FRANKLIN1 TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager t?. -i . . ? ? 1 U.-y ' CK* tub, - I ?1.0C six btisthb, ihkkb months. Friday, April 28, 1911. . The Suffragettes should look aftei the D. A. H. Congress, for a "inert man" is engaged there as reading clerk. * The vote on the ' farmers' t'rei trade" bill will show just how much reliance can' be placed on the insurgents for tariff reform. Chairman Underwood's steam roller is the envy of the Kcpublicau leaders; they had no idea that hr would prove to be such an expert chnfl'eur. It will take quite along debate on reciprocity in the .Senate to divide tile sheep from the goats, and longer to discover who favors the farmers' free trade bill. The "dry" county option bill in ? Illinois was defeated in the legisla ture by a vote of 83 to t>3, tlierefore the present law of town opttoffSvill remain in force. Nearly every other commodity but cotton is depressed in price, vet there is free trade in cotton! Why don't the standpatters explain tliii npset of their theory of tariff protec tion ? Amoko the list of Jurors drawn for the Federal court to convene ir, Raleigh -Vlay i!2nd, we notice the following from Frauklin county; _H F. Gupton, R. M. flicks, Roberl W right. It now appears that the Tift administration people have been Sheading no tears over the defeat of tin Republican candidate for Mayor ol Chicago, for the election of Professoi Merriam would have been claimed V. as an insurgent victory. We don't believe that tale from Washington about the three district employees being thrown trom tilt water wagon. They must have jumped off tp investigate whethei or not the decision of President Tafl as to what is whiskey was a correct one. The Republican leaders are .still in hopes that the Democrats wllj make asses of themselves; but the Democrats are going right along with their reform legislation ai though there were no standpatter! in existence. This is positive cruelty to the Republican animals. f What a waste of goo.i veil port, who was the sur j veyoi for North Carolina when this j hue was run in U>21, and contains a full accounUnf tlie survey, giving the course uud distance of each of | the one hundred ai d sixteen miles I run by the-Commissioners appointed | by.jhe States cf North Carolina and , j Tennessee. j . uThe calls in this book tahy with what North Carolina lias always contended is the true State line. ! When this suit?was brought no field notes could be found, but a few | years ago the archivist of that State ,! unearthed the map made by the Commissioners, and filed with the State of Tennessee, and this map | greatly strengthens the North Caro, i lina position. The field notes threw , j light upon some matters I hat could , j not be understood from the map, 4 and the map and notes together . I seemed to make an unanswerable j case for this State. "This field book was discovered 'last November by Captain William ! Davenport Jones, the grandson of i'Cot. Davenport, who now lives and f I has, for the last fifty years, lived in ' his grandfather's home. A number 1 of searches had beeu made before this for papers bearing upon this Controversy, but without avail. In i the old Davenport home theie is a t famous sideboard, made from walnut t'cut or the Davenport plantation J in Caldwell county, and made on [the place by'a cabinet-maker, who 1 spent some time in that section of I the State, making furniture for ttie j prominent families. "The sideboard is, in itself, a wonI' derful piece of workmanshin, being i entirely band made, and inlaid with , hoi y, In this sideboard was a large , drawer, and in this drawer were a ( number of inner drawers, and in ( a vert shallow drawer, not over an . j inch deep, whieh had theretofore e>j caned investigation, Captain Jones, | last November, found this field book , i of his grandfather, Coh^Davenport. "The book, and every pfcrt of it, is .'written in the handwriftngN^ Col. TV - . -I - * L!. ?" ? , j.j .cupvn ui mai itu) wue, wie . testimony shewing tha^Col Daven(1 port's wife acted as his amanuensis. r "Capt.W.IJ.Jones, who is a brother ! ot Captain Edmond Jones, of Lenoir, -values most highly this venerable . | document, but graciously allowed : North Carolina to have the book {until this suit is determined, when .lit is tC be returned to him." f ?? , Bond Issue. i Mr. Editor:?1 am afraid the people [' generally do not understand fully what , the bond issue is for, and as I think it is important I write this to explain the same. The town has a floating indebtedness of about eight to ten thousand dollars which was caused by the watt r works and electric light plants costing r more than was expected, and as this i debt has been on us for pome time it | has cramped us very and hurt the credit of the town. I would not be willing to vote to put another cent ol ' tax on the town, but we owe this r amount and the town hasn't got the money to pay the debt, and it is simply closing an account that we cannot pat by giving our note for it until we are able to pay it, or like giving your note ' for an overdraft at the bank. It does * not make us owe one penny more r but gives us a chance to meet it later . and I hope every voter will vote for tb? bond issne. We have a good set ol . commissioners and a good Mayor, and 1 thick that the town afflaira will be in ' good hands, and that if the bond issue is voted the taxes will soon be reduced. And I honestly believe it will be to our n' : : : " " " T "I ^Tl. . ??' beet interest to vote for this issue. I certainly would not be in favor of it unites 1 thought so. . v 7 F. 2i. Egkrton. I have read the above article of Mr. F. N. Egerton arid heartily endorse the j same, We. owe it to ourselves to pro; tect the credit and good name of our ( | town. Of course no more bonds will be I issued than are absolutely necessary to ' | pay what we owe. ?j T. W. BlCKKTT. 1 I endorse the above article of Mr. F i N. Kgerton and will add that the taxes applied to pay interest on the>e bonds| ( will not exceed if they will amount to as much as the interest on the floating j debt which is now paid in short loans as some are made bv the commissioners I on their individual endorsement for the I , town's debts. _ w*. h. hukfin. We have read the above articles and heartily endorse them. F. 11. MCKINXK. S. P. Burt, r. y. McAden, L. P. Hicks, C. 6. Cheatham. SALK OF LAND FOll TAXES. Notice fn hereby tf ven thut on Monday the l*t day of Muy I ill,, at 12 o'clock M., at the Court H< um? door in Franklin f\>unty. iu the tow oT Louisburg 1 will s?P *?t pubi c nuctiyn f ?r cash, to the highest bidder, lands uumc 1 below to dHtiefy the tn*?H r r.iaitiitnr ut paid thereon, .as provided jin rhapter.158.Ltt k of 1001,. amendments th reto and also ?v special act of General Vh-enibly iif lull. H. B. 17??7 8. B. ,775. I mti6ed~Tth. day o March 1911 The owners' the Inud* or the persons in whose iMines they are listed, thi townships in which they are located, tjiej d? to be sold, the taxes au?l costs rentaluit tc unpaid thereon are us follows: DUNNS TOWNSHIP. Runn. J. U. S lots Aunu | 3 99 Har-is, (le.rge 2 I ts Bonn 1 G3 Mullin. K. \i. 154 acres 1'r.Cr. 12.83 Shearrin J. T. 10 ) a of May land 7.72 1 Sanders, William !7 acres 2.92 HARR 8 TOWNSHIP. Freeman. W. T. 1 ? aTarboro road Freeman, W. T. 8 i "a Tarboro road 4.09" , Freeman. H. F. 1 G a Crooked Cr. 9 93 WheMn, Chae. an I Joo 100 a Freeman 515 YOUNGS! ILLS TOWNSHIP Mitchell. Sol and l?orge 1-5 a near Youagsvide 2 92 Reed, J W. 1-4 a icar Youngsville 5.33 Richardson YictoUa. 1 -8 Hee? ne*r I Youmrsvitle 2.87 Squires. 1- a S. Youcgsville 1.77 FKANKLI! ToN TOWNSHIP; ij Jeffrey * Louvina town lotions V Town 1.1)9 Voyaer. 2 t< *n lot* long town 3.53 Bowery. H. S. 1 t< wn lor store lulDU 1 town lot d relling 6H 74 Pe\t. James 1 to' n lot 7.03 F'oe'V Jns. A 1 1'acres 5.67 | UcKikbt. J. 8. 5tJ acres ^ 10 01 VIAYESVIl LB TOWNSHIP. ! Gill, Jow5 acre* V ijt) 2 47 : Hunt. M?v L. 42 zi acres Mill Tr. 4.3S \ SA> lY CREEK Ala! on Anr%> 25 ac m I fin as 2.2* Lord. E. GAl2 3 4 icres Bear Swamp 3.OS CEi\b ftf 'K T >WNSHIP FKjw, D P 5(\acre Peach Tree 3 13 Griffin. 44', R. ?^'l i acres Ited Bud 2.30 Johnson. LlzzieuQ . 2 acres Raus> all Plptce \ * 2.81 Perry A Y.urborcm2 a Little Creek 2 3d f Wb*!-ss. Chnri y \ a Rear Branch ' Vheless Charity r 8 a Bear Branch 1.97 GOLD Ml E TOWNSHIP Parrish Heirs 34 apklio co Creek 2 52] Wood, J.'D. 15 am m. Dam 1.90 cypress cr :rc TOWNSHIP SU-'kc. J. M. 140 ?< tJLl. Harris 6.95 Todd Mr>. Sarah 4< ucVs Gay 2.84 i Brodie, J. J 50 am i bone 4j67 ] LOULSBCI 3 TOWNSHIP Arrfogton. Mra.A.L Est,19 ucres home 10?\HKh Road 4 " 40 a little Cr 17.20 i DuDHtou, Mary Est, 1 lot Aneral 1 4.14 | Davis, Waah'iigton 1 lot Kewnore | Ave. \ 8.90 | i Davis. June 1 iot \ ine al SpriVg 9.05 | Egerton Amos 1 lu Kcnmon>mve , 0.58 . Foote, Thomas l>'Ju Warrento\ rd. 8.10 *-4 Joel acrJ 1 5.00 ! Gnpton. Mrs. J. F. 125.1-2 a Co has X Roads I \ 9.02 G'pen. Austin 1 lol Mim-rul SprinV G Go Green,"John 1 lot il l?to*n X ^ ** 4* 1 lot gome \ ' 1 lot aiueial Spring \ 9.47 Harris. Sam A. 1 1>* Tijrbori road \ * 1 iJt Main ntreet \23.7 1 Hayes, < unwell 0 1-4 \ D.Lewis \8.45 Hazlewood Johnl lot near r. r. Y.t.53 j Hszleunod. Hen A Sr. 1 lot Newport \ n road balance 1 ^ 11.23 .tphnNon. Andrew 'Th Warrenton rd. Al4 Kearney Sin* l/lot E.ertou bioj* I Marti?. Surah M*t., 1 lot s\<) i P*?rr*\ Do othvl lot Academy 6 lip Pfrry. Ricbarvl lot Acml?-njy 1 " Pel Swamp 16.44 8mi h. Mrn. EJTU Est. Ho! Cader St. 1H 841 William*, Baflly h Frnoklinton rd G.29 William*. Gun 1 lotHIalifax roud 1909 and 1910 A 93.08 VaiUiiouah. A. L. 37 aJyu BraocU 10.40 H. C. Kearn^Xj Sheriff. April lht 1911. i $50 Steel RingefcnJftrare for ?35 at ! I L. P. Hicks. \ f Screen Doors, inflows and Wire at , L. P. Hlcka. 1 Olimentoj Pi mi rtto and Dutch Cheese at L. P. Hicks. I \ Hienz Mixed,*>ur And bottled pickles at L. P Hicks, r \ . Bicycles and Tires a^L. P. Hicks. CHICHESTER SWLLS [ DIAMOND BRAND : r LADIP.3 | ' iA j t Oold metallic boxed ??ale^^uh Ibboa Tiu'so (ftnsa. >V?f 7?w W r*MM Mi Mk ? ( I-C??2W4l a V , DUMtllD IKIXI PILI.A JiirVfltTdvt ( xrsregardadaaBed.Safest, Always jteliaMe. BOLD BY ILL DRUGGISTS 1 TIM* FVPVYWUF*r voitb mm* a.f i vrncnc tibto CBOUPI^p ( Mil kM i| rmJUk. Drue lit* ' ' . . .* ? \ N- ' * - ^ ' / Farmers , THA' i ' HAVI YOUR SAFI B/ You've worked hard for your money. I * ? Make Our Bank Your Bank. We THE FARMERS C. B. Cheatham, Pres. unDER SUPERVISION ! I |THE ^ Sub yh v ng yo pr< A; ires > ai iavi ; it is r e r< erl; Y TO ALL WHO OWE US i We are out of business. /All accounts j due us that are not scttlefc or otherwise I arranged by the fintf, dajof May, 1911, will Ka r-ii 1 - infn " " ? ' ?? j/v.v iuc wauao vi a tiui ncjr for collection. OurV>cJcs are at J. S. Howel'a store, Nash ?*eet. We will not have a collector ouwagain, but positively mean what we iky. PleaBe call tnd pay or otherwise aFnuige this matar. Your ieqds J: PkAt BWos. Co. April 1:5th, 1911 7 \ P. S. We owe sorwe bill stand they are due, therefore wfe must \oliect or ! somebody will hayyo loan usYhe cash. EXECUTOR'S ATICST 1 The undersigned haviJg qualified as | executor of D. C. Stnlkland, late of Franklin county, NornilCarolina, this is to notify all persontfthokline claims against the estate of thgf March, j 1912, or this notice will le plead in bar > of their recovery. A 1 arsons indebted i to the said estate will {Jease make imimdiate payment. J This 31st day of Mfrch, 1911. G. a*. Strickland. JSxecutor of D. C. Strickland, dee'd. Address Raleigh, N. C. W. H. Yakhorough, Jr. Att'y. E. A. ROdERS Tinwdrktr. Louisburg, flkC, Will make estimates otNuiny job Work Guaranteed. Call oV write wl 3ii in nc.d of oi^tliing \ mj ?A St. linii jn&p-yMuipnlled hia wife to cutyLiahlfr. />f course, that ia more rem*aPtjmj4yfn if his wife bad |?rniy[e(/tqLoUrand moke her hushandl ^ ' m ^ ' and Merch. r RAiNVjafflro f yoU-LlLliit it wirk for you nd make you help should rou lose your position pay liberal interest consistent w\h aafetj 5 AtiD MERC S LOUlSBllRG^ N. C. \ M. S. Clifton, Assistant Cashier. of the State oi J " JG CO. | j A ing \ if they 'sicians opy of them. X"# it! in A all our I use we /e will A v E. Ma- J ? t rooms place? ^ OMPANY | > TE FURNITURE CO. ?? ??? 1500 ^pantls Alabastine all shades at L P. Hljllks. ? LOST One gold filled Watch, gentlemen's lize, with cord attached with a child's ing on end of com. Finder will re:eive a reward oj\$5 if returned to Mrs. mtWJ. Kukarion, I ^Spring Street. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that opplica;ion will be made to Governor W-W. Kitmen asking what, sentence of eight months on tUleVoeds imposed upon Thos. Stone aftthe January 1911 termof ; ranklin Superiar/i'ourt for larceny he :ommuted to foM months. Any perlon wishing to oppose such communation should mate known their objecions to the Governor by the 18th day if May, 1911. This April 18th, 1911. R. B. White, Atty. For Thomas Stone. SALE OF LAND. By virtue ol the power conferred upon me in a certain deed of trust, exicuted to me by Loomas Harris, and ecorded in the of Ice, of the Register if Deeds of Frank in County in Book 62. Page 378, 1 fill on Monday, the ith day of June, 1911, at about the lour of noon, sell at publio auction at he court bouse d tor in Louisburg, N. to the sighesl bidder for cash, the inc-sevent\ undi ided interest of the 'wMfl aid LoomaX llairia in a tract or parcel f land sitwktn in Franklin County, * Hums' Towdkhfc, State of North Carliaa, and desK/ned as follows; Boundd on the NortVbv the lands of Charlie hazier, on thA Last by the lands ol' 1. J. P. HardA on the South bySthe ands of J. B JKJpg, and on the West i y the lands of Wiley Young, contain / ng 84 vcresJmoreXor less, and being / hat parcel #f land Rnown as the Novf / 1 arris 'and, Ijrid onNghich land Norf f 1 arris livid a few months before his / leath. This the 28th day of April, 1911. / " M. S. CurroN, Trustee J