r w: , y Professional Card pi rvR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING. J ? Surf?oii UenlUl, jOiRce hi Ferd Building. Main awl Naah street. B LouTibarjf. N. C. . Hours: 0 to 4 JO. Phone No. 4#. J* * T |\K. fl. A. NE*'KlJ-, it ** /* m :FHY81C*AN / Louiaburg. N. C. Pboua/No. 166 ? lj*II AN K LINTON HOTEL j y, Frauklintoo. N. ty H. A Speed. Proprietor. oi * Good Llrerv in cotfoction Of w r & jJ'L C. H. BANKS j ? -- H| DENTAL Sl/ltHEON L'.uirbur^. N. C. ??ttiire iu Hick* Building, Mnin Street. p H. COOKE j ATTOaWET-AT-LAW . LoJehorg, N. C.a J < 'r-r Cooper &AM??>tH>intrt Store. Prompt t-ntiou given All legal business entrusted mm to me / -L Lj a?r jjU. J B. MALONE jn PHYfllClVN and SO BO EO N / Loumhurz, N. / , . * itOC Off! e in reAr of Ilwasley*Alston Drug Store. nit. aJ p.. burt PHYSICIAN au.J SL'KQEOJi / Louieburg, N. C. ^ OIBm over P. S. A K. K. Mien's ttbpre / . Ult/' R. K. TAltBDKOUOIl I'HYSI IAN ami SliKUEON Louisliurtc, N. (*. . (jjv Office In Turbo rough A Bieketl building. Night call* answered t otn T. W ftiokett s residence, phone 74. g B. MASSES BUflO attorx^T AT LA * ? ^"**-?^Iaoui*t>U'.^E, N. IWI Will pr.ieti?vMM^vUf lAvmrM ol t.h? State |^| Office in Building WM- IlkYWO^il) Itjt'FFLN' jn ATTORNEY vAT LAW P64Lo-i.bnru.Vx. C Sr,ttl Will pracireln all eourfcA of Franklin anil ^oc a.I ctiing c?>Unri-? ill*' ill the Supreme TGd I'o'i-i in I in ilia Unit.'* ! Stitii** I> tricf ami tioi i'ir ; i Chip!, i-lltfc* of -r Firet Natiouul Brink. * fji it. VYILDKK V ATTORN*BY AT LAW v laouieburu N. 0. . ilhv on Mhia afreet in Cooper building. ol'UHLL ^ HOLPBN \ TO t N B Y .4 AT LA W y ^ ( LraiitAmrg, N. C. f Will attend* the Xourts'^L IrauUiUj Vnnte. . Granville, il ?rr#\ tttid p?Jticopi???ii. il*o th- Supreml Cultt ?. ?ortl? |Ciiro?i*?n . |frmi'.|it aitAtinn siveii 10 CdHtftio'^ in S|>iuili ImBding. y jAJ 1* W. Bit-kitt. IN R. B While . L'?i ?i>Ut'if, iLl\ \ Fr^nkHnto '. gll'KBTT 4 WHITE J LAWYIEBS Ifcu'ebur^A N C. The *fttlemeat.A? e*r.?teJtfor ex*cu'-nAd- ?r. ? mini^trAton am Uuftrilram in nuwle ? epec- ??_ laity*'-etjnndti rc^uved l?v law ? |>e seenr*d iti lie office. \ .. Oltt in YnrBorough A \Biek< i l.r.iurinif. | 7 \"" In U; M. PIC HBO f/ - \ ATTlMtNWY AT lA A Lojaburg, N. 0 \ * Practice in all citwta. OIBm oiAMain Street W- it. YA|fBOR<ll!illl..|r. \ ATTORNEY ATM?\\ ^ All IrgAfBuailieaa iut.rn<t*? I ?. nil r-cpi.e Mu prompt attention. ?in Egertou pro BuildioffM hoY / .R' CONTHAVTOIl Mild BUILDER ? 7 ?Sjmj I<nandmi i g, N./C. ? Trading agent. fori all kitrl/ol building ?npplics*. artUtic Mftiulm myi Tiles. Architectural designs KUboaittey ~DR rORD 0ENffIST. Fraokliutoi^. N. C., +- \ . This contrictor (forresults. Some year* ago a contractor buildinc 2 railroad in \a warn rlimafp utaa troubled a 3rea\ ch^al by sickness among 'he laborery He turned his Intention at once to their iood and found that they were getting full rational of meat and were drink'11? watenroa a stream near by. He isa&ed^Mdera to cut down the . jrnount of nuat and to increase greatly (he quantify of Quaker Oats fed to the men. / \ He /so boiled Quaker Oats and mixed the -thin oatmeal water with their drinking water. Almost instantly all sign* of stomach disorders passed and his men showed a decided improvement in strength and spirits. This contractor had experience that taught him the great value of good Oatmeal. S3 j >packed in regular tit* packages, - ,,,(1 in hermetically sealed tins for hot dim""* . * \ . - r,r; ? ..... ? r rhe Famo t the Lamp of Real i >o?uac h gtrci the best H) mps. Tba Rayo gives a wt ?Ikjw, dflhraed light?easy (T because it cannot flidju in use rom- ayes as long as. ader the Rayo light witho^ The Rayo Lamp I* iow-pr ren though you pay $S, $10 t her lampa, you may get/nore ooratiooa but you caynot ge (hr thaa th# low-pricati Rayo roog, durable ahad^holder 1 wde on first aod ^rue. Thil ear burner nckta strength and ap Once a Rnyo tW, Always -m^ Xf Standard Oil f (iMerpwaiaJ teep ,Wt)at >d crops are of no lasting benefit iT you' Make your successful harye live till the next one. Bank y needs require and see to it maimng at the end c profit fron THIS BAN! YOUR NIC e you every consistent accommodat possible to make your faim invi it has eyei "?* ? CITIZENS fiAIN ow Locates HoUingsworth Furniture St ?re i|)le of Louishurg and Franklin lulard^ivatch cases and "inoveme ids and ojTfcuiiil puo'Im. Berns n lian to fittiu^^eVe-^ktsses arid s i free. * J O Hf* THE JEWELER Just R< lew line of Sample Shu** add S their are >:?. THE BAR l if , ? W. B./ LOUISBI Each Issue of The Frankli of Intefe! \ lie Mutual Life NEW ; tual Li?e with the assurance that/! mpt, careful and confidential attcn P. TAYLOR I *SH< A have more Shoes Ahn 4^ Ree'my linn I I have air 4 want for \ X and/ Brantley Louisbi J. ' :. v -t i us j?ay& Beauty , ? ;bt of.all , lite, soft, ' on the f~ s eiC You ^ X. you wish X X it strain. / - A Iced, and I , \ t $20 for *" k I maw J Expensive \ tla better \XHBa' gives. A hilds the s season's ^Bj mp p-^ a r a 11 c c. i One. ryiiarrik for dtxrtpHt* mgmcj a/the Company > \ ^B3y \ Yoa Heap yol sp/nd every year all that they bring tst no rnore than merely enable you to ounproceeds, check out as your ; thW there is a surplus re f af Years time?a clear i tM business. A WILL KEEP )NEY SAFE ion atd co-operate with you in every way sstmant pay greater dividends than dona before. | K \ HENDERSON, N. C. \ i Permanently / where I willyCe pleased to supply the County wiwij the Infest creations ir nts, dinuyCndk, fine* jewelry, novelt\ griiliiiit# <Optician I cive special at Ekaminntiou an<l consulta J^ON 'and optician sceived A / ample N<dn<>?f>. Coma quick Itefori G#IX VfOHE cobKE jrg, N-\t. n Times I Will Have Something 5t Regarding Insurance Company A YORK tandVrd Annan* Dividend Policies of Th iny Wuainess entrusted to me will havi tion. \ nt ^ Louisburg, N-C srsfiPitwwwitwyifwiwi OES~] - T id roomy It will pay joa t A before/you bay. lVthing you I Mien, Ladies 4 Children T Vi. Hicks iirg\ N. C. ^ V . 'U. / SUNDAY SCHOOL," ** Lesson IX.?Fourth Quarter, For Nov. 27, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ^ Text of the Lesson, Matt, xxvi, 57-68. Memory Verse, 64?Golden Text. I Pet. ii, 23?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. A great nwe should be upon us as we read or write or think upon these" ~ things. Behold the Son of God yielding Himself for our sakes to sinful men. See the hatred of men to God and the proof that the carnal mind is enmity against God. As they came to take Him In the garden He went to meet them, saying. "Whom seek ye?" " To their reply "Jesus of Naxaretb" He said "I am." and they went backward nnd fell to the ground. He allowed them to rise, to approach Him again and to take Him and .bind him and lend Him away to Annns and then to ^ Caiaphas. All the disciples forsook 1 I Him and lied, but a young man f' . v lowed, having just a linen cloth a' Ait his naked body, which he lef4 iii the hands of his pursuers as the tried ta _ lay hold oi him. and he fh,d naked. We shall have to ask Mark who that young Ednn was. as he alone records It (Mark xlv, 51. 52t.. Jt was an oppor tunlty of fellowship with Je4us which he. like tHe others, 'missed. Simon Peter and John returned nnd followed Jesus. John gting iu to the palace of the high priest - for he vytts known tn | him. but Peter rotuaipKtu without tin | til Jolm. *pok?-/~fo <fTe maid that kepi} the sloor and brought i:i Peter, 'i'lici f he sat with the servant* and warmed hlmlelf at their tire. But we must lea ye his story till ijext week. I* reply .to, the high priest's question as to Jesus' doct.'ihe Be replied I "In secret have I said nothing; * . | ask them which heard me" tJobn xviii. I 15-24t. They brought man. false wit-j r nesscs to testify against Jesus, but I none of them agreed In their .tcv?U-<? rnoiiy. not even the two of verse 0" ] See Mark xlv. 56-59. To the high j ? priest's question. "Answerest- tlto'ij' i nothing?" Jesus held Ills pence, fo. 1 there-was nothing to reply to. In !' , _ xxxv. 11. it Is written. "False witness es did rise up; they laid to my charge-1 things that I knew not." Unless you i have been similarly ill treated you can - i 3 not imagine how hard it is to put .in I ] praetice I's. xxxvlll. 13. "1 as a deaf; tnau heard not. and I was as a duniu ; man thai openeth not his tuouth." When the high priest said, "I nd-! ' ; jure thee hy the living tied that thou j J tell us whether thou be the Christ, the . JSou of Cod" (verse 63). then Jesus'* j shitL.."l am, and ye shall see the Son} ! of Mafr--fci|ting on the right hand of j 1 power and coming In the clouds of! J * heaven" (Mark xivrtSi*. with verse 64) Then they judged Ilim guilty of blasphemy and condemned tlirn to die. But It was the truth that lle^ spake;--! and tlioy shall yet see it. and if they i ] did not repent before they died they c shall have to hear His "Depart from c me. ye cursed." After they judged c llim guilty of death they mocked Him, blindfolded Him, struck Him ou the face, spit in His face and said. "Proph- 1 esy unto us. thou Christ, who Is he that smote thee." Even the- servants smote Ilim with the palms of the.. , * hands (Mark xiv, 65). When morning * was come they bound Him ^.nd led llim away and delivered Ilim to Pon- ^ tius Pilate, the governor, that he might > r have Him put to death, their accusa-1 ( 3 tlon being that he was a malefactor, j The result of Pilate's examination of ; Ilim was a three or four fold testimony I , that lie found no fault in Hira and. ac- ' J cording to the harmony, a sevenfold at-1 tempt to release Him. Pilate's wife also sent him a message saying. "Have ( thou nothing to do with that just man. for I have suffered, many things t I this day in a dream because of Ilim." When Pilate learned that He was of e jurisdiction, he sent Him to llerod. hoping thus to be rid of this difli ult and perplexing rase. But as Jesus a. swered Herod nothing Herod with bis B men of war set Him ut naught and mocked Him and arrayed Uiui in a ? gorgeous robe and sent llim again to J Pilate (Luke xxiii. N lib There was no Imprisonmetrt; there was no semblance of n fair trial. It was not un| like some of our modern eases of i lynching, except that it had -seemingly the sanction of bot!i church am! state But this man was God. suffering all this ant] nil that followed for mo and leaving all Ells redeemed yu example that wo s' ould follow in Ells step*: who did no sin. neither wns guile found iu HI* mouth: who when lie wns reviled reviled not again: when Ho suffered lie threatened not, but committed Himself to Him that Jude- | ctb righteously <1 Pet. II. 21-23). "lie wns oppressed, ntnl lie was afflicted, yet He opened not Ills mouth. . lie Is brought as a lamb to the slough;or. 1 and as n sheep before her shearers Is J dumb, so He openoth not his mouth" (Isa. llil, 7> Being redeemed by His _ grent sacrifice. It Is our privilege to sulTer with Him. to fill up that which ? Is behind of the afflictions of Christ In ; our flesh for His body's sake, which ?s " the church (Rom. rill. 17: Col. I. 24>. # manifesting by Ills grace the ornn raent of a meek and quiet spirit, which Is In the sight of God of great price J (I Pet. 111. 4i. Peter speaks of himself as a witness of the sufferings of Christ (I Pet, v. li. and he whoi>nt'e rebelled \ at the thought of Christ suffering tella * us to rejoice if we are partaker? of His sufferings (1 Pet Iv. 12. 13i. ~ ? r-7 ~y , - FULL LIT OF NEW G ^ V ' " * JUST RpCE The Racket ur jng which are Coat Suits, Cloak?, ChiXdre '..ngs too numerous to ipention. Ramernhei rant here at live and let live prices. \ \ MRS. A M: I What other rrofing will last as long aftd lc They're firepafoo/, stormproof, and very aa They can be/Uid right over wood shingles ating dirt or inconvenience. For prices ind other detailed information M. HOUCK, Louisbi H Bi? Hedflctioi) ? W hen I sa\ reduction I mean reduction < tore with big eigne and misleading caideto c lo this with the prices I give you on the gooi [ have unintentional my sEorf Tor t-he fail trade and ] have got ifj-neV a gi tan meet my bills when due. Ify^ou want blali.at my store and you will find thein.i If \ ome in and let me show vou/what I cctald st . / \ Remember I/must js< ; proportion of ax tnd this wjll be done without any regard tkr | ire of the very-highest in both style and iqt 3oiie to see me and let me show you. 1 AAROIVf DEITZ, LoJi School have a fall line Of school sale cheap. A nice lVne of and tablets for the children n call before you get yopr su Fancy J&rOc We carry a fulldnd complo\ fresh and fancvr groceries an your order pr/mpt and pers* tion. Givers a trial and le / GEORGE H. For i, MONUMM TOMBSTONES ^URBI FENCING VfrftteVo Suffolk Marble Works. / Watch iMris /f V .. 1 T JL? f- ; '>& sje : : - OODS :ived t Store ng Flush Cloaka and other r you can get what you hall; GLES day and have never needed 10k as well ? sily laid. ^Jf necessary, without creappiy to urg, N.C. iir Prices <nd I am net decorating my ntch your eye. I propose to Is.you want to buy. 7 overstocked * i j rat portion of it so that I rrgains that are real bargains ou buy soinewliere else then ive you on the same articles ill the larger ly stock (ro'fit. Alt of these goods lality, new and up-to-date. sburg N. C. Books / / ; /oooks for stationary (Sive us ipp'yeries je line of i\ will give ooal attent serve COOPER VTTC! ^ ^1 * NG and IRON - Suffolk, Va. Ad

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