* 1 ! j POPULAR!' 4 Commencing Fri Two Capita] X NOMINATION BLANK For The Times Voting Contest X When this coupon is properly filled out and returned to the ofhce of The Franklin Times it enters the lady as a contestant in their contest, and 1 this coupon gives the lady 1,000 votes, but it need ?not be sent in only once. _ ^ Miss or Mrs. ; 2 Address Nominated by ; Address T., Under no circumstances will nominators name be Divulged. $ Rules Governing Contest Any young lady?married or single?residing anywhere in The Franklin Times Territory, who is in good standing, is ? eligible to compete in this contest. A lady does not have to be a subscriber to The Franklin Times in order to enter. All that is necessary is to send in the names, the addresses and assurance that the person entering is in good standing. Votes may be clipped from thi-paper or secured on subA scriptiong. The coupons clipped from the paper are good for ? 25 votes: Those secured on subscription are ballots in proportion to the lea gth of subscription as shown in another section of this announcement. Parties living in one district are not confined to voting for candidates in their particular district, but mav vnte for any candidate in any district in the territory of the contest. ^ All money for subscriptions must be paid to contest manJ X ager for the United Contest Advertising Co., who will have entire control of the contest. Any one who desires to vote may do so using for the purpose of voting the coupons published in The Franklin Times nr uie oanots seeurea on subscription. Enter your name or that of your friend in the race at once and get your friends to voting. i SCALP OF TOTES A One Years Subscription $1.00 1,000 Votes Two 2.00* \000 The ter Three 3.00 6,000 Four ' 4.00 8,000 IlEIldSOl F,T6 ' ' 5.00 10.000 ' a X Ten 10.00 25,000 CitleAJ 20 20.00 60,000 not beei 25 ' 25.00 80,000 30 30.00 100,000 ' No. 1 Lou 1 The above scale of ^yotes applies **? ' 3 ^ot to renewals, collection of arrear- , v X ages and new subscribers. eludes all te Y Conducted by Q" 2 UNITED CONTEST t ADVERTISING % 1 COMPANY 6 v A Jacksonville, Florida. \l X F. R. Thompson ** X Contest Mgr. | THE FRAN "RAN K -rr- G R E I ' TY VOT 1 ! day, Sept. 22, 4 In Valuable Prizes to be Given A TO THE SIX MOST Pi I and Four District Prizes to be Awarded T * FIRBT GRAIN per bass strings. mil^l press edjpar, repeating ac^ ed maple turning pinj block, fell hammers, three m IVOrV keys, polished feostnn twn.ncr "ing 1 hinges for fall boardJand topj/Norris patent noisel throughoatand euatinjtetfnir ten years. // DISTRl( / ' / ritory has been divided int ne Gold Watches will be aw< l district where an? of a awarded. A J isburg Townships; 1 No. / FranljHnt ingsville and Hatris.j /No. 4\ fhinns No. 5 Cedar Rode Gold M^ne, S Tritory not jnentioned in above t^stricts. EOOND l y< i ( A ITSTI Sf%Tt ELEGANT 8 PIECE Polished Mahogany, Upholstered in Vel KT TINT ?TIM T "-/.;.v,>^','.; if; v-' *,' -* >%^ - i * ^ I . ,,, ,, ..?;?- '. : -,?rr LIN T AT = ING CO and Closing Frh way Absolutely Free OPULAR LADIES \ l ' J, . .. ? . in Louisburg and Surrounding Territory. ' ? : .. \ rx> PRTZF I 25 r?_?__ Jv Tj;. Vote coupons w Lrrana Jriano# tions ate brought ilea, three strongs throughout, cop- days after being i in with continuous brass flange nail an accurate recorc y bronzed thrpughont. cross-band- tng list, idals, improved muffler attachment, The number of j set in maple bushing, continuous changed, but shou ?s pedal action, double veneered serves the right t< V ' Votea?once reco: o districts as below and rdad tfriadies coming first th^Jf capital prizes has in and ^ayesville, including Kittrell. J CypressCteek and Mannings?Nash akdy Creek, Castalia. No. 6. InI a a mm \ PARLOR SLIT vet Plush. Valued at 165.00 Th X-V .-'" ' j ;lt 1 / \ t J. r If. . ' ? , ' ES LOTJISI ' " : v ' 1 X*v^^v*V^-* ^ " > ' ^v4?&. yr< -"'' & - '. ' ' \ :<^ .. r--1. .mi-.i j'niiii ii IMESJ NTESTj day, Nov. FREE11 ui j k_. VOTES 25 t vhen properly filled out and returned to X Franklin Times Office T ; 25 vote? if seut in before Oct. 6 , 1911 , &s .... [ay Enter Contest T established for the sole purpose of safe- A est of eacn contestant, and to insure ab- X st secure good endorsement upon request r she reserves the right to withdraw her rtainiug to the contest must be left to the A snsger whose decision will be considered r?Except as to final counting of ballots if prizes?these Will be decided by three gentlemen to be selected later by the ill be issued to contestants when subscrip- ^ or sent to tlie office uot later than three . eceived, to enable the publisher to keep 1 and to insure prompt attention to mailorizes and distribution of aime will not be ild the contest manager so desire, he re> make alternations and changes in program rded in this office are not transferable. T DISTRICT PRIZES X ?he District Prizes are Elegant Gold Watches \ Elgin Movements X and Guaranteed for Twenty Years X L dress all Inquiries XI Communications II . Contest Manager il e Franklin Times ? BTTRGr, ]N". a. || ?