Beatiful ThiiW to Wear rVHY 1ft "HAY" 40 MERRY? BECAUSE SHE COME* Ck Ab IA ^LLURIAG WRM6T1MC COkOR*. TO &E H>iPBY, LIKE 7MY" l&, DO VH^T "hAY" aOC*--ftEjiUTirY YOURftEkr. >OUR STORE^^ffOV GkE^AA WITH feEVlUTlFUk THlrtGA T0WE.4R. JV? 1/iVlTE YOU TO COAE At\b SEE TH EA. VHEK YOU DO *0 YOU Vlkk fcUY, BECAUSE YOU Vlkk rirtD OUR ^TYkCft JlUTHEAtTlC Atib OUR PRICE* kOW TOR OUR HIGH QU^klTY, We Are Just hi Recent of a Large Shipment of Beaiftiful New Shapes In white and colors that we have put oir^ale at $1 , $y.25 and $1.50 each, these hats come in all |he best this seasons shapes and are worth double what we ask. . We also carry a large assortment of SAILORS in white, black and colors, all flowers, ornaments, etc., reduced. If you have not already bought your hat, it will be to your intere$^ tj> see what we show. 0 0 0 0 - SILK DRESS GOODS Our stock of dree* stlks n the largest in Louisburg, Comprising all the new patterns in spot proof Fou lards in stripe* and figured designs. Also oomplete ' line of yard vide memaline in all colors at 89c per yd. 24 Pieces of Foulard Silks This is a lot of oar best silks, worth 65c to 76c per yard, and in a splendid range of patterns. We offer these Silks while tbeylast at 49c per yard. Fall line of trimmings to match. Silk Mulls 30 pieces jilk moll in plain and figured designs, all new stock, especially nice for commencement dresses at 25 cents per yard. Linaire and Flaxon Lawns 32 Inch Wide These lawns are recognized as (he standard for bean ty of design and finish and are sold regularly at 26c per yard. By special purchase from mill we have securert two cases of these goods, 4,300 yards and offer while they last at 17 1 2_ cents per yard. We show also a complete line of vhite and colored lawns at TO and 12 1 2 cents per yard. Apron Ginghams 50 pieces apron ginghams, -sold elsewhere at 10c. * Our price 8c per yard with colors guaranteed fast to washing. 100 Pieces of Percales In light and medium colors, color warranted. Prices * 10, 12 1-2 and 15c per yard. ? Boys Knee Pants Fall line of sizes in serge, cheviots, etc., at 50c to 11.50 each. Bizet 5 Uf years. WHITE VOILES, COLORED TCH WIDE Oar stock of voiles is lompletdk in every particular, comprising all the ben/ shades, with a full assortment of embroidered voile iands to match. If you want the seasons newest fed, too wil\ buy voile. Our prioe range from I6f to 50 cents py yard. Parasols Every day brings Ja nearer to hot father and We have a stock of ppasol* to meet this\ We show a wide range of patterns in Pongee and c&ored silks at ?1 to 18.50 each, /lno a line of uhildrena forasols. Em 18 inch embro per yard; 27 in 98 cents per yi 98o to #1.48 and ecru at -oideries and LacesX tred flouncing at 15o tov25 cents embroidered flouncing a\ 39c to 1- 45 inch embroidered flouVcing at yard: 18 inch allover laceA white We show a complete line ofVllover embroideries ft 25c to 91 per yard, with edije and insertion to intch. In faot if yo? want just\what yoa want yom will And it in our stock. Curiam and Curtain Draperies . In this department we haye Some of the best vaV we have eje r shown. 35 pleees .figured, single I double bo/der, draping, regular prioe 35c, oar pr-, 19c per yird. 25 pieces white awiss cartain drape^ at 8 1 3 jttO and 12 1-2 cents. Kabo Cof-set8 These i lo.rsets are recognized is the but, we bavei them Wo fit all figures with a guarantee that they givel ?atiHf/stion. We show" atlThr H6W nrodtU In extra ' longAip cotsets. Prices range from il to >8.60 each LADIES READY MADE U1TDERWEAR Gowns Plain and embroidered styles with tuck*, ruffles and lace at 49c, 79o, 98c and 91.19. Skirts Walking lengths, plain and lace trimmed at 79c, 89o, >1.19 to >-2.19. Combinations Corset covers and drawers to made of nice quality nainsook and lingerie, an unusual offering 98c to 148 Corset Covers Marked speoial for Mar 18o to 48o eaoh Drawers Plain tuoked and lace effects. Three numbers 25c, 39c and 97 cents eaoh. Princess Slips Nicely trimmed and well made at 98c to $1.89 each Gause Vests and Union Suits We show a full assortment of these goods in regnlar and extra large sizsa. Vest* 10, 16 and 26c each. Wash Dress goods 160 pieoaa nress ginghams, colored warranted fast to washing at 10 cents per yard. Godman Oxfordl-and Pumps for LadieB Our assortment of ladiea oiforHa " p"mpa uid Sandals-is the largest in Louisburg. We carry these in gun metal, patent and vioi kid. Prices range from $1.26 to $2.26. Also large aasortmeat of child ren* and misses oxfords and pumps at 66? to $1.60 We propose to make MAY the busies^ month of our year and have\ marked goods lower than Jbuy same goods elsewhere. \ Ton are cordially invited to make oar store your headquarters whetUer to buy goods or meet your friends Sole Agents for GODMAN SHOES Sole Agents for KABO CORSETS