^clRMiriwD REASONftBlir I DMlm tm. by CUnn L. Saxton, Architect. Minneapolis. Minn. K I ' " \ ' r".. . l ' \ .? I ^ i ' ., , . .. ^ *r . pbbspbctivb view-fhom a ph ktoqbaph. PIAZZA I I I U - U \ ^ ^ r 1 3=r . ? ; '. . . FIRST STORY PLAN. 8EOOND S' 'ORY PLAN. a * *' *" " \ 1 , \ This is a design of a beautiful home atWeasonable cost It has a foil bai ment Size of the first story Is nine feet tnd of the secc id story eight fe Finish first story Washington fir and second pine to pain :. Piazza floor ai , celling to be No. 1 clear Washington fir; Side of house tw< nty-seven feet w! | and thirty-one feet six Inches deep. Cost to build, exclu live of heating ai p plumbing. $2,860. ? A i ^tpon receipt of $1 the publisher of this phper trill so >ply a copy of Sa mEu book of plans, entitled "American Dwellings." Th i book contains 2 new and op to date designs of cottages, bungalows ant residences, costi: from $1,000 to $6,000. i ' ? ????? 'V& "V ; \ Ij WantiFIoors and pieiflfo? Children Make Happjr Home There is no better way for you to avoid w?; ry and expense than by insuring your children's health. Warm floors in the home, which is the ihildren's play L house in winter, are assured when uaing Cofc' i Original Hot Blast Heater. The steel base and body construction alldwb the heat to be radiated to the floor keeping it warm during thI ccjldist weather. ! Cole's Original Hot Blis i Heater ThalSlsanest?Easiest to ct.ro IFor I Burns Soft Coal, Lignite, H?'d Co. I, Cnishcd Coke jj Wood and Cobs. I "v v Users of coal must remember that the erdlssry heater is a big care to operate. That it3 3mofce an< eshes tentail dusting, curtain washing and carpet Sweeping Thina thtn of the ease of operation and the cleanliness of C ile'3 Hoi Blast. Cole's Hot Blast has a guaranteed smo :e-proof feed door open the feed door and the current of ai draws the smoke jfi direetly across the top of-stove to the sto e pipe?aWay from the opening. Contrast this simple, cleanl r feed with the side door in an ordinary heater. The side loer used on other j, stoves permits escape of dirty smoke, inpleasant gas and ^accumulated soot drops from it. If you jverfill a side door ? ^kStovc, coal fall3 to the floor. And notp this, you cannot ^Pmake a side door heater air-tight?an everlasting advantage > in favor of Cole's Hot Blast which is oir/tightand guaranteed Y td remain so always.- . I & No fires to build?the fire is never oft in this remarkable beater from fall until taken down in th<# spring. $ Better select 6ne today?surely it iafthe beater you need? 'i&nt " ^ L' : Mw ?"e rw? Mc :Zin :ia Birq 3. ?ompany fijx 7 Lesson I.?Fourth Quarter, For ; Oct 1, 1911. . # THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 5 i ,.^. T.xt of tho Leo ion, ExiK.|tl, 12-21. Memory Vereee, 17-19?Golden Text, Ezek. ill, 17?Commentary Prepared by Rev. O. M. Steerne. It la most helpful to, consider these men who were truly stSit of God and who fulthful'y delivered Hla messages. The heart of all their messages waa the one to whom they all bare witness (Act* x, 43); the one whom Exeklclsaw as a man upon a throne (1, 26); tho one for vybom the throne of David still waits, who wlll'be King over all the earth nnd rnle the world In righteousness (Luke 1. 82. 33; Zecb. xiv, 9). Ezeklel was one of the captives In 1 Babylon, and. like Daniel, be was there for bis own good and the good of otbv ere (Jer. xxtv, 5). that he might turn tho people to God. The hand of the Lord was specially upon latm. its It Is 1 said at least seven times (1. 3; HI, 14. 22; vlll, 1; xxxlli. 22; xxxvll. 1; SI. 11. and by the Spirit of the Lord ho saw visions of God. heavenly, things as la. chapter 1, arid things at Jerusalem on eurth as In chapter vlll. tbi.bs. thea taking place or about to take plafe as In ebeptsr ill, and things yet future ' as'la chapter xxxvll. ' . When we have become children of " Gou by receiving the Lord Jesus Christ there Is nothing we need so much ns to be filled with the Holy Splflt cud hate the hand of God upon us. controlling, guiding, working. If we are In His hand for His pleasure. Inasmuch as the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper In His hand (Isa. 1111, 10)' It will prosper through us If we are only willing and obedient. The aim of every believer who Is right with God must be tbe glory of God. that God In all things may be glorified and the time of His kingdom /T <w 11 io. - 111 1" -uaoicuw v A rcu II) AO, * , AUf. IU chapter 1 the prophet saw thfc likeness of the glory of the Lord In the cloud, and fire and brightness, and the living creatures, and the wheels and the throno over all with the man upon It (chapter I, 3; xxvl, 28). In chapter x, 20 he tells us that be knew the living creatures were the cherubim, and I believe that Adam and Eve and the antediluvian believers saw In the J chernblm in Eden symbols of what redeemed ones shall be In the kingdom. Before It Is time to teach tills lesson I hope to have ready a booklet on "The Cherubim." It is only as we are filled with visions of God and glory that' we can be His faithful witnesses here In this ungodly world. There Is rebellion against God on every side as truly as ,e" In theda/s of Ezeklel (chapters 11, 3-8; et- 111, 7j; '-and thd word of truth Is not 0(1 popular. It Is even according to' Isa. xxx, 9-11, but If Spirit filled and bend holding the glory we' shall not be moved by what we see and hear all about us. ^ As the Lord's messenger or whtchmnn Ezeklel was to hear the word at n" His mouth and give them warning from Him (. ersc 17). His orders were: "Speak Sly words unto them whether ? they will hear or whether they .will forbear." "Eat this roll and go speak unto the house of Israel." "Speak with My words unto them." All My words receive In thine heart and go and 'tell them, tnus salth the Lord God (U, 7s ill, 1. 4, 10, 11). The messenger of the Lcrd must never get up his own message nor speak from his o"wn heart I merely, but he must eat the words of , (he Lord according to this lesson and *Jer. xv, 16; Rev. x, 8-11. Like this prophet and John In Patmos, wo will Cad ths word sweet to our taste, bnt n ^1 0"tt?o d 1\144a*? ill! o 1 41 HtVCi liuiu UUIC4 \ui| O. X-X/i Wl" IUCID tt111 be an opposition to it on the part ^ of many which will enable us to sympathize with Jeremiah in his experience of chapter xx, 8-10.* May there 19 also be in us such n burning that we W cannot but speak the words of truth. however much we may be tempted not ^ to do so (Acts iv. 20). Q The prophet's seven days' nstonishmeat (verse 15) reminds us of Job's friends who sat with him seven days and nights without speaking a word (Job II, .13) and' of the words of Ps. x.vxix, 9, *T was dumb. I opened not iii}- mouth because Thou didst- Jh" "Cfohcerhfng verses' IS to 21 of our lesson compare chanters xxxtih 7-14, and note Ih'ov. *xxi\\ 11, 12. and see our responsibility to give "to others the glad tidings- which are for all people. We are put in trust with Jbe gospel and arc* debtors'1 to all who bare never liejid, and we will be greatly nslinrtucd . In that day if. we have been unfaithJul to our trust (I'T^ass. 11. 4; Ronv i. 11-10; I Jcilin it, 2fc?. It was one who "belonged to the wicked one who said. "Am,! ray brother's lhiencr?" XI J ill, 12). and we must bo icnreful !c? *. while professedly Christians we [ act as if we cured not if others per<>h. Concerning the words "iniquity" :,i:d "righteooiness"xln the lesson parny.rhpb we s re consider*ay. We must i t member tlmt. "efl our righteousness. ; r.co r.s fldfiy rags'* (Irn. Ixiv.^, : >! opart from the righteousness of i ) in Christ, which becomes ours kv!l?:> we receive IIjTn. there is none stand Cor. v. 21; I Cor I ;.{-T.K-.<M X. S. ?: V I / < j "y| i'rrm t.rsv.b- vorSeA 22. 22. ISnfn itt-st ;vp hpiiwbe.Yvher^ God wants 0a a In o.iVr to hear fits val-e.' ".Vr; . ;ro ^ i fprt!v iiU.9 uud i <viU there ? ir"/ r.i'?h the#."' "Art.se nnd go dinru 'o tb'1 (:otter'? house, nnd there t wilt (rrnro '.Uee to hear, my- wordf" Uer. w fct-t :?i. 2'. oixulieiyw-ts cMprtUgit&l J* whether the wojd da "6W forth"1 or *JJ "Go shut thyself wlthii thine house" (verse* 2-J). whether He siys "Bodnmb" W4* 9**t " 7 ' ' v-. # 9v I / I ^J^^J5iv,3 ^(JJT. HI ,m^~- I I If it's a surface to lie painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind . I to fit the purpose. I V H * I . 'I ' '*yli | Vf - II McKi j A Welcome Cluuice to Those Who Suffer I Coming to I.ouisburg on Thnrndav I Sept. 21?t, tn stav nt Hotel Lnncatter Dr. Francis S. Packard of Greenahoru. N."Ci j Consultation and Examination Conft- | dentin!, invited and Free. One Day Or lv jm| Rk \ Fryi a Latt Snaftbtt To see all of hje regular Patients and such new Coses,\Aslmsy wish to consult him. Dr. PackardW joys a state wide reputation, among the profession and the Public of North Carolina, where for more than 2S years he lias ddroted his entire time to the 1 Study, Treatfncnt and Cure of Chronic | Diseases. Tie Doctor has had wonderful success inhih ch&sea work, that of curing chronic suff&rers/Msn, Women and Chil> i firm- Thp Palienta hp hoc <? f Health afteTthey given up all hop? | of being uured arc numbered by the j Thousandth He is\a kind, generous,! democratic/ gcntlematk to meet, of high j Scholarly attainments, Mid dignified per. snuality*. tfoupled with atfJrotherly inter, est, in all/who seek his acbrice. He does ' not take fi Patient for Treatment unless he can foresee a Cure of ttk Case. Th? - most commendable feature Vf bit work, and onotliat appeals to the oVdinory sick persoxyis the fact Of his chargfe belnz to i reexodablo and rno derate as tot make it . within the reach of even the vcV poor. , At vb time do the charges amount t<i ! .mort than $7.00 a month or abou\$1.5C ' a week. He give.; liis biwh medicines, 1 ** ay^here are 110 extra-Charges. It lodces j hfn never more than from four towix ? Months to Cure a Case under Trcatjnent. /til Cases, even those who have been T" given up as Incurable or Hopeless, have 2 been Cured r.nd restored, to perfect 1 health by this Brilliant Physician and the ' j wonderful method* he~Cmploys. If jrou want to xueet him and have liim ' | examine you, go to see him, and talk the j matter over with liim. It will cost you S nothing if he does not put you under treatment. If he lakes your case, it will odat'you-u ircry small sum to get well. Remember the Date? .. ?-fid come early. . . , ***** ' - ' THE ?STEr | f t sijuoY, i;! b* OrtfclnX *TlAt ' | Wuut Heater. 1 1 spi* ore Over nlpht an* ' | can hr-tt rm.r y off pmmtmi Sot t<vo bo*'" . I ua-'- n:Rr ~ - V - ' ^cal.put la the nlttb. . . >L y . I HHHP ^ For ' Fall "Fixing Up" No money brinf^s such satisfaction as a few cants spent in the Fall for "touching up" Shabby floors, furniture and Woodwork. All winder long the bright, attractive ana/wholesome home is a v source cw constant pleasure. / ACME QUALITY J minis AINU FINISHES X ^ the kind to use. Simply tell ? what yota- want to do and we 11 give ydu the proper Acme Quality Kind\ for your particular purpose. Le^ us tell you Five Strong Reason^ for Fall House Painting. \ ' .V' ; \ nnc Bros. Co. v SEE US FOR Jacksofl Automobiles All Styl^ of Cars. Price $1100.00 to $1800.00 Jackson Tri-State Motor Car Co. / Louisburg, N. C. Distributors For The Carolinas and Georgia. ( AGENTS WANTED ^ . i _ IFYOUWAISTT To Borrow Money \ Noms Collected Financial Assistance 11 S^fe Place for Your Money 1 WE Cu\yf\J I EL3? YOU Yo\ykxh Always Welcome at CITIZENS BANK | r . Henderson. N. C. ' '.1 . 1 ~ '" c" 11 .... ?^ -. r ^ ? ? T " "?$ ...They Make Riding, Easy... j New Rubber T:\s on your buggy will make your .J wheels last longeXand/nake riding a pleasure J am prepared to do \hfe very best work on short notice. 23 years e^fterience in the buggy business J J You\rs truly it. C. ^YL6R,^J/omsbtirg, Is. fc. , - . r

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