BAH1D0NT THINK YOU KNOW IT ALL, MR. BOSS ! Shucks! those old mens wake tired: as IF I'D "TURN \ DOWN all THIS nice clover TTCfB <3TAY DOWN, ?1t BOSS! WE'RE NOT allowed vjp the(?e! * CRtCKlTfi WHEfcE A/A I GOING VOU BIG brute!! CAN'T A' resp^ Mem set in peace without s DROPPING IN To BOTHER. ? Ml ANNA BELLE IS LEARNING TO KNIT - Dear Friend: ? Well. what do you think ? I'm learning to t and crochet. Isn't that One? I'll tell you how to weare c? little mat if you'll look at the spool I have shown, t place four stout pins In the spool as in Illustration and i the yarn make a succession of loops, letting one end of the ? through the hole in the spool. After a loop to ach pin pullout en<) of loop ss at A and place over top l as at B and indicated by the dotted 11ms Continue ; this and as the weaving grows pull on the yarn through ? eater of (pool andJ>e(ore Ions you'll hare a beautiful > (or a mat. If you dont Juet exactly understand how to task mama and she'11 be glad to tell you By mama has ' me bow to make lots of nice things and with her sa l t hare mad* a muffler, socks for baby and a cap and ,gale also. Haw you written me about your ANNA I SEWINQ SOCIETY jet! Please TUNT PLAC* OOAR O UKI THI% at PORt /n I* ft. OR. LOOMS WHEN tiNUHftO HOftttS ON To bagin cut out Urge circle containing boraea ?ad aoont on cardboard, alao cat oat eqaare above each borae. Place a pis through center of clrcla and drtre pin In a Ions ?tick aa ehown. Now cut a small aquare hole In a place of cardboard and place before a mirror. Ton tile bo nee toward tble paper, revolve It and by .looking through tl>? aquare above each borae yon will aee a horae that will run aa long aa you turn t a? circle. Cat It ow now and try It.