IF" . I I IP'VVM JPr^fessional Gard na. A.iprujiwTNE^/flying, *1?^3LS " BWonc v*. m. J JJM A. MIWltLt. I rHIBJCtAW /. _ Uxitoborg, N. c\ f hoao No. 150 pRAmCLIKTOlI HOTEL/ "'V B. r^^,*Pr JrUtor. JjK. & *. BANKS \ I - ~ DBHTAL StROKOH UawNrJ 5. C. Ofloota Hleu BiIIiLk, Bain Stmt p H. 00KB ./ \ ATTORNET-ATLAWJ Loololorg, lA C.: Omt Cmipw i Pliiulu Utoro. Prompt N. ottontioo llrni allAogal buuneoo rotrnidd x to mo. j ^ jJR. J. B. MAXONE \ PnRB42[Hl SOBSEON iloiobars, K. (.'A OB ?la roar at Rooolor-AlstoufDrag Btoro. JJR. B. P./ BURT \A PHYR1CIAN mad SUMMON 1 Louisbarg, N#. 1 - V Office *rlr P. 8. 4 K. K Alia iW Store JJB EJ F. YARBOEOOOH \ 7BY0P -IAN and SUROI OfA / Loalabont, ff. 0. \ Offioe /o Yarborou*h 4 Bieke t ^balding. Nightfalls answered f;on T. 1 r. k Bftkett reeidefcee, phone 74. I g Bv MA38ENBURQ " \ \ ATTORtET AT LA Wj \ Louieburg, N. C. \ Will pracMAe in all the courts < t the State Office in Egerton Bni ding HAWVOOD RUFFIA ^ AT TURNETf AT ?1 kW Touiabhrg, N. ( ? Wllf^praclicc In All coorte of Franklin and adjjitftrig counties also in the 8oprem* Court and ja the Doited StatAs District and Circuit Ooart.yj.OBoe oY?r?Firat^National 's X--*'.' Bank. ? ' V J-. \n fJV B. WILDER \ / attorney AT/law \T Loaiebuna, Nj C. gPROTLL St a^DBKl LAW Louisbtirg, ?. 0? Will attend the courts of iFrnuklbv Vance, Granrilla, Warrm. and #Ak? eonntiee. ai?^? the 8uprone Comt of north CaroHeu. Prompt attention gtrea/topoUactfoM Offlee w s in 8pratVl bafldlag. I \ T. W. Blekefct. / IB. B. Whit?\ L)ai?ibtnjr I..C, I Faaakltoton, X. C. * JJICKBTT A, WHIT* 1 LAWfrilS 1 ? . .* Looiabai|> I. C. The eettleoMnt a? MtJtn for Aceeators,|Ad< iuinl?tratora and Outf-di'pns islmade a epeo iilty.an-4 se bonda to*aired Mr law can b? secured in M efflfaJ \ Offlee in Yarboroih 4 .Btrieat battdlai ~~? Mtlu Utal. T.? -r ? M. PER80N| V ATT0BW8T AT LAW LralJiarc. K.C. *\ Practice tn all coarL.t Offic&on M^ii Street H, YABBCpOTOH, Jr. ^ (wrAeuvel > T I sr r Altvsnni A1 liA n Lovlabnrt. N. 0. ba*lneM^ialrlstolT? promot attyratibn. in ^Efyertoc Buildi*a. / I ^ v Mr\*r4 - . COM1BAOTVH aadJBmLDER^ f> - \uiAora. t a ' * Trading ognnt raffcll Hadi of bnlldtng np< pllM. ertlatin MvvtlM sad TOm. Architr? tars] daatgna nobAlttod. . PR f\0RD " )ektiHJ. Fran linton, IT 0., * N0TIO Tb? (?la?? fof ly\tfrT men will b? JIJ 16iib\i\ (f. S. 1WJT8 RESTJTORSWt 1 ' ba'in? recent]* mered liABlead owe no* bulMAn*. A flret.eleei c?n ?ogf*(Il? be Mreed Vi*e? and fcot, wl? ?? *?? ** ?! atfnrde. 0A?e V> ew me. I IC " T"" "i'TWerm I, oJssi I "I am much pleased, t? be I mb far what Cardut has done f< jTOifJlaiwI, of Slier City, N. C I "Last Tqhnisry. I had the had ikim fcfere that, I had l heubtc, lm tea ream, and nutife ~^la* fifths C dsefrssrfan an/ oflfr medici I Grip, Cardui is fa^ptPtonic y< It bailds strepd*/ steadies I appetite, regulars irregularities natural glew of health. Cardui Is your beat friend, i Think of the thousands ol I helped! What could possibly pr Remember you cannot get ingredients in any other medfcin I in any drug store except in the WHS*; La4S*' Aiviwrr Did, ChaMaM far SaW iMtwcthM. aid m-Mfe b**k, "Mm Fn r-a-i?. MOISTIJM] TOMBSTOITEsLefn FE5CIWG WrUe to Suffolk Mrfrble Worl Watcl) T ?wmmi ini^ iiliSiPi J The Rural Mailft H "-The Telephon^fceeps pi 0 bors/friends^Kfu the citj i n day^Pj^pessiv^ farmer areTffitdlling telephones in\ ing our service. \ \ ' % The cost is low; the ser L- - Write to our nearest M :"t x, >?r' vjgf*. Farmers* Line D HOME TELEPHONE & Henderson s^mmarnmmattgmalmmammm r ' - - * r: r m, tnojcoTT-jo Jnt" ^ ~ I ; 9 r I^OMELK is fee wond< rful H vnast (We pairs oTerdiaary s ole: v si .KROiiELK is s^farsupe ier ' JM '.i iilisriwWily as aen?p*risoa. '35 '. Met Mly dew L&OME1 K | - ^prsrttwMyteafrrwf wd j^t ^ 3 v-tits* eilO'WMtlr'tSrcectury ITS *m . -i V{?? ^ . . .. V ? Grippe K able to write and thank I >r me," writes Mrs. Sarah I Grippe, wTfictf~left me In I boenjbotoered with female I acini. I have taken only ne I ever took." r seVjaus illness, like 'the H the ni^es, improves the I and helps bring back the I f yeu only Bnew It ' ladies whon\Cardui has B event It frem nWpine you? the benefit of die Cardui e, for they are not for sale Cardui bottle Try CarduL I *ta JUMSdu Co.. OilWn up. Taw.. H * Traatracnl ter Warnaaatkat. tBIHG and lROH is, - Suffolk, Va ^ * ?? ou in touch with neighevery minute of every throughout the South 7 their homes and securfcnce is satisfactory, soger, or address: TELEGRAPH CO. jTCAREl Shoes | I new sole leather that out- tj to ordinary leather Aat there ^ jive double service but it is S wf ?to lighter In weight and S leather. I eOort m epent by ENDK.OTT- W tvrecMI of KROMELK. It >? the ? uHiod leather Industry. MtMrK^pMBLK eoled eboet coat J HICKS \ I V ;/ ' jv. U. ... ;v j \' ' ' K*t Jvr id "THE S?*OftYSCHOOL,l P r-t - '^1 . v^' . ! ~ Lesson VII.?First Quarter, For Feb. 13. 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson. Matt, vl, 19-54 'Memory Verse. 24?Oelden Text, Matt, vl, 53?Commentary Prepared by Rev ~ ~ D. M. 8tearne. Oar Lord boa bean talking about rewards bar* In tbls present time from ' . men. contrasted -wjtb rewards bare ' after In the kingdom, and now Ue conmixta trenail re on earth, which may lieriab or be stolen, with treasure In beaten, which endures forerer. dutot\ hie riches If we lay up only for our-, elves we may become rich In this world, but not rich toward Uod (Luke ill. 1D-21).. We are everywhere warn d against the danger of .this world's riches. "Labor not to be rich;" "He that mnketb haste to be rlcb shall not be Innocent;" "Trust not In uncertain riches, hut In the Living Uod'.lProv xkin. 4; xxvttl, 20; I Tim. vi.171. To the majority of people these are foolish and lngiractlcal sayings, and a little hard cash Is far more to them than the Living Uod But our Lord Is v here speaking to believers, to whom It Is a4so written In Col. Ill, 2. "Set 1 your nflfeethm'on thlugx above, not on ? things on the earth." Yet there are many In the pulpit, as well aa In the pews to whom dollars are more real than God. The eye affects the heart, and the heart walks after the eyes (Lam. Ul. 51; Job xxxl, 71. so that unless we are looking In the right direction we will not walk lu -the right direction We | cannot serve God and gold, or God and the world, or Ood and the devil, for all that la In the world?the lust of the flesh and the tuat of the eyes and the" pride of llfe-ts not of the Father, but la of the world, and tEe whole world J lieth to the wicked one (I John 11,10; , v. 19. R. V.i. Uod Is looking for those whose hearts are whole toward Him. which means that we must see up one' but .Tesus only (II Chron. xvl, 9) " Then people say; "Prayer won't teed- " you; retlgiou won't provide bread BDd ? butter. It Is allvery well to talk good, v bnt I've got to earn my living." We -do not wonder to bear the world talk so, for the world Is blind and dead to God and the things of God, but the words of our lesson are for believers? the redeemed of the Lord. Do they talk In refers ape to business as If the Lord did. not care, as If all depended "upon their own efforts and they must put forth every effort with all earnest ness or they will never get on 'I Ask Christian business men and you will ' find that not u few will'tell you that business cannot be done on Bible prin- - ciples. But there are those?and 1 per | sonally know some of them?in various lines of business who testify that " Matt, vi, 33, stands true even, in business relations, and some of them can i testify that even in the financial straits of the past two years they have not felt the hard times. Five times In the closing verses of our lesson we hear the admonition hot to be anxious (verses 25. 27, 28, 31. 34. R. y.), and they are tbe words of Him who creat ed all things and upholds all things by His power. He stoops from the things we cannot, comprehend to talk ; to u* df birds and flowers and on an other occasion dpeaks of even spar rows, saying "Art! hot two sparrows. sold for a. farthing? And one of them shall not fall oh tfie ground without, your Fat|ier" (chapter x,'^9). pn thai, . occasion, however. He was speaking: of His CareOf our bodies. In preserving i _ thfrm 'dwrtli!. "wlillq tp thW 4esiobLi J He is speaking of tbe (had'and rii ' 1 meat essenJLI to tbe heattfr 6f these, mortal boSea.1 "Apart. froln Him in whom wesfifve^nd move and have our being mi amount of .anxious care i and toil onXoprvpdit.'San obtain the necessary A<| rabnant or -pro long ont daj^ ] fioeo not He "Who gave _ ua life care.foQttwnetigb to prolong it as long as It pleaMbtb Him to do so. and aa to raiment', what lather Is be who will not see thjtt his Children are becomingly clothed'" Do hoi miss the - contrast oerween tj?e clothing or the lilies of the Belt! and the , tntbiug of Solomon In all bis glory. His. bow , evert grand, was all put on. but I be a- =flly's beauty' la part of Itself The work xvltbln us la the chief thing?tip* ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, a heart right with God. Ik the great essential. Then He will snrely care for the minor matters, for He knowath what things we have need o( The contrast bet-Wieo Jew and gentile In verse 32 brings before us all His won drous care of Israel from the day that He brought them out of Egypt?the ~ illeitjiM which He phi in so many ways 'between' His own people and llho Egyptians, and then all through the wilderness Journey the food ftonheaven the water from the rock, tht pillar of^cloud and Ore and all His manifold mercies He la the same un " ~chahglnR ~Je*as. aud Hi Will not do less for Hlswhureb, His own body. We Are' here to give the gospel to all sud thus seek His kingdom by seek i Ink to combats His body Id order tbm I" His kingdom1 uwy come. If we as His I redeemed make this our first business He wjll see to all our need Let u* obey Phil. Ir, ?. anfi-p Pstev. 7, and we will sorely prore Hls faithfulness The remedy for all anxiety Is found., .'n Phil, if, B. 7. and 1 Pet. t, 7 And la John xlv. 1. 27. with Matt "fklT, 6 " -w* are forhlddcn to be troubled." Tbt same confidence In our Father In bear en which we' desire opr children to bars In us will give that quietness ami confldench-tvlflcb are our privilege, but bow Decenary the itfroonltfaw "Bart faith tq God." -V ?7 '" *' r ' . " ,X... 'V i ,j Made 41 Bales With Only One j Read in opY Farmers' Year B 1910 how a planter in Terrell made 41 bales of cotton wit reco.rd~4jreakin4 yield) and he drought?the WCTtst in years, t $2,098.47 for this\rop. You cat LYirgii^Ga Fertilize liberally, combined witlyfareful sei cultivation, and a fair uatpn. As for a copy of this freybodJt, or v sure you haul home oply Vftginia / SALES OfPlCBSi Mkaosf, Vs. \ Atlanta Kail as tkla C??? ptrtoUt. Vt. Utrsaa viaowii caioujla cumu/ SIwV'ifY Coup ANT. / 2.V - ?\ \_ Ptamm mlMiona roirtoio ??U?. ?tf. Farmers' Year Bssk free of coaf Ckarlemoo, S. C. \ Baltimore, Hi. \ WEme ...|?... - Colombns, Ca. ^ T___ Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Ten. >M ' ?kfrp.port,U. Receiving Ev V o a larK<" lie* aworta^ ??ries tnd'we are eelli . MM aU. You will do youi If m f befere eoming to aee i A/ 11 both prof ed. to be at: ? , " V. GEO. H. C Col. W. H. Yai - i- v. ; _ - . ? - _ _ Will contmue the bi Neal & Co. at tl^p saj Jjpok out for hisad next week, /\ Col. W. H. Y i wni>ii?ii>i?a>i? ?.? * ? ; . - BIG LOT O | FTJRTvKITl ?? V I /-iiaiing ' juit returned fr I which I bought one or the li I lines of f urnithieeve A carrier I am prepared to Sngtk you t accommodation is a conidera 1 , the nicest goods to be \hao~1 I YOU HAD BETTER BEE i BUYIVG J Thia FiiTni)nre is comingin n 1 Call and see it. RememVern I department is always kept up I services. j i . - ; | W. & Wirt H)wp ' URlskuti. H. \ 1 f;-\ . h only one plow, a hjli a nine weeks' Ljf gross income was?n do it too ' . - ' ^ ;'v : rolina _ ~v rr?r-r_ ?ttts^ -I jrs SB :d selection, thorough k your fertilizer dealer mte us for one. Be Carolina Fertilizers m i, Oa. , BVl?Klnia^iO)llnaB v.j ery Day at ci Heavy and Fancy Oro- , njjlkem withiu the reach of ui Our Jpriaee and goocb fQOPER 2 . rborou^jK isjfies of W. P. me old stand, .in this space " ? -s " ' '' V , * . I rV arborough use.' ' stowi ? M&mA mmi? '.: ' : 1 ' jUP F ! [JRE ! : 1 ' I - ! ' - / ? * on a trip on I y" ;, f. ' hat if price and . tion aa well as '. Saj^the money r - ^^dertak^nf * * \ 4 " V y. y. V . v '^SahB' '' 'r : V'f J* ^' j