TH&HOME CIRCLE CQIUMN. Pleasant Evening Rei/eries, ? R OolUmn Dedi cated to Tired Mothers as They Joiri Uib Home Circle at EuBTtffigTide RUDE THOUGHTS FROM THE EDITORIAL FEJT KKXPUfU HOUSB TO* ONk'h OW< COMTOBT. He wu wiae who wrote: "Half the iliog of poverty or of (mall means ia gone wheu one keepe hooie ^for one's own oomfort, and not for .the oomment of one'e own neigh bora." Deny it as we will, few of ua have the moral foroe to aet op a stand ard of oar own, baaed upon onr own incomes and onr own particular .home environmental We oommit the folly of regulating onr expenaea by the ireome of aome one alee. If the browna aorosa the atreet hang up expensive laow ourtama, we are discontented until laoe ourtaina have gone up to our window*, no matter bow. much amaller our income may be than that of the Browna. If the iSmitha put down a velvet carpet our neat and pretty ingrain beoomei an eyeaore to ua. We .are extremely mindful of what our neighbors will think about many tbinga that should not i oon. oern them in the leaat. We have no standard of our own. Our ureaa and even onr tablea muat . be regulated by the atandard of othera. We have not the courage nor the independ ence to be indifferent to the oom ment of our neighbors. This form of moral oowardioe ia earning many families to live beyond their income*. They can face debt, and forfeit theii ?elf-respect easier than they oan face the unfavorable comment of their frienda and neighbors. The extent to whioh this imitation of othera ia carried would be ludicrous, but it did not bring ao much anhappiuees in it* train. It ia trequenUy the direct cause of discord ?end discon tent and debt that have driven hap pmesa from the family hearthstone. Let ua have a standard of our own,* baaed upon our own needs, and let ua cheerfully and bravely adhere to this atandard, heedleas of thai dread Uul bugbear: "What will the neigh bors aay?'' "Where shall I draw the line?" says the anxious parent, who is so lWtous for liit boy's future. Qive the young man the sympathetic companionship which he will find elsewhere if not at home; encourage him to sesk elevating and refining associations, impress upon him the fact that many amusements are bad only in connection with their asso ciations and the atmosphere of temptation which leads to greater evil; demonstrate to him that the principle of "getting somothing for nothing" is bad, wholly bad and if fallowed will lead to his moral and pbyaieal rain; make home such a. bright, congenial place, that he will find more pleasure there than in the ~~b?unts of wiokedness; more than all else, let him have in voo an exam ple of uprightness and moral health. Be sincere, for he can penetrate your disguises and drspise you if a hypocrite. ? ? ? Meddlesome persons who are oen tinually prying into other people's aftairs and carrying tales between friends and acquaintances create a great deal of mischief and are best contented when they oan spread acandal. It seems more natural for them to speak ill of a person than to utter words of praise, and their habit of gossiping becomes so fixed that they can talk scandals almost unconsciously, It is just as easy to sav a good word for friends and acqnaintansea, t)V?? if ? net wholly reserved, as it is to speak ill of them, and the effect of the commun ity is freely always benefioial in a general way. Scandal gather* aa it travels by word or mouth and oan never be recalled when onoe in cir culation. Try speaking well of everyone and see what a change it Will make in your own happiness as ? . ? ? * j If ypa would gather up tender -memories, all the lights and shade* of the heart, all banqueting* and re unions, all filial, fraternal, paternal '? ? V and oonjngal a(feo<?oo? and you bad only juat four 1 attar* with which to apell oat that height and depth and length and bredth and magnitude and eternity of meaning, yon , wontd with ateaming eyea, and trembling voice, and agitated hand, write it oat in thoe* four living capital*, H-O-M-E. ? ? ? ? Man ia naturally a home-loving animal. In fast, moat animals are hsma-loving. And when a man asks a woman to ahare hi* life, it ia naually taken aa a gentle bint that be wants her to make bim a home and take a sort of general oversight of bi* affairs and a apecial oversight of himaelf. He like* to know that ?he doe* things for bim joat for the re aeon that abe loves him, snd is in terested in him and his well-being. He loves bis home more if there is some impress of ber personality upon it. He likes best the meal abe pre pares for him. Of ooarae, he aay* very little ? perhapa nothing? of all this, being a man. ? ? ? ? A, gentleman atop* at a friend'* house and find* it in confusion. He does not sse anything to apologise for? "never think* of *noh matter*." Everything is right, cold* sapper, cold room, crying children ? "per fectly comfortable!" Good homes, where bis wife baa beea taking care of the ohildren or attending the *ick;; and working her life almoat oat. Then h* does not see why thing* ?an't be kept in order; "there never were suoh cross childrea before!" No apologies aocepted at borne! Oh, why not look at the sunny aide 1 1 home as well as abroad, and try pleasant words instead ot ' sorely ones! Why not be agreeable at home? Why not use freely that golden coin of courtesy? For soreness It the ^fuselee whether induced by vicient eaercise or injury! Chamberlain'* Vinifbeot is excellent^ This liniment is^nso highly esteemed fer the relief it affords in cases of rheu matism. Sold j^y al\lcalers. THE BEST PROOF Loulsbur? Citizens Cannot Doubt It. * Doan's Kidney Pi|Ib were used ? they cared. The stprv was toll to lioniaburg residents. TimeT^as strengthened the evi dence. > Ha3 provVn the fcure permanent The testimony is from this locality. The proof v> nvipcing. J. L. Fuller] N. C., cays: deal from bac much pain in morning when and lame. Afl ney Pills my a peared and I way. I can edy highly one afflioted (Statement giren 1908.) A Second Endo^ Mr. Fu Deoembe: take Doan's Kidney ally whe St. Oxford, suffered a great and there was kidneys. In the ot Dp, I felt weak used Doan's Kid and pains disap , better in every end this rem its use to ar.y ey complaint." It February ney medi flie. ? t as repreij to oonl of it." SKHENT. irviewed on said: "I occasion d a kid jine and they aWrays help >ow that this remedy acts inted and I do not hesitate m my former encforaem For pale by all dealers. 1 Foster- Milburn Cl Prioe Buf- ] 60 oenti falo, N Aw York, sole agents \or the United States. Remember the name ? Doi and take no other. Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you than good (liges to . sustain and converted digestion fails -the Chamberlains and reliable ci _ Increase the floj 0 of \ile, blood, atrenadmen the tone up the wtiole dig to a natur%r and heall ?ale by afl be eaten digested When the body suffers, rational Ther purifv the stomach, and ive apparatus action. For Paint or Not I* a how worth more or leu feed? Hay ?nd nmtm m hip). I wait 'od?y and few 1 him f ThatlVhow men do a their honu and barns > Paint haa Been high for and ao they luye waltei" yet; they are Mill wai|T 'em are waitini?Sfor >air Th^J propertjyfops and the next WtXof creepe-up cree&-uifc ] palat by a Ballon a\ save a ceo/ and the pi suffering / , HeKinn Bros Co. It painting id fences, several years; Paint is high :; thousands of to fall. a trifle a year paint creeps -up it'll take more ?r; they don't Spcrtjr goes-on x DEVOl. To the PubUfcA I am a candidat\ forj/e nomination for County Commifciorfr ot FrAiklin county for one tercL/If y0u war* me vote for me, if not Jb n't, there will be ao hard feelings. / \ . ''/ Gfco. W. Brown. TO MT^ftflaNDS AMD VoTBES OP FraSkun County: \T I hereby annoufes nfrVelf a can didate for the offic?\f Sheriff of Frank lin county subject V^he vbte of the primary and conrentafn. If Ay friends want me as their cpt county officer they will have U>jf< v*at is done and I will appredafw ? tapir efforts. It, however, the jAjonty are with others than myself/1 will shake hands with the auccess/il one and wte for him aa ?f nothiag Mad happened! V. ?- T\'M. B?VE?. Administrator's Notice. Having quail lied ss administrator c. t. a. upon the estate of A H. Cooke, deceased, Iste of Franklin county, therein to satfefy all usraona having claims against\aid estate to present the same to the \ndejteigned on or be fore the 28th day df April, 1918, or this notice will be pleadlui bar of their re covery. AU personal indebted to said estate will pleaao/tnal\ immediate pay meat. This April 26. fcli. / 1 M. Cooke, Adm'r. cyt. a. of P. H.\^ooko, dec'd. 7 For Sale\ _ ? I will sell the following Machinery and tools at most reasonable pajces to quick purchaser for cat/ 1 elgttt-horse gasoline enginek 1 band saw, busi plan er, turning lath A shmgle saw, cut off saw. large grind yfone, all necessary tools for blackaomh and woodwork re pairing. and lojrof Viecessary material. Also a fine yenng lure colt 12 months old. The above canVbe seen at my Bhop at Bunn. tf. C. . \ / ~\ 8. B. Motrin. TEXAS WOMAN GETS REM] When the Doctor Failed Mrs. Moncifer, She Berselff Help Belton, Tex.-J from this pla ?ays: "I suffer troubles ever s manhood. Th< so I began Brat, I coul kept on taMng all my dmdful built up Tfy ays all surprised to obtains/ aa any/ letter written | Ethel Honcrlef "with womanly I lint entered wo loctors (ailed to help, Cardul. From the good results, and I It I waa relieved of ferine. Cardul has and my friends are - TJ the good results I Cardul \ls as good a doctor I Fo has un tro si Itl It nan ne lot praise more than _ m used sul ssary pains ties, such as ache, dragging acts as a geni tired, worn-out tether seriously and ailing, take islped a million 01 It can't be beat, too highly." a century, Cardul ?fully to prevent | jused by womanly :he, backache, itlons, etc. tonle, for UmJ, lanly systtoTj Ick, or simply "" lul. .era. It will help you, too. ^ "? B.?WriU to: L ???.? Advisory Dm.. . ?" MKt l> pUIb wn?e?. am hipimi Having i lug and p; ? city, most ex. -thoaewho-fcav, age during the \ Notice. my tailor to .another I tMBki to rpatroo > yean, ? k Yarbdiiouoh. ' STATE OF KOBTVf. CARQ DEPARTMENT oV STA Cebtipicatb or Fiung or ( Stockholdhs* to Diaaoy . To ALL to Whom Tuksw PbmentiI t Com*? Gmktisg WheWs, It appear* toiny utia fac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceed ings for the .voluntary dis solution thereof deposits? in my office, that the Dpuisbnrg Wagfn Company, a corporation of thia State, whoa* prin oipal office V situated ( ' burg, Coun\y of Fri , ? ? North Careliut, M. S. Davis. Secretary, being the agODt therein and in charge then of, upon Vhom procea* may be served, baa contpllsd/with the require ment! of Chaptij 21 ot the Reviaal of ion*,," and the , preliminary to the icate that such con entitled "Coi amendments issuing of this ci sent has been ft' Now, Therefi Secretary of Stmi Carolina , do ' said corpora' April 1912 flie li cuted and attes the dissolution ecuted bv morel terest of the which said the proceed] file in my said In Testimon set my hand at Kaleigh, W. Bryan Grimes, of (be State of North a7. ? th<lt ?he did. oX the 4 day of niy offlai a duly < 1 c onsen Hp writing to f said eorpVation, ex two-thikla the in stock holders \ thereof, cat* and the Aecord of foresaid are \ow on iMce as provided Br law. Whereof, I have hereto I ' affixed my officialY 4 diy April, A. D. Spa. | J.'Bbyan Grimes, Secretary df State.\ North Carolina, Franklin/ County? id the Superiir Court. R G. Altai, T. Lucy Ballard, NOT1CE OF SUMMONH To Lucy Bdlard, the d/fendant above | You 'Vill take notictf that an action entitled ks above has Been commenced in the aiperiar Oosrt of Franklin County, llerth Caroan, to quiet the title to s& certain tract er parcel ef land situate in the qbunty of Franklin, State of N< lands of W. River and ol fifty acres, wit: Begli H. Allen's corner for R. thence due down the mi black gum, W.1 said river; the H. Allen's lin< vou will Airthi purpose of suc| all adverae el said tract of lind, 1 right, .title oj inb aforesaid tradt of 1_ eluded of thelsame as y.ou are I "tierei at the term if the said countvjto be h Monday befjpre the September, 1912, at U>< said county In Louisbi answer or Amur to thl said action,!' when and ilff will apfly to the coi ief demanfled in the This March^9th, 1912. J.J. Clerk Superior Court; Fi W. H. Y AanoRouOR, Jh. Attornej for plaintiff. Those v?inting\ce for^Sundar will please leave orderVtjJ. "ft . King's store Saturday Jveningj^\Louisburg Ice Co ina, adjoining the ",*& G. Allen, Tar "ning by survey nded as follows, to a walnut tree in W. north to a pine, lien and Willie Gill; Tar River; thence of said river to a Allen's corner oi cut along said W. the beginning, and ,ke notice that the tion is to determine and to the afore if you claim any st in or to the id you will be pre less you appear, required to do, " nor Court of on the second t Monday in court house in , N. C-, and complaint in ere theplain for the t complaint .it Row, nklin Co. )R, E. M. ysi?ian and Louisbu1 Office next Day phone M RRY, urg/on Carolina cock Drujr Store Ni?ht Pnone 107 I 7tiW?ind8j ke^eting, Plats aftiEstiinates ?? B. B. Egerton Phone J. B. Jones, o; leave message with M. S. Davis. Going To Paint? If it's the house, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walls or anything else we will giikdly tell you what kind to use, quantity required, thf\ost, and how it should be applied. We have Paints, Enamels, Stains anc. any shabby swfiCe ? indoo] Glad to show colors ar decide to paint or not McKinne Bros. Co. Varnish or outd 1 offer advici for refinishing irs. ' i whether you Louisbute, N. C. For Sale by /M. F. HOUCK, Dmiisburg, N. C. z Jackson Louisburg, N. C. . Car Co. WestlNash Street Gasoline! Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline gasol: T gallon \ PICTURE FRAMES In connection repair busin I will make Will carry, a go< ' furniture and musical instrument ad 5, 10 and 25 cent store. ies~to order. oulding and will be glad to have your work. Lot E. ODOM, Spruill Building musical inst nents just arrived, (burg, IV. C. Court Street The Cil ? - i Hend Capital and Surplus Deposits $180,000.00 $600,000.00 What We Mean By ABSOLUTE SAH When this iWik says it gives its depositors absolute safety ani 4 per eent interest for their money, it mxans exactly what it says and does not use the words "merely because they sound im pressive. The deposits of this bank are protenfted by Cash Capital, .". $10", 000-00 ?, Surplus aftd Profits. ^ , /?0, 000.00 Stockholder^ Liabilities . . . . y 300,000.00 ?290,000.00 With " Increasing Years The duty of providing for thos^ tomes the m whom you must soon leave imperative. It will soon be too late, ^^egleet For full information ret see, R. P. TAYLO] _ Louist Office over C. T. S^kes store, W. H. Perry, Specia/ Agents, will be glad^ duties bring increased ang isliu I boar. ;The Mutual Life Policies, ? write. Hstrict Manager. NortBsParolina ?gurson and B. B. to answer any Protect Your Plant Beds by Buying Your From me. I ha^ both, quality and BRANTLI pi

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