THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UEIOM, LOUISBURG, N. C.. FRIDAY APRIL 26. 101$. A. P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION SI .00 PER YB* ft VOL. XL1I, Are You Going to Disfranchise Yourself Yoti Wiil Surely Do It . Unless you pay your Poll Tax by Next Wednesday, May 1st. CIVES VERDICT OF $1 OOO IN CASB OP ALFOBD TO WIL COX automobile case The Trial of th* Criminal Doekat Camplated on Satur day? Hoport of Solicitor? , Soma Appeal* The tri*l oi th* criminal doekat continued through Friday aad Saturday, erhea the following eases were disposed ?df: State ts Bod Hi t, si-aple assault, guilty judgment suspended upon pay ment of ooats. State ts Weslsy Whi taker, > retailing, 18 moatfas'on roads. State ts Matt Rod well. Graham Cooke aad Robert Wright, a. d. w., Jjdgmeat 4 months on roads each. State ts Robert Wright, c. c. w.. pleads guilty, prayer for judgment eoa tinued. State ts Sterling Freeman, retailing, guilty, S months on roads, appeal. State ts Julias May, simple assault, .guilty, judgment suspend. d upon pay ment of costs. State ts Jesse Scott, c. t. w., not guilty. ? State ts Jim PriTett, c. c. w., con tinued. State ts EM Oawthorn, retailing, nol pros. State th Weldon Horton, assault with intent to commit rape, mistrial. In the case of State ys J. r. Kaynor and Cleveland Uupton, a. d. w., U ip peal was taken. This completing the criminal docket the Solicitor presented the court, following report: To His Honor, C. M. Cooke, Judo* TaasiDKO: """7 . 1 T i The undersigned Solicitor of the 4tk Judicial District, beg? leare to re.ort, that he has examined with care the of fice of the Clerk of this Court, and the dockets, records and Indexes therein, that the law required of him to keep, and find that the same each and every one are kept in an accurate painstaking and highly intelligent masner and that the duties of the office in other respeots ao far as he is able to ascertain are sat isfactorily performed. All of which is respectfully snhmit ted. R. G. Allsbrook, Solicitor. The trial of the civil docket was taken up on Monday morning and was still in progress *s we went to press. Aside Irom the case of Alford ts Wil jun, of which there was two cases, wherein the plaintiff was suing for damages caused from a runaway horse being frightened by the automobile ? driven by the defendant, in which c^ses j damages of $1,000 was allowed, and a i few railroad casus nothing of special nature or interest was before the court.' In all probability court will adjourn today. - ? Repair Roads. We are informed that the Road Trus ,tees fer Louisburg. township hava ar ranged o put on an extra squad of hands to repair the different roada and put them in shape so as to answer un til the mainforee can reach them to build new ones. The Suggestive Questions. We hire been running the suggestive questions for something: mora than twelre months and not feeling that it haa been of sufficient interest U onr readers we have about decided to entout the use of same to make room for some thing posaiblyjjf more interact. Hew ever before doing ?e wa wish to ask that (' any of our subscriber* have (Men keeping op with same an* it la of sufficient expreesed interest to 70a we will appreciate your letting as kfcaw that we may reconsider our decision. We want te give oar readers the beat service to be getten regardless of cost but do not care to force something of no interest upon them. Seleoted Ifanaarer. Senator Simmons haa been selected by his Democratic associates on the finaac* oommittee to hare charge .?f the metal schedule tariff bill o* the floor of the Senate and will vigorously press the bill to a vote. This bill haa .already passed the Hquse. It makes Jieavy reductions in the InLqsiteas 4a' > tlea on Iron Mid steel manufacture* and if adopted will |ira the people reliet Of this action of the Democratic members of the committee, the Char lotte Chronicle H71: "The selection ef Senator Simmon* to lead the fight for the Democrats at thia important stage of the tariff controversy is ooasidered a T*ry high complimeat to the ability and standing of the saooir North Caro lina Senator. His friends claim that this refutes the charge that bo would not be promoted to the chairmanship of the finance committee la the event sf a Democratic Senate. " - The Charlotte Observer says editori ally. ' We may all congratulate the State apon the aignal honor which has been done one of her representatives In the Senate St Washiagtdn. With Senator Martin, ot Virginia, as Deal ocratic leader of the Senate, and with Senator Simmons, of North Carolina, at the bead of the flnaaee committee of the Senate, the aeath is doming into its own place in the political and econ omic affairs of the couatry. Long ex perience and business ability hare re sulted in the case of our ' North Caro lina Seaalor in this impressive reeog altioa of hia ability and faithful party seirics. In honoring hiss, his Demo cratic colleagues in the State have hon ored North Carolina." ' ? ? - ? ? Telephone Central to Move. The local telephone exchange will be moved in the ljear future to the rooms of P: ?. A K. K, AUsn's store where many much needed Improvements will Be made; ? : ~ 7 > ^ ^ Cave-m Kills Han. On last Tuesday while at work In the Portis gold mine about seventeen miles from Louisburg, Mr. Jonas Guptoq, a white man aged 42, killed by the dirt eavingjn on him fie was a good citizen and leaves a host of friends. The accident happened about 5:30 o'clock and he died before the dirt could be removed. Fir*. The fire alarm was turned in on last Friday evening about 7-15 o'clock and when it was learned that it originated from a residential section much excite ment prevailed. The Aremen were quickly upon the scene which was the home of Ur. S. J. Parham and it. was learned that it was only a chimney on tire and no trouble beyond control was in evidence. To Oup Correspondents. Oh account of being short "f space ' tor the past few weeks we have keen compelled to leave out manv of our neighborhood correspondence. We would be dad however for you to send ua more right" along now as we will take pleasure in publishing same. Kindly bear in mind to write them plain and on one side of the paper, and not use too many neighborhood per sonals. ?eating Closed The meeting at the Methodist church closed on Wednesday night. For the past ten days our people haye been en joying the splendid sermons preached by Rev. H. ML North, of Raleigh, and there Is no doubt but that he has dona a great deal of good in our midst. He ia an able minister and an interesting speaker and our people regTet his m>t remaining longer in our midst. Much interest ?pa shown in the service aad that goodjjt the result ia evident. Person-Kearney. We acknowledge receipt of the fol? lowiag invitation: Mr. and lira. Charley B. Kearney request th* honor of yeur presence at the marriage ef their daughter Madaline -Oj. Mr. R. Graham Person on Wedneeday morning the eighth of May alneteen hundred and twelve at eleven o'clock ?orinth Baptist Church Theae young people constitute one of Franklin county's ssost popular and deserving young coupler whose scores of friends will tie eager to extend con gratulations. The brid' to be Is the daughter of Mr. C. 9. Kearney and ia- ? young lady of exceptional ability. She i? the favorite among bar many friends, hieh position has bean woo by Iter swsat and pleasing disposition. The groom to b? is one of Franklin's most raceeasAiI young men sad has friends among >11 classes. He possesses exceptional builse-s ability, and is de serringly popular. U. D. C. ???tin*. The Joseph J. Davis Chapter U. D. C. will meat witt Mis. C. K. Cooke, en Wednesday evening. Mar 18lh, at 4 o'clock, p. m. All members are in ?ited t?be present. Mas. J. P. Winston, Pres. W. E. Uizbuu See. Demonstration The Jackson Square Coffee and Tea Co., are eonduetlag a demonstration of thsir prodacts at the (tor* of Caodler Crowell Co., this weak. Many ladl hare visited the demonstration and are | liberal with their praise for the goods. They have something to say to ysu oa oar eighth page to which we direct your attention. Roadwhat they have' to aay and call at the booth at CandtsswCrowelTs and try their coffees and teas - ' Number Bales Cotton. The census- bureau of the department of agriculture at Washington, D. C., has issued, tee following report for North Carslina, showing the total num ber of bales of cotton ginned, counting round balee as half bales, and exclud ing linters, for. the crops of 1909 to 1911 Inclusive: 19U 1910 1,608 1,419. 2.469 2,148 29,181 24.871 17,231 8,234 16,607 9,66 10 848 5,628 1.177 940 10,88* 12,147 5,271 2,206 2,961 1,664 8,915 7,887 lirteS ?15,628 6,788 3,571 23.640 18,574 13,484 6,521 ll,i>46 6,055 24,102 - 19,095 1,329 010 2.662 8,123 2,531 2,479 15,417 9,199 2.224 1,<>17 46.093 28,910 23,045 13.585 14,563 14,852 6,477 3,834 2,645 l;7l0 17,504 9,818 678 3198 5,035 . 5,047 . 17.68Q 61? 2,424 1,807 6,910 951 23.671 12,455 11,418 2,595 1,474 7,593 293 19,611 II.790 2,414 7,852 20.635 8.274 13,649 Meckleaburg 30,762 Montgomery 6,881 Moore 4,722 Nash 41,666 Northampton 18,717 Onslow Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Pendea Perquimans Pitt Polk Randolph Richmond Robeson Rowan Rutherf 'dto6 11, Sampson Scotland 1,320 12,089 36,254 5,088 5,201 9,735 8,249 6.642 7,076 2,547 8,848 8,654 8,720 9,934 43,399 2,465 1,983 18,272 76,812 7.854 Stanly Tyrrell Union Vance Wake Warren Washington Wayno Wilson All Othsr 28,723 32,743 9,165 1,681 29,**43 7.772 ' 56,247 16,103 4962 46,691, 40,681 628 5,269 1.936 24,844 11,559 4,449 1,802 4,996 4,617 1,247 5 158 24,598 1.808 1,785 14,539 62,944 9.826 9,948 16,091 25,819 8,514 707 28,366 4,514 77.354 11,064 2,696 26, #16 24,309 298 1,114 9,282 82.806 5.5C9 4.719 7,571 ?5,754 5.801 2?,7ofl 4.364 1,441 19,826 9,383 1,155 1,455 3,910 3,117 724 3.802 17,879 1,616 657 11,830 61,321 6,675 6,747 16,370 27,002 7,621 499 21,726 2,980 *7,106 9.465 1,662 26,108 17,640 64 Total 1,120,276 763,087 688,746 * Hoke county organized from part* ef Cumberland and Robeson. The Ayooek ??mortal Assoela _ ! -uoa- s_ The movement to build a monument to the late Hon. Charles Brantley Avcock, "Edueatioaal Governor" of North Carolina, laawuraUKf under the allspices of "the Ay cock Memorial As sociation," i* one the purposes of which should appsal with responsive effect to ?very citiieo ef the Old North State, of STsry age, condition and aToeatlen, for his pMt work in promoting public ?ri ft cation m aot limited to any elan or casta, but made for tha uplift of the mass?, that, with eyea to aaa aad ears attanad to hear and mind* icboolad to comprehend, tner might, aa pain tad In hia last words to thepeopl aot hia State, whom ha lorad, "entar upon a new day, tha day of opportunity, tha hoar whs* every man shall ba free to work mightily tor himself ustii hia soul, filled to satia faction, shall overflow srlth a ooauaoo benefit to maakmd, owing no tribute to anj one, aad bound only to lore Us fe&owman aad aatVa hia God as to him ssay seem best." Tha man who held aad advocated such an ideal for tha people of hia State aa a whole d asanas that his mentor* and hia fife work be perpetuated ia such a manner aa would be beat calcu lated to vitalise the priaciplea for which ha stood in tha hearts of tha passing generations ? through all the tomorrows, -'till the last syllable of record time." "Eqaal That is the* word: on that ward I plant myself and my pa ty ? the equal right of every child born on arrth to have the opportunity to bitr geon oat all that there ia within him. " There, ha last words to the people ef North Caroliaa, should, be inscribed in perpetaal character, not only upon the baae of a bronze statne erected to him in the State Capital, but alao upon some permanent educational memorial whose benefits should go down the ages for the help of needy childhood strug gling upward to the light, - It ia the (kslra and purpoee af the "Aycock Memorial Association" to give every man, woman aad child 1^ North Carolina tbs opportunity and privilege of contributing to this me morial fund. The following constitute the State Aasociatton: 6x0. C. Royall, President, Go Ida ho ro, N, C Matt. H. Allen, Secretary, Goldsbnro, N. C. B. R. Lacy. -Treasurer. _ / Raleigh, N. C. Vice-Pbbsidents. First District? E." F. Aydlett, Eliza beth City. Second District? F. A. Woodard, Wilson. ? Third District? A. C. Z<>llieoffer. Henderson. Fifth District? B. S. Royster, Oxford. Sixth District? A. W. McLean, Lum berton. Seventh District? R. F. Beaeley, Monroe. Eighth District? <~Hayden Clement, Salisbuvy. Ninth District? 0. Max Gardner, Shelyb . Tenth District? Jeter C. I'rftchard, Buncombe. * Executive Committeb. George C. Rojail, Goldsboro. . Matt H. Allen, UvMsboro. Judge R. W. Winston, lialeigh. U, W. Tillett, , Charlotte. Hugh Chatham, Elkin. W. A. Krwin, Durham. C. A. Webb, Asbeville. C. J. Cooper Favetteville. K. C. Duncan. Raleigh. Francis D. Winston, Windsor. ? George Roontree Wilmington. The vice presidents, with the aid of the executive committee, will organize each county in their respective districts, and the officers of county associations will appoint canvassiaK committees i > every town and rural districts of every township, whose duty it shall be to make a speedy canvass, extending to every person in their respective dis tricts, the opportunity to contribute. It is earnestly desired to raise a fund not less than 160,000, and if the county associations are prompt to organise and the canvass rushed vigorously and every perse, 1 is solicited we see bo reason why the fnnd should not be ?100,000, whieh would enable on to found such a memorial to Governor Aycock as would be both creditable te the State and an honor to his memory and a benediction to the masses for all tirfSe. Very sincerely, Geo. C. Rotill, President Aycock Memorial Asa'a. Annual Commencement of Ca d*r Book Aoademy The closing exercises of Cedar Rock Academy will take place Monday and Tuesday 29th and 80th of April. Msa day evening will be devoted to the pri mary and intermediate grades, Tues day meriting at 11:80 the address will be made by Dr. J. B. Weatherspooa ef Oxford, W. C. The front seats will ha reserved for th electrons of the school - Graded School. Supt- W. R. Hills Informs as that the Graded schools will doss on Fri day May 17th, and that the address a Poll Tax! Poll Taxi Poll Tax! Last Call For Poll Tax It mast be paid by next Wednesday, May 1st, or you can't vote this year. night will be dditaid by Prof. E C. Brook*, of Trinity College. This meim a treat far oar people and all will look forward to the exercises .with ?ueh I interest. , Loulsburir Baptist Church. Public worship Sunday 11 a. m., and 8 p. m., conducted by the pastor, Wal ter V. Gilmore. Sunday school at 9:16 a. m. "What Ja That in Thine Hand?" will be the theme in the morning, and "The Awful Shipwreck" at night. Alt are cordially invited. ? Peftree School Closes We are reqaaated to state that the Fearee Academy school will cleee on Friday, May Srd, 1911. Rev. Waiter V. Gilmore, paator of Louis burg Bap tist choreh will deliver the literary ad dress at 11 o'clock in the morning and a game of ball will be played on the grounds in the afternoon. The peblic is cordially invited to attend theee ex ercises. . - ? Suggestive Questions. April 21, -1912. The Appointment of the Twelve. Mark in:7 19; Matt. v:18 16. Golden Text? Ye did not oho.*e mr> but I chose ? on and appointed you, that voa go and bear fruit. John- xv:16. (I) Verse 7? Why, in view ot wtiai had just happened, dilLJeaus '?withdraw himself . aid his itiscipies to- the sea?" .v" .-.{*) Wlvenillt right to flee from out enemies, and when is it duty to si and our grou..? (3) Verse 8? What proportion f iliowed J< ana nut of love for hira, i,n? bis u-nclnnc, and what proposi tion through curiosity, and to see his wonderful worVs? {i|) What proportion attend church today for worship, for the pieanliiug, tbe music, or Because rt ia the custom? (5) Ver?es 9 10? To what extent is It legitimate for a preacher in his (.uh ie ??rvioea to provide musical or oilier attr?cti?ina in order to draw the or--??l? (6) What would probably nave baen * he aize of "he congregations ..f if he had not, perform?5Tmira 0i en ?b well as preached the gospel? ? (7) Verses 11-12 -If in thepe day* a preacher is not instrumental in" railing unclean spirits out of men, what ought he to do?. (8) bv did Jeans charge the dainons who knew him not to make him kn?'Wri? ? (9) Verse 13? Why is it. ?r not, a part ?.f a pastor's duty to frequent^ invite individual liriatiaos to viait niiii, with a *iew to finding om, an i t--eu to influence ib?m to take up ,he form of Chri tian work for w-lno I hey are ti ted? (It)) Veraea 14 15-sr-Jesus had a arge following ai*?hii lime. What method, tlmrefore, did lie adopt in e- leci mg his twelve apostlen? (II) What important preparation made during the previous night for aeleoting his apostles? (See Luke \i:12-18.) . (12) Which, and why, is the bet ter method whan faced with an im pot ta tit crisis, to teek help from God in a lew words, and in faith leav? the matter with him or to discuss all the details with God in pro traoted praver? (13) Back up four answers with r. aaone and say whether Christ in tended the miraculous power oon feied upon the original twelve ap.o'les to be permanent in the Christian church. (This is one of the questions whioh msr be an awered in writing by members of ihe dub.) . (14) Verses 1619? What par ticular chaige oid Jesus give to these twelve Apostles? (See-Matt. x? 1? ) (15) Which were the leaders among the Apo-dles, and what can vou say concerning them? J (1?) Matt. v:18:l6 ? What are| the ohief oharacteriatica of salt? (17) In what sense are Christiana like ??It? . ' (18) What elements in Christian character resemble light, and to what extent are we responsible to le' out tight shine? Lesson for Saodiy, April 2?, 1912. The Beatitudes. Matt v:l:12. TH MOVING PEOPLE THEIB MOVEMENTS in AMD OUT OP TOWN Those Who Have Visited Louis burg1 the P&at Week? Those Who Hare Gone Klsewher* For Bu sine bb or Pleasure. Mr. and Mr*. B. Odom left Tuesday for a visit to Nashville lfr. J. M. Allen returned Tuesday from a visit to Norfolk. Mr. Jool Harris, of Durham, visited relatives hare the past week. Engineer Farguraon, of Raleigh, was In town Tuesday to attend eotarfc? Mr. T. H Crudup, of Kittrell, was a riaitor to Loutsborg the past week. Mia. Geo- Capehart, of Aroca, is ria^ Ititing at Mr. J. M. Alan's this week. Mr. J. G. Mills, of Wake Forest, was in attendance. at eeart her* this week Mr. Murray Alton, of Raleigh, waS in attendance at court here this weak. Mr. J. W. Holiingsworth returned Friday from a business trip to Warren ton. ? ~2j Hon. P. 8. Spruill, ef Rocky Mount, was in attendance at court here this week. ^ Mr. C. W. High, who has been trav eling in South Carolina, is at home oa a visit. Mr and Mrs. W. G. Thomaj, of Ral eigh, visited the editor'n f'TllW th> past week. Miss Morell, of Raleigh, is acting stenographer for the Superior court this week. Rev? C. D. Malone, of Chocowinity, visited his son. Rev- E- Lucien Malone the past week. Messrs. W. M. Leonard, W. F. Beas ley and O. Y. Yarboro left yesterday for Richmond. Mr. A. C. Wilcox and wifs, of Jack sod Springs, were in Louisburir the past week to attend court. Mr. W. L. Poteat, President of Wake Ferest College, was a visitor to Loaisburg the past week. Messrs. N. B. Finch, J. C. Matthews, and C. W. Lassiter, of Spring Hope, were visitors to Louisburg the past week Mr. R. J. Malone, of Belhsven, was a visitor to Louisburg the past week, guests of his brother. Rev. E. Luciea Malone. Mrs. D. F^ McKinne, Mrs. F. W . Hicks, Mrs. G. L. Crowell, Missea Maude and Margaret Hicks spent Tuesday ia Raleigh. Mr. W. H. Pleasants left Tuesday accompanied by his sister, Mrs. E. F. Early, to spend several days visiting their people in Aberdeen. , Mr. P. B. Fleming returned Tuesday night from Washington City, where he went to get little Nellie Bryan and George Mortimer, his children. Mrs. Katie Crenshaw and Mrs. R. L. Bernhardt, who have beea under treat ment at Baltimore, returned home the past week. Their mahy friends here are glad to know they have so much improved. Miss Iva Pierson, of Duna, now, a student at Meredith College, Raleigh, spent the week-end as guest of Mrs. W. M. Gilmore. Miss Pierson greatly de lighted the audiences at the Baptist and Methodist churches hunday with her singing. Mapleville Academy. The closing exercises of -Maplevills Academy will take place Hay 2nd. Mr Tasker Polk, of Warren ton, will deliv er the address at eleven o'clock, after which medals and prizes will be award ed. IKnner will be served on the grounds. In the afternoon the Junior Order from Bunn, Pilot and Pine Ridge will present the Mapleville school with a flag and bible. All Interested in the cause of education are cordially invited to be present. The exercises will; b? con cluded that nifht by an entertainment given by the pupils. ? y ?If you will attend the primaries sad be honest with yourself In select in* the best man for the pUoe, you will \ have no need te complain alwut politios.