I" I"?i"" r >^PFPI * ' >* ~~F i|8&38^JS?38! ^jg BEAU I Let Us H ?__ fflr hv better equipping yoi ? Pretty Furmtui {H and of which t !? ' We Want QQ \ ** cEr yV $3 M We now have on our fl( you can come here and gSf week. If you are not 1 "fSL money than from Strang g2 i give you better goods a ife' you will*get from Piano L?OCAL?S. ; . v . i ?Did yon go fishing Easter. ?Burner has it that Franklinten f will have anothar automobile soon. ?Mr. J. C. BLaoUay returned from Richmond, Va., Friday with 11 lira more nice hcraea. ?Tba Caoka Fnrnitura Co., and 1 aba Citizena Bank baa treated the *r"Ht thair h.lldingp ? ^fw J aoat of paint wbiah helpa the loeka 1 of them considerably. ?The Kittrell colored ball team caane over Monday and playad a game ef ball with tha colored team . ef thia place. The game resulted in a aoera of 2 and 3 in' fayor of the loeal nine. ? .Miaa Margie Speed whe haa recently been aucceaafally operated on at Rex heepital, Raleigh, was brouuht home last week. Her maav friends will be glad to learn that abe is improving. ~7 ?A number of war boys and girls are enjoying the afternoons and evenings in the armory on roller skates and some are nursing braised arms and legs. Have yea bees lucky enough not to fall yet? ?R. W. Houae and Miss Lizr.ie Dick arson were married Sunday afnooa at 5 o'clock at tba home ef (be bride. Bar. Mr. Patton, ef Pepea * 'Chapel, performed the oeremeny. Their many friends wish thsrn^auo*. v -ocas. ?Mr. Jasper Weathers has resign. V -ed bis petition as operator fer ths : ;. Seaboara Air Line abd will aeeept a petition with MeOhee Jeyoer Co, April 1st, where he will be glad te ~ ; hays If frieudt call end see him.? ?Sr. J; If. Harris and Miss Mary MeCbee were happily married laet 8naday night at 8 o'oloek' at the home oi the bride to the praesoee ef was psifwhlsd by SqMreX*E*M? '.Wn-.tti M ?.rT}? ?rl8 beautiful designs of leliab] ge{ a Piano for $125, $5 /feash i prejudiced against buying at hoi ;ers we are prepared to ^ay that ad better terms for th^ same m< dealers. ' f >' _ / - > / f ' I '/ ===== W/ HO] i Sheriff H. C. Kearney aid ia well P mora throughout the eounty. The (ride ii a daughter ef L. T. MeGkee ei in eld soldier, lad ia held ia high ii'Mit by ail who kiow bar. ei ? The Graded Skcu-.l Base Ball earn want over te Youngsrille lael r< Kridsy and played the school team >1 that town, defeating them in t * rerjr good game of ball. Thia waa the flrat time the team haa been in 8 action thia season and the new men on the team made a fine showing. j, The aoore stood fire and twa at tba end in the Frankhnton team* farer. ^ The apeeial feature of the game waa the pitshing of Underwood tor ear boys. Battery for Yeungsville Win- v a ton H., and Winatsn I. Far Franklin ton Underwood and Daniel. A * game with the tame team ia erperfted aeon en our greonda. f I ?Monday night at 8:30 o'clock quite a large crowd met at theMav- ( ora offic.- ; ? adrertiaed fer the pur- ^ pose ef organising a Base Ball Alternation. Mayor C. W. CenwaY was made ohairman and Capt. E. J. Cheatham, Secretary of the mealing. ' Seeeral short talks were made as to _ the ebjeet of the meeting, and en 1 melton of Mr. B. W. Ballard an exe- 1 I entire committee of fire was elected to draft by laws and present -them I to the meeting Friday night for lo- | ceptancd. Thia eemmittae probably will here the power to slact a mans- ( gar ef tba team, direct the payiog eat of the funds, etc. The committee ia composed of the following: B. W. Ballard, A. R. Winston, I. H. Kearney, 8. C. Ford, A- O. Perry. Geo. L. Cooks waa elected Secretary sad Treasarer of the Association sociatien will go tbreogh bia hands. Dr. A. R. Winston, C. T. Wicholaon and J. R. Cooks wars appointed a | acltcitlag somphtes. Thia eon rwin tft?iTa tiTBTTm I'M KUamI WIII pivu^v* "W " wbujfwj w to got tbo ?ant wantotf plodfo* by Mil' tiling. Hut Mating [ ?tt In Friday ntgbt. (1mm. V " \ ' k:.i it ,U?y iw'?<* js. . :(<< ? V.irify -.* >} ir>* i i I . s I N T ON _WEDNESDAY*' M SRRIMC v.. / It p t aray ?f Ld5 Quality LLINGS^ ersoma. ' Capt I. H. Kearney uent to Ral Kb Monday. L. C. Pilit, and wiIm want to fit) f^h Monday. Bud Braatou, of Clayton, vieite< ilativaa h??a Sunday. J. B. Yarborongh, of Louiaburg aa in lawn yesterday. *- . M. F. Allan, of Raleigh, span unday with bit father. Mrs. F. J. Whitfield apent Eaate t Henderaon with ralativaa. Mrs. Mamie Core, of Wilmingtnr I visiting at Mr. R. B. White'a. L. H. Catl't. Jr., of Newberr isited hie aiater the past week. MiaaKatie Bet Morris, of Claytoi ruut uunumj wivu uoi ywyim rmn Mr*. E. J. Mom i* visiting tu isrents, Major and Mr*. B. K. Ba ook. Leonard Henderson, who is a ending the University, spent East, it home. Miss Jean Ward came home fro reaoe Institute at Haleigh to apet Easter." Mr. Garner and wife, ot Poo noke, ppent Easier at Mr. J. 1 Cooke's. ? Joe Green, Jr., of A. & M. C< etro, Raleigh, spent Easter with i people her*. Mr. S. C. Vans and wife left F lav for Washington City to. vi their daagkter. Miss** Mollis Harris, Bes< Evans and Jnlia Card visited Vnun rills the past week. H. T. Harris, ot Richmond, oai ever Wednesday night lo attend t tinsge el hie father. _ Mia) Katie Pirie, ot Handtta is spending a few days with 1 brother, li C, Pine. Mita Bessie lama, of Rals.j spoat? tew davs with heffstt Prof. R. E. Bstfs, the past wfkk. Donald Hicks, who b attending baajnssa college at Richmond, sp, ^p/t% C-' .nil kid >:;'? ? sf;"? .? > .us -AJt d" _.... - ,~4 ' " t ?S. i ^ E> El R A R T" M E ARCH 30 1910. ' Jr TIME HA \ - $125.00 PIANOS iCCri $150.00 PIAN - $250.001 110 ^ r .. ' - v- ' ** ' '1 . ' i Don't you- know it cost Plane try, hire teams and at big sh piano than a five- dollar bedil IT business we have established our goods at Ibwer prices and HI where: IT you- are- interested "7 \ V V \ J VnPTTT LOIJISBTJ J Now For * ' _ , s j We Are Ready and nMEBt i, j tj Carrvine a tall line o\ General Merct |i'il Come and figure/With jr?. - iy4aKe it lr i?\ How about your Guano? W^haudle the Piedmoi t- ^ goods. None better jf>r tobaccd^ ootton am J| JOur Prices "> A3 / \ :|w. p/neal & *' i H. Ifeun. J. H. Best and J. N. Davfe are C ) friends come to see them. . "* a few date at home the |>aat week. AAAAAi Mdasra Manley and Charlie J. K)fl A i Pritchard, of Portsmouth, Va., are T DL/a' * spsodiug a few da^a with Una- J," ' : * people here. .... " , ^ ,n Mr. Lee Harris, wife and daugh- I 'er Ur> ?' Ralegh, spent a few days ' ' U> ' with their daughter, Mrs. \V? A.Cob- A" . way, the past waek.. ,, I; #' ? ~ ' y^. ~ Mrs. B. TTBmtSOk, whs, with,bet ?~oUei Utr 1 little neioe, Mitttlalai), Petard, baa l.iX fcjitiaj*,, a bean riaitiog Dr. Battle B.llook ' at it mi ant Hester, returned bom.lhejme. we*,,, , i.(ii I . aiii. ii '?!!< Iteiv ??edJ fi> ? : nt . ??8. COME ilt TANOS ~ 1? 00 PIANOS J; iOO.OO PIANOS _J|r > Salesmen a lotio go over the coun- < Q li H ilaries, it aost us no more to sell a 19 ? I tead. W e are here to stay in the now about 12 years and offer vou 5 1, H better terms than you can get else- 19 > call on us. ? oj "TH RQ, 3ST. C. r | v I _ Business li Prepared to do a ill landise. Feed Stuffs,. 6aano, Etc. )tj I Us. We Know We Can jtM; itc?cauiig I >t*, Mt. Airy Oo'aand Nayasaa Guan*. Companyla^ / i corn, in fact special analysis for all crops. C 3 ' Are Right |;l. CO/ louisburg, N. C. ||B| with us and will be pleased to have their Jpowai ||1| Cash otV)n Time \ I f JOi ! ujtij ?