*? P. JOHNSON, EDITOR AND MANAGES SUBSCRIPTION SI. 00 PES YEA! LOUISBURG, W. C, FRIDAY JULY 19 1912 PROPOSED LEGISLATION BY THB NOBTH CAROLINA BAB ASSOCIATION . I i . 1 ?. Copies or Laws to B? Presented to the General Assembly Relative to Courts and Cues for Enactment Below we publish the report of the Special Committee of the North Caro lina Bar Association, on legialatioo, to gether with the full text of their pro-* posed chances in the lawa governing courts and oases, aad which was em ' dorsed by the association as s whole. The editor of the Tikbs is not enough familiar with Jaw aad legal proceeding to olftr comment upon the s*me,~ how ever the fact ef its originating hi so learned a body aa the North Carolina Bar Association, gives it credit in oar ?opinion. These' gentlemen have bees "up against" thus troobtes and wear* confident they are thoroughly capable of offering a remedy. Feeling thus we are satisfied it will be a wise and pro gressive more in this, one of the states most important, systems. The bills follows: The undersigned Special Committee, appointed by- the President, pursuant to resolutions passed at the last session of the Association, met a number of times in the city of Raleigh and care fully considered all the matters re ferred to the Committee, and begs leave to make the following report: 1. The Committee was instructed to _ prepare a tenative bill to be submitted v?o the legislature dividing the State into three circuits of eight judicial dis tricts each. This has been prepared and the same is hereto attached as a part of this report, marked "Bill No. a." The Confmittee did net deem it feasi ble to undertake to set forth they ooun ties which should be embraced within the several districts or to state the number of weeks of court needed for ?ach county. 2. The Committee was further di rected to prepare a tenative bill put ting the compensation of solicitors upon a aalary basis. This has beeo prepared and the same is hereto attached as a part of this report, marked "Bill No. 2." 8. The Committee was farther dU reeled W prepare a tenative bill amend ing the law governing the selection and challeging of Jurors. This has been prepared and the aame -is hereto at tached, marked "Bill No. S." 4. The Committee was further di rected to prepare a tenative bill amend ing the law so as to require the prompt filing of pleadings and so as to procure the speedy trial and final determina tion of causes. This has been prepared and the same is hereto attached, mark ed "Bill No. 4." Respectfully submitted, C. W. TttLBTT, Chairman, A. W. McLman, Secretary, Harby Skinnbr, -J. O. 3c ALBS. . Special Committee. BILL NO. 1. S*C. 1. ? That Section 1606, of the Revisal ol 1906, be stricken oat, and that the following be inserted in lied thereof : "A Superior Court shall be held b; a Judge thereof at the courthouse la eaeh county. The State shall be divided into three (8) Judicial Circuits, sad each of the said Ctrcnits shall be di vided into eight (8) Judicial Districts. All of the following counties shall be comprised In one Judicial District, to b? knowa as the "Eastern Judicial ?Circuit," and shall laelade the flnt eight Judicial Districts, vis: . Beaufort, Curritock, Camden, Pas quotank. Perquimans, Chowan, Gates, Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde. Due, Hal _4fax, Northampton, Warren, Bertie, Pander, Lenoir, Wayne, Hartford, Pitt, Crayen, Green, Carteret, Jones, Pam lico, yrnultlia, Wilaoa, Vanoe, gdge combs. Martin, Hash, Brunswick. New Hanover, Sampson, Onslow, Daplin. All the following Counties shall be comprised in one Judicial Ciremit, to be Known aa the "Csatral Jadieial Cir cuit," and shall include fruss the Ninth to the SiX????1> Jadieial Districts, la^ ?luMve, vis. ; Wake, Johnston, Harnett, Camber tend, Hoke, Riehmoad, Columbas, Robe-' son! Scotland Bladen, Montgomery, Union, Anson, Stanly, Moore, Lee, ?Chatham. Randolph, Alagauioa, Ouil. rford, Rockingham, Darbam. Qr?a rills. Orange, Person, Caswell, Forsyth, Sorry, Stole**. '? , All the following Counties (hall be comprised is on* Judicial Clrcdit, to b* kaown as th* "Western Judicial Clr *01111," and shall include from th* Sev enteenth to Twenty-fourth Judicial District*, inclusive, yis. : . Cherokee, Graham, Swain, Haywood Transylvania, Madison, Mitchell, Ruth erford, f Ashe, Alleghsny, Wautaugs, Avery, Burke, Cleveland, Gaston, Wilkae, Catawba, Alexander, Clay, Macon, Jackson, Henderson, Buncombe, Yancey, HoBowell, Polk, Caldwell, Linooln, K*ekl*ibur|, Iredell, Dayid eon, Da yie, Cabarrus, Yadkin, Rowan. SBC. 2. That Seetioa 1506. of .the Beviaal of 1906, be striekan oat, and the following Inserted in Ilea thereof: "The judge* of the Superior Courts shall bold the coorts of the several Judicial District^, In each Judicial Cir cuit, according to the fbUewihg order and system: ( The judges of the Superior Courts of the several Judicial Districts compris ing the Easton Judicial Circuit shall hold the courts of the several Jadicial Districts comprised in said Eastern Circuit successively, according to the following order and system: The judge of each Judicial District in cluded within the Eastern Jodioial Cir cuit shall hold the courts of the Fall Circuit for the year IMS, in the Dis trict ef which he is resident judge, and successively thereafter he shall bold the courts of the several Judicial Dis tricts in the Eastern Judicial Circuit in the order of their numbers, District Number One following District Num ber Eight. \ f.' 'j The judges of the Bupsrior Courts of the several Judicial Districts compris ing the Ceatral Judicial C rcuit shall hold the courts of the several Jodioial District* comprised in aaid Ceotn# Cir cuit successively, according to the fol lowing system: The judge of each Judicial District included within the Central Judicial Circuit shall hold the courts of the Fall Circuit for the year 1918; in the Dis trict of whioh he ia a resident judge, and suoceasively thereafter he shall hold the courts of tlje several Judicial Districts ia th* Centref Judicial Circuit la the order of their numbers. District NumW Nine following District Num ber Sixteen. The: judges of the Superior Courts of the Several Judicial Districts compris ing the Western Jadicial Circuit (hall held the' courts ef the several Judicial Districts comprised In said Western Circuit successively, acootding te the following order and system: The judge of each Judicial District incladed within the Western Judicial Circuit ;*hall ;hold the courts of the Fall Circuit for the year 1918, in the District ot which he Is resident judge, (Continued en Page Seven) ' They Had a Joy tide Messrs. F. J. Forbes and Leon Ran dolph have returned from a trip cover ing several days and taking in a num ber of towns. They left here on the third in Mr. Randolph's oar aad went via Tarboro, Whitakers and Littleton for Peascea Springs. They left Pana cea Springs Sunday and went on a tour to Henderson Raleigh and Smithfield and Wilson on the way back home. Mr. Forbes says they had a fine trip and saw some good country. The best roads traveled on were twenty miles through Franklin ooanty, where a splendid system of sand-elay roads have beea built. The most novel experience of the trip was when the ear got ditched and a yoke of oxen were secured to pull them oat As sooa aa the car was palled out, and before they could be unhitched from it, the' bovinea took a notion to run away and took the car whisilng down the road. It was a joy ride right.? Reflector. - * Mr Z. T. HcGhe# Dead On last Sunday morning at hia home near town Mr. Z. T. McGhee, was found dead in his bed, Mr. McGhee was M years old and leaves a wife aad four children, Hr. Robert L. McOhee, of Loaiaburg, Mrs. Lottie Morten- of Frank Unton, Miss Nolle McGhee, of Philadelphia, Pa., aad Miaa Ruth Mc Ghoe, of booisburg, also two brothers, Meaars. Henry aadThomaa McGhee, of this county, He retired on Saturday night apjarootly in aplewlid health. Ho had maay friends throughout the com ty who will learn of his death with much regret. The funeral *u bad from the resi dence on Monday evening, conducted by Be*. W. U. Gllmore, pastor of the Baptist church here and his remain* Were laid to rest in the cemetery in th? preeence of a p umber of rslatives and friends. The family haa the sympathy of this community. The City Water Superintendent B. C. Bock informs ua he, has all the additions to the water plant made and is only waiting for the setting of theeamsnt, etc., and will in mil probabOkj begin giving the con sumers water that is with oat queetioa , by Sunday night. Loultbursr Baptist Church -"A cold heart "and "what is the tan" will be in the theme* used in connection with the public worship Sunday 11 a.m. and 8:15 p. m. Sunday . aehool at 9:46 a. m. All an cordially invited. Lawn Party. There will be a lawn party at Cedar Kock Academy on Saturday night, July 20th. Refreshments will be (erred, the proceeds from which are to go to the church. The public is Invited, To Open Soon We were informed yesterday that th* furniture and fixtures had . been pur chased for the new drug store that will occupy the Burt building on Main street, and that as soon as they can be shipped in the new flpn will, begin bus iness. They expect to get opened up between the first and fifteenth of Au gU*tr " ~ 1 Military Boys Return Company D. Louisburg Rifle*, who hare been off on their annual encamp ment at 'Anniston, Ala., for ten days returned home Monday evening. The boys all say they enjoyed the trip but in eome Instances had quite a tough time. However they were look ing "hale and hearty" on their arrival. Appreciative At the teachers institute held here th* past two weeks the following reso lution was passed by the teacher* as sembled; "We the teaeh'ers of Franklin Coun ty laatitut* wish at this time to convey to Mr. Mills, Miss Arlington. Mrs. Cooke and Mr. White ' our sincere ap sreeiation of their earnest and Interest ed instruction daring this institute. We feel that because of their faithfulness we are better fitted for the work of the eomiag aeaaion. We also wish to thank the people of Louiabprg for their cor dial welcome and the many kindnesses they have jhown us during onr stay in their midst. And especially do we thank the ladies of the Civic League for the delightful recaption they gave US on Friday afternoon." Good Accounts Mr. S. J. Parham informs us hewiU again represent the large tobacco es tablishment of Liggett & Myers on the local market this Tear. This it one of the strongest of the tobaeoe maaa faetoriee and will no doubt instruct their buyer on this market to buy largely. Mr. Par ham will also bay for other accounts this fall and will be in position to bid on about all gTadee. He has leased the Ford warehouse on Nash street where he will conduct his re handling process. This will be glad tidings to the many tobacco raisers in Franklin and adleining counties as they knew Mr. Parham te be an excellent judge of the Weed and will have no fear ef their tobacco beiog sold nnder an improper grade. Breaks Jail. Ben Holden, colored, from near Yountrsville, who is awaiting trial at the next term ot court, decided Sunday he had been in jail long enough and proceeded to break his way oat that night. Hs, by some meana, succeed ed la pulling off the lasids of the eell ? piece of iron about 1 1-2 x 3-4 inches about S feet long and using this as a prise succeeded in breaking a hole in the side of the eell huge enough to get oat. He flrst tried to break out ef the build ing through the wall, btrt afterward sfaanged his 'mind. Hs broke out a paael in the door to the stairway aad went down stairs and secreted himself in the room uaed for * lock -op under the bed, expecting to get by the jailer the next morning and make his escape. Wolf and good enough the next morn ing Mr. B. H. Meadow*, who is looking after the Jail for jailor High, want in, but unfortunately fer the negro locked the ontalde gate. When he started up stairs he noticed the panel out of the door aad sospicioned something and at the same time the negro broke to run, with Meadows behind Mm. Seeing the gate fast he ran to the side of the jail a attempted to get away by getting between the wall and the house, partly climbing same, when Mr. Meadows ran close upon him aad throwing his gun upon the prisoner demanded that he latum, which the negro very wisely did. He wss soon locked up again in a etoouger cell and will no doubt remain , , , | 1 1 - ** Uitm curie r Lorimer Ousted 65 to 28 Washington. July IS. ? By a vote of ? to 28 the U. 8. Senate today unseat ed William Lorimer and held his elec tion invalid. The end of a long fight caaaa after six days of protracted debate in which Lorimer himself occupied the floor at three session, making an im passioned defense of his election. The final vote was on the reeolation by 8enator Lee, of Tennessee, declaring Lorimer's election by the Illinois Leg islature in 1909 invalid. The resolution carried with it a verdict that "corrupt methods and practices were employed in the election of William Lorimer. " The closing moments of the Lorimer trial were intensely dramatic. In his last defense Lorimer said he did net appeal for votes but for justice. When the votes was announced Lori mer rose slowly, walked towards the back of the Senate chamber and enter ed the doak room. Senator Smoot throwing his arm over his shoulder. By the vote today Lorimer passes out of ths records and never offlcally hela a sest in the Senate. In his closing sentences he expressed gratitude for tributes paid by Senator to his private life. He said that if at the beginning he had believed oae man had been bribed to vote for him he would have walked in and laid his res ignation on the Vice-President's table. ^ - State Farmers' Convention The Tenth Annual State Farmer' Convention will be held mt the A. A M. College, Raleigh, N. C., August ?7, 2S, and 29, 1912. The program is j.lmo?t complete and ipoUcers of nktlomiH imp utation hare been secured., Dr. C. G. Hopkins of the Illinois Ex periment Station, will discuss the use of rock phosphate as a fertilizer. Dr. Hopkins is considered the beat authori ty in the United States on this subject. Other speakers for the first day are Prof. C. L. Goodrich, Washington, D. C., on humus; E. O. Moss, of Gran ville county, on the quality as com pared with yield of tobacco; Prof. W. P. Massey, apestle of the cowpea; and Mr. Bradford Knspp, in charge of the demonstration work In the south. The second day Is lire stock day. Mr. C. L. Opperman and Mr. Helmer Rabild, of Washington, D, C., Mr. E. F). Moore, of Charlotte, will talk on subjects related to the production oT lire stock. Abo en this day the North Carolina Berkshire ? Breeders ' Associa tion will held their second annual sale of 60 pure berk shire hogs. The third day will be Eeonemic Day. Dr. J. L. Coulter of the Census Bureau will discuss Farmers' Co-operative So cieties; Mr. J. G. Brown, of Raleigh, of the banking system to the farmer; Mr. J. W. Bailey; of Raleigh, on the torrens system ef registering land titles. '? A special program is being prepared for women and will be announced later. For complete program or information, address I. O. Schattb, Secretary, West Raleigh, N. t). Reflection of a Baohelor Exception* can prove only 'ool rules. No nice girl will ever let a man kiss her after he has done it. ' A woman can look tan times cooler than she la and a man one hundred times warmer then he is. A house when . you Uve is always a good deal hitter in summer than it would be if yon didn't Uve in It. B?by-bye, ban's a fly; Let as swat him, yon and I. THE. MOTUtC PEOPLE " v ' THEIR MOVEBEHTS IN AHB OUT OF TOWM Those Who Hay* VUlted Lonla burr the Past Week? Thoee Who Have Gone BUewhere For Business of Pleasure. , Mr*. W. H. Ruffle to visiting in Ral eigh. Bar. B. W. B*iley left Saturday 'or a rtoit to Feqoay Springs. Mrs. J. J. Holme* aad children, an visiting relatlvea in Clarksvijle. Mr. A- W. Parson and wife are visit lag her people at MllliUa, Ala. IInui H. Isaacson and C. C. Hud* soa left Toosday for Baltimore. Mr. t. M. Efferton retnmed the past week from a rtoit te Serea Sprinxa. Mrs. C. H. Clay aad children left Tuesday to vtoit relative* Mar Oxford. Mra. Minnie X* William*, of Balti more, to viaiting Mra. Dr. A. H. Flem ing. Dr. J. E. Maloae left Tuesday an *n inapectien tour to Investigate city wattx 1 supplies. Mr. Matthew Champion and wife, ot Clayton, are visiting friends and rela tive* in tewn. Mr. & J. Macon and sl*ter, Mi** Mary Belle, left Wednesday for Linden to attend a houae party. Mrs. M. G. Taylor, and daughter, Mias Beasie, of Warrenton, are visiting at Dr. A. H. Fleming'*. _ Miss Walter Mamie Aycock. of War renton, 1* visiting at her uncle's, Mr. G. L. Aycock, this week. Dr. T. A, Matthew# and W. R. and L. R. Blackwell passed through town Monday for Panacea Spring*. Mra. B. F. Whiteside, who has been visiting at Mr. F. N. Egerton's, re turned to home at Wiison yesterday. Misses Sallie Charles and Elizabeth Cheatham, of Henderson, are visiting Masses Elfeanor and Camilla Yarborough. Metiers. Herbert Lowry, T. C. Jordan and ? Parrtoh. of Smith Sold, and ? NOTris. of Raleigh, visited Louisburg Wednesday. Mr. Malcolm McKinne *pent Sunday with his people in Johnston county. He brings good news about the crops in that section. Mrs. Florence Underhill and little son, Wingate, left yesterday to vtoit friends ^nd relatives at Raleigh and in Johnston county. Mr. J. L. Palmer accompanied Mr. V. C. Williams to Raleigh Saturday, where Mr. Williams entered Rex Hos pital for treatment. f . Mr. H. G. Mitchell, who to taking a course in pharmacy, left Tuesday for New Bene, where he will take a posi tion with the .Davis Pharmacy during the summer vacation. Mr*. J. J. Person, who has been at a hospital in Riehmoad for several weeks arrived home }ast aight. Her many friends in Louisburg will be glad to learn that she to rapidly recovering. Mr. S. C. Foster retained from Rich mead Saturday, where he went to ac company his brother Gerftge home, who had been successfully operated upon for appendicites. The maay friends of his brother will be glad to know he to rapidly recovering. Mr. A. J. J arm an. who has been lo cated at Pittsburg, Pa., for several years has returned te his native county (Franklin) te live, and will soake his future home with his ancle, Esq. R. 8. Foster, near Ingles ide. Mr. Jarman is familiarly known here as "Gnss."1 He to a brother of Misses Sadie and Lelia Jarman of this county. | $10,100 Raised for Local Ex penses . 1 The last quarterly report of the (take director! of the campaign againat hook worm disease showa that the names, poetoffice addresses, ages, etc., of 47, 908 persona whe bare been treated for hookworm disss se by the State Board of Health's representatives are on file In lalelffh. In addition .mora than 1300 general practicioaers representing ??erj county in the state hare Mat In written reports which are on die ef treating S3, 752 parsons for the di sease, leaking a. total to July 1, 1912 _.J V ' ' * ' j ?? ? of 81.668 treated persons. ( Forty-three counties have made Qpiall appropriations providing for the local express of free treatment 'or all In fected applicants, the s?m total of which (10,100. The count; free dis pensary campaigns are now in progress in Wilkee. Catawba, Jonas and Gaston counties. The work in Bnrke, Caldwell and 8urrr counties . is to opsa soon. Lincoln and Lee are the last two coun ties to prorlds for the raloable and pop ular fre^ treatment. t To Preaoh Funeral- '? '? We are requested to state that the ftmtoal sf Mr. J. H. Wester, deceased, will b* preached at Maple Springs Bap tist church on Sunday, July 38th? (fourth Sunday) byfcsv. G. M. DakaJ Maklnar Preparations. Messrs. P. 8. & K. K. Allen ons cf Louisburg's popular clothing houses, have leased the store roem hi the rear of their present busiasss and are busy fitting the same up for men's and boys' clothing room. They will do away with the door opening on Naah street and complete a solid glass front, and will cut a door through the rear end sf their present reom making the entrance frem Main street through the front room. This, so we are informed, is to prepare room tor the big Use of milli nery and ladies furnishing goods they expect to put in this tail. When com pleted they, will, no doubt, have a most convenient and roomy establishment. ? Reception A delightbful reception was given last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and lira. R. D. Pianell in honor o f Hiss Watson, of Raleigh, who was visiting her cousin, Miss Sallie * ill lama. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with potted plants. Dunne the evening music was ren dered by Misses Watson, Shearin, Wil liams and Collins. Among those that were present were Miss Watson, gueit ?f honor with Mr. Tolley Weldon, Miss Williaau with Mr. Norman Pin nell, Miss Shearia with Mr. John Beas ley, Miss Ethel Collins with Mr. Willie Wilson, Miss Collins with Mr. Fisher Beaalev, Miss Weldon with Mr'. Harvey Pianell. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Finnlll. The Woman'* Foreign Mission Study Circle. The Woman's Foreign Mission Studv Circle meVon Monday afternoon at fonr-thirty with Miss Irey Allen at the College. The meeting was conducted by the President, Mra. R. W. Bailey. The subject for the afternoon ?u, ."The five forms of Mission Worlr." There were only three forms discussed at this meeting. 1. The Evangelistic work. 2. The Educational and 3. The Medical work. It was decided that we have a debate but on accouat of the extreme warm weather, it wa? postponed until an other time. The lesson was much dis cussed by those present and enjoyed by all. After refreshments were served the meeting adjourned. The n?*t meeting will be held with Mrs.' 8. 3. Meadows. Gaiilng Popularity The special season sales which have been instituted in Looiaburg by the Candler-Crowell Co., are fast gaining popularity as has been evidenced ia the pre-inventory sale now going on at this popular establishment. The sale was begun on the 9th and will close tomor row, during thia time many of our ladies have taken advantage of the ex ceptional bargains offered. A visit to their stere explained in a measure the reasen of their favor among the ladles in two Important facta? the display, which waa the very mecca of taet* and attractiveness, and the prieaa, which were the ever ready salesman. Aa thia sale eloaes tomorrow night those of our ladies whe have not visiting this store during same, had batter call In and sea for theawetoaa what these young asen are offering the public la this community. Read their advertise ment In another column. A man can

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