>?Y"j ? - -??!? y " , ' :'tLi"- . ' ' v| I v >1 ?:?? ' * ii \ .*-? . . f. . _ . /' ... . i ? f^???? ? FARIV * ' * i The . ^ When in town. We are glad * ? : WE AND ' YOU Ci P. S. We han ? c*' * ; ' ^I fFBANRLINTON rAI.E COXTIJiUBO) Fleming, Feriner M ifM, Mrs, Mar gret Guess, J. E. Henley, Ruber Marray, E. B. Mathews, Willie Ro gers, Paanie Roagers, Mrs. Sallii Smith, Thomas Bros. These letters will he held tw< weeks, if not called for, and will then foe seat to the Poetoffice Divie ion of dead letters for official disposition. s . When calling for any of their please say (they were advertised.) "* W. P. Ewwakds, j'. M. _ List of Letters + Remaining in the Poetoffioe is Lonisbnrg, N. C.. ancalled fori' ? Nettie Boon, Temple S. Carpenter Mrs. Luev C- Dickereon, L. E. Davis Albert Freemai^Ira. Alafair Fogg, Thomas Faisot^. Mrs. Dollie Haw kins, Mrs. Christianas King, -Mrs. -Chsnney Kslley, Carrie I.ittlejehn, Mrs. J. If. McGhee, Davie Mann, Mrs. Nsncy Mangsm, Mrs. Harriet Perry, Obia Perry, R.H. Richardson, H. M. Richardson, Peral Rodgere, Mrs. Sidney Williams, C-udup R. Wilson, Mrs. G. L Widdeli, lira. Christana Williams. Parsons ealliag far say of the above letters will please say they aw them advertised. Mrs. R. R. Hakbis, P. M. For the Legfalure To thb Kditob:?I weald respectfully suggest a to the Dampers is of Franklin county, that tkey noraiiaJ and elect Mr. Wiley If, Person ti represent them in the next Legislature. There is ne ene who kaiairs the needs, the desires, and all other interests of the people of Franklin, or who is better fitted and qualified te advance and push them than Mr. , Person. He is net only nncerapremizing in What he believes to be right, hnrean be defended upon te fighftor them to j the last ditch. "Thoroughly competent, thoroughly \juatiuv?ij vucrt^oua auu aiiO a mill who weuld cam maud the highest respect in ear Lemletnre bell. ' ... I k?*> not aooksn to Mr. Person . vv on this matter,7bat I feel confident thst his fealt* to the Democratic party, patriotini and devotion to the best interest of the people ol Frankfin weald qhnse him to make the sacrifice. i, _ .... CfTlZKW. All kinds of dry goods and notions at Alston Co's new store. Biggest lot of ladies, children ant men a slippers ever seen in Looiiburs / at Alston Co's. ? -> ANSOUNCEMEST To the Democratic Votery of Franklii -1 hereby announce mfself a candidatt far the House of Heprwntatires fron Franklin eountJ-eaJjAt to the aetioi of the Damoeralie/npiriM and Con . rention- A am wt a' candidate urge* by af Mfcds tar ran bat am rannlni because I wantons offiee and if the pax ty will hoeo^heWith the nominatioi 1 will serve mem and the State to thi boat of mWlbilityl lUspectfully, ! | 1. A. TURNER, I will ka^^sJLtiTK about ttu 10th or lltkW JfpriX for tho par K pom of caairayg stallions or an; it' . . * tbitg any aafvlsna trill writ# ma a BHakloyriUfc, H C? and I will gi L yS*L ^rxa, V. 8. * D. , *w ? ; . AERS " WE WANT E"V Riversid l to have you with us whether vouAiu One car of XVhitj^Hiok have/ i IN GET /TOUR die materials for t /' from S. C. HOLDEN FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the Democratic Party of Frankt lio County: The Democracy of Youogsville , townsaip presents to the party of Franklin county the name of Sidney C. Holden is their choic^ for ' the nomination >v the Democratic i convent.on and Primary toAhe of. fiee of Register of Deeds of Frank, lin county for t le following chief reasons, viz: ! / 1 He is able and willing, capa1 ble and conscientious, strong and clean. / 2 By reason of bis connection as Deputy Register at Deeds he is thoroughly fannhar/with the du | ues 01 (be otnce, ahd his unfailing I 11 eourtesy, untiriAw patience and | manly bearing hy 'won the confiI dance of those wgio have business j with this office. /; I 3 He comes/fitom a section of ! the countv vrlisre the great traditions of the iAmoaratic party are held above ami or pelf, and yet, this section has not been represented in the/ official \ family of the court heuu for many years. Now wrfteel that we are entitled to some /eeogmtionl and that we are'not demanding too much when, we ask /oar aimpodt In this behalf. Thrapgooot Th^cointy there has been la t one bbjectioa raise j againit Mr. Holden and that we beliefs was raised three hundred yesis ago against ths greatest prime mialster England ever produced, v Mm Pitt; "Ths atrocious crime of , bang a young man." Tlo this there iwbut one rep'y, G"d Mve us more / For these reaaona w4 have pr^~ Kerted his name for yow coasidhrf ati?>n. Respectfully submitted. ' J W Winston C C.Winston J H Timberlake JsheajCeok J A Williams^'' R C Wnderwood E P Aliens G <3 Rattersou J BPerfy S E Winston Cai Williams J R He tree j B Pearce j W ' Woodlisf M A Alford LGiardan 1 W Mitchell J T Wl'son B G Allen C H "Strickland j D W Spirev J A Williams, Jr ' J S Lnmpkins R N Williams J E Wilson. REPORT'OF V TBI CONDITION OF THB FIRST NAtlONM. BANK, 1 LOUISBURG, N. C.9 at th# elrrso of bnaineee liar. ,29 1910. ?- - - RESOURCES: '* . , Leans and discounts % 109 9-46.07 Orard rafts I 9,634.19 0.8 Bonds to seen re circulation 25,000 00 Premiums on U. 8 Honda 1,008.91 Banking: boose, .furniture and fixtures \ / 9,62/.89 Doe from National b^nks day of #pril 1910. \ /J.R. lions,!! P | Domsw ATTyr | /w. J. H. Harris A E. J. Cheatham. I / B. W. Ballard. 1 / In tsetses iUMAillircuctrr i .. miiwuuiLincni i.. \ I wish to anDonVe te the public i generally and esJUeidMy to Loeia- I burg that I have\h/ee good bar- ^ bers and am rudf to serve my . costomers a_d friends qnick and J up-to-date. We a* sharp razors ^ olean towels andA every way give j the most poliuf aim satisfaetory ' service possibl^ Ton mJ | shop en conrGatreet. \ , ' , Youys to s\rr^y OSC/R T. S^EGALL ( NOTICE TO CRtojTORS J Having qualified asvudministra. ' trix of the evtate of Charles R. Al- j ford, deceased-, -lafe of Franklin \ coauty, thiada te dotifv all persona having claimkta^fiiist said eatate to present the sane to tbe undersigned on or befoneiihe 8th day of April 1911, or thiyno&ce will be plead in bar of thei^reewrery. All persor a indebted It said Instate will please ' make immediate Vayment This 8th itjof April, 1M0. Uu. LflUB A. Ball. Adm.. / of Charles R. Alford. VftLi. H. Raffin, AtuVneySALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE . By virtue of a ceri ain mortage deed executed on tl s 12th day of September, 1905 by G. it Dent and wife to the un.l eraianed and duly recorded in BoekAi2, page 258, the undersigned Mil on Monday the 9th day <>U May at 12 I o*cl#ck at the eonrt -? I Louisbttrc, expose iolela at public nation n:aining one ' half an scry being thi home place ' of tho sai. If. Do t and sife, ; open whith the said, O. N. Dent I built a house, and beii g lot Ma. 5 in the murrey of the C mrtee ?Me- , lone> lend. This Man It 81st. 1910. , Ftfins in Mn riots Ban . / ' Mortgagee Bfckett k White, Ally's ' ' ' '! ' C ' 4 7' * r i V>"" ?' 'Si.-' *, '7 a* ' 'J1 . it ' : ' ' w2fl|KlKfci>'?5 ' ' jjr't * i . . s > ~T. " '* - -fe- r flERS f HAKE HIS HEADOTARTER. gpcnd^nl tobhoco to ell. yf e have just reoev ed a oar uf Haokn Wagonal Alsortlie b*.? end largest i took" of Harness is Ry HARNESS UHED HERE OK A SE1 l^of Franklin County. < A Lpany of Winston, N :~t/. | f. W. WHELDNotice. TUC This is to give notice that all account* I H P ind debts due J. F. Murphy, lately I m lotng business in Hhe town A>t Louis- , surg, N. C? haye Been assigned tqejne for th? r\4 tH/i * ?? ?,?> wvupiwm wi me | laid J. F. Marphy Or a car tain deed of RStjranrant executed to ye by. said J. ! F. Marphy on Msrce Mat,. 1910, and recorded In the office Jat the Register m mmmmm of Tleeds of FranlcliV county, and all I ILL I Ml persons owing; any Aebt, note or se- I ( (" roust to the said /.11F. Murphy will please make immafliaas payment to me or such debts acjbunti and notes will he collected by .process of law Notice is fut^ner gi4en to all oers >na (laving claimwor demands of any de criptton against said J F. Murphy to 5le a swornfstatement (hereof with me st once. / " I R. 8. HiCKg, Assignee of . _ w. IT AU'v. I S I Sew Poihts For Old I will give n< m plow points in oxohange for ol< oaiy iron of any It is * str< dad and .allow ; onAe top of the do? narket for yofc* iron. . Bring me ait thi rags yon hare. , J IS cents per 1 SAT ' _" > . Warehouse? ey Buggies, Durham Buggies, Babcock Buggies. 1 town. [maker _ 1 MADE TO SUIT YOU Lso ready mixed guano 7? x " By Which YouGan *4 Judge the Cor- J P' rectness. * j j? mean to be beautiful, btrt M ^^tve ?fo know that the one way fof" ^ Vgu to be sure that your clothed M Xre correot?-correct in color, cor- ' / feet in make, correct in every detail. Is to buy from us. *'e have) ' ihjjj them and if peseible.tLey're prettier t' gfik than ever. I? EVERYTHING TO MAKE J \ ' THE YOUNG MAN fWl I FEEL YOUNG STRAW HATS K n We have just received one of the largest, prettiest and cheapest line 'P of Straw Hats that has ever been \ l shown in IiOoisburg. Come and \ get jours before they are picked i \ over. Our styles are the most I \ correct and the best quality we m \ could get so you need not fear get^ \ ting what you- want. Iga \ We have just received a hig lot of M if \nioe SHIRT8 and Gents SUMMER ft# Dk UNDERWEAR. Come and let us ju3t jtt up your summer wardrobe. We f can save you money when quality F 5*235 is a consideration. Remember we sell the old reliable Crossett shoe , that makes life's walk easy. " I ^ Louisburg's Clothier J MUTUAL BENEFIT 1 " , . , SURANCE/COMPANY 4 ^ 35 >ftARS OLD ay hyi been haided down from father to aon. marotmpany. IHaa a anrploa of nearly Fir# / 0 0 \ 0 0 0 DEL J^RHAM, AgeaU