>-<?1v>. ' - "* :!' " - r ' J - - .V 'Ik F A. F. JOHNS ON, EDITOR AND 1 VOL. XLT" - DEMOCRATIC COI m Held in Opera House ii " .- - V---ilay.li A LARGE NUMBER OP DffLBG . AND HARMO The Nominations For All Coun Ion?Paid Tributes to The 1 , of the Co only Exeout of Exeeutli At 12:l^>'eloek on Monday th< r.. T\??m ii i ' onnoantlmn ir\< { V- vwiwniMf v?uu?y vuui cubiuu y Franklin oounty was called te ordci in the Opaia How by J. f. Harrow Chairman of the^Ceunty SRreedtivi Committee, who oalled Supt. ft". B White to preside ae trffaporary Chair ' man and J. R. Collie,, temporary Secretary. Chairman White then stated the $b]?ot of the meeting and upon roll o'all the deligatione from all of the township answered present, whereupon he declared'the Conren tion organized. Upon motion of E. N Williams, ef Sandy Creek township . the temporary orginization wa made permanent The ohairraan !" slated that they would proceec to nominate candidates for the cnun v * ty offices for the coming election in the following order: Clerk Suptrio _ Court, Sheriff, Register of Deeds Treasurer, Coroner, Surveyor, Lsgis ;? lttnre,-Commissioners. Upon the anV \ nonnceraenl that the convention wai -open for the nomination of a mat for Clerk of Superior Court, Mr. A B. Wester, from Franklinton, rosi and put in nomination the name of ou: * present efloient olerk, Joseph J. Bar j row. When the name of Barrow wa called the house fairly roared witl applause. After the oheers bad ceased Mr. S. P. Boddie arose and address ed the oeuvention in a pretty littli talk in which he referred to hia can V. dtdaoy and after thanking those wh< , , had stood by him so loyal, he raadi a motion that Mr. Barrow's norn ination be made by aocUmatiea wbieh was carried amid many oheera i t " The chairman then ann>aneet that the convention was epen to the nomination for Sheriff, whereupoi Mr. A. K. Perry, ef Dunne placed ii nomination Mr. W. M. Boene (agaii the applahae waa long and great) Chairman White called Mr. J. 11 Collie to the chair and upon the re qneat ef Sheriff H. C. Kearney with drew hia name in one ef the prettiea y apceohea the writer haa ever heard I We will not attempt tnrTve a aynop aia of it here aa we could de neithei II Ci L. ?1?C 17" AA?inti ah f^hairrrieii IVtla. onerra aobiutjy w* v/uBirmaQ tt nici juatice, but will reprodace the apeecl in another oolumn. J. A. Boone,, of Cypreaa Creel I placed the name of Robert B Harria before the convention in nam l<- ination tor Sheriff. A W. Alitor aroae tO> eeoond the neminatioi of W. M. Boone, and in doing < paid a very hi?h and beantiful tribute : 1 to our belpved Sheriff B. .0, Kearaey KX After the chair ' had" e>eerteined that no othfer nominations for Shcrifl would be made, ordered a?better I ; . which resulted as follows: Harris 28.61 H Boons 68.18 The Chairman then declared Mr I W. M. Boone the Democratic nam. inee for Sheriff of Frnnklin County n f It was then announced that nem. (,.^/j^ations for Register of Deeds wan B | order, after whion f. A. Oavia ad | dLased the oonrention in a hi I phttr and appropriate remark* and I'wihdrew his name. " B^J".'' ^ T. Inaeoe, of Cedar Rfek, in ar apiropriate way plaeed the nam* of - Is. terbert Uoene, in nomination. H. I i. H. Maeen then addraaaad the I tootontion in a few well aheaen and ippopriate remark* withdrawing hi* II ? D. E. Harrie, of Rtrria, I ' irop and placed in DOttinattM J. B, I Fjvwongb, of LowUborg; whieh RAN IANA6ER gITY CONVENTION n Louisburg on Monday, 5th, 1910 ; . ; ^ ATES AND VISITORS PRESENT, BY PBEVAILED^/ ty Offices Bade Without ConftuLate J. A. Thomas, Chairman lye Committee?Meeting: re Committee s woo seoonded by E. N. William*, of f? Sandy Creel*. In seconding this ncmr inalion Mr. Williaine remarked that , "the Demoorati* party owed no man t anything, but that every man was . heavily in debt to the Democratic party" whioh received the hearty apr probation of the entire Convention. M. V. Lancaster, ef Cedar Heck, I then plaoed in nomination J. 8. Lani caater, of Louiabofg, whioh was aeou ended by W- E. Uazell, M. E. Winston, ef Yonngaville, ia . a very pretty and well delivered , speech placed in nomination Sidney n C. Ifotden. of Ynunorsvilla f/iwn,hin - ? ? o *? ** ? ""r? which was seconded by 6. B. H. Stal1 lings, of Cedar Rook. F. K. Egerton came forward and in a nice litttle speeoh filled with wit and humor, which created many cheers, seconded the nomination of J. B. Yarborough. Uoon ascertaining that no other nominations were to be made the Chairman ordered that a ballot be taken. In the seleotion ef a nominee for Register of Deeds it required five ballets to decide. In the fifth ballot Mr. Yarboi ough received 42.33 rotes whereupon the Chair declared him the nominee of the convention. The 'ballots were as fellows.: First Ballot." ... Yarborengh 36.23. Boone 26.69. Holden ' " * 18.88. I.naeMley 2.12. Snconn Ballot. Yerboroagh 36.96. Boone ., 27.66 Holden 18.70 Laneaster 1.38 Third Ballot. . , Yarboroogh 39.29 Boone , ' 20.16 Holden 16.99. Laneaster 1.67. feesth Ballot Yarborough 41.02. r Boone 23.15. r Hold en 16.26. ' Lancaster 3.5T. Fifth Ballot. Tarberough 42.33. Boone 22.22 j Hotden X7.T8 ( Lancaster 1.57. , J. S. Lanoaster then addressed , the convention and after thanking hia friends for their support in hia I behalf and pledging- on wavering [ support To the nominee, annonnoed the next campaign. R. C. Underwood, of Youngaville, I moved that the nomination of J, B. Yarborough be made unanimous, which was carried. A discussion then took place as to how many votes was neoessary to > make nomination. O. R. King, of ' Cedar Rook, moved that any vote ' er fraotion of a vote over 42 oonstil tote a nominating vote, whioh was ' carried. ' >' F. X. Ggerton asked the chair fer iastrnetions as to ohanging and oast 'MtfQWtitd TOttl/ The chair ex> plained that onlv^e delegates holdl ing the votes e^Td make the ohange. \ That is to only the delegates instructed Mtat their vote for a i eertain mVidate oould make a shags in ^L\, Alio that in oaaa if l oas Ba- withdtawing the ; ' ' ?a* * " KEII TS? COUNTY, TH] LOUIS BURG. N. C^FBlt whole delegation oould take a rote and determine ai to where thie vote The ohairUien atated that- nominations for Treasurer were in order. R. King, of Cedar Rock, placed in nomination Paul B. Griffin, the present inoumoent, which was seconded by R. C. Underwood, of YoungiviUe. J. E. Thomas, who was a candidate before the primaries, came forward and in a few very appropriate remarks withdrew his name and made a motion that the nomination of P. B. Griffin be made by acclamation, which was done. The oonvention was then informed that nominations for coroner were in order. The name of W. E. Uzzell was placed before the oonvention by G B. H. Stallinge, Mr. Uzzell declined ? Dr. William P. Simpson, of Gold Mis'e, was placed in nomination bj R C. Underwood and seeonded bj A. W. Alston. J. R. Collie was plaoedvin t norni nation by J. A. Boone ancratconded by E. N. Williams. Collie dedined. No other hominatiod being mad< a motion waa presented tbat Dr Simpson be nominated by aoclama?v:-i. LI .J nua, nuiuu wao uarriou. It was then moved by W. M, Person that J. T. Inacoe be nomi nated for surveyor by acolamatien which was carried. Next came the nomination for t member of the Heuse of Represents lives. G. R. King, of Cedar Reck plaeed in nomination the name ot J A,.Turuer. The name of Dr. R. P. Floyd wai presented to the convention by D E. Harris, of Harris. A. B. Wester, of Fraaklintoo, wai plaoert in nomination by G. L. Whit' field, and seconded by J. R. Jones No ether nominatieas being mad< the eh airman ordered a ballot whiet resulted as follows: J. A. Turner 18.8' Dr. R. P. Floyd 42.01 A. B. Wester 'i?.0C P.H.Cooke , )H.4i W. M. Person V 0< The ohairmaa declared Dr. R. P Floyd the nominee of the convert' tioiu. J. A. Turner moved that Dr. R, P. Floyds' nomination be made unanimous, which was earned. Nominations fer eounty eommia sieners were then announced it order. The following names were plaeed before the convention in proper form for nomination for commissioners: J. ft. Ballentine, ot Dunns, J. ~ O, Wilson, of Cedar Rock, J. B. King, of Harris; E. M. Gupten, of Sandy Creek, A. D. Williams, of Gold Mine, J. H. Uzzell, of Louisburg, J. R, Smith, of Sandy- Creek, 3. R. Mitohiner, of Frankliuton, W. P. Wilson, of Havesvill*, T,- S. Collie, of Cedar Rock, John W. Sandling, of Frankliaton, J. H. Cooke, of Framklinton. W. F. Beasley of ljomiDarg, N. IS. Yeung, of Harris, After the nominations were all in lti thia contest it took four ballots to get five commissioners?four being nominated o> the first aad one one the fifth. The ballota were aa follows: Fibst Ballot. it ' Ballentins # 22 Wilson " 68 Kiag 16 Gupton 47 1-2 Williams 11 Uxxell 44 Smith 6 Mirohiner ' 88 1-2 WUaoD ,22 Oollia 62 Handling . ... 22 Cooke ? 66 Beaslej >.<.12 Young 21 Sbcond Ballot., BoUentlne^^_^--^^^ . , 28 A. ' ' V , ' r. ' i ^ 1 E STATE, THE TJHIOH. AT. MAT 20, 1910. Gupton - 22 Will lame ' 0 "trttair K Beasley 5 'Young . 21 Tbibd Ballot. " uaileotine * 42 Gnptoir 26 Wil?on -* 3 Beasley 2 Youog 12. Fourth Ballot Ballentine 55 Guptoo t4 | Wilson 1 Beasley . 3 . Young 7 ; - 11 It will be aoticed that the Jour nominated on the first ballot were J, , O. Wilson, J. H. Uzzelt, T. S. Col, lie, J. H. Cooke, and J. H. Ballen, tine was nominated on the fourth I ballot. r After the first ballot the following r gentlemen withdrew their names from the contest: J. B. King, J. U. Mitchiner. After the third ballot . W. P. Wilson withdrew his name . from before the convention. The chairman then announced i that the nominees for eounty Com, miasioners were J^O. Wilson, J. H. . Uzzell, T. S. Collie, J. H. Cooke, J. H. Ballentine a. w. Alston came forward and addressed the convention in whieh be made a motion that the chairman appoint a committee of fire to draft resolution in respect to the late J. A. Thomas, who for so many years served the county as chairman of the County Executive Committee and also that the convention 30 into a tea minute memorial seeejen in memory of him. Tnis was carried, after whioh the ohairman stated- that the convention was open-to any ene who wished to speak. Messrs. K. B. White, B. B. Massenburg, J. J. Barrow and B. W. Ballard took advantage of the opportunity and in strong and touching language pictured to the many people present the close- friendship and manly bearing of the ene whose preaenee was so rauoh missed in the present convention. After the tributes ths chairman appointed the following committee to draft the resolutions, B.' W. Ballard, G. R. Ring, C. C. Winston, H. D. Egsrten, J. B. King. The chairman announced that the ?- * chairmen ot the Township Executive Committees would meet on ths stage after the adjournment of the convention for the purpose of reor1 ganiung, after whioh the convention adjourned to meet again in June J : __ . Mora. - ? Possibly the largest crowd that has been in attendance at a convention in Franklin 'oouaty in many years was present in Loniaburg Mopda}. .. it.was unanimously agreed that this was one ot the most harmoni oils conventions ever held in Franki lin eounty. Every thing passed off , smooth and quiet. It was easily seen Monday that Franklin County's Democracy is composed of the most lovol headed, good-thinking and gentlemanly men 1 among our eitizeng. Even those who were defeated took their share with smiles and earnestly pledged their support to the nominees. We hope that the action of thie convention will fally satisfv the people that in the organization ot the Democratic party lies the goed gov ernmeht of Franklin county. Mot ooe even intimated on Monday that they had not had a fair deal in all the transactions of ike campaign. 1 Religious. ?r?- r| The regular ' service at St. Paul's , Episcopal obur^h for the fouith San- a day will be postponed until the tiflh Sunday oir aosount ef the two-1 alaareete eermeu of LoaisbnqaL College being pregpked ait the Metbo-1 diet Church on nut Sggdn*. , ^ ?> ' . 1 ' w* i me: S I THE MOVING PEOPLE f t THEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND * OUT OF TOWN. , Those Who Have Visited Louis- f burr the Past Week?Those 3 Who Have Gone Elsewhere > for Business or Pleasure. < Woj. -Bailey visited Raleigh this * week." ' Jj M. Thomas went to Raleigh Wsdneada3r. ' 1 W. O. Howaid, of Tarboro, was in 1 town the past weak. 1 M. S. Davis, returned Wednesday \ from Warrenton. Gilmer Allen, of Hartstield, S. C., ' is visiting his people in tewu. ^ Mies Janie Blanohtrd, ot Hertford, is visitiee Miss Eleanor Coeke. Maj. J. B. Tbomaa came over from Apex and spent several days the past week with his family. Bev. 6. H. Sadelson, of Charlette, was ip town Saturday representing the Pieimopt Industries. /Mr. R. A. P.Coeley, ef Nashville, was in town this week in the interest of his candidacy far Soliotor D. K. Miller, F. W. Hicks, A. A, Clifton, and Dr. 0. H. Banks went over to Hinderaewbat sight to take degrees in the Comaandery. T. H. Crndup and wife, Mrs. J. B. Crndnp and Miss Lizzie Kittrell, of . Kittrell, were visiters in town Sanday. Township Exesutlvs Committees The following is a list of the Township Executive Committees elected at the primaries Saturday. The first named in each township being the Chairman: Dunns?S. B. Mnllin, W. A. Mullin, Allen Perry, Berry Privette A. A. Perry. Hairts?D. E. Harris, J. J. Young, J. B. King, A. F. Underbill, Caines Chamblee. Yonngsville?J. B. Perey, 0. C > Wmaton, Jno. C. Winston, J. B. Allen, R. C. "Underwood. Franklinton?K. B. White, B. W. Bellerd, A. S. Joyner, J. R. Jones, I. H. Kearney. I Hay esville?R. S. Foeter, R. O. [ Winn, R. L. Stokes, Dr. K. M. Clarke, W. M. Hayes. Sandy Ceek?E. M- Gupton, E. N. Williams, H. D. Kgerton, W. L. j T W TT W-_tl uvuuuii, tt . n. r aaiKQir. , Gold Mine?W- D. ITpohurch, H. S. Guplon. S. Nelms, Peter Colline, T. A. Hollingsworth. Cedar Hook?J. C. Davis, T. S. Collie, C. E. Gapton J. O. Wilson, ( James Fulghnm. i Cypress Creek?J. A:Bene, W. H. ' Culpepper, W. W. Harris, E. S. WU der, J. R. Whelesa. '. ' < Leuisburg?Vf. E. Tucker, J. H. 1 Best, A. 8. Sberrod, N." II. Perry, J. M. Allen. 1 Closing Exercises of the Louis- < burg Graded Schoolweather en last Thursday even- 1 ing. a goodly number of people as- 1 soaabied ia the Auditoriam of the ' tiradea School Building, oongrat- 1 nlating themselves in advenes, that > they were te enjoy a literary Areat e ef the highest order, for was not our ' distinguished AtUrney-General te be ' the orator of the occasion? but alas; o we were disppoiated, for Mr. Bieke'tt * eking his way homeward, was left r in Greensboro. Ever ready, as she always is to so rvtmedat* atha'J Ur. J St 11 ?? ? ( oane forward in her Mill graeefat F inner, ?nd relieved the awkward ailualieu, by gettiag up an entirely J impiomptu eonoart which waa greatly I enjoyed and appreciated, eepeoiilly J theeleeeiCal rendition of tf eap-Ho-U e by Miaa Julia Uarrew. I The iJdr?a by Mr. Biokett, and J ||MlaeiB?E mfoiaei were poet-po?e4j j dBAaatee dwieieii0; in the dif-f| '1 t: , y . i ! Jj UBSCRIPTION $1.00 PBR YBAH NUMBER IS erenet branches of work were i / . warded: Satisfactory reports wore - ? ' ' 'Jr. Dade coaoerning the work and general condition of the School, thia at he cloae of a moat auceeaaful aeaeion One graduate, Mr. Fisher Beaaley, eeieved a diploma, after sereral ? - - - rears of earnest faithful atndy, havng finished the oeurae. A gratifying condition is neted"in all the grades IS estify to painstaking laber of the efioient oorpa ef teachers. nfr. Biskett delivered A aoul-atirleg address, making a magnifioent ippeal to tbs higher aenaibilitiea and personal reaponaibilitiea ef the yenng people ef Leniabarg. He asad as his subject uWeights and Measures," a' ihowing in his inimitably, foroefol, elegant style, the Tut diSereaee in the trae and the false values of the vital issues ot every day or material things. Strikingly did he illustrate the effect produced on tl;e?heart and mind by the early iaaplantening of the highest or lewesl ideals ef life. Then in eleqnent language be " * , brought before the rapt, intensely interested audience, the vision of t Dreams eeme true and made the yejug hearts there beat high with ambitien and deteraainatioa to forge a way te truth and honor by means , ' of true "Weights and Measures." He also brought to these hearts there no louger in the heyday of youth, the leaging te-torn back and , Head again the paths of life yia vision and dreams. Mr. Bioketrt address waefellbwed bj#a Tielin solo, Sohuberta Serenade by Miss Sallie Charles Cheatham, wbieh closed tbe exercises of the morning. Annual Recital On Friday night May 18,1910 at sight o'clock Mrs. Barrows reoital i > took plsoe, Mrs. Barrows uonoerls need no description, for her talent* for getting up entertainments it widely known, Tbe (kill of her' eighteen pupils testify to her ability as a musie teaeher, is A vary pleasing collection of voeal end instrumeutal musie orelibly rendered, ehewed the hall-marks ef tar nest and effectual work on the part ef teeohrr end dudUb. After whioh a Cantata by the alias "' with its quaint eld songs and arnaang aoatamea added greatly to the injeymant ot the oeeaaeion. Senior Class Receptlen. Mr. and Mra. Ivey Allen of Lanialarg College tendered a delightful ; -eeeptien to tfta members of the -' taniar olaas Monday evening, Mar 16th. Tba parlors ware beautifully lecerated with 'erne, palms and pink oaaa. t ^ The uueata were greeted m the tall-by the mambers of the Junior laaa: Mtasea Mary Thompson, Evelyn Blarlce, Maggie Floyd, Nellie Spivey . Mima Paschalf, Lossie Anderson, _ ? ' >urg, and Mattie Martaio, thence ishered into the parlors where they vere received by Mr. and Mra. Ivey Mian and the senior class. A ran* on r#raan?, a oeuteat whioh requires suffioieat knowledge of musio to eoognfae the selections rendered by dine Williams and deal gued to fill iut the spaces en the oards furnished ash couple, afforded much merri- "1 nent. ? Belieioue ieea were aerved by the embars of the Junior Olaes. Misses Irani and Floyd presided at the inneh bowl. These present were: Misses Bowers, eroras, Jones, Kearney, Egerioo, tessie Norwood, Annie Norwood. hnaon, MidgatU, Uardngi, Corbet*, t rttt elaa* of I8T0. Baglev,Tat%!e) IrJht, Preatoo: %i thi <?cut?y Harrow,

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