TCASTKR OFFERINGS FOR LADIES In aM new spring styles in double effects, Land mni* ment of linen collars. 'eckwear. fishu collars, jabots in single and :h collars and a foil assort Hair and Hair Accessories Our stock of real* hair in braids. pufre\nd hair rats is com plete, all shades, price ranging from $75ct\ $1.50. Full lias of barbettes in light and dark cblors, side comD^ all shades and in a variety of prices. __ Kabo Corsets Our stock of Kabo Corsets is now complete ibid those who have worn a Kabo Corset, know it is the best. We have them in all the new models in low bust with extra long hip, alqp medium and regular models. Prices range from (1 to $2.50 1 ?' Ladies Oxfords and Pumps If you want "JUST WHAT YOU DO WANT" in a new" Oxford pump cr sandal, it will be worth your while to see "QUEEN QUALITY" line. We show them in tan gun metal, wax calf , vici kid in both plain toe, cap toe patent leather. All sizes and prices. Every pair guaranteed. Ladies and Childrens Hose In this department you will find the largest assortment of Hosiery ev?r shown in Louisburg. We haye taken unusual care in the selection of our hosiery and positively guarantee every pair to be first QUALITY. Childrens half hose in all colors at 10c to 25c per pair. Ladies pure silk at 25c to $1 per pair, Lisle and silk lisle at 15c to 50c per pair. We are also agents for ."Black Cat" aad "Cadet" hose for misses and children. EABTER OFFERINGS FOR/ MEN H Men's Our line of "A opened and your ini will be worth your, ter Neckwear i's Neckwear" for men has just been fCtlon is asked with the assurance that it 'hile. Prices range from 25c to SI each. _ french designs, Prices "WALK-OVER" Oxfords and Pumps Men who have worn a pair of our "Walk-Over" oxfords or pumps, know, that they are the best. If you have not worn a pair, ask your friend and we will abide by his decision. We show them in seven (7) new lasts in tan calf, gun metal, wax calf, vici kid and patent leather, also full line of lisle and silk, all colors. We Carry a Full Line of Ladies JXeady Made Undermuslms Ask to See Them SoleAgentsJor GODMAN SHOES Sole Agents for in * ? ? ? JLABO CORSETS ? Home Circle Column (Continued from Page Seven) ? -rier ? As the how of midnight ?p pnndm, the metropolitan with its aaeiataots, preceded br the crow and liinn.11, Wllh llghlwl upw The various notabilities light their tapers from that of the arch bishop, and so the sacred fire is communi cated to the crowd. Vt the midnight hoar sounds and' Easter succeeds the last day of lent; the metropolitan, a blase at silver And gold with his tiara, the stiver gospel, and the .epafeopsl crosier, asoends the platform outside the chflccti sad. proclaims to the assem bled people the tidings, "Christ has rjmi ** EASTEB PLANT LKOKND9. The Christian legend* connected with plsnts generally explain their behavior during Passion week. The aspen still shivers with remorse be cause when Chaist passed, it had boldly faced the heavens instead of bowing its head in company with the other trees. The Savior cast one look on it snd the memory of that sorrowful glance ia handed down even to, this generation. The willow was nsed for the ecourages and ever since it has drooped its arms in misery. Tiie elder is- commonly supposed to be the tree upon which Judas hanged himself, and it is not even to be touched as firewood. However, it affords a safe refuge in a- foot of the cross and received acme drop* of the precious blood. Tlivge ibwatill carries. The Italians fasve the same lsgend and call thia lilUe bloeeom "aleluia," as if tbe very flowers rejoiee in the great gift of the world. The scarlet anemone too, ia said to bear ti* staina of -Christ's blood. - / ? L*me sheeldteis needy always due In connect musical If you failed to c now that you may) latest and ^at that time come ! the seasons styles GasolGtoi GASOL] Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline l^cents gallon Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Jackson /Tri-State kotor (Car Co. Louisburg/N. C. ?^est Nash Street i wm Will carry a Lot of E. Spruill ith my furnitur^fnd musical instrument and 25 cent store. ~ ' to order. f moulding and will be glad "m*" work. just arrived. ? IVrC. Court Street Mra. J. J. Davis, StoviU, Gran ville county, N. (J ?av? that and her family were suffering from poi son form impure virus, the retail of eompalaory vaccination, and iheV -were all cared by aging Mra. Joe Persona Remedy Mrs. M. C. W eatherly, Franklin ville county, N. ? C. indorses Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy highly as a tonic, and tor indigestion and a ran down system. * , Mrs. Mary Amanda Nash, Lam berton, N. C., w ix a severe sufferer from acute /indigestion, which brought on extreme neverousness. Her general Health became involved and she suffered daily* with oartar- , rfaal headache, her condition was brought op by rharial fever, con tracted in/ Texas fifteen years ai;o. Nineteen/bottles of Mrs. JoeuPersons Remeay/cured her, and she indorses it as ( medicine compounded in this /w\r'd. Mr McBride Holt, Oneida cotton mills, Graham, N C, had two' child ren, cured of enlargement of the glands of the ueci, by osing Mrs Joe -Person? Remedy, and he ItKtoffes it at a good medicine. Dr Thomas M Jordan, of Raleigh N C, saya he has tried Mrs Joe Per sona Remedy in cases of eczema, it gave satisfaction, and he found if all claimed for it. Franklinton, N. C. March 23,1912 ToWhom it Concerns:- , Four years ago, my daughter was suffering with Scrofula of two years standing. - We were led to use Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy by Doctor Henderson, our family physi cian. She took it according to directions on\ the bottle and took twelve, (12) bottleg and it cured her. She is living nc/w and has neW felt it since. She is now twelve years old and weighs 140 pounds. I heartily recomfnendit to those who suffer from Scor fula. I - * \ . Sincerely Yours, Mrs. N. W. Winston. For Sale|by all Dealers a^d Druggists. $1.00 per bottle 6 botfles $5.00 12 Bottles $10 MRS. J0| PERSON REMEDY CO KittreU, ir. C. Red Iodiaji Brand Kidney Pills and Liver Pilla are the best