FRANKLINTON NEWS ITEMS , - ' '? ; ' " ,,j. ? ? Our Regwiar Correspondent Items of Interest Gathered From in and Near Our Sister Town Cadi Week ? ? = CLOSES ON WEDNESDAY ?Re*. W. W. Rose is holding a meeting at Trinity " Church this wsek. ? A lodge of "Patriotic Sooa" of America WkS organized here Tuea day. . 7^':."' ? Mra. A, L. Allen *nd Worth, spent several dsys in Raleigh thu week. ? Mr. Henry Speed, of Louishurg, and Mi?s Mat He Speed, of Durham, wer6 Jiarripd laf-t Sunday. . ? Paul Finlavson, of the S.-A. L. railway Telegraph Company, ia at Kittiell this week. ? We hare %een informed that the elictrio lights will be turned on about Saturday August^ rd. ? Lsffie Boy kin returned from Norfolk Tuesday where he has been a "spare hand" in the Southern Ex press Co., offioe. ? The "Tennis" court seems to be the most popular resort these hot ' days, after old "bol" gets bis face be hind the trees in the west. ? Conductor Kirkpatrick filled the place as eo ltd actor on the Louiaburg train daring the abeense of Conduc tor Finlator. Mr. Finlator returned and resumed his runs Tueeday. ?The Farmers Institute wss held so the Mayors office Tueeday to a very small crowd. The talk was mostly on small scresgs and im proved faraa labor saving machinery etc. ? We saw a waterraelen at the Sterling Store Tuesday which "tipped" the ecalee at 80 pouuds. It wss sold for 40 cents with the un derstanding that the^ped be brought *>ack. ? The bread contest which was held this wsek resulted in the prize being won by Miss Annie Msy Wil dsr, daughter of Mr. Reuben Wil der of near town. The prize was one dollar for the beet loaf. ? The Popes chapel meeting- will commence Sunday. This church and Wesley Chapel Methodist church will hold their meeting* together. Rev. Mr. Patton, Pastor of Popes, i and Rev. W. W. Rose, Pastor oil Wesley Chapel, will conduct ' the meeting. ? The S. A. L. painting crew are the atation inside and outside, wbicb is an improvement long needed. It adds a brightness to the looks and Will be appreciated by the patrons of the road, as the old "dingy" wall* bad been for a long time much in need of a little brightening up. is doe to Panonala Miss Miry Mitchiner ana Mr. Howard Mitahell are visitors at Mr. G. L. Whitfield's. Mr. R. I. Guptoo, of Clayton, ? former resident ot our town, was a visitor hers Sunday. Miss Helsie Dickson, ot Maabetfa City, is visiting Miss ?tao* Ward Misses Kittle Foster and Kate Wort ham are visiting at InglsskU. Mr. J. F. Moss, a former reaideot ot oar town but bow of Osedmoor, is visiting friends in the city. ?* Mlases Kate and Msttie tod Mr. W. J. Ballard an touring tbe west ern part ot the state. Mrs. G. p. Parry, ot Zsbolon, mother oi Mr. A. O. Parry and Mrs. mfkt BttrMfc, Ataria -in-law from Bennetts Tills, S. C-, spent the day Mom.' ay with Mr. and lire. A. O. Perry Mrs. J. T. Rogers acd children, of Durham, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. n. McQhee. Maj. T. J. Winston, of Durham, brother of Mrs. R. O. Pernell, is spending a few days on a "Rest up," with his sister aud friends la Frank lintoti. ^ Mrs. H. O. Scott and daughter, Mrs. Norman and MaWter Scott, of New York' City, came in Tuesday, and are stepping at the hotel. Their many friends will be glad to see Col. W. L, McGhee returned from Morehead Sunday, where be had been for ten days with the 1st Reg iment N. C. N. 6. as Superintendent of the Rifle Range. The Colonel ?ays bis trip was pleaant as well as profitable and he had ? good time and plenty hard .work. ?Weri all medicines as meritorious Chamberlain's Cobe, ChaMfa and Diarrhoea Remedy the wofld would be much batter aff aad the ^percentage 0f snfTeriat |xnl> demeaed," writes Lindsay Scott, \f""Templ?, Ind. For sale by all druirflW KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. HealtK la Worth Sarins:, and ? Loulsburs People to Ksow How Save It. nitburg people take their ie)r handf by when I hey know these help. Sick kidbeys are for a raat amount of But tering and ill health, bnt there is no need to eufcer nor to rem^n in dan ger. Use t>uan's Kidney Pills ? a remedy thaqhas cured ijousands of kidney suite The follow) int leaves no ) ground for M. V. Flemikg Stuti, N. C.,j says: "KidneyV Je caused me no enl of suEfetq When 1 lifted ot stooptd, I had p twinges in ached intense ly, was lan otten noticed is contained of six boxes ,aly Chamber a day and mas at each ap quick relief. One of that with is lame Iain's Liniment sage the plication For tale TIMELY WARNING . \ TO CALOMEL USEES Calomel to i Form of Mercury and if li SUjra In tin Hu man Sfgtom, It? ESect to Tdprlbl* J Art Mr. W. 8. C Mar FWmiu, Chambarlalna , arrhcx* Rh Wan yaara, i baan ti? ptoaaura 1 by all t J,t ? ? Uk?a For iala The mad oral 'hip *f*> mm time required bj meeting of the g 1st Saturday {a failing to do thj tba grand jua? hrw ??/T?rrit town Ik tg^work the fall aYAfore the nazt Miaon which U the V*. ' Any overseer willVbe reported to B. K i n\ Chairman, F. W. J Ubtim, Secretary WANTED r- P. small salary but ( good deal of a* once. Apply i Hinton, ille, N. a Notice. ' Having qualified aa administrator ol Robert F, Leonard, daoeaaed, /ate Of t'TTOk.^n county, this is to notify all porti^rSmlding claims a^aiiyt his es tate to prem?(tha same to nfe for pay ment onor ttha July 9fb, 1913, or this notice will be^Hqnd ip bar of their recovery. All paraoeSMBKine said es tate will come forwafa^xT pay the same at once. Thi? Jraly 5tff)>J91i. T. A. ?OLUNGSWOnKH, / Administrator. Louisburg i on any job Work Ohiaikoteedt Call or write wl'ai in noe&jjr anything in my line. We bare again form ship in the barbers make every thing to ?emenca. We hare is a guarantee that to jrait so long.' grye us a call. ZOLLDE WILKINS OSCAR STEGALL make see that TH I Mil uow^prepar?d to/ farnhh the people of LoaiaVorK u>d Franklin o?*nty fr?ah loa f bread TO MISS SEEING OUR NICE AND COMPLETE LUTE OF . - , wv f i Furnitur^ and/ House Furnishings We have -had ar number of years experience in thi work and feel s^fe in saying that our present stock is on of the most uprto*late and best values that has beei shown in Franklin. county in many years. We have the Celebrated Schulz Pianos in stock wher you can examine/ them if you are contemplating the puij chase of a high nrade instrument at a reasonable price. Our Undertaking Department receives our special attention at all times and should yoi need anything in this line or our services, we will give yoi the best attention to be had in this section. RemeWber when in Louisburg to call at our store an<{ make your self at home. \ W. E. WHITE FURNITURE CO LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA We have opened op a general more next to the Farmer* and Merchants Bank, where we propose to earfy a complete line of general merchandise, he?vy groceries and general /farm supplies. We also carry Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats \ and Sjnoes We are looking tor a car, eaab, of lime and cement next week We carry all kinds of .agricultural implements, disc harrows, smoothing hair owe, mowers, rakes, gasoline ' engines, wood saws, pumps, barbed wife, fence wire, nail*. ^ ? Moyer buggies, Peter* buggme, Dixie girl buggies, Baltimore bag gies; the largest stock carlfed is the -county. Carriages, sorties, harness. Tii.7-. . / /"ic" (JiTl Yj and High Harness WAGONS ? Hickory wagon* Viedmont wagone, Thornhill wagons, Colombia wagons, Webber wakens and all steel wagon*; no wood about it. We sell oa time and injustice, to ou^ oustoraers, (jostioe the greatest, and rarest o t virtues.) We do oof sell pn\ credit unless your name is regis tsred on oar books, or have to* general \epuUtion of a debt paying man before the war, that is to say registered cta&s tbe tax books under the "Grand father Clause," gitirfc to tax ovsi^ vour exemption. ]t matter* not what yo? want nor whel 70a want it flqr when you want to pay for it, ooms In and I'll make yen s prioe. WiVio would lend a little money to pfospsedv* eus token. Our hat la iftvfbe ring, not In tbe dirty gams o t polities, but U self good on time. N. Ho Goods Delivered in To> Farmers, maks our store and stables your bead-quarters when you ootne to ^own. j . ntnal *di batnoBn aoltaoJo* b \o aaoiiJlm Or ?t?q iCtfloe erl t *a b?i??d , Ln*J ?ui aoi bmin%ai wrnmm