p-^3 A. pfjOHNoON, EDITOR AND HA . '~ VOL. XL7~ FRANKUN SUP'R GOURTI ' " CONVBNBD ON MONDAY AF- ' TERNOON. Criminal Small, Oom Dieted Wednesday?No Cases ! of Importance ? Report of 1 , Grand Jury. The spring term of Franklin Superior court convened here on Hon. day afternoon with Hon. O. H. (iuion, of Newberne, Ji^lge proaid mg. Solieitor 0. C. Daniels woo present and defendod tho in-V terest of tho State in hio usual eapa* - fcle manner. He has manr friends lire who are always glad to see him id their-inidstV ? ? Judge Onion has made many -strong admirers during his stay here *>- and our people all aeom to be ef one accord in the expression that it is a pity for the Superior court of the ' ?>tate to lose sueh men as him froth the benoh. Judge Gaion's charge to the jury was a clear able preset tatiorv ef their duty tdldin a Terr strong and effeotive way, after which the following were swere in as grand jqrors: . " It. G J. W. ^^XaHntfSOTHal Mann, W. C. Fuller, J.. A. Clarke, W. H. Stallings, W. O. Minor, J. J. Holden, C. W. Perry, t. R. Mitchiner, E. E. Marshall, -R. H. Griffin, O. C. Ayesooe, J. R. Pace, S. R. Perry, P. M. Bennett, 0. F. Faulkner, G. W. Eares. W. O. Stone was made officer to * grand jnry. -\__ The State dooket was then taken up and.tricd or otherwise disposed of as follows: Stste ts Cato Perry, crap shooting judgement absolute in soifa. , State va Cato Perry, nol proa .with # leave. State and Sallie Kearpey ts Jame* ' Williams, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. . ' State va Charlie Harris, talse pre, tense,' continued on account ef email pot. Stste va Jack Green 1 and r, nol pros with leave. State vs Wiley Davis, a d w, capias and continued. -1 s; State va Wiley Davis, e e w, eontinued. State ys J. T. Holden, contineed tiy consent, defendant to give bond. jl 1. State vs Charlie PrWett, assault, guilty, fined #10 and oests.. The defendant was also required to give bond for his appsarance at court from day to dayawaiting farther direction* ofthe court. State vs Boss Harris, forcible trespass, pleads guilty, judgment suss, peuded upon payment of costs and r-V^ jail fess. Stats vs W'll Tanner and Lsnnie Harris, failure to list taxes, bill is Nyaived by attorney and plead guilty, judgment suspended upon the payment "of taxes and the coat sf y case. State L vs ^erry Alston and Herman Alston, ^ d w, defendants pleads guilty, fined $5.00 end costs. State vs Robert Timberlake and j, and Alsey Timberlske," a d w, not gnilty. . State and T. li. Hsswell ts Na. thaniel Perry, not guilty. " w State vs J. S. Baker disposing of mnrtoaued DroDcrlv. uuiltT. [ ? ? * ? State vs-Willie Mriekland 1 and r, plead guilty, judgment atwpeadad upon payment of coats. Ki. State va Nat Ayeeoue and Tern Lasaister, simple asaault, defendants plead guilty, fined $25 each and f odata. - , State va Robert Rodwell, 1 and r , plead guilty. State va Willie. Taylor, 1 and r, K j " , defendant diaeb.irged. State va Jamei Harris, Dave Mann h *"' rHiariia MhlehalJ, a d w, pleada guilty, fned 110 each and oaeta.. *' ? State va Joe Rnffln, a tk_w, and now, guilty as te o o w, not guilty ?a to a d w, jedgmeat fear jntmths ^ ' ?? T" -n? RAN NAGER in jail, ? mmlwtenera to bit* oat Stat# re "Walter May, Bud Green mil Ttmmaa Jaokeen, aaaaalt, eontinned tor defendant late Charlie and Cite Privett, f and a, not gatlty. SUM w E. L. Wiualuu a d w, delendant pleada guilty of pimple aa ault, judgment that defendant pay W- M. Miner tbe earn of (5.00, and aeeta. State ra Erneet Rhodea, eontin ued. State re Relna Wheeler, diapoeing of mortgaged property, guilty, judgment suapended apen the payiueat ot (25.88 and intereat to proaecutor, and coata. '. , ^' State ra Hoary Maooa, o e w, not guilty. . ?State va Richard Gueaa and John Henry Johnaon, eapiaa and?eentihuad. State ra Nathaniel Alaton, aeduetion, judgment ui goi fa and capiaa. State ra C. W. Conway, nol pres. Sute ra B. C. Higgina, continued. roe criminal docket wu completed early Wednesday af teruoonaed court adjeurned^iuHtt Thursday, moraing-wfienthe civil docket waa takea up. ., bbpobt of urakd j?bt. On Thuraday morning tbe Grand Jirr presented tbe following report after whioh they were discharged with tbe thaaka of'the court: To Hok. 0. H. Gciow, Jvduu PnaaiDiBo: We tha Grand Jury for eaid term of Franklin Superior Coart reapeetfuily Beg leave to submit the following report. ^ - I Wo hare paaaejl Via all hilla that bare beea given ua in charge, and attended to all ether naattera that have come to our knowledge. We have examined the home for the aged and infiian and .find, the aame in exoellent conditions, tbe inma'es properly and well oared for. We have viaited tha enemy jail in a body and find the'eame in fair condition. We have viaited the officea of the several couetr offieera and fined them well kept and tha racerda in' good shapa. W? recommend that a Urge safe he purchaaed far tbe Clerk af the Court, aa the present one is inadequate to hold the ' booka necessary to be kept .in satne^and insufficient to keep tha valuable papers which re quire BUIO seeping. Itespectfullv Submitted, I'.? R. G. VViirx, Foreman, j a^?^ . New Postmaster On Thursday of last week Miss Mary Yarborough received her appeiotmsnt ? Postmaster fof~Xouia burg and entered upon her dutiea on Friday {Darning. Mils Yarberough is one ef Louiaburg'i most capable ladies and we feel safe in saying that after learning the work, she will give general Satisfaction. 'Mr. E. F. Yarborough, who has been assisting the late postmaster, Mr. R, R. Hprria, has been appointed assistant postmaster and with his knowledge ef the work, is in a position to serve the people ef Louisbarg and vicinity inevery capacity oo no so ted with the Poatoffice. ? Miss Yarborough sneoeedg Mrs. K. R. Harris whe has been soting poetmaster since the death of her t^neband -in_ October, 1009. Mr*. Harris and her batband, hath have given the people of this community very efficient service wbioh has been | appreciated by all. Fir* at Depot The tire alarm was sounded yeaterday morning about 8:46 and it was sawn learned that ft* trouble was at tha depot. The fire department answers! tha eall pronaply and ware eeon. on theeeea*. The Ere did no special damage as it viu diieovsred in time and was seea put ant. unrnHniW ' CP BMFJ>." " KI.l? THE COTTHTY, THE LOUI8B0RG. 1b C.. FRIDAY * TIDE OVERTURNS T' REPUBLICANISM. < . ? i STARTLING RBSULT OF NBW TOftft BLBOTIOM. \ . i James S- Havens, a Democrat i Elected Over Geo- W Aid- < ridge for (.ongress la a District In New York That Has Been a Rock Ribbed Republican One For Twenty YearsVoder lbe above Heading the ' News-Observer of April 20th has the following article ie regard to the 1 large Democratic victory iu New York: ' Rochester, N. T., April 19^- ' - Mors thah 16,000 voters?of -Monroe county changed from the Republican to the Democratic column today and elected the first Democratic Congressman that has represented the Thirty-Second District in twenty years. James S. Havens^aJiemtP"" crat runningjaua-tortlT^eforni platJiHwrdefeatsdGev. W. Aldridge for a soore ef years the ruler of the county Republican organization, by 5,#00 votea. ; Monroe county, whioh oempneea the Thirty-Second Congreeaional District, is normally Republican - by about 6,000. Jamea B. Berkiss, whose death in the middle of his third ooogreasioaal term necessitated a speuial electieii today, carried the distriot in 1908 by 10,167 vetes. _ Havens had arrayed against him ons ef the strongest politioial erganizatiena in the State. Yet in a campaign lasting bat 17 dsya, and with hastily constructed machinery, bo accomplished una of tb? most remarkabla overtures in political history. Tba reaalt of tod ayb electios takri it* place beside the Demoratic victory iu the Fourteenth MaamcbuSettes Diitrict, where Eugene *Nr Fees was-senTte Congress from a district supposed to be aa rock-rib- j bed Republican .aa this ene. Bum High School Commencement Exercises. i The eommeuceittent eietcisee of Bunn High School will take plaee Wednesday night and Thuraday, April 27th and 28th. The main day of the commence uewt ia an annual gala day far the people of Bunn and the surrounding community, and everybody ia looklug forward to it with special inter eat this year. Dinner ' is" always aorved on the ground aad people come from far and near. Aa the school at Bonn ia the only State High School in tbe county the people in general will be glad to know that it has boan successful past year. The people of Buan are hit hly^deased with the management of Prof, Martiu and his excellent assistants. An interesting programme has been arranged tor commencement, tbe chief featured of wbieh is the annual literary address by President William Louis t 'oteat, of Wake For- | est College; Thursday, at eleven o'clock. > Wednesday night will he devoted to the primary and interne diate grades in charge of Misses Cheatham and gilder. Thursdaywill be devoted to the High School and music department, an dioellont musical programme having been arranged by Miaa Peole, iustruotor in music. Thursday afternoon there will be a recitation oenteat, by six yodng ladies of the high school department, in. which a medal will be qwarded fer the best recitation, added., to this will be the eddrees of Dr. Potest at eleven o'otock. A draue will be presented Thursday night by ieoal talent. A small admnelen fee will be oharged, < *>* preoeede to a? tor the benefit ef the ebhooT. TKi pftj * tattled, "Among the Bletobere" e drama in tW? ante. While Tharaday night ia not eon00 ': , t*c < LhV*f' Ly* * . *vyC% > r 1 V ' V s % . ~- . V . ; \Jl 7/:* 77^1 y-' "" ' ~?L r . STATE, THE UNION. ?" _ , APRIL 22, 1810. # lifleiad a p?rt.of the e*f th* arowd will stay over for tb< jlay. -? All in sllrtbe oommtutnut thii fear is expected to be the beet evei Held et Riiqd. The noblio in saner >1 is invited to spend a pleasant da; it Bunn, hear Dr. Peteat, and see town in the' staking. ? College NotesA public game ef basket ball ha been announced for Monday after soon, May '2nd, between the Jabber woi and Boomeranga. Anotbe game will be played later betweai the Scouts and the Regalaia. "Miss Sallia Allan, of Ridgewat pent several days at the calfag Sis week. 'T today, to take the catalogue fer 190 -191# to Edwards aad Broughtoc It will be unusually attr*ctivtr"{K] year beciuja?it?wtTTmjntaia cats o thClfamerial Building. . Much anxiety was manifested b students and teachers on Monda morning when a. telephone messag announced that the launches on th river were in danger ot being sarri* sea-.ward. Dr. Fleming otaia prompt ly te the raseua, however, and th brave little erafts' were soon aafel moored. No event has avpr taken plaoa t the history of the town of tae vital interest to tba Colleges aa tba being arranged far Wednesday at tarnaaa, May ISth?the laying c the earner atana of the now Memorii Building. .... Many will coma from the east aa the west to he preaent on that ec aasien. Farmer students of lb Male Academy will also be preaen The college il to be congratulate on the personnel of her commenct uient speaker*. Rev: G. B. Strioli ler, af the Union Theological lint tula, Richmond, Ya., will preach th JJjiccalaureate sermon on May 12a< f)r. Strickler ia an intereatiag apeak er and a man of much personal mag netiam. Rev. W. B. North, of th North Carolina Conference, "?i preach the Y.' Yf, C, A. aei mon on Sunday evening at 8:8< The Literary Address will he deln ered on Wednesday morning oy Di Edwia Potent, President of Furma University. Other featurea of Coir ruencement are the Alumnae Bat quet on Monday evening, ^lay 23r< Class Day ezerciaea at It o'olocl Tuesday morning; Exercises at th Opera House oa Tuesday evenin by the school of Exprassien; and th Grand Concert on Wednesdny evei ing. At Opera House, The management at the?Opei House here have had a pretty gee Company with tbam during the pai week. They are giving an entertaii ment each night,composed of iuov ing pictures, vaudeville and drama t: work, to fairly good size a.udienoe The show seems to have given gee era) satisfaction and will be isoi tinned tonight and Saturday night. , Seven Paths. ji. Probably the heaviest rain thi has fallen in this section in inaa years fell on last Sunday. Th land "was washed in gulleys and ea ly planted corn a ad col ton wei greatly damaged. About sixty fe< of the dam to C. M- Vanghan's fil pood waa washed away thereh turning looee Jne pond. He had well stocked with tish and hia loi will be bard to estimate. While working the roads nei here on last Thursday a number < the orowd found some oidei an bonze and proceeded to enjoy i Hewever seme ef the number got little toe much and at a result twe n greet were severly hart end one i jail. Oee of the negroee, Bam Cor who was Struck over the head wit an ^t, is not expected to reeever. ' . . ' t I ... ? ' I -T ""' ' % 1 "~7 su j ? ~ M-the awmiic people ? ' .THEIR MOVEMENTS IN~ ANJ) ? , OUT OF TOWN. ? M - ?,. ' > . r- . U . Those Who Hove Visited^ Louts- u r bury the Past Week?Those > Who Hare Gone Elsewhere ? for Business or Pleasure. N T. T. Hioks, of Henderson, was in e< town this week. T , Mr. P. G. Surge##, ef Middlebarg, h . was iu town Tuesday. ri . E. W. Edwards, of Norfolk, was n r in town litis week. " ' Mr. J. I. Gillie, of Norfolk, Vs., was in town the past week. ' H. M. 8toTall returned Saturday j, ' from a visit to bis people at Stovall. j ^ J. N. Davis left Monday night far t ?1 kajetgtrtcrbe preseul at the tanCrsTlTi " of hiaaieiar^? ? i J" 5T0- High went to Raleigh WedC neaday to take Miaa Pipkiua to tha insane aayluna. j, y . M. Waahingten returatd Tuea- ti j day from a riait to bia people in a e Granrille county. v a Mra. T. W. Bickett left Wednea- h A day for Raleigh to attead the funer- * t- al of Miaa Lmla Daria. ' * lira. J. L. Raid and little daugh- '' y ter, Hazel, of Kittroll,* are riaiting " bar people in tewn. ^ ? Meaara. F. 8. Spruill and' "p. H. *' Racy, of Rocky Moant, are in atten- ^ " dance at ooart thia week. ' ' t" * J ^ lira. R. B. Beaaley and little daughter, lintb, came over Saturday from Apex to riait her people. 4 Miaeee Susia and Brneatine Haraa n went to Raleigh Wedueedar to at- o # toad the St. Marya AnniveraarT. it t. Mr. J. L. Tate, Manager of the " d Tate Maahinery and Supply Co., of y Littleten, waa in town , Wedneaday. l~ Mr. R. t. Allakrook, of Tarboro, 0 and who ia a candidate far Solicitor ' - of thia lietriet, wee ie?tewn thia ? ? week. . - E Mr. R. A. P. Cooley, of Naahrille, >" and who ia a candidate tor Solicitor f ~ ot this diitriot, wis in town tiie ii * waek shaking hands with kit biut r* friends. J. A. Turner^ left ysaterday. for Raleigh to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee of the North Carolina Firomene Fire Insurance Company which was held tliera vesterday. ^ -e-. e Jonas-litchmer The editor aoknowledgea the receipt ef the following invitation: 1 Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mitcbiaer request the honor ot your presence at the Marriage of their daughter Kola Elizabeth te Mr. William Goodwin Jones en Wednesday morning *" the twenty-seventh of Aprll nineteen ^ hundred end ten at aleven o'clock at their residence Franklinten, Nerth Carolina. io . To Build. ; We wera informed yesterday that ) Measts. D. C. sad It. H. Strickland woald begin the erection of two nice brick Store rooms on the lets now ocoupied by the two weeden buildit ings joat below the dispeesarv build7 ieg on Naeli street about May 1st. le It is their intention to have these r- buildings ready "for occepancy by * August 1st. * - h ? Miss Luis Davis DeadFriends et Cspt. and Mrs. T. W. H Davis will be grieved this morning to learn of the death bt their daughir ter, Miss Lnla Yarbbrengh} Davis, ,7 which ooourred last night at half 4 past nine o'clock. Mis# Davis was ia t her twenty-second year and had ? been in poor health for somels time, _ bat for the past few f Han hsr MAnfliiinB hsos nritinal , Miss Davis is sarvived by her parh enta, five brothers: Messrs John Davis, of Looisbarg, Kim Davis,, ot Coldaboro; William Davis, of Saath t I ^ ' I BSCRIPTION fl.OO PEE YEAR j- NUMBER 9 i? ai'; ..4^"' ; irolins; A. H. Davis, of the United ., ef Winston-Salem; and four liars, Mr*. Eiwia Holt, of Barlingten; r?. R. S. Plammer, of Philadelphia; ro. La Ho j Jackson, of Apex, and iiaa Psaelops Davis, af Raleigh. Tlia anaeaaoemaat ol the tenerat hioh will be conducted by Rer. II. I. North, of Ed en ton Street, Medial church, will be made later. 'he sarviving brothers and aiaters ave been telegraphed and the armgeaaents fer the fuaeral witi-be lade when it is learned when they ill arrive.?News-Observer. Bheep LostL. J. Wilder informs us that he ost 87 head ef nice sheep ay caused by_tlm_wTerflewot Tar ivee-ever hie pasture and drowning hem. ? - :. _ A Narrow Escape- . On Sunday evening while returnig home from a drive in the connry to see his people Mr. D. O. Alton came near leeing his life. On ccount of the heavy rain the credit ad all beeome greatly enlarged and 'heu reaching Sapdy Creek Mr. uaton, not knowing the depth of le jvater drove in when the etream as eo strong thtt it took him, horse uggy and all down. Mr. Alalen neeeeded in catching a bush and iving himself but the horse was rewned. Castalia Items1 ' We regret to note the eerioua illest of Mr. Joe Wheless, one of our ldeat and most'highly esteemed cit- i^xp tent, at hit heme near town. W e rust he asay toen be rtatored agiin. Red Oak and Castalia High iehools plsy?J_-?w interesting game f ball here Saturday. The playing in both aides was geed, and as our loys ueually have an eye for busileaa, war# the easy winners. Our faculty are doing all in their lower to make the approaching . mencement fatly equal to former cessions. The aloaing exercises ? rill be held on the 36th and 27th, of ipril. Hon. J. W. Bailey, of Raligh , has been invited and will deiver the literary address on the 27. Is is ene of the States foremost ortois. and a rich treat is in store for H^j-fcho attend. S. J. Bartholomew, *he is behind he mevement and has contracted 1 sr the brick, says by earley tall we rill have a nice buildiog for a bankng enterprise here. The el alt is in ight and the subscribed capital tock of 115,000 will be paid in to ?egin with. / Ptof. Oscar Creech has b?en ap.mntttd censes enumeiatjr for this ewnship, and begun 'work on the 6th. ' .r. Miss Annie Teokle, who is Milliisr for S. J Bartholomew this seaon, is very popular and is an ex- l. lert in her line of art. S. J. Bartholomew and C. L. ?ilk . lost, made a business trip to your own Monday. FereST fire*, which have been ?J? sigiling in these parte for some lays, have dene much damage, and he different concerns who have arge timber interests are the heavy oossrs. . Spring is here again in all its ^ ;lery and grandeur; the trees are loaning their snmaaer attire;the song >irds are filing the air with' entrusting melodies of mating love, he hasbandman is inspired with tew life and ths planters voioe is isard in eyety Book and aoraer. Plain Tew. [The above iteeis were intended or last week's issae but were reosiv4 tab late]?Kditob ?Don't forget to pay ' ; ;*y ,j .1 ;