A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOB AND MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION SI. 00 PBR YEAR LOOISBOBQ, N. C.. FRIDAY APB1L 5. 1812 DISTRICT CONFERENCE OF THE ?KrHOUIST BPISCOfrAL CHURCH SOUTH. To Meet 1b Loolaborft on the 9th, 10th and 11th? ALletof D?1?rwm and Their Home* The Raleigh District Conference will 1* called to order in the Methodist church hate next Tuesday moraine *bout 9 o'clock by Biabop J. C. Kilgo, ?nd will continue through Thursday. 'Quite * number of delegates and visi tors are expected and Louisburg i> preparing to give to all a most eordlal ?welcome. The public ?f? invited to at tend the sessions of this ""?"if and > -w? kern there will be a number of line talks and sermons in store for the oo casion. The opening aermoa will be i preaohed at 8 o'clock Monday night by S?v. A. P. Tyre, ef Oxford, , Tb* of dalsgates and their homes ? as ISIowi: ' Bi^ii paH EST Dortan" N c-' J'^ihUKUWPrBiiteyer JU,#lgh- * ? ? "rvT.^ ^ "' C" with 1 r: n*R3?rMthi N- c-- w,tt Sml^w?ikB*1*"h' N C- W,th D' T Eere, Jonetboro, N. C., with B. S SE cter' Maxt?n' N- C- with 'M. Oxford Statiom. w' n' F* C with ? G. Ford W. B. Ballou " "W. H. Furguson z. W. Lyon ?? J A Turner J, C Hsskmgs . ?? S. M . Was lii ngton E. L. Smith ? Dr. s. P. Burt Frakklidton Circuit. ? y-, Ti RT-.P- c yriUf Dr- s- p- Burt i- u V-neVDam ^ Mn. A. W. Alitun ?J H. Cooke " A. F. Johnson Wilder ) ?e Hotel* (Mrs- T- B E. B Parrot Hotel (Mrs T. B. Wilder) Cbntbai, Raleigh A. D. Wilcox, P C? with M. S. Clifton ?* I?" ,Prlnce " F- N. Egerton -f t>. Riggan '? Hotel P.AKeaws w i v!- ^-Hotel P.A.Bea?ie W. h. Warner - "?J^S^Laacaster Kx*l* Cibcoit. . ^ P c ii R~ " F.-K. Egerton H F. Edgerton ?' F. N. Egerton L. Z. Weodward " Misaea Cooke ti. T. Barnes - Misses Cooke Mili.bbook Circuit. Phillip Greesing, P. C.v with A. F. Johnson. * -W.^A;_Ejchard?on *J_ _ Q^W^Jtea ? -J. iS, Kelly ' ' . n w B. E. Emory with Mrs. Mia Williamson Samuel Bledsoe ?? R. w. Bafley Four Oaks Oiscurr / T. H. Sutton P.C. with W- E/White B. B Adams ?? *. fi tt,trinzl J. R. Barbour rri C, T. Hill / '? W R. Mill. E. E. McKinne "D. F. McKinne Zmbllon Circsit -"?* ? ?'*1* w.\th ,Pr' , J- * Malone. J . E Owen Hotel, Mrs. Wilder, if' , tP^e? Hotel, Mrs. Wilder. T. J. Horton " Hotel, Mr?. Wilier. L. E. Heme _ " B. G. Hicks OxroBD CirolCt. L. H. Joyner P. C. with Mrs. R H Harris. U; G. Crews " Louisburg College R ' T ' Crews'" " C,lle*e J K H??r I/Juiaburg Co'lsge. Clayton Circuit. O. W. Kobins#n,P.C. with W. H Fur gurson. Hon. Ashley Horne and wife with T W. Bickett. A. Sam White with Mrs. W. M. T'eraon L- L Daub " Mrs. W. M. Person.' "J' Batte " W. H. Furguaon. Smith field Circuit. A S Barnes, P: C. with W. F. Beaslev T^ R. Hood and wife " L. p gii w wSfiru D TSmith.ick W.-W. 14 W. R llilln W. S. Stevens ?? Mrs fW Tar Rivsr Circmt. G. W. Htarling. P. C. ?? SS Meadows W. A. Jones " J. O. Beasley ?? . R. L Kittr.fl (<;UMit ira Hunt ? Mrs.R.RHarrls Y oungsVille Cibcoit. W. A. Martin, P. d with W H Pleasants E. B. Preddy " w. li. P .asanS J. O. Wilaon ?? K. P H,n J: R. Wiggins v -? h? J. II. Mitchell ?< K. A. Pe^y Cary Circuit G. W. Fisher, P. O. with W. E. White J. M. Templeten, Jr. " A, F. Johnson H. V/ . Bagwell '? Hotel, B G w!k2 R. S. Brown " Hotel, J S Lan caster. B. S. Franklin " K, p_ jjin Gkanvills Circuit. M. D. Giles. P. C. with K. p Hill' H. V.Umstead with Hotel (Mrs. WiSor Eugene Mangum with G. W. Ferd Sam E MoM with Hotel, P. 8 anw A. J. Veasy With Louliburg College, v Eobhton STasRT, Ralkioh, N ?. ? ,tNnrtk' P- Wlt^ ,Q- W. Ford A. H. Green with Dr. J, M. Malone Joseph C. Brown with Wm. Bailey T. A. P?rtin with J. A. Turner J. A. Birens with W.JS. White L. H. Bradford with R. zT Kgerton ?? JOnUNI MbBOBIAL AMD APBX R. ETTajftTwlllr E. 8. Port S. a Currin with B. M. Stovall B. R. Hargroves with H. 11. Stovall T. A. Beal with ? Hotel,

andy Oeefc? Leonard. Gold Mine ? W. 1). Upohurch. Cedar Rock ? T. W. Stokes. *. Cypress Creek ? S. J. Matthews. HsyesviUe ? R. G. Winn. Louisburg ? G. W. prown. Report of F. R. Pleasant*, Man ager Medical ? Depository, was re ceived and filed. It waa ordered that the County Commissioners pay one-half of an amount not to exceed $40(3.00 to build road near four bridges. Report of E. N. Williams, Super intendent of County Home,-tva* re ceived and filed. He reports 10 white and 14 eclored inmates. W. M. Leonard was allowed to peddle in Franklin county on ac count of bis being an old soldier. . Rose Hunt was allowed to be -placed on outside pauper list for one month at $2.00 per month, provided she is unable to get . to county home. After allowing a number of ao counts' the Board adjourned to ita next regular meeting. Taken Up. ' On last Saturday a negro by the name ot Tom Greene aa was after wards learned, was arrested by Chief of Polioe J. C. Tjcker and? Nonsta ble R. W. LIsdsoa upon suspicion for stealing a horse and buggy and was plsoed in jell. He was driving a nice-looking horse to a good boggy and wpa offering the whole outfit fer $35, which created the suspicion ipon which ha wa^ arrested. The oflcsrs then began the. searoh for the owner of the hots* and cm Mon day loo* ted him near Elm City. The owner wH Mr. H. H. Winatead who livea between Elm City and W ilaon, who arrived here on Tneeday and were atoltn from his boras on Fn day night Mr. W instead wu ac companied here by Mr. E. B. Back ley, of Nashville. The negro wQI be held for for oourl Marriage Lloenaea The following ia a liat of mar riage licensee issued by Register of Dead* Yarborough daring the month of Ma rah: 'White ? Perey Holme* and Snaie 0. West, J. H. Gaptonand Sallie Bet Colbert, W illie Carrin And flol die Erazier, A- W. Person and Margaret V: Millikea, Edgar Hen dricks and 8oaie Jehnaon. Colored ? -Thomas Kearney and Mattie Jones, Newel Nicholson and Katie Jonea, Joeeph W. Baker and Dora R. Debman, Dayie Bowden aad Mary Moore, Judge Ferry and Novell* Yarboro, James E. Person and Eetal Perry. ? .* . V Senler Vacation. The Senior das* of Louisburg Fem?^e College took ita vacation tbia week by taking a trip to Wash ington. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Allen and will spend a week. ^ While there they will baJooated at 1006. .18th street northwest. Those who Ittend, seniors and visitors, are aa follows: Misses Lnla Allen, Cora Bagley, bailie Williams, Alma Adams, Lil lian Adams, Lizzie Lee Aycock, Jalia Barrow, Madeline Crews, sie Draper, Helen Edwards, Dollie Edwards, Gathleen Egerton, Rena Ilarker, Morton Holloway, Lauraine Joyner, Mollie Johnston, Pearl Keene, Ruth May, Myrtle Moun tain, Archie Ormond, Chloe Mae Pruden, Alice Taylor, Julia Weth erington, Hodstie Williams. Mayor's Court. - Monday "was a bnsy day in- the M jyor's oourt when the following cases were diaposed( of: Buddie Buffin, vagrancy 30 days on the roads and to pay oosts. Joe Jane, vagrancy, was allowed to enter the employ of Mr. J. S. Mo welt and to pay Costa. Arthur Rnttin, vagranoy, gnilty, but owing to his health sentence was reserved for a few days. Frank Satterwhite, assault, not guilty. He was ordered however, by the Mayor not to be seen in Louisburg more than one day in succession within the next two years or sentence in a former case would be imposed. . Daisy Jones, disorderly oonduot, fined $5.00 and costs. J. S. Place, drank, released upon payment of oosts. """Walter Aycocke, drunk, released upon payment of coats. Sandy Creak Items. ? Our Sunday school ia doing very nicely. Contributions for the 3rd Sunday in March was 91.11, class No. & being the bannar class. In spite of tbe rough weather on the 4(Ii Sunday there was Sunday school which shows that some of our peo ple have the lovo~oT Christ in their hearts. Come and help as. We are very glad to note that Mrs. C. W. Gupton. who has been aick for a long time is able to be op. liev. J. II: Harper filled the pul pit, at Sandy Creek on tlie 3rd San day in Maroh. A good msny of our people at tended the onion meeting at Mid way the 5th Sunday and report a good meeting and lota of people. Mr. T. J. Ricks left one day last week to visit his people in Mash counly. - Tbe farmers of this community are very buoy making ready te plant icorn. Hope tbe good weather will continue. * ' ? . * Mr. J. R. Ricks and sifter, Miss Dillie, attended the birthday reeep tion of Mr. 8. R. Thompson at his, heme near Oenterville last Saturday night and report a pleasant time. Don't forget tbe hour for Sunday, school, 10 o'olook. All will be wel come. r"' ' " _ ? " Best wishes to tbe Tons aad i(? many readers. Ra?. CHE MOVING PEOPLE * . _ ? rHEIB MOVBMBNTS IN AMD OUT OF TOWN rhoM Who Have Visited Louls burg Qm Pa|t WeaX?Tho?e Who :J|biT6 fione Elsewhere For Basins? f Plaasnra , Miss Bettie Boddie spent Tues day in Raleigh. Mr. AfW. i'erson and bride re tarded home yesterday. J. H. Pereon spent Sunday in Kinaton visiting hie eister. Mr. G. D. Taylor, of Castalia, wia a visitor to Loniebarg Tuesday. Dr. J. O. Newell, ot Keepansville, riaited Louisburg the paat week. Miss Rutb Msnn, of Nashville, u visiting frienda in town thia week. Mrs. J. A. Harris ia visiting her. people in Vance county this week. R. A. P. Cooler, ot Naahrille, waa a riaitor to Louisburg Tues day. Capt N. D. Foster^ of Virginia, is visitmg Mr. O- 8. Macon dear town. Mr. Ororer C. Harris left Monday for Roanoke, Vs., where he will at tend a bnaiDeee oollege. MraC Nat Debnam, of Wake eonnty spent last week with her aist^r, Mm. D. T. Sraithwink. Messrs. P. B. Griffin and W. F. Beaalev went to Warsaw Monday. Before returning Mr. Beaaley visited Biuhmond. Mr. F. W. Wheleas returned Fri day ? from - the northern markets where he purchased his spring and Hummer Bioc.lt of (jochIh. " " ? Messrs G. Vf. Ford, J. M. A lien, - W* F. Beaaley, K..S. Ford and L5. N. Williamson, spent Wednesday and Thursday, on ihe Riohmjnd market to purebnso horses and mules. The banks will close on to observe Easter holida' >n next 1 Got- Kltchln to Speak at Louls 1 - burg. We learn from an indirect source that Gov. W. W- Kilchin is billed to speak to the people of Franklia county in Lomsourg on Monday, April 15th, it being Monday of the first week of court. LouisDurff Baptist Church "Is It Right or Wrong to Give to Foreign Missions?"^ is the ques -tioa that will be discussed by Pastor Walter M.GHmoro' Sunday morning. JAt 7:4S p. m., "Rspentance" will be the theme. The Lord's supper will be ob served in connection with the morning set vice. - Aiford-Perry We acknowledge receipt of the follow ing invitation: ' Mr. Archibald W. Perry invites you to be present at Maple Springs Baptist Church on Tuesday afternoon, April the sixteenth nineteen hundred and twelve at half after three o'clock to witness the marriage of his daughter Annie Eugenia " to ? ' ' .' Mr. John Turner Alford Replacing Building:. Work was bepun on the Scogjfin Drug store buildiag which was burned semetime ago, <>n last Monday and we ara informed will be rapidly pushed to completion. At present it ia the plsos to baild this two atoriea which will add much to th s part of the town. The aeooad stery will be tarnished for ofleaa. The Dill Live Stock Co., hare torn out the rear end of their Main street store and are arranging: anew entVance. We learn it is their intentions to build j a store room facias Nash street in the near future and connect with this | building. ? > . Bunn News Items The high school commencemeat ex ereisee wil) be held on Thursday, April 18th. Supt Z*bulon Judd, of the Wake county school* is to delirer the address in til* morning. . In addition to the address, the morning program will [Consist of the graduating exercises, presentation *f medals, reading of es says, **eal and instrumental music, aad other features. The afternoon is to daToted to the interests of the "Womaas Betterment Association, Two play* ar* to be pre eated at night, on* by the bby snouts, and one by the young ladies of th* Domestic Selene* Departmsn fc. WoTkla expected to begun on th* imw school building in the course of a lew day*. Offers of mosey and tabor aad material continue to come in, and at the present It seems that the nec essary amount will be raised. The building la to have six larare recitation rooms; and an upstairs auditorium with ample seating capacity to take care of a large crowd. There will also he pro vided rooms for laboratory purpose!, where experiments in agriculture as ? " ? 3 - b? ear prop cotrf--' ?? ?/ * wn iw VMM among the rw In an artiste in the North Carolina Education for April the library and reading room werk of Bnnn High SchoMts cited as an example of what ean k dope to make that feature of school work useful. The library now contains about three hundred volumes, snd a number are , being added this spring. The circulation of tbeae books attest their usefulness, over seventy per cent of the pupils being regular borrowers. A recent addition included the library work and play, an excel lent set of books, issued by the Doub ledsy Page Press. Arrangements are being made for a special car to Spring Hope next Tues day sight on account of the entertain ment to be given by Oxford Asylum Singing Class. Qnitea number of peo ple of the oommuaitr are expecting to go- ? - Rev. Geo. W. Hay ?? to preaoh at the school on next Friday night. ^ Resolutions. Inasmuch' as it has pleased our heav enly Father to -take from us our most - beloved, noble and generous hearted brother Willis Moors Boone, we as the msmbers of Cedar Rock' Lodge No. 288 A. F. & 111. both individually and as a lodge, desire to place on record' this tribute to his memory. Brother Boone was born Noy. 15th 1865, near Cedar Rock in Franklin county, and died in a Richmond hos pital Jan. SOth 1912. He loved Masonry? and reached the sublime degree of master mason at Cedar Rock in June 1998. ? He did not ? rest here however, but true to his pro gressive nature soen took the Royal Arch degree and became a member of Louisburg Chapter, on his removal to that town a few years later. The influence surrounding his youth and early manhood were sueh as to "awaken and keep alive the best impul ses of his nature, and we beleive tbey were effectual. him, for aside from his leadership in the lodge, he serve