*pl. xui. mwm ? . ? ra?HKUN 8UI"R OOUBTl COMVIVBO 0* MONDAY MORH me Hob R B. Judfi Prt* aldinsr ? Many Cum Dte poiad of ? Bxtrm ,Ur*?| Doakct Tht Auguat torn *?Fr*nkllnSop*r-| tor court for the trial of febnlnal can** only, c?nv?Bed In tb* e#ort h*na* Moo day morning with H.m- B. B. P*bU.,| i?dp praakBag. waa poMlblj the number of year* and *? axceptloaal akin In i D?l lloog. Thills J1 oadrieH Hia chug* wm * P*U*dM an* ud w 'be?rtWT??,Tof wpMpI*. Solid! ?- 0. Allabrook wm pvoaptl y on hand and ibly d*tadad th* ????*? tataraat*. -Aft*r the Jodg** chart* Mm following wne <k*e*a u griad Jntys F. B. MeKlnne, forwnafc, K. W. WO M?y, Allen Thomaa, BL ftff&M,' p. J. Burnetta, B. K. L. TonB?fw. R. B. Harris. J. B. Wildar, W. a BnMdoU, O. L. Pallor. A. W. H. Arnold. S. R. Boon, 11. C. WUdor, A. T. Bedding fi?ld. 8. I. Alford waa mad* ofloar to grand jury. Th* following caaea w***th?a tak?* ?p ud diapoaad of: * I Stat* T*. T. M. Q op too and Waah P. ' Leonard affray aol pro* with leaT*. Stat* n J. H. Pearco, aaaaalangktar, contiauod on accoaat atcknwa of de fendant'* mother. Stat* r? Jo* D. Pargmeoe, retailing, ?eon ti need undar format ord*r. Stato va Jim Priyott, e. e. w., not ?proa with lean. . <un?j. g S~x 1 a ' -I SUte t? F. W. Rollins, larceney ,pro? with leave. sute -r. Clauds Eaton, continued ?der former order. SUU n Alien Upehurch. nol withleare. Stata n Van* BmHi* c. c. w? gt plea* ruilty. oo mil. State r? Dtftar Haekady, teroanf, pleadi gulltaNpix montka oo roada. Slat* - A< Rotibini aad Albert ' Robkini, iIbm M??olt. jodkaMntsus .pesrfed -M* Wgwtol oow. SUU Tl J. B. T^orto*, ?oliciUB* in ?araBce without .lioenie, guilty, fined 420* and casta. SUU ? Louis Hinton, a. d. y,., pleadi guilty, throe months oa roads. SUte t* LeoU Hlttton, aeaanlt, pleadi gmilty.aix mouths oti roada. SUU ts Andrew Csodell, e. e. w., ipleadi tuilty. sis months On rosds. SUU ? Andrsw Csodell, disturbing pub lie wemhip, guilty, judgment M? ipenad upoa payment of oosU. SUU TS Elbert Parry, burglary is ?day ti?e. gulhy. two years on lands. SUU ts Alex aad Vara Sstterwhlte, defendanU to ssryd ftnssr lantonm of of 90 dsys esch on roada. 8UU Lerl Alton, resisting sn offleor. not guilty. SUU TS OsMgo Arriagtta, Arthur Arlington and Teas C. Wilson. affrsy, guiltj a? to WMaon, not guilty as to Oeorgs sad Arthur Arlington. SUU r? J. J. Wheeler continued. 8uu T? Bud ysgrsncy, guilty thirty days on nods, appeal. SUU Ti Willie Harris, e e w, pleads guilty, tlaed 180 aad eoau. ? aute Ti James Wright, ? c w, pleada guilty. Judgment saapendad upon Ua good beharier aad payment of soaU. SUU n P?tor Hieks aad Laeiua tl ranch, larceny, pleads guilty, judg Biel? aujpended upoa good behavior aad payment of ceeta. SUU v? Chsrhs Brodie, breaking la loau in d?y ????? J"* gailty. SUt' '? <*???* Brodie and WlD? . J(eKnight, affray, guilty as to Brodls. not guilty sa to MeJCnight, judgment alz months oa ronda for Brodie. SUU v? Geo. Duaaton, larceny, gsil ^iuu rrZ^irSSdsrtoa and Ssllie J ? Th? mcid of honor war* * to dreee .of white embroidery a*d tad carried golden rod and femt. Tb? groom with hit beat man, P. -Pi Paratll of, Charlotte, each wearing a ?ait of black with white (lore*, ad* vtactd dowa tbt right title tad net the bride at tbe altar. - The f?w ud solemn words that tha bonds of wedlock ware spoken by Bar. Mack Stamps, patter of the ou tracting partita, in! hit usual impressive At the close of the oerstnoay ?oft, melodious harmony of " the dkgaa I was quickened Into the thrilling march | 1 and beet wiahee of the mtny friends (he bridal party returned to Mr, Wilder'*, where an informal reeeptloc wu given Kate wat the daughter, of th Mrs. J. H. Wilder.' She waa a girl ef a aw* wj noble character, a lowly die potition, and waa bail in high tateem by all who knew her. All the femi. nine virtues reached, a? high a degree of perfection in "her at they hart ever done eltewhere. Boy wat the ton eSt Mr. and Kn, R. 0. PetnaU. He it a young man of sterling worth and integrity. . ^ ( Mr. and lira. Pemell both hart hoeta of friends who will regret to loee them frem their Juvenile number, but will be glad to know tbtt Mr. Pemall it a tocoaatful farmer anil will oak* hit homo in the tame community in which they lived. The high eeteem In which tha TO QUITE A HUMES IK LO *?*:? y bow. " ' , . V : ^.3 ' Dnrlnr ?<?>? ' if Court W? lntr*d?0?d br *f City Fathers" M?tt the^Hoii?T/W^Hcllett^ill apeak at Dickens Store, Thursday, Sep tember 5th,?i 12 o' clock. >v Let Cfybodr^f ygt andfeearthe po iMIMM by ; oat el the(*ta|^-4ft? speakers. T, v f :? -WLWE, OH*'!!, of the Democratic Ex. Com. J. A. TUR1TER, S V ' raoort of pot; patriotic <mn\cm Dm thk Ud bad-whart ta hU df^Muu at the fliMtiW of hi. oiamwtm; He becaa tha practise of tWtaw aiter the nrudmo bNwi Mm! (a that branch of eerricee to U? pwph, br this is a terrlee to tha people aa4 a M lawyer U a qoaaUpablic ?Soar. He wu appointed to the Superior Coartboech in 1865, ? lac tod to tha beach afafc br Dm people ia 18M and served there until Nor. 1888 whea his etrvkaa la that, one of tha Meat Irapor taat offlcaa in on government called t2r?2pw^2aS^t h*: matrix elected to the fepram too* ?r too pcapli. At Mm end of that term la 1804 ly aoaaiaatad, by hla party, tha Demo cratic party? I be* to ank thla? ha wianhilidtythaDteotiallc party ? tapt to marked waa hi* high order of wmeHom that tha oppoaiag parties, tha PapaMat yd tha RapohHfn. aat only did not nominate oppoaanta to him bat In ippreciatiea of hla great aarrtea* to tha ctata thfy. eodoraed him. Ha la therefore oatqna la that ha I* tha oaa of tha many f aw mum whom la' North Carolina kave baaa voted lor by erery man rosardleae of patty' afflliatloM and wtlhaat losing the ooafldaaoa of hla partisan following. Tbeoe an the 1*ld facta- the dotal la of thle remarkable incidents in, hjs life I will aak him to eay when be addreaaaa you. His party, Mtthaoflaa of Chlaf Justice af tha State ialWt, thoa evidencing Ueir eoo fldaace la him. Ha re elected (? I ? ^ e*aA _ e .a . . . e.a . . Il 1(1 tWa hLl 2*1 VumT' hTWci' itT Bat my fde^afteTltU w ? ? - ? ' It ?u nM tiat *? orjl?r MM bT Mr. R. B. Whit* for tin Mtato of Um WU J. X-TImmi bt vithdniniud ?ovaul walkr cm twuid laatwd. . Ob atotioo tba tax lory waa mad* u fallows: Ganera) fund Me Spaetal Wartor Wortca Boada BOe Spaalal Maetete Ll*ht Bond* ,10e Poll tax t*.**.. W. B*4*oa waa THE MOVING > PEOPLE THEIR MQVBIBMTS IH AMD ^ OOT OF TQW1 Those Who Have Visited touls bnrg the Past WMk-r-Thoss Who Bin Gone Elsewhere For Basinets or Pleasure. ; Mi. Durham Taylor, of Dunn, was * rtatot to Looiabarv th? put weak, gneat of Mr. C. W. High. Mas Cbluaibia Cnuhip, ofFartMoot^ a? irj, M. .Ti, la viatttar baa paapto in and near town. She has a boatof friauib ban who ara al wa ja daHxhUd to sea her. Supt W. R. Mills refcuroe* borne Saturday after a Tlait io hie people ia Virginia. V Mr. M. K. Fleaeanta sad wife are riaiting hla people here. Dr. H. A. Hawaii left Saturday night to aeeoMpanjr Mr. X. J. Newell, wbe received en ugly cut ?a the knee ima the fiviaf away of the bottom of a bath tub, to a hospital in Xiehmood for treat ?"?t. ' ' Miaa Alba Alias ia risitimf at 8a hida. ? Meesrs, A. B, Parry and W. N. Ful ler, Jr., left Toeeday to Ufce in the ex curaioa la Atlas tie City. . Mr. Eboo Gnptaa, of Saranash, Qa., rial tad hie anele, Mr. E. M. Gupton, ?ear Laarel, the paat week. Meesrs. 8, J. Parham, E. S. Ford. S. S. M?adeva. B. N. Williamion aad B. T . Bailey attended tba opeaing sale of tobeeeo at Xoeky Meunt Tceaday.' Mr. H. L. Davie returned tba paat weak from a trip to Oxford. 'Mr. E. G. Persoe, of Macao, 6a., U visiting hi? people her#. Mr. A. S. Reavis and tolly, of Waahiagton, D. a, are visitiag kia brother, Mr. P. A. Rearia. Miae Meade Hick, returned Tneaday fro" Cohtrabia Unirerslty. Mow York City. , Miaaae Loey, Willie and Hattje Haod at>d Cam Oevtngtoo, of SmHhflaM. an Mrx. i. A. Joa?a aad M m Qu i **" Mr^i^Coike artlfaa. ofB HUU) are visiting relativea in town. '' - Mr. H. Yerhy, of tiia Stat* In PapMjaaant, of Kalafch. wee is. ft. G. Hicka left faainlaf tor ~i *. ^ -v u* ? ? ' r * ' _? ' ' ? ?*. F. N, ggerton and wife aad n ey <* ,, . e| I.,, l.Atr. *- - ? a- , *?.?? ffwWfi Wlt OtTt DMQ st nm> oen Springe the peat week here re turned heme. ? ' fy ' Aanif the vieitlng attoraeya ia at tendance upon cowrt thia week erore Maaan. F. 3.' Bpruill, of Rocky Mount. Andrew Harrie of Hendetaoa, and Maj. Guthrie, ef Durham. Mrs. G. L. Crowell returned thepaa* week fro? a visit to her nether in Mr. B. BaU loft yeaterday for North Harlow te vieit hia people. Mn. Walter M-Oibeoro and little ana left Wedneeday to yiait frtenda aad relatives at Dunn aad F nqoay 'Springe. The PtaMBt Outbreak of tha Pall Army Worm and Baoom mandatlons for (ta Control * ? ? ? t'i' /. '*?* The Departaent ef Agricalture la using all the meant at ita diepoeal to meet the inirgieiy oaaeadhv ta? very rreat destruction ef crone fa the South by the fall amy worm. Thia'inaect la Louisiana and Arkaneaa eastward to the AUaatic Ocean, aad- la deatroying com, cotton, rag* r cane, ilea, aad other orope to aaeh an extent aa to can great anxiety on the part ef planters and others By meana of an emergency appropriation by Congi-ees it is poeeihle Mr the department to render quick aa Plana for thia work, in cooperation with the statee eoaeeraed, are being rapidly perfected. The inaoct wlil i doubtedljr continue ita ravagea for ao tine aaleea checked. In all probaUlty anrtllitr bcoed wiU appear after the (attent ate tranaforaae 1a the greund. For thaae reeaona Immediate action to ward daatroyiag the wanna is itronglr adviaed. ' - Tbe department reoommende the oaa ef a r eerie a la. Among thaeeare aikee ate of lead, Pafia green ? aa* London * -ort. ? ? to apply theee poiaena ha L_ , iatd?f?Ww??r. Dry ?p can be mtjjHky aifting the pc Araaaata it lead la powdered form U recommended kho?e all. other araeaicala b?>IM It ftfll n.t injur* tlM foliage of aay ofth? field crop, grown ia the 8eatfc. It lur be applied withoot the addition of akf esnint. Paris gim la naxt la affee ttr*na?. tat .hould bo mixad wltt its weight of air alake lima or floor to pre rent boraiac ot tho ?3* yr? r7Ktt? i ? ? - ? * ?j "JvamU *- ?? ** * : *l _s? ffwfwO^IO VWUf . aUked lla*-?r floor, aa nrnmiandod m the ea*a ot Paria freen. Wherever it I. faaaibla to ttaa Uqald ipraya. araen art of lead la powdered form should bo oaed at the rata of t |*wk par banal of *atfcr. It la bert ia aaaa Paris *reea U aaSd in thla way to add 9 pooodi of freshly alakoa lima M prevent borafac . JfMWfar or liquid ptaparatiaaa are used It is extremely important that the ?HflOtfon* be made with thor oogkMM. Ia the case of corn, soma ef Oa fota*e erop? and others is the eaaa of wUoh uafortaaate raealta might follow tha uae of arsaaisala, other* expedients most be adopted. Id paa tares aad ia aoma laataneaa an alfalfa uav of tha wanna caa hade atroyad by the m* of rollara or dksxa. In alfalfa that would bo iajar^ by rollisg ?? arsging, the planta ahoold bo eat f air kfcy. Whoa tha wenas are fortod frasa the field, by thia naaaa. ?*a#y ??4 be killed by mean, of *a?e or by Hawing them under whea they ?jib* their way to other flekl?. Im mediately after eattififf. alfalfa fields ahoald be thoroughly diaked. TMa will kill ma?y Of-tbe woraaa before they 'eaa leave tad will break up eadMsSroy the Sd S5^S?7' ** ? asfrttra ??5??,. bo?a feada. is of Importance aaxt to the Ml nf rfisiinihsh In check) ?* the peet*. ia faet, in MVoua it la by lb* the ?oet sCecttya mean* . that pan be fol ?*(*?4' be f t - , Tor fields threatened with insa-ion iircumfereaee ef tbb Held; ia to this the caterpillars will 1*11, when they mar be :$n shed by drag*ia? a heavy log through the furrow. It tbc soil is pash u tpbe eomewhatlmperrioue to water tkls farrow may be kept partly- Ailed snrfMe ?< wMch ? , of keroeene may be poared. Wbleh will kill tha worms al ?Mat immediately wMa they come into opatact with (t. Since the worma Mam lnyarlably to e<msoR>ethe gl?M ?nd other regafntloa (rrowing in fields. before attacking either oorn or cotton. It ahoald prove en important method el protection to spray qr4Mtjpaaa and weede In corn flelde threatened wit! attack with ar senate of toad according to thbinalhoda advised above. ' Throughout tha greater of tha Sooth there iallkely to be another dee tractive brood of the army woo* which, will come from the traaefonsatioa of tha praacot generation la tha aoil. There to nay effort should ha made to bra* ap tha papals ceils. ',M that the neat blood will Mt app?r, This can bo accomplished by tha ase of plows, cultivators had harrows. ^Thererer any crop which can be tilled has baaa injured by tha Jail army worm it is ad vised that further injury be prevented by th#uae of cnltivatolb and barrows. Much (rood can sleo bo accomplished by plowing fields or portlona of fields where ail of the crop baa baaa destroyed. Tha treatmeat of bare places sboat culti vated fields hi this way will be of as aial^Me; ? (> ?; . To tumiahrise tha situation, the de partment recommends the speedy ap plication of arsenical poiaona and tha work in* of 'the ground wbeMver prac tical , ifc order to prevoat further as Sfa. Warning? Great care ahoaid be taken that cattle and other stock are kept Awn pacta* ac hi the flalds wheaa tha graaa or otbar crape have baaa poiten ed with arsealcals; also, that palaoasd plants are not fed to stock. Vft fr ? | *"? > WitcoM, C July %

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