- V;. - If i i- ; 1 ^ cs -:, WAKES A FEL| WIjbii a man ain't aot a .c ot blue, *? And the oloudi hang dark the sunshine through It'f a great thing, O ruv I to lay His hand v?pon your si of way! #i . It makes a man feel qc . ' drop* start, An' you ?ort of feel aflutt heart: You can't look up and roe what to eay, When hiahand is on yo sort of way. O the world's a curious c \and its gall, With its care and bitter < after all.,. . , * And ^ good God must =- what I say; When a oand is on mi sh of way! * FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager 7 Friday, June 24 1910. ISSnX TO HEW ADTUTIgBKUTS Elon College. W. I. Oillim?Notice. 1). A. Hill?A. & M. CollEge. R. B. White?'Teachers Institute. TAR DROPS. \ . ? ?^Let everybody rally to the ball players. 0 ?Aaron Deitz has a change ot ad in this issue. Read it. ?List your taxes at once and avoid the rush the,last days. ?You only have five days- after today in which to list yeur taxes. ?Its your duty to list youf taxes and why not do so before the last day. ?You are compelled by law to list ^7onr taxes and you bad better do so at once. ? ?The farmers hare evidently been putting in some good work the past few days. ?If you will help to suppert the ball team we can have some very good and interesting gameB. ?Read the change ot ad of F. W. Whelese in this issue. He has soioe,thing of interest to say about summer clothing. ?Mr. W. H. Hill had six this years irish potatoes on exhibit this week that weighed three and threequarter pounds. ?P. S. <fc K. K. Allen have a change of ad in this issue that it will be to your interest to look up and read. ?Quite a large number of people ? at tended the gaye of base ball be? tween Franklinton and Lonigbnrg at Franklinton on lastTnday. ?We are requested to state that there will be children's day exercises at Maple Springs church on next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. ?We overheard a friend say this week that if steamboats were selling for a cent a piece he could not buy an eoho from one of their whistles. He was evidently in a "broken" condition. ?We are informed that Rev. G. W, Starling, of Kittrell, cut a nine pound cabbage out of his garden on Wednesday^ last week. He says these cabbages were raised from plants bought of W-.-W. Holmes. ~ , ?Carter Cooper, of Franklinton, filled (/tie position of T. Q. Boddie fit the depot for several days the < past week on acoount of the illness of Mt. Boddie. The many friends of Mr. Boddie will be glad to learn that he is able to be out again.. ?On our third page will be found an article entitled "A few things about onr home town," contributed by a correspondent irho Signs herselt Hp. S.' This article, contains information that will be interesting to many of our-people. . 1 ?Bring the news to this office. V *We~are "always glad to have our subscribers send or bring us aJtggu ef : --V / I. * v * * ?? ' . - '9 -OW FEEL GOOD en'. and he's feeling kiad ; and heavy, an' won't, let brethren, for a fellow just loulder, in a friendly sort leerisb, it makes the tear er, ij^fCe region of your el hia eyea, ydu dosVknow ? or shoulder in a friendly sompound, with its h'oney irosses, but a good wort,' have it?Leastwise, that's oulder in a friendly sort ?James Whitcomb Riley. news. If every one of our man; ; subscribers would give us one iten each week what a grand local pape we <Wuld have. Send in anythin) , but politics and we shall be thank tul. J ?An exchange tells of a newspa per repofter who interviewed thirty , successful business men And founc that all of them when boys had beet governed strickly ami frequently thrashed. He also interviewed thirty loafers and learned that twenty-sev en of them had been "mamma's dar ling," and the other three had beet reared by their grandmothers. ,* ?In a communication from a sub scriber, that for some, reasons we d< not publish, it is. suggested that thi officers and citizens of Louisburg ge together under some arrangement t< have a?general cleaning up day | This is a wiae suggestion and w< heartily agree with them ia the fac that an "ounce of preventative ii worth a pound ot core." It ia nov up to the citizens. ?Admiration alone-will not ran i newspaper. Soener or later such ad mirert will find that the object o their affections has become weldec to other ways that they do not ad mire?in other words, a newapapei is compelled in order to live, to seek the friendship of those who are no so platomc in their love, but uniti that praotical esteem with senttmen that binds mutual admiration to oth er ptofessions. There are too mani men who expect an editor to slave ir defense of their pet notions and bob bies, advocate their views against thii strongest oppositions and coolly with hold business support by which atom a small newspaper can live. *?W? call attention of our read era to the advertisement ot Elon Col lege, which appears in this issue This institution, which next year be ginsTits 21st- session, is located ii the delightful Hill Country of Nortf Carolina and is far famed for iti healthfulness, many people going there during the vacation for theii health.. It has modern convenience, on railroad, with telephone sod tel egraph connections with-sH parts oi the world, with six passenger traint daily, with town of considerable size accessible to it, and yet vfTfh all, it is a suburban community. It combine! all the advantages of city life and o! country life, and without the disad. vantages of both. ' * ?In the development of Nortl Carolina's industries, the North Carolina College of Agriculture mul Me chanic Arts ia taking a foremos part. Its students are giving theii lives to improving our farming, oui trucking, oar owying and stock' raising. They are rapidly, .uakinj their way into our factories, oai electric power-houses, apd oar shop# They are helping to build our roads our bridges, and our railroads. In dead, they are just the men neeedec at this stage'in the state's growth, We are glad to note that mor< - young men than ever before ar? seeking, through this well-equipped institutton, a place in our indnstna progtees. We eall attention to th< advertisement in this issue. s r~ v !?;?"?e'.riv fifrIiW'Wiiiliiifft 'i fit tV] . .... . , ^ V T- ? * ' i Public Speaking At Laurel. I Dr. H. ti. Alexander, of Meckiet burg county, President ot Nort Carolina Farmers Union, will ar drees the people at Laurel on Wee need ay July 6th, 1910 at 8 o'clock, i m. The public is cordially invitet Hewill speak oh econotnio and farn ing aubjecurirlttrtfir politics throw ! in. He will also speak at the Count Union on the 7th; at 11:80 a. ra. t | the public. Members and delegate to the County Union are ex pet ed tomeet promptly at. 10 o'clocl at Ir^gleside Academy. fl. D. Koekton Pres. __ JQDICIALCONVENTIOM. By order of the Democratic Jur icial Executive Committee, the Den ocratic Convention for the 4th Juc icial Ditt. of North Carolina is here by callel to meet at Rocky Moun N. C-. W July 7th, 1810 at 1 o'clock a. m., for the purpose c nominating a candidate for Judg and Solicitor and of transacting sac other busiuess as may come be fore it. R. A. P. Coolxy. H. A. Gilliam. For the Democratic Judioial Ei ecntivn committee, 4th. Diat, N. C Tarboro, N. O. June 14th, 1910. ?^ A tickling or dry %ough oan be quick f ly loosened with Dr\ Slipop's Coug i Remedy. No opium,chloroforrr nothing unsafe or harah.Y Sold by B ' Rtid Pleasants, Louisbrfdt T. C, Joj 5 ner^FranklintorL^^i^^^^^^^^ - FOR SAJffr^ An enta line oqw, frrf&h to the pai . Eight choice pig^ / T. H. Sledoi Rout 4, LouisbuM^N. O. ' " 1 " A /ARD " 1 ' Id response to recent/ inquirie f from, different actions af the 7t' 7 .Senatorial District \heg ? announc to the public that I will be a oandi date before tho IJeraecAtic Conven tion for renomiuation at the Senate 1 Bex. X. Holpk.v. ( Commisioner'sJSal^of Tim > ber and Trwn Lots. 5 By virtue of an cmler of-sale ipad t by the Superior Court of Fraftklii County in that special proceedings er ) titled J. P.jTimberlake, Exr. and /Mrs Mary E. Tlimberlake, Exr. of C- i * TimberlakeA deed. vs. M. E. Timbei 3 lake, et al,l heirs at law, the undei t signed commissioner will, on ^ th fourth day of July. 191(1, it being th 8 first Mondaylin Jlily, at about the hou ? of noon, at me Court House door, i Louisburg. N1 C-, offer for sa'e to th highest bidder at public Ruction, fo k cash. T i First,?All the timber now standin, - or otherwise of\ and above the size c f eight inches imdiameter at the stum when cut, together with fa 11 necessar I rights of ingreerc and egress for the cut ting and removmg of said timber, pre vided the same Shall be fut and remoi P ed within a period of tfve vears fror . and after the dale of |ne deed to b I made for the same, upon the followin, t described tract of lamj situated in tli j County of Franklin And the State c North Carolina, dafinf d and describe t as follows: that wa?t of land whicl was allotted to saiq/C. E. Timberlak in the division of tap estate of his fath J er, J. P. Timberlakl. as same appears c II record in the craice of the Clerl of the 8uperier Court- of Franklii county \n Book/ No, 6 of Order 5 i and Decrees aty pages 142 et. seq | and there described as follows I Known as Lot }*>. 1 bf the Kin^ land j and bounded a* follows: Beginning a j a rock, Mrs. C1 E. pirn be date's am C. M. Cooke's/corneA thence fs*. 87 . I degrees W. 12 polefc to a rock am j pointers, corfer forlLula T. Harris I wife of I)r. J-JjL Harris, thence Soutl j 421 poles 9 liaks to a wake and point ^ersrMre. Lujft T. liar tig' corner in Gee i Wiggins' linJ; thence 81 88 1-2 degree j I E. 87 poles fo a dead Hedoak, Wiggins H^oraerr-the#oeOL.2_l=4_jdegrees 2 t I poles 20 linics to an oldi stump; inenfc j I N. 1 1-2 EJ128 poles tolthe old run o I Davis Crdbk, Ash pointers; theifc \ I down saia creek as t meanders 7l . poles to I a pine stump. Mrs. Mar , King's drfwer corner; Jlmnce N. '2 de , | grees E.J64 poles to a pme stump, Mrs Marv Kijfegs dower cornlr; thence N. < 1-2 cregrfes K. 94 poles 111 links to i E Rock, earner for Mrs. J.IP. Timberlaki . tract inMrs. C. E. Jinperlake's line tj^eneea. 87 degrees W1 122 poles 1 links tJ the beginning, [containing 38 , I acres, more or lesB. h Seccrnd-,?A lot- in tlic Town o i Yonggwille now considered one lot bu f originllly composed of two lots descrih ed a?follows. j j A lit adjoing the landslof J. A. Greei j and J. L. Moss and othey, and bound i ea al follows: Commenting at ^ hite i oak loot near Hillsboro Road, thenc< East along Hillsbooro R ?ad forty om and! one half yards ;o a stake ft. lj poarco'a corner; ther :e South alonj S. i Pearc?'* line lifty ej ;ht yards to J A. Green's line; thence v est along ,T. A Grpen's line thirty eigbt rarde to T. L Miss' line; thence Nor h along T. L Miss' line to the beginn ng, containing between one fourth at 1 one half -ai aire, more or less. lA lot adjoining the ands of J A (.preen, T. L. Moss ai 1 others am funded as follows: eginning at . i sake, J. A. Green's cc ner in Colleg> Street thepce West ale ig J. A. Green* Ine thirty-eight (38) ardt to C. E fijnberlake's corner i J. A. Green' line; themee North alo g C. E. Timber lake's line fifty-eight >81 yards to thi fTarboro Road; thence East along th fTarboro Road forty-o e and onro hal i (4l 1-2) varda to Colli fe s'./eet; theno North with College sti eet to the begin ning. containing betw en one fourth an< one naif an aere, mor c r less. Terms 6f Sale?Cas . This JuH?-3td, 1910. J. P. TiMBSRLAKk, Commissioner Wm. H. Baffin, Atty \ . j . - \ , f R I I .. _ ' a hole ii ^ Is there a hole in ^ inga getting away froi |7 T ^|^Try our savings c im can be withdrawn am . ^ -som, begin with a ami A ties for handling M/rii ll ' FIRST IS x LOV [ . UNDER SUPERVISK il _ \\ mm you -1 :i rr? > jj Buy - iripletts\ ~ ?L I have the evclnsive agency for this m ~ teed to give entire sa * e 0 " ? When you Wai \ t WHITE I i z a * In 1, 2 g e W # r ^ I Also Can Furnish You Anyt 5 J . P Z ALWAYS 1 ^ MeaL Ship Stuff I 0t "AN? ALL MEKCBAN \ 8 Call to Se^ Me '* ? i 1 ? e J if s ? ti t Clifton - Corner X S Mi ^ * f t 1 4 i | i FRUI ? 191 ddzen Masoi " X Rubbers, 10 grc . i Kettles, 30 dozq ? ? Ice Tea Glas^ 1 ^ Potatoes. / I L. /p. - T ON THE CORNER i\ ll / * , ' . ? . V MTHE PC _ v r_ ilyoujrpocket? Are your hard ear a yjro through tbia hole? l^&rtmentr where your money is l^time desired. Don't wait for llhamount and make it grow. C oga accounts are among the very IATIONAL E JISBURG, N.C ON - OF U. S. I ?. mm best Best Pate ill anil can give you bottom price! tialaction or your money will be i at \he Best j6offe loipSE I md 3 ro)ijid Oar hing You Want in Cheapet N STOCK L .FIJJX LINE O] CornA-Oats DISE CARRIED IN A GEN EH ancy Let \Me S T. TERRELV j WW WW ? . ? T - JA1 a Fruit Jars, 50 gro )&$ extra Tops, Pe i> Jelly Glasses, 2< and Saucers. Se NlCh PHONE 42 LO JISBl V ,; ^ ' ' Hv' ..." ' .. ' )CKET I i S^SmSSS net! savsafe and -y ^ J - >ur facili- . AA Xs. J^p \N , 3ANK I 1 GOVERNMENT ^AAAAAAAAAAA r BBEjTO1 nt Flour J 9. This flour is gnftran. <4 lefunded. ' I "2 i Buy the BRAND I j# is. it Grades of COFFEE J F * and Hay. JAL STORE atisfy You. * jL~ "* Jj 2 Louisburg, N. C. J ^ < > AAAAAAAAA A* ; ! RS | ats Extra. I'serving X ) dozen sed Irish X cs, I JRG, N. C ^

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