At F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UHlOE, SUBSCRIPTION *1. 00 PER YEAR LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY JANUARY li. 10)2 Wll GAL WOMAN IS . A SONG WAITER WILL BE HBABD/IN CITY When ; We Meet A grain, Wlkrou - Bemember," and "There's One Thlnjr That Gold Cannot Buy"? Published Be oently and Are Baking Hits ? | Copies Received. Here Several copies of songs composed by * wait known lady of this city have reached here, and from the reports, they are making hits they deserve, nad ' , the composer, Mrs. M. Esteli Simee ?will be heard in one or both of them v tonight at the Gem theatre. Both of the song hits were composed, I both worda'and music, by Mrs. Simes. "When We Meet Again, Will You Re member," which is an illustrated soagv . and from a look at the words and music it is evident that It will make a hit, while "There's One Thing That Money Cannot Bay" is equally as good, and T Qm fact that (her were composed by local talent will make them mpre ap preciative in the eyea of our musicians. rnnlrs nfhotti of these sengs are on sale at Abram1! book store? Telegram, Rocky i Mount. Mrs. Simes has manyfrineds in Louii-* bnrg who ooeslbly remembey her as <>r mention and wilt no doubt beeom? popular in this, her old home. They are now on display at. J. W. Hollings worth'i store. Tobacco. ? The qonditlon on the local market have been especially Rood the past week. Prices on all grades have been higher and especially the cheaper one Although the weather has been ve unfavorable very nice breaks have been I ?' ' . ;? ? Teachers Meeting. We are requested to state-, that the j ~ Hrtathilf ui_-<frw ?3-g)^which Will be held in . Lonisburg ffif] ?jlW _ _ , ? i, < toriijm of the Graded School. Mr. I,. ' C. Broaden, State Supervisor of Rural wUl be present. Improving. ? - The many friends of Mr. Edward Ed be glad to learn that he is improving rapidly. > .... Friends of Mrs. Rosamond Ragsdale, who recently successfully underwent an operation at Rex Hospital irt Ral eigh, will learn with mqcli pleasure M il I '"i? To-mtaj-infl. >_ ' nects to return home in a few days. Griffin & Beasley Sell Out. A. W. Perry, Jr., has purchased, the stock of general merchandise of ? Griflin & Beasley arid will qontirtue tbe - business under the* firm name of A. W. Perry, Jr., & Co., at the bp me old st*n4 on Slain street, Mr. Perry is a very popular young mail awl ?? feel sure ? that he will enjoy a bu?1ness success in this new venture. * ? CM Census Bureau Ginning Report. Washington, Tan. 9.? The census bu ..?l.n ^innlrir report the number of running bales of cottdij ginned prior to January 1st, shows: United States, 14,832,750, round bales 9?,228, Sea Island 106.439. Alabama 1,621.843, ArVansas 785,409, Florida 86,435, Georgia 2,623,664, Louisiana 363,409, Mississippi 1,047,608, North Carolina 975,800, Oklahoma 002,562, South Carolina 1.609;297, Tennessee 380,049, Texas 3,936,539, other states 110,802. Sea Island by states, Florida 88,095, Georgia' 68,644, South Carolina 4,800. - 5 Annual Heeling or the Stofck=-' holders of the First Na tional Bank. At tfte regular annual mestirrg-pf the stockholders of the First National Bank it was unanimously decided to increase the capital from .(26,000 to $50,000. This being necessary in order to take cam of the increasing business of ' Franklin county's only National Bank. Thix Inorease in stock is already sub-' scribed for with the exception . of I6.000.0fr. _Jhe regular semi-annual dl.idend tt 3 psr pent, was declared and ordered paid February 1st, and a -Beit' sum was passed to the Surplus ac count. Tbe repert ef the cashier showed the Institution to ha in excel lent condition. The following were el??fed directors 'of the ensuing Vtiar: W II. Ruffln, F B. McKlnne, W. H. Allen, 1). F. MsKinne, Thos. D. Tyack. T. T Terrell, Malcolm UcEinne and K. P. Hill. At the director! meeting Mr. W. "H. Ruffln was unanimously elected President^ F. B. McHtnne, Oa?hier; T." W. Watson, Assistant Cashier; - William D. Jackson,' Teller. . ? r Mr- Bishop Dead Wilmington, Jan. 8th? Rey. F. A. Bishop, a well known minister of the "Worth raaroHna Methodist Conference. died tkistaerninjr at James WaTlcer Memorial Hospital, after 'illness of some time. He was pastor of the Method l'et Chnnth at Dunn -until eaMy la December, when he had to TPve np his duties on account of his health; He was a native of this county, and 59 year* old. He leaves his wife, two boo there and two half sisters.? News Observer. Rev. Mr. Bishop was pastor of the Methodist Church here for two years, during which 'time he made many friends who will learn with much re gret of his deathv He was an upright ehrUtiam gentleman and in hie death the Methodist denomination loeee one of its most faithful workers. MRS P. R. WHITE DEAD Funeral Held From Methodist "Am a cloud t>f ths sunset slow melting | in Heaven. As a star that is lost when the day-light | is given. As a glad dream of slumber which | wakens in bless. She liath passed to the world jgg the | 4 holy from thS." ? ' " - On Friday morning at half put seven o'cloek,. Mary, beloved wife of Percy Eltli ind Anna Fuller M alone, entered into life everlasting. That all. of thee we loved and cherished, Has with thy summer Toees perished, | And left, 4s its yeung beauty fled Of low sweet, music passed away? That true and loving heart Bestowiag with a glad un-thrift ? Its annny light nn .11 Of them? of thee remains there naught, Hbtsorrow ia the' mouners breast? No ? evenaa thou wast? I see thee still. And save -the absence of all ill And pain and wearineis which herej Summoned the fligh or wrung the tear, | But lives in hollier. beauty niiw? Baptized in immortality. Thy owii loved church in sadness i Her sdlemn ritual o'er thy head? And blessed and hallowed with . her | nravor r1 ? The turf laid lightly o'er tl?ee there ? All lovely things by thee 'beloved, auall'whtsper to omr peara or tnee.' These" green IiillS where thy childhood | roved. "*" . You river winding lu the gea. . ' ptiie sunset light it SOOTmn eves, Reflecting on the deep, sti'l floods, Cloud, crimson sky and trembling leaves j | Of rain-bow tinted woods ? These, in our view shall henceforth take | ACenderer meaniag for. thy sake. And all thou lovedat of earth or sky, Seem Bacred for thou sake." Mary Malone war born in the little" tuwn, nhete she lived her bri t happy lite. Inheriting much of the Intellectual endowment," and poetry of a gifted family, she was possessed .of a nature so pure, so Right, so sweetly unselfish and thoughtful of others, that she was beloved by allwhe knew her, adored by eyery ftiembar of her family, and idol ised by the young husband whose . life [?he Blasted (?' throe short years. ?VO, who can forget the sweet light of | ker smile, Over lipa moved with music and feeling j the while, ? J And the chanii.ef her features While over the whole ; Played the hues 'Of the heart and the | aunshii ? of the ?owl. ' ' In every relation of life her sweet ness, brightness^Md' tender urnol/i^h" ness blessed those wjth whom ?he came in contact. Along her path sprang the sweet and modest blossoms of unaelish love; whose perfume will linger long with many whose memory other bright smile and gentle courte sies will tKrss sweet Music that leaves us bettef for its sweetness. "For all her quiet life flowed on As meadow steamlets flow Where fresher green reveals alone? The noieelesi way they go. AiW with her went a sweet teim ' Of *11 thing* iweet and fair Refrenhed her unaware. The dear Lord's best Interpreters Are humble human souls. The gospel of a Ufe like hers, la more than books or sozolU. ? ? The beautiful service of the church was read by the Rev. R. W. Bailey, pis tor of the Methedist church, assisted by Be v. Lucia n Malone, Hector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. During the slrrioe "Abide With Me," and "Lead Kindly Light" were sweetly and softly tendered. Loving hands bore the casket to ita resting place! About the nearly loved form, heaped on the casket, and covering the low mound "whose curtain never outward swings" Were beautiful floral offerirgs from thoae who would wrap around her tokens of that love that ia eternal, which looks beyond death?to when "The night is goae And in the morn _ These angels faces smile Which we have loved Ions since And lost awhile." "Another hand is .beckoning us Another call is given; ? . And glows once more with Angel-stepa The path which reaches heaven. - Our young ' and gentle friend wheae - ? ? tulle Made brighter summer hours. Amid the frosts of winter time Haa left as with the flowers. T>? llffht 9? hay piWug-Wa w?i> itont a'. .IrVn tmhinrl t-hi. hill. The glory of a Betting star. Hear, suddenly and iSIL i As pure and sweet, her fair blow' seemed Eternal as the sky, / And like the brook's low song, her voice A sound which could sot-die. And half we deert>ed she needed not The changing of her sphere. To give te, Heaven a shining one. Whn w?IWf?1 ?n Anffei We ? The blessing of her quiet life, ? Pell on u? like" the dew, yiwwl, > Like fairy blossoms grew. Sntnial nnimiiHnrs nnto Kindest deeds. Were InJiLtier everyioak. . We read her face as one who toads ' A true and holy book." j_ There seems a shadow on the day, Her smiie no longer cheers, - A dimness on the stare of night, ? Like eves that look through tears. Alone u'nto our Father's will ' One thought hath reconciled, That He wh'oee love exceedeth ours. Hath tat en hoiiw Hts <hikt? Fold her, 0 Fatherin thine arms. Ami let her henceforth bo A messenger of love between" Our human hearts and thee." I-/ . ? . ?? ' ?. . . Judge Cook's Methods. ~ ^Thia is what. the public likes? a just judge; alfio the lflSvyers. Judge Cook "who t? pCMldlng tt tlite term u I ?up?r ior court, is one of this class? and more. . . He -ramteB things, in which he is a past master. That is to^ay, he' has been {it the bar so long -that he thelejfatprofwsion. ' knows like a bode that" verj?~oiten attorneys might be ready to go to trial, but for gome of a hundrodor more reasons they do not want to do It, in offiar warts, "when Judga Caalr finds a case on the calen dar it is almost sure to be tried or "go off the docket. "When a case is pat on this calen "en3ar," says he, "it is potice that it is ready. ? If not, ? why did yon put If there?" and then he proceeds. Tn Ma work he keeps the members of the' bar in excellent hamor. yet it-is said that not ? single lawyer has? been able to shake him. It is % trial er a non-suit- ? Attorneys for both plaintiff and defendant may- agree, ' but it amounts to nothing. "You hayen't agreed with me," he says; "I'm eorr*. for you, but you must get at it. Wade in." And the boys wade in or get out ?f qourt, ( "How long Jmll your honor <hold court tbU afternoon?" asked an attor ney about 5 ? o'clock yesterday after noon. "As long as the -lights, hold out to burn," was the rjElj. -He works from 9:30 a. m. to 6 in the afternoon with a recess long enough to eat a small lundh."^, . Judge Cook has done more towards clearing ' the docket than- any judge who has been here in many Years. He is here for business and he isj attending to it. Continued food luck! to him? breensboro Record. ? Card o(Jhanks. I wish to thank ail mj friends and neighbors for their kindnesses rendered me during the recent illness ~nti tfM"* oi my wits, which occurred- on Decern* ber 6th, 1911. Ed Wood.. v / THE MOVING PEOPLE THBIB MOVEMENTS IN A||B ODT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louls bupg: the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere L -For Business or. pleasure. O. P. Winstead left Friday for -his bom* in Naafcville. H. L. Candler rffifrned Friday from a TUIt to tU| UHHS. ' ' *" Clareace Stimpson returned tin put week from a Tiiit to Stateerille. C. B Cheatham, of Hendej-san, was ? visitor to Lonisborg the past week. Wv. C. D. Malonu. of Cboeowinity, at tended the funeral of Mia. P.R. White., F. M. Seaman and wile, of Chicago, la . visit) as Jier rister. Mrs. V/m. Bailey. T. A. Williams, of Washington, DJ 0,,ts visiting his people in and near Louisburg. Miaa Maude Milliken, of Norfolk, who retained home. H. L. Candler left yesterday for the northern uia?jtl?U to purchaae the spring' stock for hisflrm. Rev. A. W, Bailey and family return ed Friday flrom an extended visit to Looii, where he purchased a large stock of horses and mulee for the K. P. Bill Live Stock Co. Among those who went from here to the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Raleigh on Wednesday were J. a. T ancestor, A. A. Clifton. B. T. Holden, J. A. Turner. ox- Thompson Will Preach. Gilmort. EUia.~S?atW- School at 9:48 a. m., Frey Allen, Hgperintendent. At 11 a. m,?4hiq pastor will deal with * very vital problem. "Erery member * li" urged to b? present Or. C. J. Thomp tuu, or Durhani will at 7 p. IB., inthfl Interest of christian education. Dr. Thompaon is a very able speaker, and hia mea&age Sunday niglit "will be of special interest to every citizen of f^iii?hnrg. . . ? Plain Facts. In the present .day of speculation and desire to Ret rich quick the desire to get something for nothing is strong to a mania. As a result the gold bFick mail l? itliuu miJ*ii plylngTim trade vigorously as ever. Men are still buy ing' oil stock in Texas and mining stock in 'Montana at ten Cents a share and then Hitting down and waiting anxiously for the "guslier" yliicli uevet ionics, bufcwhen the panv representative was around it needed only th? addition pf j Jittle more jpapital to make it a record breaV vein of ore, which had already .been discovered but needed a little more tor machinery to make all its stock holdersrich. ? " , j Nowhere ire there miSTS atrifctrTR ni-nmpln nt to Ret somethinR for nothing than in stances in the school room. Ail de sire to .get an education, but all are not willing to pay the price. Some students want and seem to expect to get an education like Texas, oiL stock a ten cent share and a "gusher" wnn -each share Some pupils uu ? cn= terinff the high school have a well de fined, preconceived notion that they will pecupy a seat four years in the same aad will by virtue thereof come out at the end a full fledged graduate, entitled to all the rights, privileges and respect due thereto. They expect "the some reward as those who get' right down to Rood stronR worit?and the prop er application of grit master the course. ? v-~." _ ? New Seoretrry of State'Y .MCA. Mr. M. E. Winston, who succeeds Mr. J. M. Stickney as Office Secretary for the Stata Y. M. C. A. .has arrived and has taken up his new work. Mr. Stickney resigned sometime ago to accept a limllar ' position in the oflice of Geaeral Secretary Metiill,' ?nd he has entered upon hianew duties" as Business Secretary for the" local associ ation. -Mr. . t-tiekney was associated with ?he state work for six yeari, and is well known in Y. M. C. A. ciroles. Mr. Winston is recently frem Younga viUe N. C., and is a graduate of Wake Forest College. Ho lukahad a wide and valuable business e*Y>a?eT>w, main It in connection with bant work, and is eepeulatly well fitted for the position f? which he has been chosen. His duties ?? ? will be mainly office work-, snd he will cfajtrffo of tho corroopondenee do partment of the Stmte Association. This organisation now has ISO correspond ents in various sections of the state, and no department of the organised work has provedof more practical value. "It is a fait worthy of note," said' State Secretary V. T. Griziaid, ' that within one year, through otir corre spondents, we have been able to locate and f(et in tonch with more ihanJLOO men in fourteen states This means that when a boy er yomjg man leaves Ms home from any point iu Teumissee, our correspondent in his section neti fies us where he is going, and we imme diately write to the Y. M. C. A- cor respondence department ia the place for which he ia destined. No sooner does the young man arrive than he -finds friends, a good, wholesome en vironment and the best influences are immediately thrown atuuud him. - Ju?t how much this has meant to the 100 young men who have been looked af ter during the past year cannot be ex pressed in words, and we feel that this ia one of the moet -practical and effec tive frtmwia of our work. Mr. Wins ton is to have~~fcntlre charge of this de partment." Mr. Winston -Kas an attractive per sonality in addition to unusual busings qualifications, and the state officials feel they have been very fortunate in securing his services? Association News, MmIm^ A - . ? Boy Scouts Numbers Tripled In ] Eight Months. The Boy Scouts Of Amelia have tripled In the last eight montha. There are * now 4,500 bcout Masters reg istered w;th the national organization. On January 1 there were only 1,40#. These facts alone show, that there aw three times as. many troops of scouts under the direction of the lead Unwrica asJ of tha year. " w mie it is Hard to figure on tne that the Boy Scout* alone i times as many as at the beginning of I tlr' TearT^ ? l'hn remarfcabie growth -i? due lo many reasons. Fiat, boya Jn_flY?ri village. town and city throughout the country, have read of the' principles of the scout movement and have appreci b-ffood tralnur or Soout Master into the weoda-and teaches them various useful things for plav and work. Secondly, many young man, laarning of the principles of the scout Movement have jiecoms enihu?i-_ as tic workers and have made efforts to | ^ of the woods and fund of the activities | outlined fri the scodt manual. Thirdly, the general interest in the scout organ ization has spread overthe country gradrfttlly, ind persistently in the last Boy Scouta in America today thaji there | ate'in any country in t&eworT' ~ 7 SiHciT the meeting of the National] Council -st the White House early in ! February, (greater Interest has been j aroused in the movement bec*use"itew badges hare be^n turned out for the boys, a new manual has been issued and -many things have- bean done to. appeal' directly to the American boys. -Business and professional men also Imtb taken Inneastd intereot in tho wark and have formed local cauncils in various cities and towns to supervise the scout activities in their localities. The Scout organization has became so strong in several Cities that secretaries haQbeen ompluyad to handle the nrent amount of detail. Theleaders of the Boy Scouts re gard this growth. not as temporal but as due .to the inherent strength and ap peal of the Scout principles. They feel sure that the organization .which has been approved by the members of dif ferent religions and different organiza tions dealing ? with boys wortc is- a. thoroughly permanunt institution in tl.a life of the country. . With Leggett & Myers. Mi-, -Samuel J. Parham, one of Lojiis kurg's most popular tobacco buyers and one of the bast judges of the weed in this section of the state, has accept ed a position with Leggett & Myers, to haadl* their aurciiaaes on thekxal mar ket here. Mr. l'arham has made a life study of the ?<>o?cc<^businesa and is especially tor the work. He rep; mented the American tobacco company on this market for many years. The company he ? ; Jo represent now, we we ar* iaformed, is oua of U? largest b^aaches uf the former Amcrisan To bacco Company. umi.Uicy are to be con gratulated in securing the serricew of so capable a buy?r as Mr. l'arham.. He has many friends in - tki? section wto will ba glad to learn that ha is to re-en / 'At the beelnning c f our Association /s ?o-wAkera, I wish to congratulate j?uon the encouraging conditions under which we start While' the Company is new, the business is old. The brands established and WTOWbiy know, and the name "Leggett & Myers" brings with it the beat associations and tradi tions of the trade. It stands for qual ity and enterprise and it should be the ambition of each and all ofua to main tain this high, reputation and by the sale of all goods on a basts of beat val ue for the money, promptness and ac curacy iq business and straight-for wardness in all matters, keep and In crease the confidence of the public. "The work ef getting the business under way in set short a time has taxed thoee charged with that duty to the u-moat- Father details will be arrang ed as the occasion requires. It is hop ad and beleived that they will" be few and incidental and that their adjust ment will not intatfeie iu aay material way with the great volnase of the Com pany's business. . -J. 1 "I belcire the personnel of those ?lsrtak ingasllthat erwiH he AMIrcd and ? I trust to the future to prove the accuracy of this conclusion. I feel as suredjof abundant sucoess if one and all will pursue the several parts, assigned him diligently, honestly, courteously, courageously and wlth t^at loyalty to the business and one airather T?ihe members of one great Csmily -working for a common end. J 'Very truly yours, i -C-C- Dulu. Presidaafc'ii.^ ? Muckraker. | I'm the m?a with tft? gaff, Look out 1 is r I'm a whirlwind on a spree. ^'*3 after voor scalp and after your Hi4^ I scowl, I 'pr'owl^ J ^QOl Hm 1 bury the lift .n ^ I .i.r .J. drown the fact in a din^-dor "? w n me 4* mHg-aong-flag That p. eases the ear of a ding-dong crowd* That loves a noise both big- fend loud. I glare, I wwPar, I tear. ? I blaiir i ' ? - - ? x bare . 7 ~ The faults I find in women and men. In puddles of gore I dip my pen. For every laugh-LiiBve a jeer. From every jamile I wring a fear. 1 'm rough, . . "? I bluff, r AiwI-iOtlffT -^ The eommojt^eople with a lot of goo And things of my own unholy bretf. _ Do I ihlfiV I '11 shovel coal? ? ? ? ? ' No. not I. But. perhaps, my soul!? 'ihomas Holmes, in thB=Uew York Sun. * mw honrh ran inter. ? est a widow * ' ? " , And many a man lives the simple life? because he_h^a to. _____ The world owes .every man a chance' -to earn an honest living. ? r R worrtah 18 Always fti6ufl of her hus band? during the honeymoon. few baehelors arp as--gay as they" ? want women to think ?hey are. ?When j straight man strays into ?rooked path* he is apt to go lame. A man can acquire an awful fcrjuch if his breakfast doesn't suit his fancy. . ~ .After a (ban Rets in bad lie is soo* . forgotten? and he ought to be glad- ot ?? it. . The worst that your aeighbor does **' often 'seems better than the beat 70m can do., , ? . ? When a tfirl thro** a man ,6?er he is apt to litrht on his knees in front of another girl. The only way a man can get the best of a woman In an argument ih to turn"" on. a line of baby talk. It's easy for an old bachelor to ac quire a wife. All he lias to do is pose as a wdfiian hater and so rue woman will, do the rest. A man la always willing to get him self in trpuble;, he wants everybody to lend a hand at palling him oat .There's nobody's honesty a woman le-so auspicious of as the husband ef a woman- who bays h?r more clpthee (haa her husband can. ' J| r & ter the market In connection Wfth this wmpany, To glte ?B -InOW >0 )&? ye)? urae of basinet* expected to be carried on by this compear showing the adTan tage their account will be to the local market we publish below a letter re- ? ceived by Mr. Parham, a copy of which hu been mailed tj all their employes, it^ada; . - ;

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