?? --- - . Man And His Shoes- , M How nmoli a man in like his shoes! ' "f instance: both a aoul may lose; 1 Hoth have been tunned; both are ' ' made tight " ' '' Hy cobblers; both Bet left and 4 right " Hoth need a mate to be complete; And both are made to go on fete. They both need healing; oft are sold, t And both in time will turn to o AjMb mold. a With shoes the last ta firat; with b men ii The firat ahall be the last; and v when b The shoes wear out they're mend- e ed new;, . o W ben men wear out tbey'ie men d dead toot _ ? ii They both are trod upon, and I both v Will tread on others, nothing lotb. t Hoth have their ties, and both in- 1< dine, b Wheu polished, in the world Ao tl hjne;?? ? b And both peg out. Now, wou'd s , V ^W e trust tnat even larger onerizig will He made at this' Tbanksgiv- o ing season than, ever before to tbe j end that these institutions may be c the bettej/tfole to perform tbeir ser- J vice. .They need funds for main- d tenpnoe, tor improvement and for " the extension of the work, d / li Progressive Farming. o The obieot of the Farmer's Co op- g erative Demonstration work is to t teach the best methods of agrtoultilre. The methods advocated by this branch of tbe government's work ate not theories, but are such practices as are used by the most ti successful farmers throughout the * country. It would be a great thing o for the country if every farmer were ? as good a farmer as the beat ones. a To oarry on the work a good local ? farmer establishes from forty to one u hundred Demonstration Farms in a ^ county. On these farms the best methods of agriculture are put into [j practice. Kot only the man who a conducts the Demonstration is ben- j efitted but his neighbors may learn S from him. With a number of such ? farms as centers of study, there is no r reason why every farmer in a coun- g ty should not be benefitted. ( The county supervisor is given a ? short oourae of preparation, so that o be may be able to understand thor- ? oughly the fundamental principles S of successful agriculture and so that ? he is qualified to help other farmers d in any'way they may need aid. In S other words tne movement is a kind yi of school of agrioaltare which iJ 1 available to a"y one who may care to Ht into it. The work has been in ^ration tor six years. There are Iv thousand farmers enrolled, in ' the Sooth, of whiolT numbed abbot .flye thousand are in North Carolina, j The' yield.of corn on three thousand | sores in North Carolina last season 1 40.8 bushels per acre. The ^ average yield fo^the state was 16.5 ^ bushels. ' TheRey.IrlH- Hioks 1911 AUj manao. y. t The Rev. Irl R- Hicks Almanao ' for 1911, that guardian Angel in a hundred thousand homes, it now ready. Not ra?ny are now willing UMOOSe * To be a roan, or be his shoes? Thanksgiving Day?Orphans' Day. The work of the orphauages of t| North Carolina appeals most strongly to reason and to sympathy. These institutions are worthy of the heartiest support of our people and they * have a large plaoe in their intereplf y and gifts and efforts. f, At the Thanksgiving season minds P and hearts turn especially toward a our orphanages and many are the P practical expressions of gratitude _ made to this cause by a people richly -i blessed. J These love-prompted gifts to car- F ry on this blessed work with thtB-j J little ones surely must be acceptable d to God, the Father of the fatherless. J It Beems that, here in North Car- a olina. Thanksgiving Day baB been J specially set apart as "Orphans' Day" v and we rejoice that this is true. The * contributions made at this season help very muoh indeed in the sup- . ^fcrt of our various orphanages. This November -nd, 1910. \ C. S WlMUAMS, Mortgage. rAX PAYERS Take\ ^Notice The tax bookV ot the town o [jouiaburn for tWe\ year 1910 hav teen turned oVer fo me for eollec ion of the tajfea thVreop. See m kt onoe and/settle same and eav rourself arin myself any uoneceeaar rouble. Remember ham inatruote a make these oolleotibns at ono? This Ofot. 19th, 1910A Y ' D.O.VuGH, Tax Qolleotor. o be without it and the Rev. Irl H ticks Magazine, Word and Worlu Phe two ure only One Dollar a yeai no Atmanac is aao prepam. S< lome or office should fail to send to hem, to Wotd and Works Publish :ig Company, St. I.ouis, Mo. From Durham. tfi the exeroise* at the Inaugura ion of Dr W. P. Few as Presiden f Trinity College, one of thd roos triking scenes was the long procss ion of delegates from other collegei a caps and gowns. These delegatei pere from all of the leading Univer ities and Colleges east of the Missis ippi. These delegates were called up n the rostrum one by one and intro uoed in the order of the age of theii istitutions, beginning with thi 'residents of Harvard, Yale, etc. ,-hile sixth in line was Mrs. Ive^ Ulen, President of Louisburg Col sge. This is something for- Louie urg to be proud of, thus Bhowini hat it has one of the oldest institu lone of learning in America. IfANTED?A boy^tp yfke-oyer a goo< paving business sklnng newspajj^ts Address P. O. Boi 156, LouijBurc FOR SALt\OJi*RENT. A good 3 horse farm in Cedar Rod jwnship. / \ Mbd. Fannie Webb. 7 Mapjeville, N C. JOINT SALES (On Monday-Nnqfryfiber 21, at 1 'clock ajHTATlnXjiinWAear Margare will self to Thi jjnailyst bidder th< allowing artiqoi.tVFn, fodder^hucks eavine.T hay, \dn?Wiofse wagon am arneSB, \bug?Mr orlt'Wpt^r flues an( lso J. R.NjugnvwilMWrrcorn, shucks air of mulqfaJil wagons. 7 0.\. HARRIS LESS THAN COS! 'rom nsw until 2?h of December, J Winston will sell what is on hand li is store regardlesstof cost. Shirts, un erwear, guns, suspenders, leggins letticoata, women Vinderwear, men ats and women skoeV, I am sorry ti ay that I am going out of business thi Irst day of JeriuAy and on the 24tl ay of Decern ben 1 will \ell at auctioi Fhat I do not ami from How until tha ime all who want bargains come am et them. / . \ / J. P. WINSTON. LAND SALE Under the directions and the powe if gnlp pnntiinpmin fKa locf ??'H estament of Minton ii. Perry, late o: ^ranklin county, paid vrill being re orded in book V, \page 182, Clerk's of ice of Franklin couty, as executor o: aid Minton L. PerJFy. I will on Satur ay, Docember 3rd\ 1910, at 12 o'clock oon in the town AftFrankliuton, N. C. ell at-public auction to the highest bic er for cash the Minion L. Perry place ituated 3 miles north-east of Frankinton, containing 81 acres and boundet n north by Pascellta Duke lands, oi ast by K. J. Iierry, oA south by L. J nd M. D. Wilper, on the west by Per y Dickens. This Nov.18, 1910. K. J. PERBY Executor of Minton L. Perry. LAND SALE. . By virtue of the power of sale con ained in a certain Mortgage Deedfron i. Y. Gully bnd wife to C/S. WilUan.s ecorded in book 159, page 295, Registn f Franklin County, I will on Mondav he 5th. day ofl December, 1910, at thi Courthouse dohr, in Lqnigburg. N. C. nd at 12 o'cloak noon/ expose to sail o the highest tedder for cash, the landi onveyedin saiS Mortgage Deed, sit ate in County oa franklin, and Stati f North Carolina, and in Franklintoi 'ownship, described as follows: to-wit First, one lot in the Town of Frank nton bounded /on the north by thi inds of I. H. Kearney, B. w. Ballard nd C S. Vann, or* the east by Hills oro Street, an thelSouth by lands o ). M, Cook,/and onlthe west by Greei itreet, containing six acres more o Iss, being /he land qpnveyed to S. V fully, by J. B. Timperlake, by dee< egistered/ in Regirtry of Fraeklii County, ia Book \ econd. /A tract of land near Pope' Chapel, oounded on thi north by land f R. ij Cenyers, and Earnest Moore n the/ast by the Usrwland, and lan< f B. H. Winston, on thisouthby laDdi if Mm}. Holn.es, and Charlotte Mit hell/ on west by lanls of Willian Ihearon, Best and W A.Mitchell >4ijlg the lands conveyed w> N. Y. Gull; lymeodsfiom Geo A. Oterbaugh, b; IdMregistered in KegistrAof Franklii punty in Book 104. .page 166, am rom I. H. Kearney, registered in bool 46, page 567, c. ntaining\520 acre nore or less. \ / I. ' * NOTICE I am going to stop selljag newspaper '* and magoziues, iA ouD^customers wh B were taking publikajfions want to con ? tinina should apnfy?j| at onto a J we can keep thejr magazines cominj r until the story m fi ished. We will no be responsiblOTor i ot being notified. / J. SPIKE, Mgr f6r fallng hair. You Run No Risk When you Use Thl t Remedy. I We promise you that. If your hair li falling out. and yo i have not let It gi too far, you can re >air thp< damage nl ? retd^iooe by usk g Rejfall -W Hal s Tonic, wltb persist'lie/ and regularlt: for a reasonable If h of time. It li a scientific, cleans figy .antiseptic, ger micidal preparaiiy . that" destroys ml _ c robes. slimulaJ^i good circulatioi around the half 1 jots, promotes hat nourishment. Jemc :es dandruff and re r stores hslr health. It is as pleasant ti 3 use as pure^vater and It is dellcatel; perfumed. Xlt is a *eal toilet necessity ' We- wdft you o try Rexall *03' f Hair ToA\c with our promise that 1 . will code you nothing unless you ar perfecmr satisfied with its use. 1 comes/in two sizes, prices r?0c. am ? $1.00./ Remember, you can obtai: . Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store?The Rexull Store : Sooggin Drug Co. 1 ROW TO CURt RHEUMATISM II Is an Internal Oiaeaaa That Require, .a Intel ' nal Remedy. The cause of Rhematism and kindre diseases is an excess of uric acid in th blood. To cure this terrible disease thi c acid muBt be expelled ana tbe syster so re^ulat^d that no mojri- acid will^ b IUI I11CU 111 ?AVCODl>C VJU-UllUU^. I \ 11C VJ matism is an eternal jflisease and re quires an Internal remedy. Rubbini with Oils aid Liniments will not cure affords only .temporary relief at best t causes you to delay the proper treat 1 ment, and allows the malady to get ! firmer hold cm /mi. Liniments ma . ease the painAbnt they will no mor j cure Rheusiamsm than painty wil * change the fibre of rotten wood > Science haaftit last discovered a per feet and coidpleye cure, which is calle "Rheumaciae." \ Tested in hundreds o - cases, it has effected the most mfiryei y ous cures/we bel\eve it will cure you Rheumaofde "gets, at the joints fror ' the insidp," iweepk the poisons out o . the system toned uh the stomach, reg i ulate thfe liver and kidneys and make - you we/l all over. Rheumacide "strike , the roots of the disease and removes it s causer' This splendimremedy is sol j by dtiiggiste and dealers generally a e 50 cts. and $1 a bottle. Un tablet fori h at 2ab. and 50c. a package For sale b ! Get a bottle today. Booklet 'free i t you write to Bobitt Chemical Co,, Bal i more, Md. Trial bottle tablets ?25c by mail. Beasley-Alston Drug Co. Louisburg, N. C. ECZEMA CURED. J Pimple Disappear, Complexion Cleai ? edVOver Nigh/ New York,?V-Thousflnds are talcinj - advantage of tile generous offer mnd< f by The Woodwcrth Qs., 1161 Broadway - New York City rearresting an experi : mental packageip Lemola the tie> skin discovery, w*ibh is mailed free o 1 charge to all wh? Write for it. It alon< , is sufficient to/lear the complexion ov er night and /d the face of pimples ii 1 a few hours/ On tlie first applicants i of Lemola Ae itchiiW will stop. It ha . cured thoireands afflicted with eczema - Teeters,/Rashes. Itdhings Irritations AcmesJScalings and (ousting of skins scalps/of infants, children and adults It is flood for the preservation and pur ificaMon of the skin, Ycalp, hair ant haryfs for the prevention of the clog ging of the pores the usual cause o pimples, blackheads, redenss and rough - nesH and also the the treatment o ? burns scald, wounds, sores, chappintr , as well as the toilette and nursery. f ; CAUSES SICKNESS. g Gectl Health Impoaaibla With a Dit dfdarod Stomach. 5 There Is yothinjy that will creat i sickness or dause jhore trouble than i disordered ntQmata. and many poo pi ^ dally contraci ^erious maladies aim ply through disregard or abuse of th ' stomach. /\ { We urge areA one suffering fron i any stomacw derangement, indigeotioi r or dyspepsia, whether acute or chron lc, to~"try/Rexall Y>yspepsla Tablets a with thy distinct understanding tba we will/refund theiV money wlthou a questiojr or formality\lf after reason b able un of this m?dIclVe they are no ? sattofidd with the reialV, We recom ' mend/ them to our cusVpmers erer; 8 day. And hare yet to hear of any on J who /has no' been benefited by them ^ Thrje sizes. 25c. 50c and $1.00 a boi y Sola only at our store?The Rexall ators a The Scoggin Drug Co. i < ' Death and Taxes Both must be me/T My officia _ life is nearisg the/close. The lat J and my bonflsraph require me t ? -collect all tajfle&ydtie and clear rj official bond. V /It you dopox pay me, I will hav to levy on /oun property at onee. .. This is /neanmor every one wh e hae not paid all Taxes due. I wil ? have a Deputy at Vhe voting plac ^ in each Township, en Tueaday Off ^ 26thj/l910, with banks to collec tarefe. \ j H. 0. Kxamoet, Sheriff. oit.lt, 1*10. ' V ? t s / . I Hats BOY'S 5 We Have Just R< Boys KnicKobi o " \ 'i \ ; in all New Shade j| ials. All \ Woo j * Black S? , IN EVE\FT \ M* V ; We are prepared to dreaa you from Viea !' Big line of Mene and Boys hata just ^eci a shapes, together -with fifty-seven dozen v ami school shoes in the world? \ e / \ GODMANS, OF r . I We Solicit/Your Trade and ask You tc I 1 Yours to s CANDLER-CRI ! \ i j[C LOT I i '? \ r_' J. THAT Wl f , IS HD?? > t HCV \ THANRFl 1 B1R-D j STORE \|M 7 CCULDN^ BUSTEI ; ^ ^? \, ?TTMt rujyca emiwnCo^CHicAc. :.> ' / BUY WITH LITTLE TROUBLE ] HA 1 . I HE MAIJY TROUB i NOT; 1,5 IN KNOWING YOU A .SQUARE DEAL? /CAN YC 1 ABOUT THE CLoT/'HING BU.S WHO 15 IN THE CLOTHING BU YOU LEFT TO D6 THEN? Ol ? ^REPUTATION. f\ AM NOW 71 MARKET5 PICKING 5oME R A5 ARE ONLY To BE FoU THE YEAR. A AM BETTER FILL YOUR WANT-5 THAN-1 ? IN TO .SEE HJfE WHEN IN TO\ : F. W'. W LOUISBUF fe. Ti -7" /T - : IHTS?Shoes ? I eceivcd 200 . )cker Suits s and Mater- " ? I Blue and >rges Y SIZE d to, and including the feet, eived in the new styles and more of the been heavy work ( : COURSE \ i ^lake our Store Headquarters Serve JWELL CO. * ' ... /j , / / -i i m n. Ill H - / ~~7\ RE.J"OLV?D ERE rtS "[RANKS ff/WNG <\(7Airv WE Should be JLTHATTRERELLS A r OUR. TOWTV WH E'RE VE '.WITH So UTLeTRooBLf /vse allthatwe wish , OUR roFsv/mtm* If-DOTHAT :. THERE I.S LOT.S IN LE YOU HAVE, 1,5 IT RE GolN(fl TO GET A >U KNOW \ A.S MUCH 1NEGG AS\THE MAN 5INE.S.5? WHAT HAVE SLY TO TRU.ST To A IN THE NORTHERN EAL BARGAINS. .SUCH ND AT THT5\TlMEor PREPARED NOW To CV-ER. &EFOR.& GOME VN. \ ?. ' heiIess IG, N.c. \ ... ' r 1 *

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