At R.^ Egtrton's Underselling ^Cash Store I hav^in/ugtirated a bargmn counter on whjfch\the goods will be ^hanged each or every other dky, it will pe truly a profit sharing, economy counter. Before haying > single . aretide it Till pay to see the goods on this counter. They will be better good* and lees price than offered elsewhere An inspection will more<than prove my claim. My sales, for the first four months this yew hare more thandoabled the first fqar months of I have twide the Amount of ptock. I am selling as many or tnore ahoee and slippers than tormerly sold by F. N. Jfc R. Z. Egerton, \ (who did the ahoe business of tbe tewn) doiag a cash business at ainall Expense I not only can afford to sell at from 10 to 25 per cent leas than my old firm, (who sold ahe*p.) ba| I am Acl Doing it | The many saUsDadcust ing my atore duly J* and neighbors they - positive proof of this aq am going to ahare profit most desirable goods, a busy month of May I aij give von 45 inch hand voil flouncing worth $! ?100 value, 22 inchj flouncing lor 75 cents, aee for yoarself. 50c i embroidered flouncing tf counteryanea, full size ? terpane*,! 1-4 size tl.^ 15c colored car tain sw ooiored curtain ?wisa K k full line of up-to date white/ goods at a saving to you of from 2 1-2 to 10 eenta on every ysH. I have the largest variety of good shoe and slipper* m town and /you cant beat the price. Warner brothers W ajner the ideil sensible summer corset, because it is not boned with steel, therefore it doei not rust, it is also ffuaranteel* not to break or tear the; are the ill geat manufacturer* of coraets in tin world. Come to see me for what you want and I will save you money on e very dol- j lar spent with me. B. Z. Egerton SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson VI.? Second Quarter, For May 12, 1912. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text *f the Lam, Luke vl. *7 -Mi Rom. xiii, i-10 ? Memory Vartw, 17. 28? OeJdo* Text, Rom. xilt, 9 ? Com mentary Proparod by Rov. O. M. ?to. am*. The topic of this lesson la ' Lore." and tbe pattern la "tb? lore of God." At first sight tbe teaching U moat extraordinary and tbo practice .eeem lngly lmpoaalble and beyond all reason. Great grace might enable na*to love our enemies, do good to those who hate, us, bless those who curielmill laaj tor soch as despite fully use ua. but when it comes to ieudlng without hoping for a return, giving to every one that aska and letting^ jhe man that takes your cloak have your coat also U does look like a good time for tramps, impostors, thieves and robbers. We know that the righteoaa Lord loveth righteous ness. and anything unrighteous Ho would not do nor ask ua to do, so we must prayerfully wait upon Him for clearer light upon this teaching. Ac cording to verse 35 und Matt, v, 43, the object ia that wa may he mani festly "the children of the Highest," "the childrefi of our Father which Is in heaven." It la therefore not a matter of what Is expedient or ac cording to reason, but how can wa aa the children of Gad make people to kmow our Father. God. Re waa teach ing Hla disciples (vjrae 20). those who had received Him aa the Chrtat. the Son of God. and had left all to follow Him, those whom He waa to leave In the world In Hla atead, that becanae of them tbe world might believe and know the only living and true God and Jaaua Christ, whom He sent Into the world to manifest Him (John xtU. S, IX. 21. 23). It la truly a high. holy, heavenly calling to reprceaat God and Christ In the power of the Holy Spirit and be ao alive to their Interest* that we ahall be wholly dead to our own. The love of God and of Jaaua Clulst la the greatest thing we ever beard of. and there are no more ments concerning it than John UL 16; I John ill. 16. Put wttb these "God commendeth Ills love toward us In that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." "In thl? waa manifested tbe love of God toward us because that God sent Hla only begotten Son into, the world that we might live through Him." "He spared not Hla own Son. but delivered Him up for ua alL" "Christ lpved tbe church and pave Himself for It" The church of Goff which He hath purchased with His own blood." "The Son of God loved me and gave Him self for me" (Bom. v. 8: vlli, 32; I John lv. 9. 10; Eph. v. 25; Acts xx, 28; Gal. 1L 30). In the light of auch tremendous statements consider the treatment that He received when here in humiliation and even as He taught our lesson of today. - He waa In the world which He had made, hut It knew Him not; He came unto His owu special people Israel, bat they received Him not Their rulers bad no kind words or thoughts for Him. They aald that He had a devil and waa mad and that He deceived tbe people, and In their hatred they finally killed Him. accusing Him faiaely and giving Him no semblance of a fair trial (John 1. 10. 11; rli, U, SO; vlU. 62; xt 20). Trf pe bore It til patiently and did not talk back nor strike back, though Ha might have swept them off the earth with a look or a word, aa Ha will do at Si* coming In glory to set up Ilia king dom and share It with Hla own re deemed ones (Isa. xi. 4; II Theaa. 11. 8; Col. ill. 4; Rev.'UL 6ti. j Now, considering that by such lore and by the sacrifice of Himself He baa at snch Infinite coat and by such suffering, bearing our sins In His own body, ma derail who recelre Him chil dren of Ood and Joint heirs with Him self, partakers of His kingdom and glory, does it not look a good bit easier to lore, to bless, to help other* for His sake, to give, to land, to do good, hoping f?r nothing again, to serve those who cannot serve as in re turn? Do We not feel like saying as Mephlboslietli said of Ziba, "Tea. let him take an, forasmuch as my Lord the King is come agtla" (II Baic. xlx, 80). Our Lord never encouraged wrong doing, and we may be stnre that He would not have us do anything to en courage Injustice and oppression, theft or robbery or idleness or anything of the spirit tkst would wrongfully take the property of another. But He would bare us show in our dAlly life that we hare such treasure in ntmself and in His kingdom that we are ready to use all present thing* for the good of other* If only we may win thorn to Him. bearing meekly any laaa or cross for His sake. The Idve of Christ con ?tmlneth us to lire no longer onto our selves, but unto Him who disd for us and rose again (I Cor. r, 14. IS). Since Paul could take pleasure In lafirmltirs. . Is the beaylhg of. insults, to- dtstrssi, in persecutions, in grievous difficulties, for Christ's sake (II Cot xH, 10, Way mouth), the same gface Is at our dl posal, to enable n* to reckon all km a* mere refuse because of tbe priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesos is our Lord. Does It not seem a* If we could lend or give or go or beat any loss because of socb lore and bees a of His kingdom? Lst onr om ?nestU be "Lord, what wlH Tfcou have me t? do?" and our motto "Just to piss- ? Jesus" and w* shall n?t bs tpt elrfr ' to tran* glees or come shfcrt - Almost a Mitscle. One of the most startling "changes ever seen in any nan, according to W. B. Holsc!aw; OarendonTTe*.. was effected .years ago in his brother "He had sucHyi dreadful eouan, lie writes, "that alt aur family thafghr he was go ing into cdbsumptioajbut he began to use Dr. Kii|gs New Jftscovent, snd was completely lured bf ten buttles. Now be IS sound fed jri-'ll and/ weighs 218 pounds. Kor\?any yearsl our family has used thianwondarfuN remedy for coughs and c?lda\(Jth excellent reaulta It's quick, sale, relay* and guaranteed. Price 60 cjitita and 11^^ tjial bottle A Card. To my Friends, the Voters of. I have declared myself a candidate tor Treasurer, subject to thf approval ot tie party, and ask youfr support. I haill never before aaked for or held an once, I have nothing t d say against OT upUment, but lfr. J./ A. Thomas -died soon after he was elected, and Mr. Griffin was elected by the commisaioa ers, for Vis term, and ha was elected again twoVears ago, im has filled two terms, and \ think it mjmj time now, I know a ehlf hates tf . stop sucking, but sven fou\ years is M long time be tween calvee\ and it la time for a new one. He wji ttaft I am too old, and to make thV csmaitgn might kill me. I have alwfes Lxfen able to rise to every occasion, Vid do things while some others are ^hhktng about it. I have no Idea of dlei>&< never did such a thing in my life, ami it is the last thing I expect to do, myA?hlth is better than it has been in twafttr Vears, and I am as young as an^of ae other boys. Elect' me and I will msh you a faith ful officer, and can always be found. Go to the primaries and vote for me and I ass sare you wiQ never regret it. Truly your tnead, * . ? F, ?. Eoertos. Annoui ? ? A Cud. 1 hereby announce tUt am a can didate for offiyfe of Sheriff of Franklin county Bub jfet to the action ot Democratic Cofhfention and I ask the support o' the/atf rs ct the co un solicited by fri?( great desire on mi county in the legi nounce myself a a ?epresentative of ject to the Demac 1-6-12-tf iJo do soAnd with a art to represent my Ltuie, I hereby an tedate for the next awe tin courtty, eub Lic\onvention. A, B. Wester Anno I hereby announcl for the office of ton township subject1 the Demoeratic-prii candiate Frank lin the action of Announcemel With the greatest a| the ?b up port given in cratic ConvutMn (i ffated) I aga^a didate for the lln county subj primary and con ve: support of the vi gh being de ce myself a can I Sheriff of Frank - i the Democratic and I aak the ' the county. tniiy. * 3. Qjuuirs. ouncemi in of Frank To The V; I herel candidal* for tEi tives from Frankli predate your suppoi ing primary and Very Co 1 1 shall be a of Reprasenta itT and will ap thc approach on. ?y. L E. Thomas AnnpUnceiieat. To The Democratic Aiot?>ni of Frank- | ' ltn Couity: I take th&method lot notifying the Democrats of franklin County that I will be a candidate pr the nomination for the Legislator^ subject to the ac tion of the DemdfcfUic primary and convention to be/iekPUa*- 18th, 1912. Jab>i4 Turner. F, N. Ege lounce- 1 ment I announci myself as a Candidate for the office orTreaiurer of F.anklin coun ty, subjecUo thc< Denwcratic conven tion and primaries, t have worked for the succesrof the kmm -for years and have ncver\befo/e asked for or held an office ana pie have conflden ability, 1 ask the era of the county aq always be found a give satisfaction. that the peo I my integrity and ort of the vot electeiS I can endeavor to espectfu* F. N. ? nceme^t tic Voter/ of i To The Dernoc; Countv : I take this^nethod to tl ocratic party ^or thei) years ago, and wU> to. I will be a candidatr^or of County Treasure! subject-to the action . | primary and conrentioi I you only one term am" j officer is before you. vou faithfully and sh< nale me T promise to next two years as 1 lave I Aga'n thanking you for you? [tweyears and hopir* that or\ day of May vou wilil-ndorse my istration for the past two by i .. j voting roe wjth the nomination. I big to remain jfura very trul; 'aul B. Gil Franklin the Dem "upport two nouoce that I e nomination cceed myself, he Democratic I have served record aa an l\have served Id Vou renomi rve \>u for the I 1 18th ih>-J BEEF MARKET NEWS Send me your .order* for BEEF and PORK Jacob/ Spire The Sta-Kfleen Market Nash Street/ Phone 188 Speed William LouisbtirK, N. C. Correct Weight One Cash ! Quick SmallNProfits I F1 We noV have fresh fish every day aniWill ba glad for you to include \ ypur order some of the firt Fresh Meats of all Phone JCo. 187 Will be Jf led wii h a great many use: ul artic es that ey ery houa i-keeper will be glad to ge at a great bargain Everyl ody Invited to Call. Mrs. A. M. Haiti :r YOUR BEST GIRL Would be pleased to take a ride In one of the stylish, up to-date buggies carried in stock by us. "these buggies are sold especially reasonable and are exceptional bargains. See our line of harness, horses and mules before buying. FULLER & PERRY HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES! Try our syrups and molraes.' Pure home made apple vinegar. See us about cpuntay produce, fruits of all kinds ours truly, A. W. ^erry, Jr^ & Company SPECIAL 1\RAIN !"?? ' V|A \ ? - * Southern Railway V FRO^I^ r' Raleigh, Macon, Oa. On account aP^onfederate Veterans Reunion. Leave Raleigh \:30 p. m., Monday, May 6th., FOtfND\TRIP $8.50 This lufCi&l train is being operated for accomodation of veterana sod oth er?-/Train will consist of firat Vaei day coaches, also Pullman aleeping yf%. Tickets will be limited rerarnitig to leave Maoon, Ga-r on any regu lar train up to May 16th, or by deposition tioket with Special Agent at Macon, Ga., and paying fee of of M) cents final limit will be extended un t'l June 6th, 1912. Tiskets for thia\ occasion will permit of stop over at Atlanta, also other pointa returning.X For further detailed information ask our agent, or write \ J. 0. JONES, T. P. A., Raleigh, IT. C. THE Aycock Drug Company With 1 ? j. Q. L*. Aycocik And/ ??? / v S.'P. , Boddie Managers 'Need nointrodaotion to (be thoughtful public, &s [they Jhave served you long and faithfully, and yVnr /inter eat a are properly looked after and guarded by them. So bring your pre?cription work and let as anpply your every need in the medieine>Une, toilet articles, stationery, eta. AYC Mtv* Fqstus The Noted Cold D presides at our great icelesi aoda fountain and Fuller Dispenser always glad to serve you. \ I You have to have them ind yon should have the beat. Beware of all paolc te aeed that have not t e date 1912 printed on them. Remember pure have it We have the argeat atock and beet (election of aeed ever ahown n Louiaburg. Remen ber we gnarantee satisfaction in all we a?!l. So come to ua for all wan a in oor line. rour old friends, DRUG CO.

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