--v" Fj A. F.JOHNSON, 8DIXPB AND MA ^ VOL. XL. . ?FRANKLINSUP'R COURT. CONVENED MONDAY MOANING AT 10 O'CLOCK. , -ytSf * . Hon-'fr. B." Peebles, or Northampton County, Judge Presiding?No Cases of Especial Tm?ftnfonna?Rfinnpf nf Opiind liuywi MkUVW ? Jury. On Monday morning at 10 o'clock - the AugUBt term of Franklin Superior Court, for the trial of criminal -cases, was convened by Hon. R. B. Peebles, of Northampton county, - Judge presiding. Hon. C.C. Daniels, of Wilson, waB present, and in his usual easy and able manner conducted the prosecution for the State After the charge of Judge Peebles to the jury, which was considered an able and instructive document and well fitted for its place, and which we have heard' highly complimented, the following were selected to compose tbe Grand Jury for this term: H. D. Egerton, Foreman, W B. Bogers, Harrod Frazier, W. B. Fulghum, M. E. Joyner, J, T. Alford, D. H. Dickie, E P. Allen, H. A. Newton, C. T. Goswiok, A. A. Medlin, J. L. J. Pearoe, J. F. Layton, E. F. Bunn,W. P. Cooke, O. W. Perry, H. L. Murphy, E. M. Syke's. W. O. Stone was selected and sworn as officer.to grand jury. The following jurors were excused for the term: A. A. Clitton, C. G. Wood, A. Z. Morton, W. J. Alford, G. C. Patterson. Owing to the illness of Mr. W. D. Harris, Mr. W. J. Johnson, of Cedar Book township, was sworn as cryer to the court. Court adjourned on Monday afternoon that the members of the bar might attend the funeral servioes of Mrs. R. B. White at Franklinton. Uppn completion of the preliminary arrangements,the docket wastak en up and tried or otherwise disposed ot as follows: State vs J. W. Pulley, continued. State vs Ernest Rhodes, continued. i'V State vb Wiley Davis, a. d. w., nol pros with leave. Ct.i. ... nr:i t\ 1 OUILO *? VV uej JLYBVIO, uui prue ' with leave. State vs Bat Mann, e. c. w., roI proa with leave. State va Jack Green, 1. and r., nol proa with leave. State va Anthony Harria, a. d. w., waives bill of endiotment and pleads, guilty, judgment $1.00 and oo6ts. State va W. Powell, falae jjretense^ defendant discharged. ?' "at. va H. dalMwl?nt called and failed, judgment nisi acifa. Judgment to be stricken out if defendant renews' bond in 30 days. State va Matthew E. Perry, seductioD, continued. State va Nathaniel Alston, seduotion, continued upon defendant's giving a $200.00 bond. State va Richard Guess and John Henry Johnson, affray, not guilty. State va Sam Pearce, or Peace, called and failed, judgement nisi acifa. . State vs Billy Kellev and Millie Jones, f. and a., not guilty. State va T. Peppery, d. w., guil. ty, four months on Ttoada. State va Paul Williams, not guil-' v W- V ; ? State va.J3barlie Harris, false pre* tense, not guilty. ?SPte va WalterMsy and Thomas Jackson, assault, guilty as to May, . ??. - * ^ . r .. " * ' ?' s *. * , NAGER ^ ' I ?. State vs Tom MoGbee, 1. (qd J, not guilty. State v? Drew Pearee, Howard F^aroe and Jeaaie Winston, trespass, noT guilty. State ye Thomas Young, trespass, guilty, judgment 140.00 and ueets. State vs Sam Horner, disposing of mortgaged property, plead guilty, twelve months on roads. State vs Joel Egerton, Orange Davis, John Davis and William Neal, breaking in a store house, Egerton plead guilty and was given five years on public roads. Jury returned a verdict ot not guilty aa to OraDge Davie, John Davis, and William Neal. , State vs Sam Hargrove, resisting officer, not guilty. _____ State vs Sam Hargrove, false pre ' tense, nol pros. State vs General Yarborough, attempt to commit iape,-not guilty. State vs Hubert Norward, Sam W'nston 1. and r., guilty, six months each on roads. State va Bigman Dunston, retailing, guilty, six months on roads. State vs Lee MoKnight, retailing, pleads guilty, three months on loads. State va Haywood Foster, 1. and r., twelve months on roads. State vs .Tames Russell, 1 and r, guilty, six months on roads: State vs Henry Richardson, guilty fine* $30.00 and costs: As we go to press court is still in session and we will complete oar re port of the proceedings in oar next issue. report ok the grand jury. The Grand Jury finished their work .on Wednesday evening and were discharged with the thanks of the court. Their report is as follows:x " To Hon. R. B. Peebles, Judge . Pre*1?ing. We the Grand Jury for August term cf Franklin Superior Court respectively Deg leave to submit the following report. , We have passed on all bills given in outcharge, and have given due attention to all matters that have come to our knowledge. We have visited the oounty jail in a body and find the same in good condition sanitary and otherwise We have visited tlje^county home {or the aged and infirm and find the same well kept, and the inmates well cared for and satisfied; ^ye have Tisited the county pffi. eSs and find them in good condition, the books and records well kept and properly indexed; > We reoommend that a new court house and jail attached be erected, if within the wisdom of the county commissioners if they find the same expedient:? Respectfully submitted, H. D. Egektox, Foreman. The court ordered that a copy of this report be handed to the county commissioners of Franklin county. Graded School Opens* We received the following commnnioation from Supt. W. R. Mills, Wednesday: The Graded School will open for the fall term on Tuesday, September 6th. Examinations for new pupils will be held at the Graded School building on Friday and Saturday before the day of opening. All text books to be used in the claAes will be on sale at the school bnild&g> These books will be sold at published priced and strictly for -sash. No exceptions can be made in any case. It is very important that the pupils enter on the first day of the session. A day lost at the beginning Bay came your boy or gW to fall of promotion at the end of the year. We trust the patrons ot the school will see to it that all pupils are in on the opening day. *' not gumy aa to jaoason. State va Pearoe, gambling, not guilty. State va Bill King and Ed King, affray, not guilty. . State va Joe Mitehell and Sid Willie ?j m WF itlltT Tt ItllKIIlP) Hi UJ trtj |MVBUB judgment $6.00 and one half coata each. State va Pink Page, murder, aubmitted to charge of raanalaughter, judgment four month* in jail. 'Cffe ._. ? ' ^ t - -t--Aj^r^j KLD THECOUNTY, THE " LOUISBURO. H. Oi> ?RIDA A SAD DEATHMrs B. B. White Passed Away oi) Sunday Morning? Funeral on Tuesday Afternoon. yirginia Green, wife of R. Bruce White, of Franklinton, N. C., and only daughter of the late Capfc' Juliua Sidney Joyner and hi* wife Eliza Jeffreys, died in Franklinton od Sunday morning, August 21, 1910 at live o'clock. The funeral services were held in the Methodist c-burch of which the deceased was a member, conducted by Rev, W. W. Rose, pastor of that church, and Rev. G. P.' Harrell, of the Baptist ohnrch. Mrs. White was born in Franklinton December 19tb, 1876, and was mairied to Mr. R. Bruce White in November 1905. The deoeased was the writers ideal of a beautiful character. She was to him the embodiment of all that is gentle and good and beautiful. Universally beloved by all who knew her both for her loveliness of dispo Bition ana person, a datum and devoted wife, daughter and sister, she has left an aching void in a wide circle of sorrowinq hoarts. Her sweet and gentle influence impressed all who came in contact with her. As the budding flower emits its fragrance to the passing breeze so did her lovable character pour its virtuous impulses into the hearts of others. When but a little girl she gave her heart to God and united | with the Methodist and from thenc onward till death out her down in the bloom of young womanhood her life has been an illustration-of happy cheery, sunny Christianity, tall ot earnestness, purpose and devotion to duty. For twelve years she was organist in the Sunday school of which the writer was SuDerintendent. Jt was during those years he knew her best. At times when tilings were not moving smoothljyw-hen the Superintendent was'^ilespondent Miss Jennie, (before hnd after marriage, I have known her only as Miss Jennie), always had a word of cheer and was always helpful to me. For a ureal number of vaara aha hiH a claw of-boys in the Sunday school and they were ever devoted to her, indeed the devotion was mutual. Her class was No. 5, and when she C 7 - - - ? died they ordered a design from the florist, a figure five. The pall-bearers weija her S.unday school class, G. L. Cook, J. W. Weathers, Eugene McGhee, Robert D. Collins, Calvin Brown, Lawrence Moye, Carter Cooper, G. R. Moye, John Allen, Carl D. Harper. Monday afternoon, July 22, at four o'clock. -The chancel was a bed of fldwers and made into many beautiful designs, anchors, orosses, harps, crescents, pillows, stars and erowns. All evidences of love add esteem. The auditorium and Sunday school I annex was filled to overflowing nnd perhaps so large an audience was never before present on a funeral occasion in Franklinton. Everybody loved Miss Jennie and they came to pay their laBt tribute^of love and respect. The choir rendered musrc appropriate to the occasion and was assist,./! 1... II.. XX7 T T>-? - ~ J " Vu u) ii . ?. x vtcoi, uuu va r.. Brewer, of Wake forest. Mrs, Leroy Tbiem, (nee Alias Nina Green) sang "Face to Face." The burial was in Fairview Cemetery. The out of town' attendance was large and among the number were the following: Dr. John E. Vfhite, of Atlanta, Mr. A. II. Green, Mrs. Thomas C. Powell, Mrs. Leroy Thiem, Mrs. Cele.itia Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Mitohell, Miss Daisy Green, Miss Penelope Smith, MissCeleste Smith and Hon. J. T. Joyner, of Raleigh, Mr. and Mrs. J: M. of Durham, Mr. W. H. Baffin, Miss ! Mamie London, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Biokett, Mr. W. M.'Boone, Mr.' Paul i Griffin and Mr. Edward/ Thomas, of y . .4b,-.. : . I- ' i' v ^ * ' - ?. * JK t&jf' ;> 1 T STATE, THE UNION. Y, AUGUST 26. 1910. I.ouisburg, Mr. and Mrs. John, B. ,H Brewer, Misa Julia Brewer, of Danville, Va., Dr."W. W^^Staley, Suffolk, Va., Mra. K. P. Thomas Co- 1 field, N.C., Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Harrieon, Weidon, Mrs. Herbert Borrow and daughters, of Concord, Dre. 1 W. L. Potest, C. E. Brewer, Judge E. W. Timberlake, of Wake Forest Mr. Garland Smith, of Clayton,1 Mr. Oscar D. Green, of Baltimore, Md., Hon. C. C. Daniels, of Wilson. Mr. White's devotion to his wife, ' and her trust In and affection for him was beautiful. To the husband, I the aged and feeble mother, and two hrothers we extend our warmest | heart-felt ^sympathy. Though we cannot always discern the motives of \ providence yet we must bow in submission to the blow remembering . that "the ways of Him who doeth ail things well are be inscrutable as they are .wise. ' We will Ihink of Miss Jennie and talk of her and as 'time hurries us on we will recall her as one .whom God loved and blessed and who so reflected and radiated 1 His gifts as to be herself a light and UlOOBiU^. | Riverside Warehouse Opens. The formal opening of the Riverside Warehouse was celebrated here yesterday by a big barbecue and a big sale. The proprietor, Mr. E. S. Ford, informs us that the amount of tobacco far exceeded his expectations and a big crowd of people were present. The tobacco was a fair gf ade tor the season and the price gpoa. The break reminded us of the late fall, as the floor was at least twothirds covered, and the sale was crowded with people from all adjoining counties,/ The tobaceo market has been doing. Well since its opening and the' prioes have been very satisfactory to the farmers, all of which goes to show that the farmers who have, tried the Louisburg market in the past are well pleased with the re-<: suits and accomodations they received and indicate an increased amount of business for this season. An Enjoyable Dance. One of the most enjoyable danceB that has taken place in Lbuisburg in many years was givdh on Wednesday night gt the Opera House by Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Allen oompli. j mentary to his cousin, Miss Maude ] Kelly, of Birmingham, Ala. There I were more than forty present who thoroughly enjoyed the occasion to , the fullest extent. , Music was furnished by the first | regiment string baud of Virginia. The dance was most t beautifully led , by Mr. Ned Ford and Mrs. S J. ^ Parham. Those danoingjwtre: Ned ( ForH with Mrs. S. J. Parham, A. j W. Person with Mies Mande Ktllj> of Birmingham, Ala.; B. H. Perry, of Henderson, with Miss Annie Allen, Glenn Crowell with Miss Fort, of Raleigh; T. G. Boddie with Miss ' Alba AlleD, Julian HarJ with Miss Julia Barrow, T. W. Knftin with Miss Annie Belle King, ?. H. Malone with Miss Eleanor Cook, Dr. ' J. H. Uzzell with Mies Fannie Bod- 1 die, Harry Candler with Miss Lucy ' Hayes, B. T. Holden with Miss ' Martha Mann, O. Y. Yarboro .with ^ Miss Beatrice Yarboro, of Spring Hope; Dr. A. H. Fleming with Mrs. ' T. B. Jacooks, of Tarboro; Mr. and t Mrs. F. H. Allen, Mr. and MrnM. i S. a Citizen?:"Mr. Voter, Tom Whit- v aker is after yon!" [ t? Mr. Voter?*T^e devil, yon aay." ? r^Mr.*ri- . '*-V?mi AI ' ' v V via *** .>>. i/. i'iifii' -.*V . /: txatL'Li..s . ''v "W1 . ' v-?i- -V? .,?_r__?? . IMEi I FHE MOVING PEOPLE. HEIR MOVEMENTS IN AND OUT OF TOWN. 'hose Who Haya Visited Louisburg the Past Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or PleasureE. J. Newel returned Saturday rom a trip to Chapel Hill. H. T. Beaaley, of Zebulon, visited Louisburg the paat week. 1J, Y. Gulley, of Wake Forest, atended court the past week. J. W. Hpllinsgworth left Tuesday for a business trip to New York. Misses Ludie. Meadows, of Oxford, is visiting at Mrs. S. S. Meadows. Miss Mary Johnson, of New York, is visiting Mrs. T. B. Wilder. Supl. W. R. M'Us and family are risking his wife's people in Wilson. Miss Nellie Fort, ot lialeigl', is notice that they would challenge the Detoocratic candidates tor a joint ' canvass of the county this fall. Killian-Hayes. Miss Lily Hayes and Mr. E. F. Killian were very quietly married at Denver, N. C., Thursday night, August 18thr ?-J? Miss Lily is a daughter of Mrs Sue Eaton Hayes, and the late William Jones Hayes, one of North Carolina's most prominent families. Mr. Killian fs a very prominent merchant of Denver. Their host of friends in and around Louisburg Wishes ihetft a long sad happy -life; ?rr A Rkpbese.vtativm in Congress oan have nothing to do with whether North Carolina has whiskey or \ prohibition. Not on rour life. .wRBl the guest this week of Mrs. W. H. Allen. | ' Mr?. J. S. Toralinson, of Washington, D. C., is visiting at Mr T. B. Wilder's. ?,K Mrs. J. H. Bobbilt, left Monday to visit relatives an I friends in Warren county. T. H. Hight, of Henderson, was a pleasant caller at the Times office the past week. /Miss Lillian Hight left Friday for Dallas, Texas, where she will visit Mibi Mary Judd. Mrs. Dora Allen and Mrs. A. W. Pfcrry, Jr., are visiting friends at Youngeville this week. J. W. Coppedge, of Wilmini ton, visited relatives in and near Louisbnrg the past week. Mrs. Ge nd George T. Whitaker, of Youngs-, lie township, was aelected sedreirv, whereupon the- object of the ill was announoed andjbu.siuesa tak . - f - -J " * * . . v \ - - * , J1 *. > .;. V _ 1 SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER TEAR NUMBER 27 en ap in the following order. George T. Wbitaker, of Young*, ville township was placed in nomination for the Senate and the nomination was carried. W- W. Green placed the name of Maj. B. F. Bullock, of Franklinton township, in nomination for the House of Repiesentatives, which meet ing with no opposition, was made nriaminons. The nixC nomination made was that for sheriff^dahn F. Mitchell, of Youngsville, being tlie.choice, although it was undifrrtdbd he Would not run. Stephen G. Gupton, of Sandy Creek township, was nominated Register of Deeds.In the selection of a candidate for * , Clerk/of the Superior. Court was the first and only hitch in the convention, R. U. Hicks was plaoed in nomination, whereupon a delegate . arose and stated that he had been informed by Mr. Hicks that he would not aocffpt the nomination for this office but he would accept the the nomination for Treasurer. After this the name of T. H. Wbitaker .was put before the Convention, but not receiving a second it was clearly seen that it did not conform to the slate so it was not considered, whereupon tha name of J. R. White, ofDunns township, was put up and he was nominated, I For Treasurer R. TT. Hicks, nf Franktinton township, received the nomination without opposition. The following were then nominat- . ed for county commissioners: J. R. Wright, of Dunns, A. K. Rogers, of Hayeaville, Wesley Davis, of Yonngsville, Joel Wilder, of Sandy Creek, E. ii. Hight, of liouieburg. It was then stated that owing to the fact they were .going to beat the Democrats so bail this year they would not put up a nominee for coroner, but would allow the Democrats to select their own coroner for their inquest after the election. After the completion of the nominations a chairman of the executive committee and five executive committeemen were elected as follows: T. H. Whttaker, chairman, W. H. Yarborough, Jr. B. F. Bullock, Geo. T. Whitaker, W. W. Green, P. R. Hatch. After this eleotion the chairman appointe.d W. W. Green and J. M. White to escort the newly elected" chairman tp his position-for the purpose of making a speech and to take charge ot the meeting. In his introductory**?reraarks Mr. Yarborongh said: "All you Republicans know bim well," whereupon some one in the audience volunteered the re-'-^ mark, "Yes, and the Democrats known him, too," which created much laughter. Before the convention was called to order it looked as if the leaders were having some trouble in slating their ticket, but owing to the fact that they had been , hard at work on- it 1 for some time they soon had every thing all right and it passed oft very smoothly, no muoh so that it was easily seen that their troubles had all been attended to before the work begun. The newly elected chairman