. -- Di?d. ?1 be Little Jobn Henry No well, 'Jane the drth. 1919 twenty minutes tu one thi o'olook, the death angel entered the bei home of Mr. and Mre. A. A, Nowell int and olaimed as his own their darling age liLmonths. He was side bat a oa] few days before God sailed bin 0f home to Join bis little brother who thi died about two months ago. It is g|, bard to give him np, bat God knows best, our loss is bis gain. Weep [h| not dear Parents, your baby is net nr dead but is asleep. God gave him *to yon and has taken him away. th( ^^He ean't oorae to see you bat you can go to him. g0< May God help the Parents and ^ .. frienda in their troablea, jla It piercea the writers heart to 0(J| write tbeae lines, but there is one ja| bright thought and that is to think of the little Brothers walking the mc stars of Heaven hand in hand, and do, visiting for loved ones to come, gn Ha will be greatly missed and the ;Q family have our eynpatby. The remaiaers were laid to rest at Flat Rook obnroh Sunday afternoon. Pall bearers: T. S. Gill, J. A. Daniel, Bod Beddingfield and Rafos " Wheeler. P" A Friend. Pooomoke items. ap< The news from Pooomoke has not da appeared in several week, but we ? are still interested in the Times and ? wish it success. Druse has not been 1 welt for qnite a while, but she feels able now to send in a few items from this community. The infant boy of Mr. and Mrs. . Tbad Has well died Sunday morning. J and was buried at Pope's Monday < Afternoon. We eztend our sym- "j pathy to tile father and mother in their sad hour of bereavement. We are glad t> know that little Josephine datlett, who has been ? very siok, is much better. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Cooke, of Frankliaton, passed through Poco- - J mote Monday, returned from a visited to Granville, v ? ' Misses Maggie Cooke sad Corrinne Holmes spent lat Sunday at Poc- . . emote. Mr. and. Mrs W. S. Kay Roger's Store, visited Pocomoke Saturday and Snnday. / We are glad to know that Mrs. Walter Davis who baa been quite sick, is much better. Dbuse. [We rejoice in yonr recovery? Editor. ] Resolutions of Bespeot. Whereas it has pleased Almighty ~~ God in his infinite wisdom and love to remove Bro. J. A. Green trom labor to rest in the Celestial Lodge above on April, 24th, 1910, therefore be it resolved. 1st. That we as members of Youngsyille Lodge No. 877 A. F. <fc A. M. bow in humble submission to the will of the Supreme Arohiteot cf the universe knowing that He is too wise to err, and too meroiful to affliftt ___ 2nd. That we will cherish the memory of Bro. Green and try to emulate him in his patient and Christian fortitude during his long affliction. ? - t - 3rd. That Youngsviile Lodge in* the daai-h nt Bro, Green has sustain ed a loss. Hi# wife has lost a gen. tie and affectionate husband, his children a loving and devoted father, his friends a kind and accommodating neighbor, and the Community a good citizen. 4th That we extend to his wife and children our heartfelt sympathy in their great loss, and commend them to the Savior in whom he trusted and loved until the end of his earthly career. And that the Lodge be draped in mourning and the memJap wear the usual badge for thirtv _ * ?'?That a eopy of. these resolutions be sent to'the FbjlNku.v Timbs and the Orphans Friend for publioation, and to the family also a oopy of ' these be spread on the minutes ef n* the Lodge. t>(l J W. WO.QDHBF, *1 _ . H. B. Wiitston, v Committee. "1 S. E. Winston, -> Six Thingi to do for the Baby. 1 (1) Remember that a mother moat | * ' % % ; !%. ...* ' ' > . trained to know, oot U> guess. (2) Secure a reliable book upon s care and feeding of infants and gin to atudv the Ural principles elligent baby culture. (8) Remember that every year inoulable damage is dona tathe eyes babies where mothers have net light to protect them ; from the ire of the bud. (4) Let the baby have a bed to neelf, it it be only a clothes basket, a dean waah tub, or dry gonda box, ive the mattress lirm and soft and ) cover warm but light. (6) Avoid soothing syrups and ithing "teas." Keep in mind that so led soothing syrups advertised as rraleas all contain morphine, opium, sane; Or ; other harmful drugs in ngeroua quantities. (8) He member that the baby ia the >at important thing in your life and n't neglect him in any way for ything else.?Mrs. F. L Stevens, Raleigh (N. C.) Progreaaive Faiir and Gazette. laurel Items. The farmers are very busy chopag cottcu this week, soma having iahed. Miaa Lizzie Gupton, of Wood, Bnt last Saturday night and Suny with Mist Rebecca Gupton. White Sulpl Mount A \ practical health and pleasure reaorl Blue Ridge Mountains. Its water is f tired eveqrwhere by the medical prof :ured patients. This ssason undsr n< rnd best music hctel has erer had, p leek Rest, Health or Pleasure write i GALLAWAY & KTm/4n /Um 11/t i auo fur vv cctK Nine-tenths of all the sickr^ss of wc case of the organ? distinctly leminim every day by ? \ Dr. Pierce's Fav It Makes Weak IV It acts directly on the organs affected tive tonio for the whole system. It ci of home. It makes unnecessary the d local treatment so universally insiste every modest woman. We shall not particularize here as t . those peculiar affections -incident ta wanting full infortnation as to tM means of positive cure are referred tf mon Sense Medical Adviser?1008 m and up-to-date Edition, sent free of cent stamps to cover cost of xhaiUpj binding for 31 stamps. . Address Dr. R. V. Picrpe JUNE S pe6h cloth in All summer goods, Mens, bo; sold at and below cost to m We have a fall stock'of Lidii Full line of Ladies Mnslir Come and Get Prices I < . , ' "*? ? Physiciai a use of a (oodlaxative, to keep the bowe M from gettinginto your system. The latest product of sdence Is VELVO liable sod of a pleasant, aromatic taste attach .and bowels, and la of the creates (ousneks, sick headache, ferertahneas, col VELVO I . 777'T'i Misses Macon ami Wiggins, of Jn glesid?,spent several day* with Mrs J. B. .Toues this week. J. X. Egertoo, went to Hillsbori one day this wetk. G. P. and 8. C. Foster, and Grove Parriah went over to Mr. J. C. Foa ters one night this week. Tbey re port a fine titns7 Mias Minnie Strickland, of Loaia burg, spent several days with her sis ter, Mrs. J. C. Foster this week. Mrs. J. R. Parriah, went to Loaia burg on business this week. The regular service at Mt Zion wa held on Saturday and Sunday. The Farmers Union held their reg ular meeting on June the 4th. H. D. Egerton, went te Raleigl oae day last week. A number of our people went eve to Dickens last Sunday and reper a fine time. Miss Alma Pegram, of Louisburg is spending some time with her cou sin Miss Lucie Carroll. There was aa Ice cream suppfe given at Mr. Juhe Guptons, on las Saturday-night. Claoy Parrish, of Warrenton, spen last Sunday with his people. With beet wiahee for the ol Franklin Times. , Jack. ter /Springs iry. N. C. /' t. Situated at foot of the beautiful inest within/our knowledge. Recoression amf/raieed by its hundreds of iw management, with new amusements romises aibigVsuceess. Whether you is about /t. fiVVYIM Prnnc -y 'Xt*0' Women ~' >men is du^to tome derangement or ditt. Such sickness can be cured?is cured orite Prescription omen Strong, v pick Women Well. aba is at the same time a general restoreurA. female complaint right in the privacy intgr^eable questioning, examinations and sffupok by doctors, and so abhorrent to b the symotoms of [women, Inrt those rfr symptoms and the People's (Sflm- ?? ages, newly revved ^ receipt of 21 onk I only; or,'in cloth\ .Buffalo, N.Y. \ FECIALS THE PLE7S te STORE y-8 and clrddren clothing to be ake robm ^pr our 'all goods as, Gaits aim Children Shoes.' l Uwierwearynd Shirtwaists. Befwe You Buy Elsewhere ^4? ** H , r " -M !is Advise Is o^n unit prevent the poisons of undlgesti Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, genu r. Velv* acts on the liver, as well as on tl it posslMk efkacy In constipation, Indlgestloi Ic.flatuBncS, etc. Try VF mmpt /LIVE^YRUF 1 ( ...? . "v! |?Y? .. . , ,?f r ' . : " < '' - - f E. A. ROGERS ' Tinworker a Louisburg.yN. C. Will "make estimated on any job r Work Guaranted/ aa'l or write when in netd o^anvlhiug in ? v * line. * J | D. E MILLER jeWeler Louisbur^,/NtC.? ? With a nice \ae/ selected stock of Jewelry I am in position to satisfy rnpet * . any ana desimLr anything in my line. T\ :: 11 Also JJo \ Repairing of WATCraE8.*id JEWF.LRY cmd will give you * - the tea beet of work ' " / Very truir : ty E MIBLER IG? THE \ J5JS552SSS^S22^22S5 / YWMQfjNJP ' JNO. W. XING buys everything]aim sells everything. i\l OT1|0/-Best good's, loweBt prices, quickest delivery in town. . / SPECIAL BARQ HNS FOR NEXT 30 j\ 'AYS IN PL-AX/r ! 1ED ( LOTH Speeial bargain tin shoes, mens ! dress shirts/ ana underwear, a'l . I kinds of trirdenl seed. all kinds 1 J fruit and v&etnhlls, all kinds ce-j _ reals, such kf> genline'oat nnal in j bulks, cat (lakes, pistil , Saratoga ! chips, great vanity of can tied', I goods, fish roe, oysters, Juno ja as, I i viena sausage, honielr/ ad tomat-cs L. and snaps, large <kus 10 c-n's | Fresh line of tine candies juijt ie-| ceived. ,Yours toVlease, JOHNx W. KING} HUNDRED O] I I ' Make This S Of Course There is a mbh Reason For It A man will always seek H his beBt interests. From H January to December we constantly study the wants of our customers. I Our mo to has been ' The best goods at the lowest . possible price." The demand for strictly I summer wearables is now on?thin clothes for men, tfiin underwear, I thin hosiery, in fact everything summery you ! I wilt find here in m <st !. I complete assortments of j I big summer lines I, Odd Pants ' hi You Will Find Here Just What - You Want Economically 5 Priced 1. . _ LOTTISBTJJrtG CLOTJ ' ' "v - ' 'r J ' \ : '' - ' ' 'f,V- ' V' L'?* - ' 1* -'; * |Ph BEEF MARI IN\ TOWN 7 l-li&vc-upeaed a BEEF -MARKET next <!o< store on Nasti Street an# will be glad to s with the freshest beef. \ BEEF AT \ Give me & trial and 1 will koryfrnce you. Ph orders. Beef delivered anwhere. J D/HILL I will buy all Coy's for Imle at Highest P B Tou pay out. your money, "wl lihe best. Take Insurance pany that pays annurfl dh THE MUTUAL BEI JFE INSURANCE CO of/eWAI K, jN. J. H?is p.issQ<l tin* eipeidmen SAMUEL J. PARHAM, , F FRAIvKLIM ^ C( JEST CITIZENS v - _ tore Their Tradint A?? SW SO \W eft hW "-ilej 8*u? b? iV i f i m tli.tg - a grea as wel and t liettfef I liafnn erhaps you will need a a extra pair , . F pants to run you through the * r ^ r,^- L'y.i i ii; .i ... \?? wjr I mm* J Hcsdi . WJIELE^ H1ER LOUISE * * "' :? ' * Ji .? '. .. " . - iyMiliii? . .4-^" -. ,jl?:T*T ! T'; v " ~j : ? '^1 r v- ' *; . -* - -'-I .JL '+r - . . ' V'_ / . . .' " ' ! HV j > ? - . KET i _. >r to ay?:? -^- * 1-:?+_U. erve you TIMES iont you* .7. ' rices. "' r r^~. : . '- >. x -' i ? , ' \ ' ( t. > . *j> liy not get in a com- ~ ddends iEFIT : IIMIDAMV FiTirnn i tal stage J"! r ~Si*~ * ^ ? r t f Agent DUNTY'S X. / \ Place ELL SUITS ARE LD HERE rry a line of the Ht up to date suits found anywhere, inys in the town " haye found out entee! clothes are it help in business ? I as social affairs hey are buying ^clothes than ever ' - % 1111 5 5 $5 ~ ? . _ to See When in ^ ?" ' A * ' ike Me quarters. _____ " . SB - ;J| URG, 3ST. O -tv W V v Hiii

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