mmmmsmm ROTECT. TH^'mEALTH or VOURfet LT and family. Po|?. m Herb m preptrj-i to i -i i. . depspjjnbte household . '.oil' upo .4 principle of i ?"Jl . I ? I (lull inrn- ' /freedom from ?;>? .,. : is J n. v.* for tualudivs > u- , ma i. Ijver Comritaw ^ | a tior v ? and Ague dctr. ? digestiou, Lum uey Der.. . cuienta, Catari h. . ... Ni r-. yous aches, loss )f A ? .1 a.I; aili.i. mining frotn in;.. .v. > the Liv. i .id Kidneys. It > a purely Herbs B.-r^and Roots Comi. (i inii It is put up 'i ?.' -'o lute coa . tablets pleas rig to! tak? (nr can be disso \vd m wai r.) Mrs. J. C. Meade of hayattsyille, j Md says: "For years I ha' e siilVrm wi'h Back.f tic. Headaches, KaVTralcia, and | Nervousness and extreme titigue. 1 tried many remedie.slv. hi ut I Four months ago a praketui friend in- j duced meUo write to .Pipe M? dicineCo. I Washtngtoh. D. C., fork* box o: P- p--'* ; , Herb Compound Tableti fu v? r\ first 1 dose of two tablets gavb in?* relief. 1 used not Quite tral.00 b k and 1 am en- . tircly cured of tHe pain in my back \ that I hni'i* 1 ...on Konuliltuft onfl unri.rt (At 11a i propyl use. Pope's HcA '.'ompoWkl Tablets are put up 200 in box, "m| month's treatment," and kill be senV < poat-paid on receipt of -51 DO. Each boxV contains a printed guarantee binding us to refund thcpurcha^e price if the remedy fads to benefit, ai o full diroc-' j tions. Guaranteed by the Pope Medicine Co., I Inc., under the Pure Foot and Drugs Ac-J- June SO, 1906 No. S\ *56. FOR TERMS TO AGENTS IN UNOCCUPIED TERRITO- 1 ADDRESS POPE MEDICNE ' ,.t CO., INC Pope Building, Washington, D. C . A Beautiful Bible Study Diploma \ Thin is the tenth week we have published the "Suggestive Questions , on the Sunday School Lessons," and we have heard nothing but com- | meudation, both for the questions | themselves, and for the enter-1 prise of the Fk.vskux Times in |, establishing in Lou'sburg a- Local |, Club of the International P'ess Bible , Question Club. Two results, among , many others, may be mefiiioned? , first, a great many are taking up the home study of the Sunday School s Lessons, and second, the attendance ( at Bible Classes lias increased. This ( last mentioned result can,however, be | quadrupled if Bible Class teachers | and scholars will bustle for new | j members, making the I. P. B. Q. C., ( its easy course of s^udy,and its valua I , ble prizes the ralving cry. There is no reason why Louiaburg cannot , carry the banner in this contest, and win some of the Gold Medals. , There will be a beautifully-engraved h Dipl oma, pointed in three colore, |] presented - to every member of our I Local Club who completes the |. course of study, whether winning' any other prize or not. This Diploma ! will certity that the holder has com- , pleted a course of study in Biblical L literature. . I Each pei son enterme this contest !i will need the Fbaxklin Times, i Subscribe today, or if already a sub- i acriber, send the paper to some: i other person. Use the attached | coupon. , Send the i rank lis Times from J now to 19 the i close of the Bible Question Club j Contest, for the price of $1.50 en- ? closed. Count me a member of | the IAf 1911 6y A'rf T ?> Lincvtt. D. D. M AT 7'HI, 1911. Fzzi . Kinie of Jti?iah, Hutnhlfd. 2 liri'v xxvi.. ! TVxt? Prid* K<>fih be.ft?rf d ? r<r Hcainnt h?*re?litarv (2 ) I'.tt bad hem the chittao t**r f A zidi, t'?e father of Fxxi h? (3 ) "\\ hich are a?*im more l?k lv lo rra.*inl*i? in mor i fliHracirr, their father ??r tlieir mother? (4 I V r?e 4 ? I what hrnnf did L' a. d hie f th*-r Atnazidi cKr ih.o winch uttb riulu in tbr stjjhi >f the L'H'I?' (5) V ?*?*. ?? 111 ?- Who \V*8 the r*...*. ? (t>.) 1) \ "U regti'l it hs the privI?*g of i i spiiimal |)?*ii(net to have 'understanding in ihe visions f r s it a mt [Jzztao appear to depend upon? (8.) W hat ar g ine^of the thing* io lilt- it'>i w icfi lemonstrated Ux tali's , rogp.rttv ? (9) lit the light of lime ami ?ttrnit., what do. ion consider s n-e nigh, at ty,..- ot a prosper-us uirtii? (10) What ar?- the dt-gre* g ot dt->irai>lln\. to b - ? rosperous in wealth, honor, intellectual abilitv, or in having "understanding in the visions ?f God?" V(II.) Verges II 16 Dill GimI ever letght in war? h\ or why not? , (12.) \\ as it ever God's first best plan for options to settle their disoutes by war? (13.) It Jesus were king of this , ;ountr\, and a duplicate of Jesus were king of another country with vhom we had a misunderstanding, ; vhv would there be no danger ot Var? (14) Are the nations of the earth,! >s nations, *u'.ltY or ir-r...c-nl before .4od, (or tbe vast sums of money ;hey spend annually in preparation 'or war? Why? (15.) Verses 10-18? What proportion of men are drawn nearer to jod, and what proportion are driven j ;o the Devil by eartlilv prosperity ?j (16.) Why is it that so many are ipiritualiy hurt by prosperity? (IT.) After Uzziah had had such i unmistakable experience with God, how do you account for his moral j lapse? (18.) What motive do you suppose I prompted Uzziah, to usurp the office j of the priests of the temple? (19.) What are the sins which an i exalted position, or great riches, tend j to develop today. (This is one oi the questions which may be answered in writing by members of tbe elub.)v (20.) Verses 19-23?Was the disease of leprosy euperaaturally inDieted as a punishment, or was it i-ontracted in a natural wav? (21.) Does God in these days lid- disease upon people in any stlier way than through the laws ot nature? Give your reasons. lesson for Sunday, May 12th, 1911. Isaiah's Vision and Call to Service. Isa. vi. In cases of rhetor it ism relief from pain makes sleerN ind rest possible. This may be obt Vied by applying berlain's Liniment. For sale bv Chamall dealers. Whenever young women begin trying to fit themselves for wivts then a new social era will' begin to dawn. There will be more happy j homes less poverty, fewer divorces ; and a better moial atmospber. There is a great deal of room fo> i men to improve m the same line. Comparatively few men have defi-j nite ideas in regard to the home life they expect to live. If they do picture such a thing, they follow the outlines traced by some sentimental novelist. It is an impossible sort"of (jlace, in which he installs on angel. Nectar takes the place of coffee and the bread plate is filled with lotas / ECZEMA CURED. ISV TO ONI BBBnUTMl Pimple Diaappear, Complexion Clear- ** la A* Utcraai Ptsi? As* Baed Over Nisht ?Blm Am Iatrrul Reatdj. v?? v^?i, mt-' ^ The cium of rheumatism and kindred .' J f ?usjfida are taking disease* Is an excess of uric acid In the frtviinta8f ^tht .5ln#1?V!?,0^er P"?* blood. To cure this terrible disease this by The Wood worth Co.ill61 Broadway, acW mujBt ^ exp?ued and the system so New York City requesting an expert regulated that no more acid will be mental package, .of lamolu the ne* formed In excessive quantities. Rheums* skin discovery, which if -mailed free of tism Is an Internal disease and requires charge to all whaovritdfor it. It alone an Internal remedy. RUBBING with is sufficient to cleft^hti complexion ov- oils and Liniments WILL NOT CURB, er night and rid the\af;e of pimples in affords only temporary relief at best, a few hours. On thejHrst application causes you to delay the proper treat* of Lemola the itching WJ1 stop. It has ment, and allows the malady to get a cured thousands aftliclwr^vith eczema, firmer hold on you. Liniments may ease Teeters, Rashes ItcMTngsVdrritations, the pain, but they will no more cure Acmes, Scalings and (Justingsi?f skins, Rheumatism than paint will change tho scalps, of infants, chillren ancKadults. I flber of rotten t ogd. It is good for the preAryation and pur- Science has a l/laat discovered a perification of the skinf scalp, hair ami ! fect anU com*>1' cUr?- whlch ls called hands for the prevention of the clog- Rhoumaclde. Tfcted In hundreds of cases. emg of the oores tie usual cause of lt ha> effecled tho moBt marvelous cures; \ \ \ a cause or , we lt wm cure you> Rheumacldo pimples, blackheads,fredensa and rough- ^ at the joints from the Inside,sweeps ness antf-alBO the the treatment ot , ?ie po|8on!) out of th6 system. up urns scald, wounds, sores, chappings tjle stomach, regulates the liver and as well as the toilette and nursery. ! kidneys and makes you well all over. j Rheumacide strikes the root of the dls, ease and removes Its cause. This splenj ?V [ did remedy is sold by druggists and When you have {tafcmatism in your dealers generally at R>c. and >1 a bottle, foot or instep aptfr^v^tambtniain^s j In Tablet form at SSe.and 50c.a p&ejkage. nwi?ci uuitft icnn. ; ?me to ooooui unemicfti vjo., rjauiIt costs but a quarterX \V hy suffer? i more, McL Booklet Iree. Tablets sent For sale by all dealers. ^ by mall. ? CONSOLIDATED . SALE nlAMoJ TYPEWRITER CO., IMC. \ C. D. WEElKiS, TRUSTEE \ \ - | \ND TH^ JoHM JL /RA^Oj TYPEWRITER AGENCY'3 Stock of 'tyjivwriters, Supplies and Office Furniture The following arc snecia's, if interested write us at once as these pricos i n/y last until the stock V disposed of 1 Klickensderfer Ti oewriter ,$15 00 . . ? .Y. , 1 Williams typewn er * 10 00 } I l g 5? S 1 No 2 Remington/typewriter 10 00 J 5? ? pSJfSSsS!!' "J?"!',, 41 ?? 1 Wellington typewriter Li 25 00 } ' vtole so an 1 Fox tvnowWtAi/ 09 1 No 1 \ ictor, (elite, - ?2 50 1 Densmore^ typewriter, rebuilt, n 50 f ? 1 Vic ton, (pica) - 05 00 2 New Century, typewriters, each 35 00 , 2? f v!ctn? fnTcsi 75 00 1 No 10 Smith Premier 50 00 I 2? | V ^tor 'pica) 75 00 1 No 5 Underwood 49 50 3 No 2 Vlctore (p,ca) 84 ?? ? >s. 1 SAt nf F.HiennQ Kneinoae nK/\?r.?wonl.H j:_*_ a: * ;l-; J ?- ?fuvuvKia^/iio, wnaioini^ vi uiciatuiKi vrunscrioing ana shaving machines, also 1 dozen, cylinders. Regular price $210, our price $162.50 1 set Dictaphones, same outfit, regular price $210, our price .$190. $1 and 75c ribbons for all makes 60c. $3 carbon paper (a box 100 sheets) $2.10 a box. I'rices on office furniture quoted upon repuest. Terms?Express C O D on approved bankable paper. Order at once from JOHN S. RAMOS Princess Building WILMINGTON, N. C. Box 54 Increased Yields Means Increased Profits Top \Dressing Oats, Corn, Cotton, Truck and General Crops CEREI^LITElv Top DijessinX Bearing our trade mark "Cerealite" at lma coat per ton thanYsoda," using the same number of pounds per acre, gives Jqually as good, if no\ better, results than soda. Cerealite is packed in 200 ppund bags, in good mechVnical condition doesn't stiffen the land, and noes not esAporate. The crop gets it tail. For Cerealite and full information regarding it, S>ply to \ McKinne Brothers Company Louisburg, N. C. Or Home Fertiliser and Chemical Company, Sole Owners and Manufacturers. tf \ - \ ' I? ney last a lileBmc. 1 hejuo Fireproof?Stormproof? I Inexpensive ?Suitable for allNcinds of buildings. For I further detailed information apply to M. OJCK, Louisburg, N.C. I | :<**?*> ?!'. t-T*?V?>y?>?%?T??T. rf!iigliiyMgn>iiyti8i^i^ift^i^ been your tjlouble. This hank accepts deposits for $1 and up H ?why n??t conic in and open i nVccount with us now?let the bank help you saye?it ie the only safe way Y . CONDE MSEC* STATEMENT THE CITIZENS BANK I Kf SrVflfSflf First National I BANK OXFORD, N d Capital f\ $100,000.00 I Surplus and Profits /. ,\.. 80,000.00 Deposits 7\ 500,000.00 Wo want to do some btwiness with the good people of FrankliD County. We pay 4 per centf interest on time deposits. Write or call on us for any information. Notice our large capul and surplus. "W. H. HUNT^fCaRhier : '/ "* R. P. TAYtJOR, Special Agent The Mutual Life insurance Company / of NEW - YORK LOWISBURG, N. C / \ \ 9 Without committing myself mease Vlvtse me regarding the Mutual policies. Name / \ Address 7. V Dated Birth . 1 \ Occupation V> FILL OUT/THE ABOVE TODAY AND MAIL TO R. P. TAYLOR/ DSf\ Louisburg, N C. Patronize Yoar HoW Tnri/istrip* jiuy To every ma > who uses a buggy. b jvVll be greatly to your interest to see roe before you buy a buggy. I am prep^^mto make any kind of a buggy you want GIVE ME ,ORDER. and if when the buggy is finished yip are norvpleaaed, you do noHiave to take it. Buggies are fully guaranteed, /fcall and get my prices. The best buggy repairing, repainting and ruDber tirlfcork a specialty. 24 years experience m buggy building and repairing. Bmky material for sale. H. q. TAYLOR 'PHON^ 100 Anything You Wani For Breakfast \ dinner /bi^Supper branTLeiy hicks . > ...J . " * ' ^ 1 _ 'I