K? 3SW< '\gVZTf fWm A. F. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION SI. 00 PER YEAR LOUISBURG, N. C.. PRIDAY APRIL 12 NUMBER 8 DISTRICT CONFERENCE CONVENED ON TUESDAY MORN ING AT 9:80 O'CLOCK. 8ermo& Monday Night by Rev A- P. Tyre, or Oxford? Bishop Kilgo Presiding? Interesting Be ports. Monday afternoon marked the b?n ginning of the Beleigh Diatriot Con ference and many delegate* arrived on the afternoon and evening train*. They were met at the depot by the reoeption committee Meear*. F. B. McKinne, J. A. Turner, F.W. Hioka, E. S. Ford and Rev. R.W.Bailer end ' 'Were taken to heme* in automobiles On Monday night Rev. A. P. Tyre, of Oxford, preached a strong and foroeful sermon to quite * good sized audieooe, who .thoroughly ap preciated his remarka. He thor. oughly pared the way for the open * ing of the oonferenoe which con vened on Tueeday morning at 9:80 o'clock with Biahop J.. C. Kilgo in the chair. After the naual devotional exer cise* the conference entered into business ot special ind routine na ture. After the roll oall ot dele gates, whioh showed 84 present at the first convention, the remainder of the morning was taken up in ap pointing committees and getting things in shape to "expedite the work. ' . ? ' ' ... ? The Presiding Elder made hia re' port for the diatriot on missions, Sunday school, Epworth League, American Bible societies and finaoeea, - whioh abowea progrees la til lines of the church work for the diatriot. Interesting reports were made by the pastors of several eharges whioh were.reoeivad with aruoh gratifica tion. -? ? Upon-moUon a telegram express ing brotherly love wee sent to Rev. Mr. Puokett ? ? Ciuiuuittwis uu licenses sad aixwt chairman. Several reports on ' finances from different charges, making good showings, were reoeived. * ' . On Weduendsy wuiuiug Iheoon ference was reconvened and devo tional exercises were led by Rev. T. H. Sutton. The arrival of several delegates were announced and busi ness again resumed. Bishop Kilgo called the at'tentioa of the conference to a comparative statement of the activities of the ohurch and th? State, wherein many facU of interest was brought out. Upon motion the Bishop was re quested to prepare an artiole for the obnrch proas, setting forth the facta in hand with any additional infor mation he might see fit te add. Smithfield was unanimously ohoeen as the next place for holding the regular annual meeting of the oonferenoe. Dr. ?.?&. Parker, of Trinity Ool-' "? .lege, addressed the conference en Christian Education and made an able afld ,e arneat 'appeal for1 the ex tension tif the higher knowledge^ His remarks were both entertaining and iostrnotive and were mnoh sp ciated by the many who heard him. Ret M. W. Brabham read the re pert for the committee on 8snday schools and Kpworth Leagues. The report was splendid and ahonld be an incentive for these organisations. The afternoon waa mostly taken k * up with the reports ot the various committees with the exoeption of - seme fine talks relating thereto: . Among those deserving especial mention waa the one of Mb. F." B. MoKinne, upon the mission work. Mia. MeKinne is a aealooa worker and her remarks were fiA of dSTO Hion for the oatiae, and were ot es pecial interest to tho^e present. Mr. Wsatherby addieaeed the conference in behalf of the laymen's aaovem^nt. HiC*tateroenta of the work done were very encouraging and kit ap peal for the assistsnca of the breth ren waa a strung one. Rev. Mr. Wilcox also made a pretty appeal for the work of Christ which we be lieve tonohed the entire ooD?r ela tion. The Bishops remarks in oon nection with each of these atale menta were tine end well worth the attention they reserved. The conference adjourned at 4:46 to *o to the College in a body to be present at the reception given in their booor. Thic, is is all ocoaaiona, ?t this well (town institution and under the direotion of the genial host and^hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Atles, was a mrnt enjoyable suceess. The senior olsss assisted In receiv ing aad the aopheraore dass served the refreshments. * The eonferenoe Met again on Thursday morning and elected its delegates to the annual oonferenoe to be held at Fayetteville as follows: V. A. Reavis, W. S. Stevens, B. B. Adams, W. A. Jones; alternates, D. E- MsKinne, W. B. Ballon. After ifiaoy pleasing remarks the oonferenoe was alosed until its next annuil meeting wbioh will be held gatea began tbeir preparations "for leaving for their reapective homes. Bishop f. C. Kilge delighted tho, people of Louisburg with some of his splendid sermons. He preaohed at It o'olook on Tuesdsy, Wedner day, and Thursdsy and each one was a gem. His line of thought wss olear and con vincing and bis delivery showed he was in earnest in bis work. Thia was the aecond opportunity our peo ple have had to bear Bishop Kilgo and thfj showed their appreciations of . good sermons by going out to hear him. Dr. K. N. Parker, of Trinity Col leg*, preached to* l?rg? andience on Tuesdsy aight ?n "Temptation" and msds a -splendid talk. He is truly a deep man in his ohoatn vo cation. ~~ Ou Weduemlay night Itiv, .L-H, Cole, of the Methodist Orphanage, at Raleigh, interested our people with one of his entertaining and ear nest sarmons, whiob was filled with good thought and much appreciated H?v our people. The Btay of the delegate body in our midst haa added muoh to the pleasure of onr people, who are unanimoua in the wish that tbey may visit us. again. T~ Supreme Court Upholds Verdict in Sheriff Kearney's Case. Among the opinions handed do^n by the Supreme Court this week, the one of Sheriff Kearney vs Sea board Railway will be of. interest to our readers. In the trial in the Su perior court, i> will be remembered, Sheriff Kearney obtained a verdict for $9,000. The Supreme Court finds no error in tha trial and this ver liot will therefore stand. Hp. Thompson Entertains. The residenoe of Mr.T. H. Thomp son, on Alert avenue, Centreville, presented a hippy and festive ap pearanoe oil the night of March 30; the oeoieion being a good old fash ioned country birthday party given in honor of- hia ton, Mr.. S. R. Thompaon. "The truest* were re ceived at the door by Miss Lutie Thompson in h?r usual cordial and grecefol ityle, ushered into the cloak room, and received by the hotess. Merry names of all "kinds were played nntil abont 10 o'clock when the guest of honor led the " way to the dining room where a bountiful table, groaning under its weight of ham, chicken, freei pork, salads, piokles, fruita and confectioneries gladdened the aye and aatiafied the taate of the most fastidious. The deoorstions were of running oedai, one of Franklin county's mow beau tiful natural adornments, and gave the flnal touch needed to complete the already charming room. , . About thirty guesti were pree - v' _ ' , , I' ? 14 ent and enjoyed the ooeaeioo* and after voting Mr. Thompaon a most charming hostess- and wishing him many opportunities to ? repeat bia hospitalities they departed about 11 o'clock for their respective homea. Demooratic Executive Commit tee Meeting. Under the plan bt organization of the Deraooratio party, and at a call of the chairman, tbe exeoutive com mittee of Franklin county met in tha co art house Monday, April Stb, at 12 o'olock. The meeting waa called to order by Chairman J. It. Collie, and tha business transacted waa mostly in the torm of resolution;, and waa as follows: It waa ordered that the primaries be held on Saturday, May 18tb, 1912, from 10 a, m. to 4 p.: with tbf exception of Frankllnton, Younga ville and LoAiabarg, and theae shall By resolution unanimously adopt ed it wss ordered that the County Convention for tile nomination of all ooanty officers and a member of the Uenerai Assembly to be bald in the town of Loaigbnrg on Monday, May 20th, 1912, at 12 o'olock. ? By resolution it waa ordered that a convention be held in Looiiborg Satorday, May 25th, at 12 o.eloek to name delegates to the State Con gressional an! Senatorial Convene tiona, as f*>r plan adopted by the State Exeoutive Committee. The following resolutiona were offered whioh were unanimously idopttid * ? ? - ? Resolved first, that a general pri mary bo held in each ruling prtfllBct" in the county on May 18tb, 1912, for a member of the Geaeral As sembly of North Carolina, and for all other county officers except the County CommisaiooerB. - V" Resolved second, that on or be fore May 10th preoeding? said pri mary eleotion, every person desir lnjtto become a? candidate for-atrv wiafcly or Hgwtative office shall slgr nify bia intention either in person or writing to the Chairman of the the County Democratic Executive Committee, and at the same time shall deposit a fee of ten dollars to be used in defraying^ the the expense of, sa d primary, after the expense of said primary haa been determined, all ' surplua or deficien cies of the cost will be prorated among the various candidates. Resolved third, that on May 10th, 1912, the Chairman of the Countv Executive Committee Shall notify by registered mail the chairman mL the various precincts, tha names of all the eandidates that have qual ified themselves to be voted for in primary nnder resolution number two, sll those who fall to qualify ac cording to this resolution and the general plan of organization will not be considered a candidate. Kesolved fourth, that the prima ries shall be held at the regular poll ing places in each township, and that each candidate shall famish his own tickets and see that they are at the polling plaoe by or ibefore 10 o'clook a. m., Saturday, May 18th, 1912. Resolved fifth, that the chairman of each precinct executive com mittee shall appoint three poll-hol ders tojjpaduct this primary, and said poll-holders when ao appointed shall receive as a compensation for his servioe the sora of one dollar, and that the said poll-holders appoint one of their number to make op the retnrns of this primary and certifr the same to the Chairmsn of the Connty Executive Committee, and the one so making up aud bringing in these returns shall receive as compensation theretor the sum of two dollars. Below la a list of the poll-holders as handed in by the various vioua preoinot ohsirmen. J* It. Coi.uk, Chm'n. . The following registrars sad poll holders were appointed for the ' rioaa townships to hold the prima ries, the Ont named in each cue being the' registrar: "" Dana*? C. H. Mullen, W. H. Williams, Jerome Williams. Harris ? No nomfoation reoeived. Yonngaville? G. if. Stall, J. R. Tharrinctoo, Fred Cheatham. Frankhnton? B. A. White, E. L. Meore, O. R. Banderlin. Hayeavilte? W. H. Win?, G. W. Fm, 8. Y. Macon. Sandjr Cfoek? B. B. Egerton, 11. G. Gupton, ,E. N. Williama. Cedar Rook? O. R. King, J. P. Davia, T. W. Stokes. Gold Mlge ? B. C. Gupton, J. H. Wood, J. If. Ray nor. Cypres* Creek ? W . P. flay, J. M. Sykea, W.-R. Culpepper. LooiabofK ? J. H. Beat, V. B. Mo Kinne, B. ST. WQliamaon. ' The tnnaio elan of Miaa Brinaon, ?( Losiaharg Female College, will give a recital in the College Chapel on Pridey Evening, April 12th, 1912. The public ia cordially invited to at taal c 7 _ Baggies. . From their advertisement in an ther column it will be sees that "Meaara. Poller <fc Perry have au ex-, eeptionally well selected atock of buggies, harness, etc., wbioh they are selling cheap. Head their ad vertisement and call to see them. Rollins Escapes. The young* white man named Rollina, who waa in jail here ?w?ii ing the April term of oourt under a charge of hone stealing made good bis escape on Wednesday night. It seems, from tbe report given out by . other prisoners, that be picked the looks and got out of the oelts and , then brokers hole through the wall under a wiudow and let himself down with blanket*. He taoh with hiaa the look that had held him a prisoner the past forty days. Honor Roll. The following is the honor roll of Qftrn'Bf gchool ending April 3rd First grade ? Claud ie Ball, Pres ley Champipn, Rufus Minor, Mary Cspell, Robert King, Ina .Under wood (3 I on as Walters, Clarioe Rob erts, Second grade? -Lenno Freeman, Edgar Champion, Nathan Champion Third grade? Maggie Miner, Fourth grade ? Lila Freeman, Ev Fifth grade ? Hugh Freeman, Ju lius Roberts, Dewitt Bailey. Sixth grade ? Allie Perry. Miss Mary Winstok, Teaoher Marriage Announced. On Thursday afternooa,; April 4th, the members of "Younger Set Bridge Club" were entertained by Miaa Bettie Barker Boddie in a most de lightful manner. The happy oeoa stnn was to announoe the engage ment of her sister, Miss Franoia Kicks Boddie to Mr. David Wadford $pivey. The guest were met at the door by Misses Lynn Hsll aqd Lata Bet Person and presented to the receiv ing line, Mrs. Willis Boddie, Miss Franois Boddie, Miae Bettie Boddie, Miss Lacy Perry and Ruth Mann. Bridge was the game of the hour. The score ear, Is were band paint ed enpids with trumpets, proclaim ing the glad message of the happy event to take place Jnne 4th, 1912. Esoh card waa attacked to a brides rose. Tbe color echeme piak and white was beautifully carried out both deooratiene and refreshment. Those present were Meed am ee R T. McAden, G. L. Orowell, B. 8. Ford, 3. L. Palmer, B. B. Perry, S. P. Boddie, Misees_ Annie ttreen, Agnes Lacy, Eleenor Cooke, Vir ginia Foster, "Ruth Mann, Fannie Boddie. > THE MOVING PEOPLE TflBlH MOVEMENTS IN AMD OUT OF TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louls burg the Past Week? Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere For Business or Pleasure. Mayor B. T. B olden Spent Tuesday ia Raleigh. Kir. W. W. Bod4fe (pant a few days the put week in Kingatree, S. C. Mr. J. C. Conway left Wednesday for Norfolk to enter a hospital far ( treat ment. i . " ? Graham E*trton and Palmer Bailey came home from. Trinity Collage and ipent Easter. Miss Carrie Souther lin, of Famville, Va.. spent the past iteeL wiU. alias Mary Williams. Mr. D. EL McKinne, of Priaoeton, visited his sona, Messrs. P. B., D. F. ahd Malcolm McKlnseJ while attending conference here this weak. ? ? Mr. C. C. Johnson, accompanied by his pephew, S. W. Wheeler, of near Cedar Reck left yesterday for Raleigh. Mr. Johnsen will visit Norfolk before returning hdm, . Loulsburg Baptist Church. ' Servtoee will be held at the-'nsoal hours Sunday. "The transforming power of a Vision of Christ" will be the morning theme, and "A "Liberal Offer" the theme at nighty A de lightful feature of the seivioes will be the singing of Miss Iva Pierson, Of Meredith College, Raleigh. .. To the Magistrates ' Clerk of the Court J. J. Barrow requests as to ask all the mnyimraUa in Franklin county to make the re turns of all cases they now have in hand as early as' possible that he may get thegi docketed before oourt. Gov- Kltohln to Soeak. ? Gov. W. W. Kitohin will speak in the conrt honse t in Louisburg at noon on Mundst. -AnriHOtli. ltH2. Thuse wiabiuu iu lissr the qamlagr pertaining to the selection of a Uni ted States Senator disoussed can do so st this time. The entire publio is invited to hear him. Airier Plant and Creamery. Mr. Lester Williams, rspresenting th^. Williams Construction Company, pf Chicago, 111., waa in town the past 'week conferring with Meuri. K. B. McKinne and P. A. Reavia in regard to the establishment of an ies fac tory and creamery. We hope that this project may he ?ucc>*<>?fully car ried through aa from what we learn of their plana it will mean a great "big thing for both the town and oounty. Tbey propose to form a Block com pany and eatabliah the business ? selling stock to all who want it. In connection with the creamery there will be operated a cold storage sys tem and milk rou(as. These routes will coyer the county and purchase the hi ilk, eggs, etc., from the far mers. The milk will fee separated and the fat. used by the creamery an,d the balk will be returned for feeding stock. Uv this a steady market will be orented for all the farm product* and at good prices. As soon aa the plans are more n< ?rly perfected we will publish them for the beaefit of all those who will be interested. ' Breaks Jail. ? On last Saturday night about 9 o'clock Charlie Blake, the negro un '??r charge of attempted oriminal as stall umd Allen Upobureb, a negro Hint oyer froaa Toungsville for car rung concealed weapons, succeeded in making -their escape from the ?>.<unty ja.il ' here aod up until yes terday pye-iung no iafprmation ee to their whereabouts ba4 beea learned. It. seeias that the negroes had broken eff ? pateh on the' eell cage icnd had gotten oat through the hole fid gone down stairs inte the look op department they took with Uiem, as wu afterward learned several pieoes' ot iron broken from the oage with which they intended breaking their way through the outer doors or killing an oBoer, ahoold one attempt to go in alone, bnt after going dowu they evidently heard Ohief ot Rolioe J. C- Tucker and speelal ofBoer B. H. Meadowi, accompanied by Mr. R. A. Pearce, * who were taking a ? prisoner, in to look bin up, entering and secreted their tools under the oever on the Wed in the lock up and themselves under the bed. The offioers , paved in and seeing nothing iinnsnal And not dretming of anything of the kind went np to. put their prisoner in an up stairs department After they had passed up there was noth ing left tor the jail breakers but to esoape before the officers ooold learn of the trouble and pursue them ? Immediately sesrch was begun snd rswards offered lint as yet they have not been captured. It was fortunate foi Chief Tucker that ha did not go in with his pris oner alone m there is no doubt but ? that they would have killed him in order" to make their eecape secure. Changes Courts. , Last Friday's Evening Times carried the item that Gov. Kitchin had agreed to the chansre of courts between Judges Carter and Cooke. By this Judge Cooke will hold court here next week. Fre* Air on Taj* ? ? The Jackson Tri-State Motor Car Co., has again shown its progressiveness by ? placing on the outside of its establish ment a box wherein air connections are kept This box is provided with a large number of keys and the manage ment icforms us they propose to seU a key to anyone for iwenty-five centa. The purchaser of a key will have the piiv u?Ke ui tue use oi this lap iree of charge. This Is an exceptionable eon- , venient arrangement for those owning automobiles, motorcycles or bieyeles. ? ? ? To AH ff embers ol t he Club. i wrote juu before Unit we should have additional prizes and I am now glad to announce two additional prizes in each district under the same rules as the first list I sent you. These new prizes are two free trips, in each dis trict. to the National Corn Show which will be held in Columbia, S. C., in Jan- ? ?ary, 1912. flThe Southern Fertilizer Association has appropriated ?600 for this purpose. The boys who win these prizes will eaeli get $25 to cover all expenses for the trip. No boy will get the iJtoney, however, unless he takes the trip. We expect five hundred prize winning boys from all the Southern States to be at the corn show. Cots will be -furnished and all the boys will stay in one building. The main feature of the tri,. will be a judging school. Two or three hours eaeh day will be spent in judging corn, grains and live stock and ia visiting the various exhibits of the exposition. I believe these prizes the best offered in the State. The boys who go will have a great time, see the finest corn grown in the United States during 1912 and will get special instruction in corn judg ing, Eeeh?etyou - should do all hH?i? ? power to win one of these trips. We now have seven prizes in each dis trict of the State, The two boys mak ing the best records Will get {26 each to pay his expenses to the National Corn Show while the next five will gtt the caah prizes about which you have al ready received notice. If you wish any further information, please let me know. Yours very truly, ' L O. Schaob, Special Agent in Extension. Popes Itama \ Ws are sorry to state that Mrs. Lo ?indy Jenee who ha? been sick lor some time baa act improved very much. Bill Conyeis and siator, spent Easter with Mr James Wilder. Miss Maud Poller spent Esster with Mrs. T. T. Hicbt, of b'r&nkllnfem. Quite a large erewd of people went down to the pieaie at Tar Rivet Monday Miss Ethel Holmes returned home from Heeterf last week where (he has Ifeen teaching. ' ^ J. 8- Coayera and Mollis Perry went to Wake Forest Monday. Mr. Hoke Kearney and family, spent Sanday with Mm. ?. W. MeGhaa near Popes. a H. P.

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