCOCCOO o 0 ti? r c v. T e rr. .-. r.- - " XT ; i.-r k r. fct f . t tz,' t.t t ;t, t p; . til . -- . T ?. c N C HI V7 t Improved Monitor Self-Heating Sad Iron Every Day xxyxx fc.fc.oflcxe 1 c? H fct v Tki.rf (5 to in. Osr to t aUifwUti a4 food XhXX COOPER KLIM TEMEi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I , Q, 8. WHI'rE