1 -'Si, s,Vtr.i i~>) ..*. Vv. 1 '"r | ' *. .* ? " - . V^, J?W?????????B?Bfc ^^Professional Card J^R. ARi'HUa HYKES FLEMING, Burgvoii l>?ntlst. Office in Ford Building. Maftt and Nash street. Louie bur*. N. C. / Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. j -JjjK. P. A. NEWELL, I ;PHY81C1AN I Lonisburg, S, C. Tboie No. 1B0 JUbANKLINTON HOTEL ?\ Fraoklinton, N. . C? \ AIIJeg*l bjbsinsds iQfcrnsMd to mi f*r?c*lve Sromot kttenUoa. OflHs| Id .^Effsrton oiidi^r it. hour* C?NTRAfcTOR aidlBniLDKR ; i f I#mburg, N. C. r. TrtMMoamr*Dt for all kisds of baUding *upda, i per aore, giro* equally aa good/if not CERE/ ie packed In 200 pound bags, in gooc stiffen the land, and da&e not eraporm Cerealite and full information regardi McKlNNEE E Or Home Fertilizer . -i " Bole Owners and ] GROCf We hare a nice mesh a took of Qri hare yon examine berbr? making you money on anything in dur line. Let Us Show\Tou ai We also carry a General,. Merchant When in town give us a call, fere- wi visa pies GEO. H.\ MAIN -SI LOWISBUF Physicians the see of a good laxative, to keep the bowels 0) food from gettinginto your system. The latast product of sdeocs it VELVO Lil reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste, stomach and bowels, and Is of the greatest tx VELVO , 'r 7. ~ - ~ S^"* t * ' 1 ' ' \ . * I .. \ * - t ? grippe I able id-write and thank I w me," wriieS~A\rs. Sarah lirippe, which^Jefr me~iiuj been bothupd ith female H ig seemarfTo cure it arduL^-trave taken only K ie awe good than all the n^l ever took." RDUll \ serious (lines*, like foe I >uV\j use. tHeVierves, improves the I an(l Velps bring back the f ysuMly knew it \ ! ladies vftiom Cardui has I event ItVhm helping you? 'H the benew of the Cardui H e, for they vc not for sale I Cardui bottle. Try Cardui n tMldu Ce.. Oiiimiwi. Tw. I TnMBUt fee Wmm." MX tn. ) YIELDS as PROFITS Dressing nerayCrops, use only genuine J )LlTE ssmo issedYby imitations. "CEREA using me same number of pound better, Yesults than soda. UJT\E L mechanical Ncondition, does no te. The orop\ gets it all. Eo ing it, apply to\ n'-f^rr BROTHERS And Chemical Co Manufacturers. \ :ries / * uceries that we would be glad t r purchases. We can save yo _/ : I id Talk With Yot nice line of Lse and Fruit; 111 ? " v** ' ^ H do our- etmost to make you isant *_ COOPER zf REE r ' ip, N- O. \ Advise ten end prevent the poisons of undlgesta ltlve Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle Vetvo acts on the liver, as well aa on th Kdbie efficacy In constipation. Indigestion ituleoce, etc. Try VF LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP ?? .. fBgm " I *t * JI "" *;-* /* X . " *- -' ' 1 ??XM????i???^?? THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson VI.?Second" Quarter, _ For May 8, 191fcw- ~~ V I * ^The^jnternational series. Text of the Leeeoh^^firov. xxlii. 29-35. Memory Verse, Sl^-Qolden Text, Prov. xxlii, 32?Comments** Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. - It irTefrenhlBg to onroe to Utla book of God's wisdom for man's Ignorance even once a year. More frequent vis?-ful-.that a temperance lesson brings us here occasionally, even though it brings us to the same portion every U. time. Those who study the lessons with us regularly will remember that i we see here 6y contrast the Man of I Sorrows, who suffered in our stead. [ wounded for our transgressions, with- | out any cause on His part, as the only one who*can save a drunkard or any other klud of sinner. Looking upon L Him as the bitten Israelite In the wil derness looked upon the braxen serp^tjt. the helpless, dying one receives life. and. continuing to behold Him at the rlght^ hand of God for us. we be- j come champed Into His image until, when we ?se Him face to face, we shall be like Him. Continually beholding Him and cot* slderlng His love, which Is better than wine, we are constrained by His love to live no longer unto ourselves, but unto Him who died for us and rose again (II Cor. vv 14. 19)- AS the eye afTecteth the heart and fhe heart walk eth after the eyes (Lam. 111. 51:>|ob rxxi. 7).. so as we consider Him we wtlT be refund walking In His steps to j His glory. v ' Contrast Noah and his wine and drunkenness and shame. David and his idleness and his looking upon what ' was not his with his consequent sin. p Achan and his confession, "1 saw. 1 1 * coveted. 1- took." and away back to I Eve and her confession, or. rather, to ( that which is written of ber. "The woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise, and she took of the fruit' thereof and did eat." Had she beeh occupied- with Him who gave ber all fhimra riohlr tn *n1n* a?M rt*\t have been ensnared by the enemy. So It has been ever since. As one has said, "He has made us for Himself, and oar souls are restless till they rest In Him." Where He Is not known It , mnst be a greater or lees manifeststlon of the world, the flesh and the a devil lb one form or another?the card table, the theater, the horse race, gambling, drunkenness and all' the lesser forms of Idolatry, for whatever takes the place of Ood In the heart Is an Idol. However mnch of suffering these things may bring, the cry of the unsatisfied heart la: "When shall I , awake? I will see It yet again." It Is not to' be wondered at that the peoit pie of this world who have no knowlr edge of Ood should so heartily enter Into the servloe of their master, the devil, and enjoy to the ntmbet the pleasures of sin for 9 sea eon, but what can be said of those who hear the nastr-of Christ and even stand la the pulpit as His nnseendsss and yet, think It not wrong to gratify their carnal minds with cards and the tbua e | ter and the novel and such like? The least that can he said la that they ncl tber talk nor act like him who said: "What have I to do any more with _ Idols? I have heard Him and obaerv ed Him. 1 am like a green fir tree" a (Hoa. xlv, 8). They cannot sing: "Thou V O Christ, art all I want More than ' all Is Tbee I find." Then there are * those who do not Indulge In openly sinful things, bat are simply wise In their own conceit, cultured, refined. Intellectual, religious, but unbelieving. Of o such It is written, "They are drunken. but not with wine; they stagger, but ui-not with strong drink" (Iaa. fxlx. 01 I The strange thing Is that It Is possible to be an earnest worker along certain lines In the cause of temperance and jet be drunken after this fashion. < e The atonement of the Ixrd Jcsu Christ. His precious blcKxl. His great sacrifice for sin. Is the only hope for the drunkard,, and those who kno*- ' not this remedy know nothing effect r. . nl, bot are trying to patch np no t W. ? garment that cannot be mewled 5 There arc those who are seeking u put-down the drink traffic, to chine ;!jq saloons, to stop all evil, to purify til; r earth by their efforts, but there Is e thy confidence nnd shall keep thy foot front being taken." "Le* thine eyes look right on. and let thine ; eyellds*iook straight before ther. Pc;i 5 der the path of thy feet and let nil tb; ways t>e established.*' "The lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb nnd her mouth- Is smoother than oil but her end Is bitter as wormwood ? sharp as a two edged-.sword. IU-r feet go down to death; her steps take jj hold on'hell." "Her house 4s the way ! to hell, golug down to the chnipber 1 of death.*' "The way of a fool Is rig In In bis own eyea, but he that hearken < eth unto counsel Is wise" (Prov. i. HI1 111. 24. 26: It,.25. 20: v. 8-5: vtJ. 2T xii, 15). Such ore a few of the word;of wisdom In this wonderful book. | We must see and bear Him only P who la "the power of Qod aud the wisdom of God" (I Cor, I, 24) and apart from whom all Is folly. 'J?*.*'iLV >? ' -?*:. ; 'V ?.?? ; ; *' . ;_:v ' ' " ARERfeE 'J'HBY^wU^ot barn/^ Wy not split )| like plain tin. Neither \rUl~lhey rattle II Tbey never need rj^aira and kat as Ion \l of afl^tfeey raak^/te handson?st roof a Specialties 1i \ AAAA a ? a ? a a a V ? When You tyrink Cc DriVk the 1 I HAVE There are no bet^ek b Blue Ribbon, yMaX Oarajar, Society a Try one can and be B. G. H PHONE NO A BIG LOI Nev^furi V \ AND-V Sewing tylc _ JUST KjECE Aad we ean Ui&ka tka prioee right. Com we have mA be eoa-ri We Are Selling the^J niturelfor tMe Mon Can Buy in tl I ilea cury a nice and eofcplate lias ef ax t[lad to serve tkoee who may be i? a? me a call whan in town or in I ia tar line. W. E. White Furniti \ Special S? !" ? \r the Racket V ScwWne^of White Goods, Ginghams, Percal^X stock of J Laces and Eihl We sail especial attentic American Bekul n\s best on the nsarVat. Call and see thim. H? baby caps just raceired. It wilUbe to y -1 ' ' f MRS. A M *i , > \iV . ':. k-,-.. . < ait ' 'f ' I PROOF " or curl like wood shingles. Will not rip at the seems - ?? during high wind storms. 1 g as Unbuilding. And lsst V nrt sre not wptMhi. . ?. -?.???-? A. Inirj, N. C- 7 i Coffee ffe^Why No Best? :,T rands than the hattan Ble-niL nd- Toxaway. convinced. IICKS ?100 , ^ P OFv liture . * . i ichines HIVED i to < ? ma and look at wkat J All--. VIU HIM r Tery Best Furey That You le State. idantnken supplies and wiUb? d ot my serriaes. Gire n??dVf anything ire Company 4 ales ^ Store Madras, Souiting and a pretty broideries )D t<\ the 1 fcy ^Corsets imple Vne of lidfiN^ki our intetat to Me them. \ hall: