w" . : s; p*-. JProfestiontU Card f pR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, IVITtORi Offla* la Wm4 a. Mmim mmd 1M M, Loubbur*. M. C. Hour*: 9 w 4:M. FW? Ma 99. Il - ' JQB. H. A. XIWflLL, inraciii Leaiabarg. M. f. Pbam* Vs. HO ^bahelutox iom * VP rnaihk. a. r. B. A Bpwl. Praprta?oa. m* Uwt la jj?. C. 1. IAKI ??*CAL laBOBO* ?. 0. ^ c* la EUk? Batl?4af. Mala tiraeft. p H. COUKI 1TTOIIST-1T-L1W, Uiiibarf, If. 04 " Over Cooper A Pleaaant* Store. Prompt Attention givta all logal busiaMa entrusted to ma. |^B. J. E. MALONK PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Loulebarg, N. C. Offl e in r??\r of Dafv*)*vAletou Drag Store. JJK. 8. P. BURT PHYSICIAN aad 1 LRU EON l .ui?? V n. Office over P. S. A K. K. Allen's Store R. F. Y AHBOROUGH PHYSI IAN asd SO KGEON Lotiisburg, K. U. Office in Yarboroagh Jk Biekett building. Nigbt calls asewer?4 f.om T. W Hickett's residence, phoae 74. g B. MASSE* BURG ATTORNEY AT LA * Lwaisbarg. N. C. Will practice iu all r.ae aoarts <*t the State Office in Egerton Building - ,, HAYWOOD RUFFIN ATTORHET AT LAW Looiabarg, N. C. Will practice in all coarts of FrankUh and adjoining couatiea. also in the Supreme Codrt and in the Oaited States District and Circuit Court. Office oyer First National .Bank. rjl B. WILDER ' ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Louisburg, N. C. Office on Main street in Cooper building. gPRDILL A HOLDEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW . Louisburg, N. C. Will attend the courts^ranklin. Vance. Granville, Warret, atnl WftSC* counties, aleo the Supreme Couit ? ? Nam* this | paper and ^^^send free 7~ I " SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson VI.?First Quartsr, Fsr Feb. 5, 1911. rHE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. T?t of Mm Loooon, I Klaf, xvll, Ml J ?>wi?, 14-11 SiliM TM. m4v, S-C?l?Milii> Wrmpmrmd by Rov. 1, M. Moim. Tba tot mtam of our iMm tells is all wa know of the parentage of Elijah Ha eoroes before ns as sndlenlj as a meteor and disappears when his work Is done In a way that ao one else arer did before or since. Enoch also was translated without lying, but we read of no whirlwind or horses and chariots of Ore. Elijah was honored to stand with the Lord Jeaus And with Moses on the Mount of Transitu rat ion, and Jesus said of blm, TSlijah truly shall first come and restore all things," adding that he had ilready come in the person of John .he Baptist, but they knew hfm not ind 111 treated blm (Matt. xvll. 3; xi. L3). Therefore we conclude that John the Baptist, who came in the spirit, ind power of Elijah, was to the first coming of Christ what the real Elijah Fill be to His coming In glory to set ip Ills kingdom. When some who will be more wicked than Ahab and jezenei snail be snowing the power of the devil, their Elijah and a companion Rhall be the Lord's two witnesses In Jerusalem (Rev. xi. 3-11). Ills name means "my God Is Jah," snd otif has said that tie la the grandset and most romantic "character that rsrael ever produced. His one mlsilon was to bring apostate Israel back to Jehovah the true God. He was aurtured In lonely communion with God. away from the polluting court amidst his native wilds (Fandset)-' His first utterance is. "The Lord God >f Israel livetb. before whom I stand (verde 1: see also rvil. 15, and II Kings ill, 14). We think of Gabriel's testimony, "I am Gabriel that stands In tb* presence of God" (Luke 1, 19). and he it was who said that the son of Zacharias should go iir the spirit ind power of Elijah. Israel had been faithfully warned that if they turned aside to serve other pods and worship them the Lord would shut up the heaven that there be no rain (Deut. si. 10. 17), so that Elijah's prayer that It should not rain (Jas. v. 17) was simply a prayer that God would do as He said and make pood His word and show Himself as the living and true God. for if He failed to fulfill His threat the people would think it an Idle tale. Elijah could say, "In the Lord have [ righteousness and strength:" "I rest on Thee, and In Thy name I go" (Isa. civ. 24; n Chron. xlv. 11). Therefore lie was not afraid to meet Ahab or to deliver his message._ This being done, he receives tWo"" distinct messages from the Lord telling him where to so|ourn for the next three years, and 9rst Ji?.Js told to hide himself by the broofc^Cherlth nnoor widow who had no food In the louse but a handful of meal and a UtJe oil. Elijah found her gathering ticks with which to make, as she bought, her last cake, and then she ixpected that she and her son would lie (verse 12). But by giving her all o the Lord's servant, as the lad did lis loaves and fishes, several were fed 'or many daits, and the meal wasted lot, neither did the cruse of oil fall verse 18). From our leeson It would seem that he prophet was sent to the widow hat she might sustain him (verse 9), while from the record In Luke lv, 25, 18, It appears that Elijah was sent to he widow that she might be sustain id. Well, It worked both ways, and he widow was sustained by her glvng her all to the Lord. No doubt He ilso cared well tor that other widow who cast all her living Into the treasiry. God was also^ glorified In this larepta home by the raising to Ufa of be widow's son. thus strengthening ier faith in the God of Elijah, aeordlng to vera* at, "Now, by this I mow that thou art a man of God and bat the wood of (ha Load In thy mouth a truth." " The Origin of Roy Mr. Royster believed thi Manufacturer of Fertilizers v ? above other considerations, idea Twenty-seven years 94 to-day; the result has been Factories to supply the deman F. S. ROYSTER GUAj , FACTORIES AND 6AU NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO.N. O. OOLUME MACON. OA. COLUMBUS. OA. MONTQI iwiln \ \ . to our new quarters in a fe^ J. W'. Hollingsworth, where serve you in our line. Buy Before \ N W. L White LOUISBURG CALL ON US Job Pri > - ' The Frankl \ LOUISBURG, ?; '. MPfMBBIB -f *2EJ3*' "" luK. star Fertilizers. it success awaited the vho would place quality This was Mr. Royster's {o and this is his idea that it requires Eight d for Royster Fertilizers. * ; * NO COMPANY. IS OFFICES. HA, S. C. SPARTANBURG. 8. O. 3MERY, ALA. BALTIMORE. MO, MOVt:. jr days, now occupied b y you will find us ready to we Move * ... .. ? ^ r~ Furniture Co. n. c. TO DO YOUR * ? $ inting lhv J,mes