? / FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager C M* TliS, - - - *1.00 SIX MONTHS, - - - 46 I II BBS MONTHS. <6 Fkioay, January 27, 1911/ Tn*T Democratic conference and banquet at Baltimore was the greatest ever. The.Standpatters are still standing pat, but this congress is the last stand the old guard can make. Ai.i. the Republican "dead ducks" are quite ready to help President Taft shake the political plum tree. The output of gold is decreasing, ?and paper is higher in?pries; what will be used for money in the future? The House Committee has reported favorably on the bill to put "near beer" out of business after March 1. Tiie stalwart Republicans are wasting all the time they can to prevent the Tariff Comtnisston being passed by Congress. These squabbles overv United States Senators" show that the DemoX. crjtts are awake to their opportuni ties. Ma; the best man win! Tft>: Colonel has butted in the Massachusetts Senatorial contest, and his first effort was to initiate a new member into the Ananias Club. A Tail" on the water wagon may be a good thing for some people after the Xmaa festivities; but what a lot of bad colds are blamed on it! As we are furnishing all the money tor the 1'anama "jackpot," | the foreigners will have to "stay j out" unless they "put up" the limit, j The insurgents are not talking much now, exsept Deveridge, of course. Do they see the hand writing oo-the wall that the tariff commission will not pass the Senate? The Republican members of the West Virginia Senate are afraid to] stand up and be counted when the ! game goes against them and all of I their artifices have failed. Having made a gross failure of its tariff legislation, the Taft Administration is trying its hand at Reciprocity with Canada to take place of the codfish modus vivendi. Reports coine from Washington hat President Taft and Past master General Hitchcock have not been playing; a square deal with the rnral free delivery camera. With the Rhode Island and Dele Ware legifllfttur^B dwdiwkeii oh the election of United States Senators, the Democrats will need only two more Senators?if the deadlocks continued to give them a majority wfien'the next Congress meets. The bathtubs of marble and onvx that the spendthrift Republicans in? stalled in their office building of the ""House of Hepresentativfs are* net to be sold for oid junk, but the members of Congress must furnish their own towels ami s >ap for the sake of economy. The Secretary of War telis Corgre.'B t't at $15,0U0,00U, at least, is necessary immediately to rush the fortification ot the Panama Canal. On the other hand, Chairman Tawney, of the House Aupiopriations / . Committee ,dee* not believe it is necessary. So ' there >ou have it; war or peace, whichever yon like. ' : Oil, no, the Steel Trust md the ^ -rViff*) i "' * * *> ...--f-'Sto-1 manufactures could no!, of bourns, agree to maintain price.; but ailigularly enom?h they ?1o co nbine somehow, perhaps through auto-suggeelion, for Judge Gary, the head of the steel trust, ssye: "Understand, we do not a'/iy-e to maintain prices, because ,?e are not able td do so. We merely suggest" !n's i r t lie aj>;-oint:u?stii of a Suih highway department C> mo vide f??r bnierroadn thrdugho * 'he Stab. A bearing bv the c monitte'J .77 Farmers and M r A RANK acm?! "*_ i s a BEACON LIGI t'will guide you through financial ^storjfl sai In the year 1862 Peter Minuit Loup:lit the whole island on whi dollars is built. He paid $24 for the island. Had-hujmt out tha now Amount, to an mimh aa th?> ?? ?=?.?* ?x'---*r 1 "" __ m.v |>ics?nv taiuc Vi i'OW p. orK ^Ity. THE - FARMERS AND LOUISBUOG, OFFICER! G. B. Cheatham, Pres. F. K. Egerton, Vic M. S. Clifton, Assist: UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE J Independent Compete Vance Guam HENDERSC vr r* ? - ? jjrianuiacturers and Importers BRANDS FOR Brodies Best Farmers Union Fish Brand, tobacco 11 BRANDS FOF Sterling Cotton Grower Hot Stuff, for cotton Modern plant, improved machinery. Fertilizers made from 1 Superintendent. Analysis on every saok beari VANCE GU MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTER CALL UN US Job; Pri A 0 Our Prices Ar I x ^ We are now better preparec to remain so. Phone or t jThc rankl I LOUISBURG, ?.- .? * *'v ? . _ ; . - \N ' ! Icrchants Bank ^HB-ri- " _ V \ ?h New York City?now worth four thousand million t #24 at 4 per cent compound interest in 1626 it would \ f MERCHANTS BANK. N. C. S :e-I'res. R. Y. Me.tden, Cashier, int Cashier. 5TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA itive Progressive ) Company DN, N. C. i of High Grade Fertilizers . TOBACCO - 8 4-4 * - 9-3-3 lanuro 8-3-3 I COTTON 8-2-2 8-2 2 r highest grade materials. Experienced chemists and ng our name, guaranteed, none better. ANO CO. S /HENDERSON, N. C. TO DO YOUR inline O e Reasonable " 4 i f A ocx ve yuu, and hope * write us your orders. f I? T? lin i imes N. C. ;:a:,-v - : ' - 4 N , . 14