A. P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND HA sl^PS5 V -Jto Appear in The Opera I Nights * ' . .... k -. #- : >. tV-^B f m . i. ' \ . .. fl ^ 1 ' ' t?r ' ? ' ~ 'fl \ I ' IT - . lat'Vmor~REV. C. E. VALE, Chac 1st Bass-REV. A. J. PARERR, Loutab # ' ' The date for the appearance of the Conference Quartette at the. OpX era House here has been Arranged for next Wednesday and Thursday Febrsary 16th,. and 17 th. On Wedneeday night the masie will consist of saered pieces and on Thursday .> sight will be composed of secular music. MLis Mattie Yeaog,ef Dunn, and who was teaoher in elocution at thw eellege-a few years past, will assist the quartette in these eoncerts. She will recite sane of tier choice ecleetiens, which promisee te be ex ccediegly 'good. Thar will be sesisted by Mrs. A. H. flaming, a ad Miss Sallie Williams, wkese ability in this parbealar is widely known and greatly appreciated by our people. It may be interesting, to know a litttle ef the history of this quartette First the perianal la excellent, the first three being eaoeeeefel pesters,of wltieh number, Rer. A. J. Parker, is - Dr. f K Cooke Dud. _* On Monday night at 10:11 Dr. Frederick K. Cook'*, Son *f Judge and Mrs. C. M. Osoke, died at Northfield the heme of hia father en Korth Main street. Dr. Co#he had been a sufferer far some time sad although his death was not unexpected it brought deep sadness into ' the home of aneh devoted parents. Dr. Oooke waa M yearn nf ago and gave premise of beeefciing a physician of great power. "He had been praetioing hia profession far abeot eight rears and had won qaite an ent viable reputation as a surgeon. He had many friends here whe join in extending their deepest sympathies 1 to the bereaved family. The faneril = > nnrriees were held at the Baptist Church yeatarday raerning at 10- o'clock and ware condaotpd by Dr. W. L. Pots at,. President ef Wake Forest.College, and Rev; John London, af the Episcopal Ohurah hare. 1 '.Vs the corpse "entered tha' ohtrch Mrs. A. H. Fleming assisted by the i choir sang "Calvary." The^tribete of I)rl Peteat to the deceased waa i very bssutifal and lew enoenraginx. to the'bereaved family. Arte; * services at the, ehnroh they repaired i to the cemeutfy where the body waa | ' Febnuw 16th and 17tl / : ' '.bourne, N. C. 2nd lenor?RE 1 urg, N. C. * 2nd Bo financial agent of the Louisbnrg Ft male Col lege; Bint the fourth a auc cesaful newspaper man, being a preaent the aaaooiate-jplitof ' of th Daily New*, of Gracnaboro. Th quartette began itaoareer at Wright! villa by ainping for the mealing of tb later State Sunday Setaool Conver tion; then they were the officii quartette for the International E| worth League Coaferanoa, of th United Statea and Canada, at Seattl Waahington. On their ratara beao thay gave a eanoart at Trinity cbure I,o? Aaglaa, Cel. Oa January 15tl 1910, they aang for the Laymen meeting at Greeaabero, N. C., an for a number of year* have sung ft the North Carolina Mathodiat Cot farenoa. v__ A part of tb* programme of th aecoad night will be givan to Ilaaar Turner and Fleming, who will put o a apaeialty in Ave acta entitled "Th Meeting at the Book Holder* of tb tenderly laid te reat. At the grav a mixed quintette aang . vary baauti fully "Abide With Ida * Tba pre oaaaieb waa very lang aud the flori tribute profuae and baautital abow ing the high eateem and friandabi| wbieh ha eejdrad among Eia man frieada. Maaera C. U. ?ook*, Jr ef Bernard, Oapt. F. A. Cooke, c Fait Maul trie, S. O., W. C. Cooki af Spartanburt, and Edwin Cooki of Spruae Pine, brother* of the da aaaaad, war* praeani at tb* funeral The pell bearer* war*- P. F White, O. K. Ceoke, W. H. All.i A. 9. Joyner, B. T. U?M?d, J. ' B Yarbarougb, J. A. Turner, J. B Halite. > , *. J ir 1 Dr. J. B: lalone Elected Super Intendent of Health. ? L ' V ' I On Monday I)r. J. R. Malene wi l.cU'l Superintendent ot Health u r< c tl ta airtfhttrre lilt Ikt' ggeiuc] u.tiled by tha resignation e( Dr. H F,?Yarbbreagh.? Dr. Milan, ia i phyilei.n of long axpariaaea ?n( wi3a reputalien and la well kaowi la v?r people aad one we faal lafi in laying will be agaal te the enter geneiea .of thia important peeitioa w. . v? . \?/t ,'v^ + ' r / i . r ; . == ? ========== the cohhty, thi , "Louisbubq. h. c., Sir NFEBENCE QUARTETTE Wednesday and Thursday U 1910 : ^ : < . i I H h V. J. H. FR1ZELLE, Goldsboro, N. C ita?R. M. PHILLIPS, Greensboro, IV, C. < Dragon Company." These gentle>; men are well known throughout the >* tow a and oiunty for their abilityln ' entertaining with funny jokes, witti'* oiems etc. And as we hare heard " "they have attained great euooesas in 6 this oonntry and abroad," baring appeared several times before King '1 Cotton at Parie (Texas.)" They will be assisted by -the faaaous ' Raabling Quartette,or batter kaowa 'e, at the "Hum-po-li Opera Co." '* The prooeede of these entertain** aenta will be placed to the oredit of the M. 8. Davis Meaaoral Fund to * assist in the erections of the bailding _ te the memory ot our esteemed and ir honored eduor or, Mr. U. 8- Davis. i ' Prims of admission will be 26, 36 a and 60 eents, and seats will be on sale ettbe usual place. Let erervbndv ?4^ - T' " ' turn oat and give tbem a fall honae. n After the entertainment there will e be an informal eooial meeting of the * yuUUg pvupU. " ' 1 . e He ia"a mau of high ideale and one I- in wbem the people may well place i- their truat and real aaaared that ao il far aa be cau determine, he will ace - that the Iowa cunceraiag the health p of (lie aewinanity will be earrted Y out f Farmers inatHute *' A ferai era iuatitate waa hold here' '* en laat Friday and proved to he quite a auoeeae: There waa a numbar of farniera preaent and availed ' tbeuiaelvea of the epportnaity of h bearing.the different tbinga diacanaed ' Tlieaa ia charge of tbu inatitute are L ia a great work and wa hape to tee - the-day when ibetr advioa may be - oatrted e"ut! " ' e j , Hon. J. D. HoNeir. Oa itonday nigkt at tba court a hm?)-Hon.-#rD. MiiNiil, af Far( rtteaiiU, daliaerad afarj iaureaiing L aaJinatrantiva addfaaa fn t.tia T-.nn.. burg Fir* Pepartineut. Thar* waa a -a prartr gaod crowd p/aaant to bear, 1 bim and bi* axplanatiaaa of (b? > Firmnan'al Fira. Inauranoa Compart? s wara indeed good.. He it a peed apeaker and aur |?ople ara alwajrr . glad to bear bnu. .V- - ; ;v'v I heretofore paassd by the. Board of "l Commissioners relative to- publishing the court calendars for the benefit ot At 2 o'clock Monday the Board met with the Sanitary "Board and proceeded witb the election of a Superintendent of Health to fill the place made vacant by the resignation of Dr. R. F. Yarborongh. The applications of Dra. J. K. Malone and H. A. Newell- were read and a vote waa taken. Dr. Malone receiving the majority was declared elected. v " Dra. R. P. Floyd, S. P. Burt and Mr. J. H. Uizell were appointed a committee to settle with Drs. R. F. Yarborough and J. E. Malone for extra servioes in the small pox caaee. A resolution in regard te vaccination and quarantine regulations, which will be found in another column, waa paaaad by tba Board. ~ Messrs. 0. L. Hitchcock and E.W. Foster, representing the Falls City Construction Co., of St.- I.ouia, Me., then went before the Board and presented and explained several drawings of a new oeuft house for Franklin ennnlv. Tn khi? ni"n^? ?' were severe] that would do credit to our oonnty sod trnly would be great addition te the comfort and ' welfare or the cosrt and county efficiale Unsay nothing of tbe meat in- , portent part ? that of safety for the records. Mr. Hjtehcoek made the statement to the Board that they could put up a very handsome and . roomy building,of which a ost and drawing was exhibited, fer not te exceed forty thousands dollars. In a future issue we hope to publish a , cut of this building for the benefit of our. reader* who did not aee the one ghown bare Monday. Resignation of Mr. D. G. Peeree, Manager of tbe- Depository, to^take Q effect tbe first of Marob, was re- y oeived snd tiled. - ?. Elaotien of a manager to fill the. p vacancy cassed by^the resignation f, of Mr D. G.> Pearce waa taken ap. Tippiicniwoi Trvn. too" I oil owing- L named gentlemen woye read: . J. 8. I,an outer, R. E L. Laaeaator, J. W. J King, . B. Perry, J. E. Thomaa, E. ri C. Perry, W. JS. Murphy, -'J'. R. E Plea.anta, N. L. Moiety,' X. <d. Bob- rt bitt. Upoif ballet F. R. Pleasante p received the target vote whcrcipOTi a he waa declared'elected'.~, ' j i The election vt a Standard Keep- i ei er for Franklin county waa then h lakea up. Applications jr&ra raad ' it frpro the fallowing: J. A. Green, 1.1 ei \T. Griffin, J. T. taaaitar. Upon ai ballot J. W. Griffin waa declared It ' ' V ' " l kkjw'i. - *'** ' -v *""" ? ... ; / -. . . ; * . .'S ' ---- - r . ' .? rr - . s ; 1 ! STATE, THE UHIO*. )AY, FEBRUARY ft, 1010. 5|?P?? MET Q* MONDAY AND TOES. \ DAY OF THIS WEEK. / - A Fall Meeting: of the Board t ?Eleotlon of Superintend- p ent of - Health ? Other Bleotioas. - The Board of County Commie- ( eionera met od Monday and Tuesday w of this week. -All members being ? present. After the minutes of the 0 preoeeding meeting had been reed . the following business was transact- " ed: 0 , J;A. Brown, S. P. Blaoknall and % W. L. Young were relieveo of polltax in Franklinton Graded Sehool _ distrioi?not being in said district. Cook Allen wae relieved of poll tax iu Louisbnrg township ? over age. s Sampson Kearney was strioken / from ontside pauper listTbetng dea l. ^ TR. V-. Collius was relieved of tax ? on 64 acres. of land in Cypress Creek township ? the same having - been paid by his . wife Annie Col- . ifekv - . J It wasordered that A. F. Johnson a be allowed toJtooppleie the contract D of the late J. A/^ntomaa, in the Matter of the county printings ^ Jt waa ordered that the ord?r ? taaiaeaa and aooial circlet, being a i neaaber and oiotr in aonaa of Hal- I ligh'a landing aooial ergaauationa, I uneag theae tha Capital Clnb and -ha Co an try Clnb, being thejtraaaurir nf tha Clnh fVimtfniMinn Pnm >aay. Hia wifa, who waa formerly diaa Mary Laey.Mangbter of State ^ rraaanrar B. R. Laay, ia ana of Ralilgh'a moat eharmiog and popolar _ oang matrons. The aeqoiaition af ; dr. and Mra.JMoAden by Looiebarg aaana an addition|to ita burinaaa and t cial lifa. Raleighjregreujtheir da>artare aad cougratulataa Loniaburg hat thay arete become 'identified rith im life. * Parry-Allen- * On Taeaday evening at the home 1 f Mr, John R. Perry, near Maple- ^ ilia, Miaa Sallie Allan, of Louiaburg ad Mr. A. W. Perry, Jr. were bap- 1 ily worried in the preeenoe of a ^ iw frianda. I i I fr R- r. Yarborongh Resigns- 1 On tba fifit Monday ia January J )r. R. t. Tarbereagh teadared hia Migaation aa Uaperintaadent of ^ laalth ta tha Board of Coanty Com- | linioniri te take affect tha frit of I 'ebrnry. Dr. Yarbo^engh hei J 11 id thiipeinioamibj yr?n in __ hloh time lie tim 'Join iT great 1 redit to bimsalf |nd tha ltoird. Ha ii alwiya done hii duty, ai be law , without Imitation ar fair of oriti- | b iim and lie hai many friendi here 1 ad" all orer tha connty who will J t lint with regret of hii decialoo. ii ? u j , isgm * lMJi . I r< . ? ' ' -pC*-*- '"' "j'7 " j" Kitty Fostar via allewn-1 . $2.00 J er month an outride pauper instead < $1.00 na haratofore. ... _ It wan etdarad that D. C. High haald nnt ba allowed compensation j tha ooupty (or aerviann to nmall>ox patients. B. G. Hicks wna relieved of taxea in .$500, OYerahnrga. ! Report of Dr. R. F. Yarborongh, Inpennteadent of Health, was revived and filed. He roporta the i onnty home in good oenditien. Report of E. N. Williams, Super- i atendnnt of County Horns, was reeired and filed. He reports 10 a rhite and IS oolored inmates?one rhite received since last report. , A n amber of aesounts were alt>wed and the Board adjourned to j heir next regular meeting. - . ' ? - mnMBasB Mr- R. Y. Be Aden. . We take the fultuwlug anlilU ~j rom the News-Observer of last reek: " Mr. Rufus Y. McAden.of this city, 1 oday becomes the cashter of the farmers and MerohanU Bank at , ,ouisbutg,and also a director of that y ustitution, resigning his position as general book-keeper of the Com- I . lercial National Bank ef this city. The bank to _ which Mr. MeAden- -j ;oea baa a capital of $25,000, and its iresident is Mr. C. B! Cheatham. Mr. ^ JcAden, who has been elected to < lis ne^~p?{Bition, purchased from Dr. i. B. Hawkins Ijis stock ia the i?ok, and heoomes a~. director of The" tank at Lonisbarg. Mr. McAden is twenty-six^yeats ild, and has a thorough training ia ? be business. He is a son ef dr. Benjamin McAden, a grandson if Capt. J. J. Thomas, for a long ime president end now chairman of ] he Board of Directors of the Com- , ueroial National Bank. Pravipua to .906 for three years-he had~?been , rith the Aetna Life Insurance Com- | >any and.in 1905 began work with , ha Commercial National Bank as lerr as pending olerk, being new a ( general book-keeper for the bank. In bis bank oareer he has served ( n every department of tha'Commerlial National Bank, and )i declared o be a businees jAan by Jiaatioot, a 1 roung man thoroughly versed in leaking knowledge, -''slse who will < irevs of great valne in the bank at I Louiabirg, (wbioh is fortnnate in \ living obtained his servioas. I Mr. McAden is popular in both i 1 - ' . ; . *a S. 3 fJBSefilPTIOW St .00 PBR TEAS IIUMBEB 61 m MSVI KG PthfU ^ THEIR MOVEMENTS lit AltO OUT OF TOWN. Those *lio Have Vlsltod. Louis- ':? bare the Past Week-'-lteNMt Who Hare Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure. ?* * '^Sl Mr. R. Y. MoAden spent Snnday . .=: _. - cM D Raleigh. Mr. J. J. Barraw apent Tuesday n Raleigh. . df<? Mr. D. C. Strickland, of Apex, >pent Tuesday in tows. aB Mr. E. S. Green returned from a 'iait to New. York one day last week. Maj. J. B. Thomas came over ! 'rom Apex and apent several days die past: week Prof. E. "W. Timberlake, of Wake Forest, attended the loanroT r*t n. F. K. Ceoke, yesterday. 'J F. N._ Egerton, Jr., came aver rom Trinity Collage and (pent a 'aw dayi with his parenta. Mra. W. H. Pleasants and little lepbews are visiting her damghter, Urs. II. A. Page, at Aberdeen. M. W. Kearney, of Dor 'am, and' FonaB Cooke, of Youngsyille, attendid the funeral services of Dr. F. K. " Sooke. " . <39 Rev. A. J. Parker left Saturday 'or Durham, where he preached on Sunday. He returned by Raleigh ittended a meeting of the joard of Directors of the Christian <2 kdvocatd of whicli body he is a nember. - - ?'?? o?? Prankllnton Items- vJ~_l -Jf The follawing were received too ate to be plaoed in our Franklinton _ department. Jaaaph O. Green, Jr., who is attending aahool at the A. & M. col-: lege, spent Saturday and Sunday with hie parenta near town. Mr. T.,C._Harrison and wife returned to their home in Welden Saturday after - visiting Mr, J. Q. Breen'a family. Mrs. M. Drske and sob, Caswell, ire on a riait to relatives at Macon. Tbtre aeesaa te be no raoe suicide an Mr. J. O. (dreen's Cedar Creek farm. In 19*8 and 1909 John Cobb waa the proud father of sets of twist and in 1910 Mangum Coeke waa made happy hy the arrival of a Mt of twio*. This H6R1B to be tho ligheat record of any one farm wa tiara heard from. ' ' ' s Birthday Reception. t The following invitations have wen aent to members ot the Metho- >. list ehureb hero: :( The Woman's Homo Mission Sooiety of Louisbarg M. E. charoh . cordially invitee you to - . v.';| * A Bijthday Roosption Moadav, Februaryfl4th, 1910 Paraonage, .. . 8:00 to 11:0# P. M. ' . . / Oa the third page of this invita- ; ion is found the following, explain- * > ug the objeot of the reception: rho birthday reception is all your i owa, \ Nothing lite it over was known; *** Phe ladies will give yea something to eat, tnd entertain with a musical treat; fritb this w* enclose a ltttle sack, fa hnns ?nn11 hrirw. ... -T i. ...y. )u.fl -HI'E m. MBUU H .j.i . . -^J baoV; Vith oeots at manr aa years von're eld,- . )en't be alarmed, 'twill net be tbld; last wishes aail greetings to yeu we wnwdr f . ; " 'sut birthday reception -wff'top* you'll attend. , :% ;<>' rata .Although invitations haver-only ^ een mailed to the members of the lethodist phuroh we.are instructed. ' ?state'that everybody is co

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