UK*1'-" ? ; - ^ ^ FRANKON TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and^Unager > . ili-U? -_ -L H OMB Tliij 3?ay?, . ?rr mouths, - 25. ' rhrkk mdltlis. 1 " ! ' " Friday, Hebjttary 2"? lino. f FORTIETH VOLUME " . With our laat 'issue \y?# completed oar* thirty-ninth volume. The past year line'brought pleasure and *ad-J nesa tn the ' ifitorv osf this puidiiMtinn.. .Pleasure bt'eaus* ot' the any-! - ce*s and patronage we have enjoyed aijfll audnoA* because of the druith of Mr. J/A. Tho who ftir more] -than thirty year$ -so ably edited this paper. Mr. Thomas was a 'man t*o ?ic' well known to require comment froin . - our hands* his work as editor of?ih* tim-ks-is to well kno'wn. H - \ V : ample whl he an inspiration t at j _ and his purposes a guide. i -?r rttn* titta-ll ilti.l i.'i >uiur time before the ia ?u t_ jmetit lias ondeavored tO'jM- iv*n not thf? , TiMEr* 4is tob iU^rit *;io will and Biipnori of the pabbiv \hd with the. oonttftiutfd. ei\ebiirnjorient und pat rem*1*0.' >( the !;?/ <'. D'^ople of . L-auiaburg and Frank in oountv we pur]vi^-*.frf imr^a Oot-jafiffrtjL.-MVi the hiiilii1i!? tt jf both, ^aiul to - ataiwt t\?r. what i. right irrewnecttro \ of pers?>r.a.? It .? aini ;?t! time* to . cK:.'.' u- !.. in fu!:. an i tr> exprtiK - .Ti.biiiv. ix '*. T"U1 onr^'j'iitibn. is for' ti t h^'^M^lCamuiunitv . im-l the s. p..\v- ptopose t>? -J\ broad.i-i? allow' each andiban "the right ? ?" ?/yrn ' ' rn. A 1)4 *.*.< xv.-/ vaU-r u:.'/ r iJrSkprii^th voluivu.w?? iha'ak t?uv . y frifoftts t.-T tlteir in itu; pi i. and j??hSiT-"*':m?! -hopethat we may V?e of ^t^v?ter services, to our ciliz.*iTwhi|?'a:id fb^s^owtuuttitv. ' j. N. . 1*. % . " "Tiiiiiirilw ttYl'b a l-lpliia is get ting to be serious. FiU>m the last reports' ot file warin Managua it seem, its if. H e revolutionists are getting? tife best oj it. Ik the actions ot" the republicans iuj Congress .ioesit't sits^ust any reason '?. _*blgjnaQ it i; hitj tv say-whit wli,-j "Theue is another race rio( ou atj v' Ciaro, I|l. It now leoks wjt if the . " trouble is coining hp to those aviio j laugh. - r- i \> e eee turn Wilmington is going! * ' ' U> niak# a fight for the meeting of; the North Carolina Press A'eSocU-J tion this year. - W. H..31 AgsiulBt'BGitbe man who el?>)>e'} with Mrs. Xrthrir Xowell, of j ' (freVnshor .,"on? day last we^k,' w??j ( ' r? 1? !?-?! Tindyr :i *o,000 ix>nd ;.i' rr*^' - C.r-? r.!*hi Mon#lay. ^ tfo> K. W. Pit Mts ??iuc*tl *j Ju i iirj^i'ugeHs asking thg [ ? t^ri> ? . of #?re??ting a Htatue to1 An?lruw Johnson in?Kalt . - ' - ' , ' '* . Ir all the in?quiti -s .< f the Stand-[ a??l Oil Companyw??r?- in shape for . burning and' the tjesiro of Xenatnr Davis, of Arkansas, was to mater ialixe,'there won Id truly beSji hot tiilie W'3v for Uock/fvKer W& ' ; * .. - r,' - . * The Annual Meeting of the Nurlh t K : Carolina Bender*' Association ill T meet at Wrightmili.- .lube iin l t3( lljeexec -live committee in '.'aleigli i |jf.* Wetinesday. . . \ .lii'aiiMi i? w'it Hiimlined among-i tbr?B chits who have' refused the' right to present their imrformance to1 -t . n. ''tjirl ftiim Beottfra." The ?u-: ' _ ? Mioriti??. of tlie?? place* are to he' fetL-' c naniendad upon each action. , i ~ infill ' ' Mi n r B-njamine H. TiUtiiaifc' f",y -Who hwa h??R at tile pnmt of death I hi for tile pant,few 4?Y? at Washington, I). C'., la right-ma Oil improved. IJit. t? phvelciaoa ?ay that he is * practically now *j?4; aooii I ^^^HflHuay Purlinlitnr f*am' was fhia " CO .it p? h?4 eevsral I being TEDDY IS COMIK'G Hi^LE. "r- <' Lfjt'wi*' forget, a <juict, unostentaself-effacing, 7pnblicity-nhunnin^^?brtnkiniilv, unknown, , uiiph >tOj?raph*d. unsmiling. noiser?tice^Vsccretive lion hunter c ntemplates approaching these shores clandestinely and- snrrpetitkiusiy slipping mm sliced through the crowd ai the pier, to seeK;"tl)# j solace of solitarie and indulge in" pivus, p?iriu?i? mrlintio".?Loui?vilU Courier-Journal. * ' ' O To tha Bombers of the Baptist Sunday School. There' are many books,. that be5t long to the Library in tlio homes of the members of the Sunday School. We would be^ obliged. if every one would look in their homey and see if by neglect thev bave^JVfcrlooked any books belonging to!?the ' "'Sunday Sttfi' o". ELus >-turn all hooka funiM on tho itext'Sinday. Yours Rrepcctfullv, I ,, . lia v.mqn i> Taylor, Librarian. ? . i . _ On the morning <?f February lltnH -i'.tffr Career y?Y*se7t from | ibis lit# to hw. h?m# lipvnnd H** iJ .""T skves, tr>r the -Master p-mio and callwl tor In in j x ? ' He ?a?M mur have'been fifiy-six year* old,years crowned w ith noble deeds and self-sacrifice for hie. I. rd and Savior and fi.r those with whom he caine in contact. While lie was sick oufy a fe v d ij'S^he tender, ly and affectionately nursed during !ii* last great Buffering. "But he%went .10 sleep as. poacsfhllflir"an "inf mt taking ttsafternooa nop with nn expression rtn his fees radiant as if reflected from the throne -itself. 0ne of hi* chief charsctf risiios was bis absolute . unsSlflehnesa. Whenever there was suffering and ssrroTw and distress is* his abcnoi unity there ft? odaTd be fbsnd fesdy alld anxious to cheer, cousfort and help. No sacri-tiee wu* t*o great for him Ut?make if -there uras to he tound a poor troubled soul. Be <rs? it memner of Bethlehem Baptist eliurcli and loved lift church with a devotion that was ml.lhnely beautiful. He was fox many years a deacon, lie net only gav^t the Lok) his ft me hut gave of Ills, mesne slsoye fie lefty e? a wife and* nti aged 'mother,- '"We shire wiih them in tlieir soro hersavtntenf, arid the sympathy of all is extended to.tiSErn.'- : -.y<V.. We ehaii rnua him in our cburcb . vftifflMi' . .. ? 1 1 i son Daily Tim*?. The Ions estimated at'abaut l'i,000 ?H'' $5,750 insurance. TheTimes appears!; on the next day, altlibuirh in some what smaller form. r, coustrtKtion that an. accessary is as guiliy aSs^lie criminal, and the de | sire , "f Senn'oK^lhivie was to come true. there ? .iISi^hBrdly he any trouble in liniirig, til*, republican t party ifts: ''us old worlohM gone, jllut.ii# i It'it I't.oltl Nick, would oNlike the 11:1 v >1 taau that stopped .at l'Vi'V a report we notice that ux 1'ir,: i nt Zelaya, of .Munagua, who slip!' d away into Mexico soiue time a.- was expected in Managua in. a tV day* when he said, he will show t roof t\iat the United States was responsible for the revolution. This is irot. if the Unite! States would do ; film justice they .would gfre Id in ft I gepieel flogging ami then put him up where he cou]d not impose on a lot of helpless people. Is the midst of u r.ico-. riot Sheriff Xellis, of Cairo, Hi., summoned six -imin in a rata) number of i fourteen, for tho purpi?5?-*f guarding a criminal, who had luicn delihcrjateiy-taking pocket books or purses i frouiTadies. Tfcis is a peimlar..way , fjij restore go [ races. And 'to trirOia j O "Hi T lux r< hised t"> allow thu friends of a I wV.itp man. who had been shot down ' hv tfW gu ilds, t?> tak. him *uj> and | to a place where ho could receive ; n? died attention,out allowed him'tol iVbu: in the niioxy tor tliref ?r fo\ir ' fi "avti'*" i3.;m / t>!iiix?rature just . a T*"**.* ****** ro\ of m? li l*vw\ Hut""j. we certainly 11 .*; . 5 i-rnv^.of a littl.* enmmim. j*? I??rr.u*nt un??I i?k" sr.oh in itTair. J JJ.. I'n>?er. ilnr . X Jan. 1st, 1010; JSp.list, 10] f. an<l"2 Jan. 1st, 1012. 'Kil public is hertt^Br by politiel that \j ? notes, aro cftcp?TI.'''i and no n . A .Tin, coy,ik Z MelK^fid Women W/mted 1 The ii.,ypVr,[ nii pays Railway , Mail 2 _ Clerks tWOtfe $l,'i00 aiujFathsr em-plovees U[V^(> ?2,5?Q|Snnuallj. - Onele Sain wiVlroli examinations jg tbroutrh'at the <?ntry lor Kailwa* * Mat! eiorka, ti^Oiu llouse clerks, A btennrraj hfr?t^?ok*?Si<rfi lJejiart- Z marital ClansAnf other Gavernmaht 9 position. 't'^FPaml appoiptaimts will be matte. mj man or wo\an orsr 1*. Z t??Hj or rjmtnxti eati faiVaatructida and freXinlbrmatron by Vritityt at oace La J-, Ihireaa .?t luHtr:.,-W>a 1M-M X Pallia BaMrml wnshealt r . Hi Y. tj ' ?- -t' . I ' OIAMONO j|? ! il UkOKS HULKS Ftl.I,a\>* t?rralT-S*a A yon* ntrsrdcd as Eert. Safew. aN?at? Krllabte. ~ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS _ ,3&*. EVERYWHERE 7^ - " | -" I i . . wnjjt bat more _in our honied. Mnv '0^ the l^nMu will be illative shall mee> A ] agafn as his_js>rvnuui.. , 2k A Friknd. .0 r ?? -1 : Cooley for Solicitor ;[A We/th? undamped member* of | th? bur of Nash ootintg, h>*rtiiy ?n- |a -iU?* ^miulucy-o-t-l-lxuu- li_ A.|Lly_ i foASulicilur-of tli* /ourtb.^jj L ?? to, Hundreds of Louisburgf'Reid 3> ers Find Faily Toil a Burden !^ 1 The hustle and worn nt business\$M i. men-t't ffi i The haul work and stooping- /f ^ I wei-knren; \ ~~ t- 7 / ' The* M wnmV nbuseho'il ctccem **>s. Are too greaYu s rain on t\J *\\- X'3 Backache, heaimclie, side^yie Kiln v iroi.bli\ orin.iMy ir nl.'m . V- / .1. I. r. X for. la N . .1 -: -m :\ ' : X, 11 ' Kfrini V. an w . - ^ tliind with ki^iev lr\nh!i?, Iinv'ngt , 'ward them wjyli the-bei! of r*s:- X. . ; I v .?thw J6tl :i 'gre ;t dial by hack I i aula and ^iin- across i\v kidn-\* A! ..riiingV>>]M)ir a I a a.*. in\ buck." . *' | weak itdrt,la:ne and it 'was ain.e.time 1 lad. r.-"I .could get about with ana a ' debree\of fieedott;, After being" I P.*all's lvidnev Pills a short S? backache and pains in my kidneys jX had ceaseu. I feel grateful to 1 loan's 3 Ktdney I'll 1 a for the relief they 5 jht ought., roe." -*' < For satis fcy all dealers. Price oOjZ . cents. Foster-Miiburn Co., Buffalo, IX New York, solo agents, fir the Uffit- :X ed States. . Nv / A Remember the name?Doan'e-VA and take no other. / A Plants. / X I wish to say! to th/ people of ^^T. Fiv.nklin Oount4 tbntil will be pre- J paryd to .furnisll alykirda of cah-_ w bage, cbllard, toktajpe .and celery A plants in season! Alnlv the best A varietiee^ W^V. floijMKS Z FoV Sale f 8? liv storhs oil the corier i f Court ?.. and Main Xtretra, kn/wn - as' the m Clifton corner. \l iusfs ?- valuable - japt?iic "lof piopeiu /iiid i ni ^ he ' -bought so Ahat van /an clear 8 l i Y j l(Pp?y cent on voiY/invJstinejit. 9, l j i hove ost l\re JiiTtiS Of (.100 3k? * ?"* ? be ij ^ RE AS vV'lrV You Should || \Tf I Farmers-J Of LOuHfftHnuN jpL ! I3y_op*nin? uti aeoouufciCith u-? in our saviors iir\ compounded.evar^rnreo" month* atid wnen" HI nCvjnir Trion'ls. By ijT>n\u% a. ci\eckinjr aceouji r'J yoihsJiioney trithotd^nc trouble.'bf-.handling tlie !| OUR /OFFICERS Our vanlyafrg. h re and bu'odar proof ami o . Suiair us >veTfaa larj?<f accounts wdlu'ited. We e:> mors that soflmd and s&fcjhaukin? will permit., i they liiive h??rVj^ppi it>ii?^Kin many lines.'of imsi C, B. CHEATHAM, Pres. XF. N. EGERT "!}- , -? v. :r"7 rn S8MIIIIHM f^eo<^^ss?weee??e We 4hov.e to the Winston landing* and rath v lVouytstjfe at r Come and.jpriceWe s Crstmg, Baek-BaniW; Cash or On Time^ift; 5^ i Ua . Com, Tomatoes, I5enn#f, eto nt7Tl-'-lc;| Plant Bed Clpth 1 3-4 THE (ALSTOP j We Can SeH\ou At Reasonable Ffcicei McKHWE , ; fLOUISBURG, r A.-? I'. ' ? l.'J? PI " J' I I > I || IllL??, ^ ' . ' '" ' ' ' " ? II ^ \ ' " " t - : . " \ < ' .. :?.?.? ; ' - - ~ . i . mi ii \ I SONS i ok^ - o I L North 'am linn ... x ri?\ow?m?oi,J yogr jnotipy makes 4 pi-r cent, for . X! li;ur?1^||oi4*s (>*mo von will not liave to ask^fiivors f. you liavo .in-ratty mentis i?t* trail's faring- ? .' APiE BONDED Uf oil haVl is iuMuret) ayaiost hurylarp. .? :teua ewry eoiraL'sy to <*if iriemix ami ?mlo . ?v/? uuaiil' ;rcr%*<\ cuiikuu any *.?i uur i?*ivvtm. ntss aiul .. will he?!a?l l<> sliart* with ywu'tlicir J| 01, V.-Pres. R.Y. McAPEN,'Cashier. ft -?r~-:~ ^^ - | '' m i M" i> ^K3N^/ >x .... ^^ " ;Xy^' ^ \ * ' cr than fiovi^hoiTV \,i ..l|Vv im n :.;:tio!<'\ , $ Miff and get'lV; Plows Collar Pads, Guano. j pecial Prices Kaunas, Sec-ttyl Rnisins, Currants T 1 -'2r 9 .ant! 2 Splits jicr yarcl. J ^ i OTMPANY | *s> f? ^H| 4?a. . fl fertilizer | s and Deliver it in ^ 2 yard 2 V lf ?PD?Vr~GLlfirffS4~? 1 '"8 slorth C^olina || _I 1

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