r + ' ? ft W : THE HOME C *gy Pleasant Evening Re1 Gated to Tired M the Home Gircl CRUDE THOUGHTS ER< Don't tell every, thing you kno1 don't bell every thing you hear, dot blister your tongue with backbilin don't be Satan's bellows to blow i the lire of strife in tha pommunit Either cut off a bit of your tongi or season it with the salt ot graa JBe quick to work and slow* to tal Think of yquy own faults ere otln people's faults you ; i It is unfortunate tliat many (jir think all they are required to dp is i . make traah, read trash, dress we SDd entertain their friends. Paren otten imagine it to be the qmnte senoe of kindness to allow the daughters'to waste the years of the girlhood in suoh a manner. We ai appalled when we realize what vast army of young girls are throi ing away their opportunitiee for ne fulness. We woald be glad if s could arouse the girls who prefi gsudy olothing and glittering jewe ry, and having a good time, to a oo rect education; and who prefer tf society of ailly young men to tl werk of good authors. If gula won] be truly happy, they aheuld select work the same as their brothers d a profession; they will then hai an interest in life and will find ba; piness in useful work. ? , , A MOTHER S LOVE. It is not prosperity, with her >mi and beauty, that tries the purity an fervor of a mother's love: it is tr. tt dark and dreary pr^cints of adve sity. amid the cold frowns of an ui feeling world, in poverty and <11 spair, in sickness and in sorrow, thi it shines with a brightness beyon mortality, and, stifling the secret c its own bosom, strives but to pou balm and coasolatton upon the suffei er, and the cup of misery, filled t overflowing, serves but to bind thei more firmly and dearly to each otb er, as the storms of winter bid tb sheltering ivy twine itself more close ly around the withering oak. All aence cannot chill a mother's lovt nor can even vice itself destroy mother's kindness. The lowest de gradations of human frailty canne wholly blot out the remembrance c the first fond yearnings of your ai fections, or the - faint memorial c primeval innocence; hay, it seems a , if the very consciousness of the ot jeet state of her erring ohiid mor , fully developed the mighty force o that mysterious passion, which ca forget and forgive all things, an though the youth ofcher fairest hop* may be as one cast off from God an man, vet she jvill not forsake hiit but participate in all things save b wickedness. ' ei.D AGE. We wish to say a few words fc the old folks, behaving that the ir firmities of auvanced years are ofte trAfltftH with can inH *U_i. : ^ Ulttt I bard to bear. Not by alt, of conral for there are many, we will hope til majority, that are thoughtful of thl aged and kind to thein. Then agail , there are other* who, to pat it mil J ly, are harsh and cold. It ia verl natural to smile on what is lore! ' and strong, and frown on the rJ verse without even olwerving thil we do so; and it otten follows, will the ?oung especially, that as thel look on the furrowed face, the dil eyes, the trembling bands, the to ~ ' taring, uncertain steps of an old mJ or voman, they see to forget tbil < r fit that warm and homely priscl bouse are a' heart and soot whit I yearn for recognition, for a littl love, with an intensity th.\t youth : its fnlnees does not know. Ths V most forget, or one would not i often hear snpb remarks as, "O grandma, don't bother; greodn forgets everything; gran way of the Gentiles and into any city >/ am not sent save to the lost sheep of tt tiona our Lord's miracles were confine* 6 covenanted people. For this reason Jei f tttshr Womanr-cTying "Have mercy on m n Is grievously vexed with a devil." Anc ^ but to the lost sheep of the house of 1 children's bread and cast It to the dogs !8 The term "dogs" was applied to tl d their Inferiority. Our Lord merely ma< ( day, and still common In Palestine. Bi "Yea. Lord, yet the dogs eat of the cr 10 hie." What perseverance, what faith. she believed the Lord to be the prom If David! As Jesus intimated, she bad m Her request was granted?"O woman, g as thou wilt" Her daughter was heale There are several lessons for us in 1 >r be by natur\ by heredity, by envlroimv we may still know of the Divine compi n If he chose first of all to manifest his fi g not signify that be had no love or care channels and in God's due time. We of twfirfr InwiwW ?"' feature of the Dlrlne program. For 1 teems strange that God has permitted n for 0000 Tears, when be has the full | U throw the forces at erll and to lnangti _ the deliverance of mankind from the i superstition; to give light for darkness J blindness. Studying the Divine Plan i- that God will first select a Church Church as channels of blessing toward , A little while, and the permission the present life shall have served U cbl J while, and they shall be transformed to ? beyond the veil. And then a little wh , the world In general will be dispensed. from this table, and then not merely in the race, bnt rich and bountiful provt it than we could have asked or thought. It Is a great and Important truth leas completely obsessed by evil spirits lngs, but the fallen angels, as tbo Ben la against these influences of demons an Bible teaching on the subject, they coi finances with danger of entirely loeln '7 such affliction as this which affected ie seemed to reillse that there was only t get help. Hence her importunity, wbei 1 In another sense of the word all sli IS tCaat of the devil, because all are ekhe It work. Thus our Lord declared that l. falsehood to mother Bve?"He was a t net In the Troth." Through bis lie our tal, moral and physical, and Is going < nr for the great Deliverer; thank God als t0 Milieuolei Age, now nigh at hanffl 9 * \ i ' -~y V " ".r ' ' * * \ . there may not be that word of flame 1 ?remorse. * a However worldly and ainful people , are they want tbeir children good, i How are yon going to hare theiu 1 good? Boy them a few good books? , Teach tliem a few excellent cUecli { isms? Bring them to ohhrch? That ' ie all very well, but of little tinal re suit unless you do it with the grace i of (rod in your heart. Do you real- ' ice that*your ohildreiLare for eternity? ] Are they on the right road? Those j little forms that are now no bright " and beautiful?when they have scat- 1 tered in the dust, there will be au immortal spirit living on in a mighty theatgr of action, and vottr faithfulness of your negleot now is deciding^ | their destiny. U. Farmers should eaf more oatmeal. / Although the farmesof today is able to buy almost anythiag ? wants to wear or to eat he isn't towing enough attention to food valuestwhsn it cornea to his own table. if he has been watching the extensive researches andJexbeffments on the question of the Besnhuman food [ for muscle aq$l brain he will hoed the ?l i advice from all sides td Vest more | Quaker Oats, "j / I Quaker Oats h/nentioded because it is recognised in this country and Europe, as the pest ol ala oatmeals. Feeding farm hands on QAaker Oats means-getting more work oqt of them than, if you fded them on \ anything It is packed in regular sue packages, and in hermetically sealed tins for hot climates. SI * NOTICE Notice is hereby gwen ufat a peti- IJ tion will be presented \? the Gov- 11 ernor of North C'anplJba for the 11 pardon of Hugh Dnns, o mvicted I j at January term 190!jAof Franklin |f j Superior ceurt for /sAret assault (j . and sentenced to t#e mtnitentiarY i I for 10 years. ThiyMay Mth, 1910. ij / W. M. Y'ebsok. 1 | AttornJy tor Hugh Davis ' ( IHlftHl II Ill-Fir I CHILDREN'S TABLE." 1-28-tJuna 12. 4 thee even as thou uHU."?7. 28. i to have them trust In him. His chlefest eason of various conditions connected asy to all to accept the Divine promises > .these, trusting that the rewards and in offset the sacrifices of the present, sttaln the exceeding great and precious t a^^we are glad that the Creator has 5 tor tifrxe who cannot exercise faith ing the Millennial Age more along the II illustrates tbb^Lord's grace towards then woman?one not^aq Israelite?one nto covenant relationshlp^qne of those and without hope, becauserth^ Divine tiles was not yet opened up to ttiem. to preach the Gospel, healing all ^hsjohe Instructed them to pass by all who" ns. His words were, "Go not into the of the Samaritans enter ye not, for 1 te house of Israel." With a few excep- . 1 to the Jews. They albne were-God's jus ignored the petition "of the Cannane, O Lord. Son of David! My daughter 1 later on he explaindfHU am not sent srael." and "It is not nfeeT to take the he Gentiles by the Jews ns signifying 3e use of an expression common in his it note the woman's faith: She replied, uinbs'Which fall from the Master's tajed Messiah, the Heir of the throne of lore fulth than a majority of the Jews, rreat is thy faith! Be it unto thee even d from that hour. this study." However degraded we may ent? however outcast from God's favor, ission. The message is, "God is Love." ivor towards Abraham's children, it did for the remainder of mankind; merely ? to mankind through Divinely nppolnted may be sure that when we get to the hereafter we shall see wisdom In every uuiance, irum tue Human standpoint It a reign of sin and deatb In the world power to spealr the word and to overrate gracious Influences of blessing for lower of sin and Satan, Ignorance abd. ; knowledge of God for Ignorance and "~>of the Ages, we And the lesson to be class and subsequently use the elect the world of mankind, of sin and the trials and difficulties of ael and polish the "very elect." A little the glorious likeness of their Redeemer tie, and the blessings long promised to The children of God will first be fed crumbs will fall for the remainder of tlon, exceedingly and abundantly mors that many human beings are more or ?demons?not the spirits of tinman beIptnres declare. Many battle for years d. because not rightly Informed of the me more and more under the occult lng their reason. It was probably some the daughter of the Canaanlteas. She the one quarter from which she could t ahe recognised the Lord, a and alckness may be said to be affile r directly, or through heredity, Satan's Satan bad murdered our race by bis nnrderer from the beginning and abode race has gone down Into slckneas, manlown rapidly to the tomb. Thank God J o, for his great day of deliverance, the .1 ' .. - ... . . . |88S88S88888&888?8SS U L 1IH0SE$! Sj Arc on Sale Again In this lot there are something ov-r two hund ten to eighteen dollars that we are going to c spring weight and real good colois. dome qui for$ they are picked over. - I J We have about tj&o 1 ? those $1.'5D pantihleft. Oxfordfe receivedrar d we style and eizeXow We have a full line ar everything in our line > anything that we aarrv. Come in a d see ue. Sf eee what we ha\Vand what cheap p ices we hi J|3 may need. Tlmnlcing you for past 1 vore, we \ You s very tr I- II P. S. K.; K. | ? immmmmmsmm m |this-'* \ TJnlonfyn TT t) TTill Z^JL. a tu 11.. JL JL1111, / WJUL< Y thingito say to you aboud I K. P. J ?e r : | . i - SI*' 'T- * ' ? < , ^ .,_{ ,v v.f, . ' > SUITS Up "aTOur Storfe ' |: red ml good suits worth from losycmt regardless of co6t- All cjr and get your choice for be; * lundred pairs of New lot ladies .-i * cap give you any ind will make the price right on Always Kmiu ior our customers to ^yo to make you on anything you JaA are jSt uly, n ALLEN'S ? i || PACE?' / X o will have some- J b buggies nextJ^eek ^ r \ u X \ ^L. \ > '. ' r. ?