A. F.JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER THE COUHTY, THE SUBSCBIPTION $1.00 PEB YBAB LOUISBURG. N. C.. FBIDAY MARC? 8. 1912 NDHBEB 8 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MET IN REGULAR SESSION ON LAST MONDAY. List of Jurors Drawn? Only Small Meeting? Several Re ports Otherwise Rejrula* Rou tine. The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on last Monday morning, all members being present After reading apd approving minutes of last regular meeting the following business was transacted: ' The Green A Yarboro Co., was re lieved of special school taxes on *700. It was ordered that the action of the . Board of Road Supervisors of Ftank linton township, In the D. H. Hill, Dan iel Mcknight and W. C. Nicholson against B. R. Woodlief, be and the same is hereby appeoved, and ttiat the Commissioners appointed be the Super visors, shall prooeed to lay off the cart . way and assess the damage, owners Jof ? nneh lands, as by the order of said 8n pervisors directed, R. R. Woodlief ap peals, to the Superior Court, the peti tioner D. H. Hill being present. Hicky Hazelwood was relieved of taxes on 1120.00, being overrated. Rose Hunt was allowed te go to county home. Report of Dr. J. E. Malone, Superin tendent of Health, was recieved and 'Med. Jim Allen, colored, was relieved'of Graded School tax in Franklinton town 1 ship ? not being in said district. Report of E. N. Williams, Superin tendent of county home, was received md filed. He reports II white and 13 colored inmatee, one white and one col ored received since last report. ? Mrs James Tarkerirns allowed#!^? . aot being able te work. Report of F. R. Pleasants, Manager of Medical Depository, was recieved snd filed. ? . Report of P. B.. Griffin, Treasurer, was received and ordered recorded. The Board with the assistance of tbe Sheriff then proceeded to draw the 1urr. which will frtimrf In tnnlliar After allowing a number of claims lng School Items. Commissioner of Education, P. P. Claxton, will deliver the cornmence ment address. The Training School is Claxton. Dr. D. H. Hill delivered an excellent address On thebirthday of Sidney La nier that gave the audience a deep in sight into the nature and work of the great poet, musician and man. He came at the invitation ef the Lanier Socloty. Miss Sallie Joyner Davis; teacher of history, went to Washington on Satur day, Feb. 17, to make a talk to the Beaufort county teachers on'The Teach ing of History in the Grades. Dr. W. L. Poteat, president of Wake Forest College, recently .delivered a strong address On Conservation. He brought oat the deepest problems of human life, yet appealed to the papular taste. .. The Senior Class early in March, will present Goldsmith's She Stoops to Con quer. %'SL-U The Y. W. C. A." Services during the past month h'aye been conducted by Mr. H. B. Smith, Superintendent of Green ville tjcbools. Rev. J. H. Hoyle, pastor of the Greenville Methodist Church and by committees from the Association. A bulletin, giving the courses that will be offered dnring the summer term, has been issusd. The catalogue, which will appear in May, will contaia further details of the summer work. The Council of the Federatiou of wo men's Club?"tn North Carolina met in Greenville, Feb. 7 10. A chorus of stu dents, under the diriection of Miss Puffy, sang at the various meetings. On the evening of Feb. 8th, the Council held an open meeting in the Assembly haM of the sshool that was greatly en* joyed by the students. After tha meet ing a reception was given by the facul ty to the clubs of the (own and .the Council. The Senior, class, under the supervision of Miss Pugh, prepared and served the refreshments. Marriage Licenses. Register of Deeds Yarboroagh Issued licenses to tha following eouples dur ing the month of February: _ Whitb? John T. Hunt and Viola Short, Grover Inscoe and Sallie G.' Wood. it. B. Jeffries and Beatrice Strickland, Grover C. Pairish And Hilly Foster, J. S. Walker and Bertha {;? . ? i ' . ? '1 Bunn, Frank W. Pernell and Bettie Bobbltt, ? R. H Murphy and Annie Cooke. Colobbd? Mansfield Wilson and Katie Bell Perry, Jim Davis aad Ellen Wright, Sam Southerl&nd and Bettie Cooke, Willie Green and Correaa Dan iel, Frank Harris and 8usanna Williams, Plumer Strickland and Le'a Bills, Qua Moore and Henrietta Montague, John Leonard and Pearly Melton, Lawrence Thomas and May Lou Jones, Tom Green and Albareta Spitey, Elnis Taborn and Julia Joyner, Ulus Joyner and Willie Montague, Nathaniel Scar boro and Rena IlockAday, Henry Rhoada and Emily Pascal, Ed Gooch and Effle As tor. Lonza Perry and Fio rina Perry, Herbert Joyner and Bessie Wright. Vaueh Brown-and Olla Moore. - Died. At her home In Cedar Rock township on Saturday morning while at her domestic duties Mis. A. C. Fisher died suddenly. She was about 60 years old and learee a husband and four children. Her < remains were laid to rest in the family burying greund near her hoase on Sunday afternoon. Returns to Loulsbuair ? irfr. C. M. Uattia has moved his fam il 7 back to Louisburg and is occupying the residence of Mr. R. Z. J&erton on Elm street. Mr. Gattis has taken a position' with P. 8. and K. K. Allen. He is an industrious and capable gen tleman and onr people extent to him and his family a moat' cordial welcome to our town. , ; . Mr. Allan Qualifies. On Monday morning Mr. J. M. Allen, after having been notified of his elec tion as Tewn Commissioner, went be fore Clerk of the C?rt J. J. Barrow and took the usual oath of office. Mr Allen is one of Louisburg's most suc cessful business men and his previously long term on the Board of Town Commis sioners assures thr citizens of Louis of his especial ability and capacity in this particular. His election by the Board on Friday night meets the popu lar approval of the many "votrrs o' the ? The ladies at the minion suc-ities of Xouisburg expect Mrs. W. N. Hunt, of Raleigh, to arrivK ia T,oumhurg neat Tuesday to assist them in organizing a civic league. This is a long step for ward and the ladies are to be congrat ulated upon this movement as its in fluence for .good in the town in immeas Sells Stock Mr. K. r. Hill/ has purchased the stock of general merchandise of Mr. C. T. Stokes and has moved same to the building next to the Farmers & Mer chants liank, where in all probability a general store will be Tun. The com plete information has not yet been giren out, but is generally understood a supply business will be conducted. ?7 _ Incorporated. The certificate of incorporation of the Farmers Co-ofcerative Warehouse Company ef Franklin county, has been received by Clerk of the Court -J. J. Barrow. This company is chartered with an authorized ; capital ?tock of #125,000.00 ?aid in. They' hate pur chased the Jones Warehouse property and will remodel same. This flow places the farmers in the county in po sition to store their own heavy market crops awaiting better prices. Board of Health Meets. The Board of Health ot Franklin j county m$t in sessien pursuant to call j by the Chairman, in the office ef I Spruill & Holden, attorneys, on the morning of the 5th of Marcli 1612, at 11 o'clock. Those present being Chair man Ti S. Collie, R. B. Henderson, R. B. White, S. El Burt and B. T. Holden. The Chairman stated that the regu lar annual meeting of the Board in July was not held on account of the bad weather, and that the present meeting was called for the purpose or attending to such regular or other business as might come before the meeting. nr. J. E. Malone, Superintendent of Health, stated to the lioard that there was no infectuoue or contagious dis eases in the county at preaant. On motion it waa ordered that the Board of Health recommend to the Board of County Commissioners ? that the vaeeination of all parties unable to pay for same be paid by the caunty at 25 cents -each ? No other bus tarsi being before the Board a motion waa entertained to ad journ which waa unanimous. "CITY FATHERS MEET" HELD REGULAR MEETING FRI DAY MIGHT. Mr. J. M. Allen Sleeted Commis sioner to Succeed Mr. W. H. Allen Resigned? Mr. S. C. Hol den Elected Clerk. The Board of Town Commiaaionera met in regular station on laat Friday night with Commiuionera McKinne, Ford, Joynsr, Hicks and Terrell and Mayor B. T. Holden present. After reading and approving the minutes of the laat Tegular meeting the following business waa taken op and disposed of: ? The resignation of Mr. W. H. Allen to take effect immediately on account of his having been elected Sheriff, was received and accepted. Mayor Holden made a statement to to* Board in regard to the sale of bonds voted on laat spring to take care cf the floating doht of the town, wherein it was found that the election was called only 28 days before being held, which caused the bonding company to decline to accept same MOtUn by McKinne that Mr. S- R. Holden be elected Clerk of the Board to take charg* of the office, act as pur chasing agent for the town, collect light and water rents, and taxea fer 1911, and to perform auch other duties as may be assigned to him by the Mayor or Board of Town Commission ers. The vote was by roll call which resulted as folows : Aye? Ford, Mc Kfnne, J ov tier and Hicks. Commis sioner Terrel not voting. On motion the report of Treasurer Ford for the months of May, June, July, August, September, ?ctober and November, as approved by Commis sioner Hicks for llic Auditing: Commit tee, was received and filed. Report ot Chief of PoliceJ. C. Tucker was recieved and ordered filed. His report was as follows: Fines Costa Licenses October $15.00 _ $16.00 $10.00 November 5.00 f* 24.50 16.00 December :?.0Q 42.85 i>.00~ January ao.oo ? 18.40 la.oo - February 41.00 28.80 1 5.00 Bppnrt. nf R. H. Davis, aa tax collec tor, was? received and referred to the Auditing Committee. . ' The name of Mr. J. M. Allan was placed in nomination by Commisaloner Joyner to fill the vacancy caused.by the resignation of Mr. \V. H. Allen. Upon ballot the election was unanimous. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to its next regular meetings ? - < 1 ? New Heat Market. Jake Spire has opened a fresh meat market on east Nash street, and informs as that he will carry an up-to-date line of meats etc. Read his advertisement and keep posted. Dissolved- ~-r ? The Ijouiebnrg Motor Car Co., wiw dissolved the past week by mutual con sent, Meaprs. F. W. Wheless and C. T. Stokes withdrawing from the business. The business will be conducted by Mr. J. H. Doughton, under the same name. Get What You Want The attention of Our farmers is call ed to the advertisement of McKinne Bros. Co., in this issue. / You will find thev can furnish you what you want when you want it. ' To Erect Store We aro Informed that M. Hall and Mr. George Ford will begin | the erection ot a nice three story store I building on tke vacant, lot between the |Aycock Drug Co., and the Opera ! House building. This store will be bwilt alter the most modern business houses and will be quite an addition to that side of town. Inspection The regular annual inspection of the Louisburg Rifles, Co. I>, 3rd infantry was held in its armory hare Wednesday .morning, conducted by Capt. A.J . Dough erty, ef the U.S.A.,apd Col. Thos. String Held, of the N. C'N. G.-, cwintftothe, extreme bad weather only a small per cent, of the Cempany could be present, but the inspecting officers expressed themselves as boing well pleased with the Com pan y and ilp make up. The boys are deing well and with a little more practice will be iit petition to take the banner at any encampment. "L " Mrs- T- K Allen Dead The (ad news of tW death ot Mrs. T. K. Allen, which occurred at her home about Ave miles from here to Wednesday morning, caused much sor row among tbs many friends of the family m Lonisburg. She had been married only about eighteen- months and leave* a husband and many rela tives and friends. Although her so journ among our jjoople had been short she had won the friendship and confi dence of all and left an impression of a true and faithful Christian woman. The funeral* will be conducted from the Methodist church here this (Friday) morning at 11 o'clock and the inter ment will be made at the cemetery here. The, bereaved family Bave the deepest sympathy of the entire com munity. \ 6 and 10 Cent Store Mrs. A. M. Hall is having the lower room under the Racket Stere, formerly used for a meat market, renovated, re painted and put in good ahape for an ^up-to-date 5 and 10 cent store. She in forms us that she will make this one of the roost attractive rooms of its kind in this part of the State and trill keep it fun of the best and most select goods at all times. Watch for the announce ment of iti opehlig. Attention B. A. H. The attention of ill members of Lou isburg Chapter No. 26, R. A. M., is called to a special communication of said Chapter.to be held on Friday night, ?arch 9th; 1912 (tonight) In the Ma 8omc halt. This it a very important meeting and all members are urged to attend. Hour for meeting 7:30 o'clock, p. m., promptly. " _ H. A. Newbll, H. P. A. F. JonNsox, Sec'y. i ? ? 1 Makes Good In Berlin Concord, March 4? Special. Miss Julia Baitum, * daughter of Mrs' H. M. Barrow of Concord, who is spend? ing the winter in Berlin as a pupil un der Bermeister, rendered two numbers at a concert given in one of the laPpe theaters of Berlin under the Air/Sct ion of her famous tutor a few weeks ago. Miss Barrow made a most favor able impression and received an- encore at the of- each of her gas hum Mies Dai lew Is a unflmUi of Conyerse College and has many friends pleasure of her aijcceas in l er rh/m.n aH. ? Charlotte Observer: Claude Kltohin in Line With | Lumber Circular in 1908 The Stanly Enterprise, February 29, | 1912, says editorially: # ? Governor Kitchin has endeavored to J make capital out of Senator Simmon's position on the lumber tariff, and would further his own candidacy by making it appear that tke Senator is not in line withJiis party upon this question. 'Tia true that in the campaign of 1008 the State (National) - Democratio platform | declared tojr the removal of tariff on lumber. But it ;s likewise true- that, under the* full heat of campaign discus sions, it became neeessary for the Dem ocratic party- to explain its position more fully upon this plank of the plat form, and thia was ?one in a circular sent eut from the State /'Democratic headquarters as an amendment to the Democratic handbook for that year. Tme eireular, of which the^e were 40,000 printed and sent out, explained that the Democratic party stood for the removal of tjie tariff on lumber only upon the condition ihat the tariff upon all machinery which entered into the the manufacture of luml>er should like wise be remeved. About that time Congressman Claude Kitchin, a brother of (ioverner Kitchin, mad? two or more speeches in Stanly county, and some of our most prominent Democrats who heard him, say that he forcibly set forth this explanatory view, and his speeches were, in every respect in hearty accord with the position held by Senator Simmons upon this self same question. As a matter of fair ness to Senator Simmons, and in order that the full truth may be known, it is a matter of right that these facts be come known, since the advocates of the Gfrr^rjior and his brother cite both a? the livin|f^?D{?bodiment of Democratic virtues ami trulths^It would seem to us that Senator SimmonS^wholly ci?n-.| sistent,. and that Congressrni^-l^tfhiu is. "not in harmony with his pressed sentiments of the campaign ex 1:908, for there is no loom for doabting that his speeches in Stanly county in the Campaign of 1908 would fully exon erate Senator Simmons of the charge* now being advanced by, (loveraor Kitchin. __ ~ Thanks . I wish to think all of my friends and neighbors lor. their kindness daring my wife's sickness and death. . JC. J. P?rr. THE MOVING PEOPLE their movements in apd OUT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louis burg: the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. Mrs. Emma Alton spent Friday ill Raleigh." Mrs. S. S. Meadows spent Friday in Raleigh. v \J. E. Thomas spent Friday in Raletah. ? J. MNAllen left Mondoy night, for Baltimore^v ? '?' J. S. Strickland visited his sister at Spring Hope Sunday. ? J. D. Hill returaedi^onday from a business trip to Rickmond.\x Miss Lynn Hall left the past^week to visit friend* in Richmond. ^ ? Mr. I. T.. May, of Durham, visited friend* and relative* in town this week, Mr. P. H. Mangum and wife of Wake J?ore*t, visited her mother Mrs. J. J. ?1'<t week. j ; ? _ ? B, Fort and T. T. Terrell spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Kichmond on business " Mrs. F. B. McKinne left Wednesday for Littleton to attend a meeting of the Foreign Mission Society. Miss Virginia Foster attended the marriage of Mis* Daisy Harrisoa at Littleton the past week. Mr. J .ft. Collie, Chief Clerk to the House Claims Committee, of Washing ton, D. C., visited his people here the past week. Mrs. M. C. Pleasant*" and Mia* Helen JJmithwick attended a meeting of the -Woman's Foreign Mission Society at Littleton this weak. Dr. O. T. Coppedge, of the State Hospital, Raleigh, passed. through town Wednesday en route to see his people in Cedar Rock township. r ri . Club The. meeting of She Corn dob, under the direction of ^tat5 agents, was held in the Board ol Education's room yes er and the roads were very bad a fairly good meeting was had. The subjects discussed wero of much importance and it is to be regretted that more of our farmer friends were not present. Honor Roll The following ia the Honor Roll for i earce school: First Grade ? Hal Macon, Perry Perdue, Swanhio Rowe.Malva Might, Ruby Higlit. / Second Grade ? Clyde Perdue, Mable Rowe, Letha Edwards. Third Grade ? Alma Edwards. Fifth Grade ? Fannie Macon. Miss Mtrti.b Rowh, Teacher. Oyster Supper at Justice On Tuesdiy the 27th, quite a large crowd assembled at Justice Aesdemy to attend an oyster supper given for the benefit, of the school. Refreshments served consisted of oysters, sandwiches, coffee, cake, pickle, apples and peanuts. There was a beiutifuflr decorated cake voted on for the prettiest young lady present, MissBlonnie Wheless being the charming recipient. A pie was intended for the ugliest man but as they were all wearing th9ir happiest smiles they were not brave enough to come to any decision, so the pio was exchanged for hard cash and transferred to the general fund and no one was the wiser for the fun. The children enjoyed the usual games dear to the hearts of the little folks. Met re. Jim and Huford Harris and Mr. Will Whitmnore furnished de lightful music while the grown-ups indulged in Leap-year courting game?. Las' but not least the for tune telling den, was presided over I by Madam Sliangue and was the | spectal rendezvous for all, from the j youngest child to those of mature j years. >21.30 w?? renln!"4 from Tr'e I Xcftning's entertainment inoluding-j niuclT'tiftieujoYment. Great inter- i est is felt jii>U^sohool by the pat- j rons, they having>?Ujngly raised the neoeeeary amount for tTiS~~CjotioDary efTered at the last meeting (Tf-Jjie County Association. ^ From Hickory Rock Gii Friday night March 1st., there was an ofater supper and l>ox party given ia honor of tha patron sad frirrdf of the oommnf?i+.y, F'rat the ohildren marched in ind aang a beautiful song, then tha-boxes were pat up and sold to the highest bid der, there . being eight or ten of them, the cheapest being 11.00, the highest $3.60. It w real fun to see the bidding going on by the young - men whose best girl, was there with s box. The box sale amounted to $13.00. Next the oysters were served at 35 cents a. plate and everyone that liked them took one plate or as msny as tbey wanted. This sale amount ed to some over $3.00, making $16.00 clear of ex pences. The pro ceeds going to the betterment of the schools Cupid was there in all ita love making and eaoh attendant both old i.'.- j uung enjoyeu luoui se.ves to the fullest extent. There was a very large crowd out to pay their honor and respeot to the school and teachers. The school being .under the management of Miss Mary Kosser, of Halifax ooanty, and Miss Lula Iledgepeth, ot this connty. Miss Rosaer is an experi enced teacher of several years and has dons much to baild up this and other schools of various communi ties. The publie. school will olote on_Maroh_8.Hi., and the patrons of this sohpol has engaged- MUs Rosaer to- continue the school - for one month longer. Yisrroa. . Honor Boll ~ ? ? The following is the Honor Roll of Wood tohool for week ending March 1st, 1912: First Grade- ? Dollie Qji|>ton,-Bel - tha Hamlett. ***:'"*" , ~"x-r Second "Grade ? Katy Tucker, Young C. Wood. Third Grade ? Charlto-X rwtnn, Eil Aie GupidB, fearle Burnett, Stephen Gupton.- 1 a? Fourth Grade? Lettie Strickland, Annie Gupton, Ruth Gupton Fe&rle V. Gupton, Lula Hamlett. Fifth Grade ? Emory . Denton, Harvey Gupton, Sixth Grade ? Kit y G upton, Pearle "Gapton, Mae Hamlett, Arthur Gup r 1 SuVunlh Uiade ? MellU Gupton Jjena Hamlett, Lilla Lamer. 1 ? ? ^ lrffti At By WirTwn, ? ? Teachers, " Nows From Perry's Mill The dance given by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Joycer last Monday night was very rouoh enjoyed. by all who were ? present. ? Mr. Lavassa Periy gave a delight ful birthday party at his home last Thursday night. After many games were played refreshments were served. Miss Et'iel Holmes, of Youngs ville, spent a few days last week with Miss Sallie Joyner. Miss Jennie Harris spent last Thursday with Misses Sallie Joy ner and Ethel Holmes. Mrs. G H. Joyner and daughter, Miss Ethel Holmes, spent Friday at J. E. Joyner's. \ We are sorry to learn that Airs, ^oe -Fuller is very ill agaitr. Wo are glad to kirow thatJ^H. Foller is improving YOU AND I. Thoughts in the Thaw. The thaw, the jolly thaw haB come; The impious redbreast scorns his crumb To chew the nasty worm; The bland physic'au smirks for mirth To think the thaw has loosed on earth The shy, lucrative germ. The huntsman talks ot coming runs. Hie poet hails the blessed suns * That melt his stiffened ink; ^he 'bus Ii ->rse in "the Earls Court road Draws more jocose his human load Now London's not a rink. Only the young of either sex Who wished to break their silly necks Shall still like me despond. Hut mine, all, mine the aacrflice! I left my brolly on the ice, And now it's in the pond. ? A. P. Herbert, in the Pall Mall Ga zette. Just Received at the -Racket Store a beautiful line of Ladies Shoes and Slippers. White buck, 13 button, (4.00 at $8.00; white buck pumps 00 at $2.00; white can >awk?1.75 at 12.00; white 2 strap . id ?2Vt*? ^t$1.60; black satm pump 93.00 at $2Tt>l?el(ralvet pump K3 at *2; black patent leather~*4at 921 rusaia calf pump $3 at $2.60; a k>t"-<i? ^ouiard ?ilk 76e at 46c. A new lot embroider voiles and marquisettes for "school . tcrtAinmm.ts. '? . . . a.

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