-1' ' 7 t"^' i F A. F.JOHNSON, BDITOB AND Hi / xl. * COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ; ' met in rbgular session on monday. 1 . . _3 Election of Superintendent of , County Home?Special School ; Election Ordered for f^rpress } Creek TCWnshlp. -.The Board of County Coramis*!<-nern met in regular session on Monday, August 1st?all members being present. ? v f Sr*After reading and approving roin -btes of last meeting the Board proceeded to dispose of business as follows: : to pay for piping. * Report of F. R. Pleasants, liana V>-ger Medical Depository, was received and filed. &. P. Harrell wae relieved of poll tax indefinitely?on aoeount of being a minister and having lost one ' arm. . The following petitions for school * election in Cypress creek township r nt ^-ven Partm was recetved awl or>- dered recorded: A petition is presented from more than one-fonrth of free holders of the Seven Paths district in Cypress creek township, the territory of said district being described therein. This petition having been approved and endorsed by the County Hoard of Education, itri? ordered that an election he held at Seven Paths in said district on Tuesday the c- sixth day of September, 191<),. at n which said election will be snbmitted to the voters of said district the quest .! ..i . 1... law fi-n?-1... ? null VI V??w j niixuailji XJM. n o|;cctial tax of not more than thirty cents on the $100 worth of property nn(i HO cents on poll to supplement the school funds of said district. C. M. Vaughan is appointed registrar, and Alston gilder pnd W. J. Wilder, are appointed poll holders for same. A new registration ia or. dered. The following place will be ( at Seven Paths school house, and the election will be held and conducted as provided bv law. The following resolution, relative to the Yonngville township roads, rt" was ordered isouidad: Whereas, It is ^necessary that work should be done on the roads.of ~ i Yoangsville township, while there are as yet no funds on hand with whioh t? work. And, ' < >' Whereas, Certain citizens of said . Report of E. N. Williams, Super, intendent of County Home, was received and filed. He reports- 14 white and 12 colored inmates, Mrs. Elisabeth Proctor was placed -T- I* outside pauper list at $1.00 per month. The lots of IC. P. Hill, on Nash Street, were reduced to $1,000 eaoh. v John Matthews was allowed $4.00 tor coffin for Jordan Moore, Jr's. wife. Jordan -Moore, Jr., was plaoed on outside pauper list at $2.00 per month, commencing with June 1st, tor one quarter only. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, Superintendent of Health, was received and filed. ^ The Hoard theti went into the A , ^election of a Superintendent for the Home, Aged and Infirmed for the term of two years from January 1st, ,1911 to December 31st, 1913. The (petitions of E. X. Williams and . -.*W.- J. Johnson were read, after ^^.'(whioh a ballot was taken which reM ^sulttd as follows: Williams 3, John' ^son The chairman announoed that as JSfiv^Williams had reoeived ->the majority of vote* he was elected ~*fler the term above stated with same ' contract and salary as in the previous > two years. E. M. Gup ton. was appointed a i committee to have a bridge built over' Flat Rock creek on new read. ' It was ordered that the road overseer on road near C. P.. Harris be allowed piping to fix ditches near the home of Mr. Harris, the work to be done by road bands and the county and some from Vanoe, whose names | we were unable to get. Mrs. J. A. Harris Dead ?. NeWa was received here Tuesday of the death of Mrs. J. A. Harris, which occurred at Rex Hospital,Raleigh, on Monday night. Mrs. Harris' home was in Louisburg, and she had recently been taken to th8 h'os^'? pital for treatment. She was the mother of Allen Harris, night policeman here, and her remains were taken to Henderson .Wednesday wher they were interred Tuesday morning at Plank ohapel. The family has the sympathy of this community. Emurtalned On Saturday afternoon about twenty-five little follca were entertained at the home of TBr. !D. F. McKinne, by little Doroaa MoKinne in honor of by aeventh birthday, from five to Jtven o'clock. The merry little party enjoyed every minnte ot the afternoon and left mnoh indebted to their little hoetees for the pleaanrea they bad received. < mmm ? ym - t,i| - -- ?? '** . ?* Ji 7 / township,, have agreed to borrow money for this purpose; provided, that the road taxes of said township will be applied to the discharge of ' Bach debt. It is therefore ordered that, R. C. Underwood, J. F. Mitchell, C. A. t Earner, -O. C. Patterson; - D. W. = Spivey, C. C. Winston, and J. C. Winston, C. W. Roberts and L. O. Mitchiner, be, and they are hereby appointed a committee lo be known | as Road t rustees of Youncsville . township, and authorized to borrow ' such money, as may be necessary, not , lo exceed six thousand dollars for road work and purchase of equipment and such expenditures, shall be n first charge aguinst all receipts for taxes levied for road services in Youngsville township, until paid; the application of such taxes to be made by the Board of County Commissioners upon the dnly authenticated order of said Board of Road Trustees. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to their next regular meeting. Republican Convention and Speaking. According to announcement the Republicans of Franklin county held their convention in tlie Opera Houee here on Monday at which time Mr. T. T. Hieks, of Henderson, made an addreBS to those present. The speech of . Mr. Hicks ?was good, viewed from a Republican standpoint, and received repeated cheers from the Republicans present. He spoke for aliout an hour, and after advising the members of the party what and bow to do, he openly endorsed the reelection ot Spenoer B. Adams as State Chairman. Mr. Htoks was introduced in a few and well seleoted words by Mr. J. P. Mitchell, of Y ouogsville. Upon the completion of Mr. Hicks' speech, it was announced {hat the convention would oome to order, and that the business would be to elect delegates to the State Convention. The delegates wereT. J. Jaokson, W. H. Yatboiougb, Jr., J. F. Mitchell, T. H. Wbitaker, Stephen fSupton. After the delegates were seleoted they then toek a vote to ascertain who the convention would support as State Chairman which resulted as follows: Adams 15, Morehead G. Upon which the delegates were instructed to support Adams. After this vote, it is learned, that W. W. Green and one other delegate from Hayes ville, not liking the workings of the convention withdrew and, left the Tdflnh The convention then adjournod nntil August ?,.1rrl, wJien.! they will consider a county ticket.' There was a large number of Republicans present from other counties among whom we noticed J. C. Matthews, and Attorney Bailey, of Nash, E. W. Timberlake, of Wake, J\ _Z* i ? *,... * * r~ = -4??^ KLL THE COUNTY, THE LOUISBURG, N. C,. FRID> LOUISBORC BASE BALL. \ 1. SICKNESS STOPPED FRIDAY'Sl GAME. Although the Boys Play Good \ Ball It Seems that "tuck" Is Against Them?Franklinton I Takes Two GamesThe game of ball that was to have been played between Louisburg and Franklinton on "Friday at Franklinton, was called off on account of the illneaa of Mr. - S. Turner, one ot Louiaburg'a beet players, who was taken with appendicitis after Thursday's game. He was taken to Rex Hospital on Friday morning where he underwent an operation. His many triends will be glad to learn that be is doing well. The Franklinton team came over to Louisburg Tuesday nnd took another game front her opponents. This game was interesting, owing to the good playing on both sides, bnt the Franklinton had the better of Louisburg players on account of the latter having some of its best players out of the game and had to play new ones. The feature of the game was the pitching of Shore for Franklinton,. and the fielding of Tracy for Louishnrg. . This was truly Franklinton's day as it seemed that her men could touch the-ball at any old time, and several two baggers were knocked, while on the other side it looked to be a hard job to get a hit. The batteries were Franklinton, Shore and Riddick; Louisburg, Fitzgerald- and I'oole. Umpires McKeithan and Davie. The score by inning was as follows: RUE Franklinton 020 001 011?5 8 1 Louisburg 000 COO 000? 8 2 8 Louisburg went over to Franklinton on Wednesday and was defeated in another game by Franklinton. This gave promise of being an extra good and close game, but fate seemed to have been against Louisburg. The features of the game wae the batting ot Prim and Stone, and fielding of Frye and Stewart. Prim made one exceedingly pretty hit to center field, which looked to be a Lome ran, but was out oft by the fast fielding, of Hackney. Davis and MoKei.than both pitched good ball^ind^ the players generally did well. Batteries, franklinton, MoKeithan and Riddick; Loiiisburg, Davis and Poole. tXmpirea, Shore and Fitzgerald. The following lk the score by innings: R H E Franklinton 221 000 000? 5 9 4 Louisburg 001 000 010? 2 5 2 Ae we go to'press the aamo teams are in a hot contest on the local grounds in Williamston Park, an account of which we cannot give as we havo to go to press 'to catch the mail. The following is a schedule for the remaining games of 1 lie ses^ on between the two teams: f~*t Friday?I.ouisburg at Franklinton. ^ ' -?* Monday? Franklint6n at I .oursburg. ' . Tuesday?Louiaburg at Franklinton. Thursday?Louisburg vs. Franklinton at II aleigh. ^ I At The Collegefor Business or Pleasure. J. H. Cooke, of Greensboro, was" in Louisbarg yeBterday. Mrs. C. H." Clay and children are. visiting her people at-Stovall. F. N. Kgerton and B. G. Hicks left Monday for Seven Springs. K. G. Winstead, of Wilson, was a visitor to Louisbarg the past week. W- C. Collins, of Nashville, was a visitor to Louisbarg the past week. Miss Bessie Morris, of Petersburg, Va., is visiting Miss Ruby Lancaster. Mr. It. S. White and wife, of Raleigh, are visiting at Mr. W. H. Ruffin's. Mrs. Z. T. Fortescue, of Hyde county, is visiting relatives near town l'almer Bailey returned the past from a visit to Wake and Durham counties. Mrs. J. C. Goodwyn, of Norfolk, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, G. L. Aycock. R. Y. McAden, and family spent several days in Raleigh the past week. R. S. McCoin, wife and little neice, of Henderson, were in town yesterday. Geo. H. Parker and wife, of Woodland, are visiting Rev. A. J. Parker. Mrs. R. W. Bailey and son ore visiting relatives in Wake and Durham counties. F. B. MoKinne returned Monday from a visit to his people in Johnston county. Miss Julia Parrott and Mr. Mer. cer Pirrott, of Hillsboro, are visifing j at Mr. R. Z. Egerton. , Miss Annie White hurst, of Elizabeth City, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. James McKinne. Miss Emma UnderhiB leaves today for Baltimore, where she will take a course in tmllit^afy. . M. S, Clifton and family returned the past week from a visit to friends and relatives at Tarboro. i Miss Ruth Adams returned to her Jtome at Four Oaks Friday, after trinilino \iioa \l an/In Uialre Mesdames Lydia A. Taylor, T. J. Taylor and Mr. L. N. Taylor, of Oxford, is visiting Mr. If. P. Taylor. Miss Jessie Brothers, who has been " visiting at Mr. F. It. MoKinno's tho past week, returned to Eer home at Princeton Friday. '-^Dr. W. R. Clifton, of Waco Texas, Ik-visiting relatives in and near Louisbur^>^He has many old friends here who are glad to shake his band again. Misses Jodie and Beulah Tucker, JCato and T.illlan nigh, Mrs."'.T. T,. Itied, of Kittrell, Mrs. E. M. Bragg, Oxford, Messrs D. C. High,- S. M. Washington and K. G. Winetead visited Ocean View the past week. His many friends were more than pleased tg.shake the hand of Mr. E. C. Barrow, of Greensboro, 111 Louiabnrg this week. Mr. Barrow is looking exceedingly well and will spend several days with his people here. Delightful Hay Ride. On Friday night last Miss Alba Allen gave a delightful hay ride to a number of her friende'in honor of Mise Martha Byrd Spruill, of Rocky Mount, and Elizabeth Jones, of Ox"fardj gneeta iu Louiaburg.?Ika ^e-J caaion was a great auceesa and was mficb enjoyed by thoee present who j weae Mieses Mary H. Macon, Elizabeth Jonee, Martha Byrd Spruill, Ina Harris, Abiah Person, Maude f'- V >&" T^t'-?\> . V1-Y . ; ?r ; - : ' ? *"' "' u?v"' \ " : . 1 > ' . . " i m 1 T '? : ?= . SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 FEB YBAB * ~ -yZ? . " / " NUMBER 24 Hicks, Margaret Hick*, Florence " i Terrell, Annie Allen, Alba Allen, Messrs. D. P. Smitbwick, T. G. Hill, E. B. Hart, Mr. Goocb, W.?D. Jackson, B. T. Holden, Lewis Jones, ' Jones Macon. The part; was chaperoned by Mrs. W. H. Maooni Notice To Farmers. J. O. Sledge, local organizer and "lecturer of the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union of Amerioa, for Franklin county, will address the members ot the different locals at the places and times as outlined below, on the most important subjects of the organization. It is important for us to know what we want to do, and then do it. The main idea of this work is to revive the membership of th? bounty, therefore "it is earnestly hoped that the members will take notice and come out to these appointments, whether in good standing or not, we want every one ? to come, and especially the lady members?and ladies if vou have not joined your locals, (Some ont to these appointments and ioinL We need yoor co-operation in this organization. The appointments are as follows : White Level?Saturday night, August 6. Wood?Monday night, Aug. 8. Centreville?Tuesday night, August J?, Sandy Creek?Wednesday night, Aug. 10. Laurel?Thursday night, Aug. It. Aleulton?Friday night, Aug. 12. Ingleside?Saturday p. ra., 3:30, Aug. 13. Newport?Monday night, Aug. 15. Flat Hock?Tuesday night, Aug. 16. ... Oak Level?Wednesday night, Aug. 17. / Popes?Thursdayfnght, Aug. 18. " Tharrington-rFriday night, Aug. 19. / These meetings will he called to order at 8:30. Appointments for the other locals will be announced ISter. J. O. Sledge. Organizer. At HomeOn the evening of the 27tb, Mrtf. Willie Macon gave a reception at her country home, near town, in honor of her son, Wilson Maoon, wno left the next morning for Richmond, Va., where he goes to enter a busineBe college of that city. The interior of the house was moat attractively decorated for the occasion, and made a very pretty scene. Dainty refreshments were served following the close of the games, wliiuly^were extremely entertaining : and spirited. Those present were, Misses Sallie^Lon and Sallie I-ooise Macon, Lonie and Susie Meadows, Lula Bet Persou, Mary Wilson, Annie Wiggins, Kitty and Maiy Louise Foster, Alba Allen, Lucy and Helen Smithwick, Ina Harris, Lillian and Edna Beasley, Sallie Young Davis, Mrs. Blount Kgerton, Mrs. G.Macon, Mrs. Beasley, Bessie Lee Alston, Gussie Foster, Messrs. Blount and Jun$ Egerton, Peter Foster, Billid G. Foster, D. G. Smithwick, Perry and Thurston^ Wile on, Fisher, John, Young, and Joe Ben Beasley, Ballard,Jessie and Frank Mitchell, Walter Alstoh, Willie Macon. M. Enjoyable Dance. , i The dance given at the Opera : PT 1 a If -1 * ? ' i iuiicb mm muuuby mgni wrh a very enjoyable affair. There waa quite a ? laige crowd preaent and the square and round dances both were evident. Quite a number of tboee preaent took part in the evejiDg's enjoyment. The muaio waa turuiihed by the Big Four Oroheetra. there waa a lawn party in progreM " , / on the conrthouae square, where ioe ? cream and cake waa served for the benefit of the Loujabnrg Baeebail Aaaociatiomf