- W i r *' ? ?, I A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND # VOL. XL.s ^ FRANKLIN SUP'R COURT ! CONVENED ON MONDAY MORN. INGTHE 28rd. > Quite a Number of Cases Dis posed of, But None of Espec ial Interest?Several Float Sentences. The regular January term o ? Franklin Superior Court, tor thi trial of criminal and oivil cases con vened in Louiahurg on Monda; morning at ,11 o'olock with Hon George W. Ward, Judge presiding and Mr. R. G. Allsbrook as State'i attorney. Judge Ward has made - a verj favorable impression on our peopli in his official capacity and hii charge to the grand jury was a plan and splendid one. It was full of in struouon for the publio along Jega lines as well as containing instrao tions for the guidance of the jury. Mr. if. G. Allsbrook, our newl^ L elected Solicitor,represented tlieStati in a splendid manner. Although this was his first term of court it the capacity of Solicitor he lias doui good work and has shown that lit will aoou be familiar with his duties There ra no doubt but that lh< selection of Mr. Allsbrook to repre sent me otate Dy me voters ol tlni distriot was a wise one. The following were the Granc Jaron drawn: R H May, Moies Neal, C C Win. stun, A S Leonard, I G Ball, W ? Priddy, E T Alston, E H Hagwood R I Gnpton, B B Burnette. H Cooper, A S Joyner, J M Holden M L Fowler,.A C Leonard, W C Green, D K Gapton, W H Horton The Judge appointed A 8 Jeyner ai Foremau and S. J. Alford was swore as offioer to the Grand Jnry. After the completion of the Judgei charge the following cases were die. posed of: State vs J W Pulley, . nel proi with leave. State vs Sol Allen, nol pros will leave. State vs Fnrman Bailey, pltadi guilty^ fined $10.00. and coats. State vs H. P. Leonard, pleadi guilty, fined $10.00 and costs. State vs Joe Browa and Ulch?r< Massenburg, guilty, fined $10 Ot each and costs. State vs Jim Alston, cow pleads guilty, fined $10.00 and costs State vs Lowe Gill, c c w, geilty judgment suspended. State vs Wjley Stokes, retailing "not guilty. States VS Jim Spivy?and Hspn, Davie, f. and a., not guilty. State vs Bob Yarborongh retailing, pleads guilty, judgment sue pended upon payment of costs. State vs Thomas Stone, 1. and r. pleads guilty, eight months on roads. State vs Walter Ha* kins cruelty to animals, guilty, six months or roads. State va Charlie HuAid, oiuelty tc animals, nol pros. State vs Allen Henderson, cruelty to animals, nol pros. State vs Eli Medlin, larceny, not guilty. State va John Spivey, I. and r., pleads guilty, tour months on roads State vs James Timberlake retailing, pleads guilty, four months on roads. State vs James ( Timberlake, rehfV tailing, judgment suspended. State vs Sidney Blacknell, retailing, guilty, eight months on roads. State vs Sidney Htacknell, retail ing, judgment suspended. State vs Otis Kearney, rooking train, called and failed, judgment, nisi scifa and capias. State vs Alton Weathersby, C.'V. Beddingfisld, and H. ' H. Beddingfield, a. d. w., guilty, judgment W eathersby to be fined 925.00 and one-third ooet, and C. V. aad H. H, Beddingfield to pay balance of cosjjState vs Ernest Rhodes abtndon.y _ " - . ^ Wrf ' di.lilT.lftfil i * v.* ( r? RAN IANAGER , m?nt, feQiltv- ' / . " v State vs J! S. Perry trespass, nol pros. 1 State va Nathaniel Alston, abandonment,guilty, prayer for judgment continued upon payment of oosts and ^ . defendant be required to enter ? into a justified bond of $500.00 and j to pay the mother- $75.00 per year for the expenses of herself and child. State vs Will Powell, o c w, guilty, fined $5.00 and costs. ' 9 Sta'e ve Elbert Prrvett, forcible trespass, guilty, six months on toads. ' State vs Walter May, a.d. ? ., not guilty: v State vs J. M. and Onnie Stalling?, $ Ev 0 a v 5 tl * >i v , d a 3 3 ?1 1 JOSEPH J. BARROW d b Franklin County's efficient Clerk , of the Superior Court, who has served the county faithfully for 0 ' eight years and is now beginning e his third erra. ? 1 ~~ / pleads guilty, judgment that the de( tendants pay J. J. Riohardson *400 r ( and pay all costs in both oases. State vg Nathaniel Alston, seduc- 1 tion, nol pres. I State va Bud Spivey, assault with intent to commit rapa, guilty twelve 1 3 months on roads. 1 cState vs Roger Macon, seduction, j , continued. % State vs W. T. Hudson, false pre- g s tence, continued. State vs Matthew Perry, ssdue- j s tion, guilty. , c State Vs J. S. Perrv, foreibls tres- t [ pass, guilty, judgment suspended t ) upon payment of costs. ( State and J. E. Timberlake vs J. ? t E. Bartholomew, disposing of mort- t , paged property, not guilty. . ) As we go to prase tbs trial of the , criminal docket is still in progress a ( and will ns donbt be completed today. 4? ?arum-uv uhahit JDhv The Grand Joey finished up their d work and made their report to the 0 oourt on Wednesday, after which a they were discharged with the thanks ' of the court. The following is their J report: , To thm Hoko.'ABLe Gro. W. Ward judob PreSIDINO. 1 i We the Grand Jury for January ^ term of Franklin Superior Court -5 beg leave to submit the following re-^ port: ^ , We have passed on all bills which have been given us in 'oharge and have passed on all matters that have come to our knowledge. a W e have visited the home for the a i aged and infirm and find everything a clean and in good oontition Inmates well fed and cared for and I satisfied. Mr. Williams has 24 help- I less inmates and ssys he has not enough help to wait en them. Wo have.visited the county jail * in a body and find the same in as good condition as could be expected, d Priaioners well oared tor and fed. ? We have examined the oflioers of the Court House and find the re. cords properly indexed and as well ; kept as possible with the facilities 0 that the officers have for keeping earns. ? Respectfully submitted. ? A. 8. Jot* an, Foremen. u L r - \ [KLI the:county, thi louisburg.n. C.. frida Itil MOVING PEOPLI their movements in ani OUT OF TOWN . wThose Who Have Visited Luolsbupg the Past Week?Thost Whoi Have XJone Elsewhen Fop Business op Pleasure. Miss Lynn Hall is visitihg friendi n Greensboro. * Mrs A, ^1. Hall returned Monday roni a visit to Sumter, S'. C. ??pt. J. H. Finlator and wife, art isiting his people at Bennettsville i. C. Miss Eva Hight. of Oxford, if isiting her aunt, Mrs. M. ii. Ayocke. l\ II. I.t.oy, of Rocky Mount, waf visitor to I.ouisburg the past reek. Mr. V. S. Spruill, of Rocky Jouht, was in attendance at court he past week. T. M. Pittman aDd T. T. Hicks, oi Ienderson,were in town the paal reek attending court. Mrs. A. G. MoMannaway and aughtnr, Miss Kate, of GreenBborc re visiting at Mr. A. M, Hall's. Mrs. G. L. Aycock left WedneBay for Norfolk where Bhe will viail ler mother, Mrs. J. A. Goodwyn. Mrs. Ben W. Brown and little aughter, of Rinston, are visiting ler mother, Mrs. C. V. Strickland J. M, Person attended the fnneraj d his wife's father, Mr. T. M. Av nt, in Nash coanty the past week Fine Hogs. The following reports have beet eceived by us the past week. West Lewis, Dunns township tilled a hog two years old weighin( >27 pounds. R. If. Brantley, of. Social Plains tilled one hog nineteen and on< lalt months old, that weighed 41! rounds. Sells interest in Drug Stori Mr. G. L. Aycock who is familiar y known to the peopls of Franklii louuty as "Gaston," informed ni his week that he had sold his in erest in the Baasley-Alston Drn; 3o., and would not be with then iny longer. Ht has many friendi hroaghout the county who will re ;ret to learn that be hag deoided t( withdraw from aetive business foi while II D C The V. D. C? will meet Wedneslay afternoon Feb. 1st, 1911 at f I'alock at the masonic hall. A fali .ttendance is desired. Mrs. J. P. Winston, Pras. ilrs. W.E. Uzzell, Secretary. All the ladies who are interested n making definite plans for the imirovement of our cemetery, are renested to meet at the Masonu lall Wednesday, Feb. 1st, 1911 al t o'clock. Poor Brown "Sorry, Brown," Baid the doctor, ,fter the examination. "You're in very serious condition. "I'm ,fraid I'll have to operate on you." "Operated," gasped Brown. "Why haven't any money for operations, 'm only a poor tvorking man." "You'l# inaured, are you not?" "Yes, but I don't get that until fter I'm dead?' "Ob, that'll bo all right," said the ootor consolingly.?February Lipineott'e. Why He Did Not Pay. A Missouri praacher, at the contusion of one of his sermons, said: "Let all in the house who are paylg their debts, stand np." Intantly every man,'woiaan and ohild dth on* axooption, rose to thsir ' n t: ? STATE. TH* TJJTION. Y. JANUARY 2 ft J9I1. - I V'/ :: fear. The , pri acher Heated them I j * and stid: "Tfbn, every man not ) paying his n his last summer's suit, slowly as sumed a perpendicular position. I "How is it my frt.nd," asked 1 I the minister,"that you are the only man not to meet his obligations?" "I run a newspaper," he meekly answered, "and the brethren here, who just stood up, are my subscribers, and Selected. ? ' 1 At The College , , "A Frelic in the Cooking Class." 1 t Musical Burletta given by the Y. , W. C. A. Choir of Louisburg Col- = - lege. Come all and have an hour's fun in song with the Cooking Class ' at tho College Chapel, Monday evening, Feb-5th. Admission 10 and -Ad cents. ' * " It Pays to Advertise in The dt.] Times We publisfHtelow a letter from . ' one of our advertisers wbioh goes to nhnw thfti it- ti?to fr? advortlon ?*> ?Kn Times. The Letter follows, and ' will explain itself, read it: Mr. A. F. Johnson, Looisbnrg, K. C. Dear Sir?For goodness sake take oat the add for tow, pigs and ' male, they were sold on the first ' lssne, and have had 5# calls for pigs ' and male sinoe. It takes one man I to stand at my door to tell people ( the pigs are all sold. Yonrs truly, l 3 ' J. W. King. , Humorous * L 1 said ' the ""teacher j' , while instracting the class in com- ) ; position, "Yon should not attempt any flight of faney, ^ut simply be i yourself and write what is in yoa. e Do net imitate any other persons 5 writings or draw inspiration from outside sources." As a result of this advice, Johnny Wise turned in the followiag composition. "We should not attempt any flights of fancy but write what is in ne. In 1 me there's my stummick, luags, ' 9 hart, liver, two apples, ene pieoe of pie, one stick of lemon candy and 1 ' my dinner." 1 A farmer in ordering Fertilizer ' ' wrote, "Send me 5 bags of Assid I Fosfit." Additional Franklinton N?wb. The Shakespeare Club will meet - with Miss Fiances Wiiiaum, Tuea- "j day afternoon. . ! We are very glad to have Mrs. A. i ' R. Winston with ns again. She , and little son have been on an extended visit to her parents in New Bern. The sympathy of our people is s with Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Ford >n the , ' death of their little baby, , . The Tuesday Clab will meet with i ^ Mrs. A. S. Joyner and Mr?- Connor, i Feb. 7th. . < D. C. McGhee spent Friday, Saturday and Sanday in town. 1 We are glad that T. C. Joyner, d ' Jr., is convalescing from a long case ' of typhoid fever. t Miss Alattie Ballard went to Kit- ' trell Tuesday for a visit to Mrs. C. J II. Blaeknell. { We want phoees! We can't wait until May either. _ Lets see if we can make some other arrangements. Mr. B. W. Ballard wsb in Raleigh Monday and Tuesday. . The "Tuesday Club" met with j Mrs. J. S. Morris and Mrs. Drake c Tuesday atternoon at the home of Mrs. J. 8. Morris. Those . present r voted it one of the most delightful entertainments of the Club! A fas- f oinating contest on "Beheaded q Words" ensued Miss Frances Winston being the prise winner. De- e lieious refreshments were served. r IMK S MEW LAWS TO DATE WHAT LEGISLATURE HAS ACCOMPLISHED THIS EARLY IN SEASON. Hostly Local Measures, Though Some of General Application. Passed and Ratified?Four Emergency Bills?Important Matter to Come Up This Week?Although?the Legislature?has oeea iu session for two weeks, and nore, an inspection of the measure will show that it has just started. While several bills of general intersst have gone through, it is to be i T WILLIS M. BOONE. Newly elected Sheriff who presided at his first court the past week. His ease of manner and efficiency ias caused his new official duties to be within easy grasp. observed that the great' majority, both of those introduced and those acted on, are mere local Measures. There seems to be a sentiment in both houses to act early on mutters only of local concern, so that the latter days of the session may be devoted to the large questions, and the difficulty experienced in tbe closing period of previous sessiens may be avoided. Tbe past week has been marked by the passage of two emergency measures? one Applicable only to Rockingham county, and the other of Statewide importance. The first was the Ivie bill to prevent an exhibition of the Johnson-JeffrieB 6gbl by a moving pioture show a Leaksville. The last was the House bill to prevent the shipping of live quail ir partridges without the State, and was nresented on account- of advice eceived by legislators to the effect :hat parties in Guilford county had teen granted permits by the Seore ;ary of the Audubon Society to ship ire quail by the thousands to parlies in New York. Another that was presented as an imergency measure was the biti to 'egulate fishing in Albemarle Sound ind its tributaries. Its advocates ixplained that the fishing season will open in that section at once, and ;hat the bill was to attach an enforcng clause to the existing law in orler to proteot the fish supply. A list of bills ratified proves that ocal game laws are in abundanoe. The ^opossum has been protected 11 various counties, and the wild n r key a of the west have not been iverlooked. Squirrels, fish, deer, ind even dogs, have been duly lookid after also. It will also be Been hat justices of the peace have been ippointed from Currituck to Cheroiee, and that towns have been tniCrporated and in many cases licenid to issue bonds. One county, Mleghany, has been authorized to evy a special tax to build a new lourthouse. The following is a list of suoh ati tied bills: Providing that four and a half eet shall be a lawful fence in Per[uimans county. To proteot wild turkeys in Swain oanty. To protect quail and other game *. V - * t. - '.? ; -t v "! iUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR NUMBER 49 bird* in Caldwell county. Providing a squirrel law for Perquimans county. Relating to the time for hunting opossum in Sampson county. Fixing time for hunting quail in Sampson .oounty. To promote the growing of improved live stock in county of Beaufort. Relating to the drainage of lands on Indian creek. j_Incorporating the Caldwell and Ash Turnpike Company. 1 Authorizing the commissioners of Martin county to make contracts and other purposes. - Concerning the hunting of opossum in Randolph county. Validating ceitaia probates and the official acts of the deputy clerk in Swain county. Regulating hunting itr Washington oounty. To provide for..the re-registration of deeds in Lee county. . To authorize county commissioners to make appropriations to the farm demonstration* work. Authorizing the hoard* of missioners of Henderson and' Tran- ? aylvania counties to employ an engineer to examine and report upon the probable cost of removing the Back Shoals in the French Broad river. Relating to dogs in Granville county. To validate certain probates in Greenville county. To prohibit exhibitions of prize tights by moving picture shows (applicable only in Rockingham county. To provide tor the registration ot electors for the election on the question of tt'e adoption of the commission form ef government for the city of Greensboro, to be held on the first Tuesday of February, 1911.' -"??.voo To amend section 3803. Revisial " of 1903, relative to butcher's keeping reoords. " ?, * Amending chapter 177, Private Laws of 1902, by striking out limitation of the amount of property said college may hold. To improve the public road from Lenoir to Blowing Rock. To allow the commissioners of AlleghaDy countv to levy a special tax to pay for the erection of a new court house. For the relief of the clei k of the Superior Court of Montgomery county. To ratify and approve $26,000 waterworks and sewer bonds for the town of Murphy, in Cherokee county and to allow said town to levy a special tax for the payment of intereBt as it becomes due and the priticipal at maturity. To prevent the shipment of live quail or partridges without the State. To authorive the town or Klkin to issue bonds. To authorize the mayor agd alder- ?' men of Hickory to issue bonds'tp ex icuu bUO HW>VCI(1J.? fiYBLB li I1UW existing in said city. To amend the road law of Montgomery county. Concerning the working of public roads in Lincoln county* "> Relating to fishing in Albemarle sound and its tributaries. The coming week will be an important one among the aolons. On Tuesday the discussion of tho inoome tax proposition will be resumed, and on Wednesday Senator Gardner'sbill to increase the Governor'ssalary is to be taken up. The Committee on Counties, Cities and Towns will have another hearing on the Avery county bill, and on Tuesday one on the bill for the erection of Hoke oounty. On Wednesday the Senate will consider the bill providing that the State may farniah convicts to aid in the oonatructidn and improvsmant of the turnpike from Lenoir to Blowing Rook, end that this work n to be paid for iu stook in tbe road. Ite advocates (Continued on fourth page.)