rgprt Wnftft mf. VOL. XLU AOQDST SO 19 IX THE LOUISBUHtG MAtiKETI CBLEIB4TID PI* FORMAL | OPIKIMa TUTVBDAT. Ute Aaf Tha PriM* Wart Bxeaptloaally Good P*r the first. etaated at I , to Mt Oka fitO of the yaar i what the wiii which contiaoed through the night, and aarljr yeete iday began to eomt is knNt Muibfn, Tba floeca of both filled and whan aoandtd gaod te the i what it toaaaa to o?r i in* of thai and Bailor, vaa I of bettor tianea. The flrat Mia vaa bad I at the fuaaa and the amilee of tho| clerer proprietor lan* to the bnyera and tha aeeoodMht which waa at the Kiveraide, | waa alio aa iaeplretVra and Ma Ford aad VUUasaaaa nude thomealrea | conspicuooa In laokjag after thair tomora. faa tha ? yTurka'of tha ftraA tha ffftcea were apleadtd, area aon than waa expected and they woro all (lad that thar were how. Has; yiaitlag fannera were on tha Market and wero lood in thair praiaa of tho Loaiebarg Market Tha braak waa great deal lugar than waa expeetd. The hoyara ?i???it wore aa followa: Ueanra. 3. T. Wilder, for tha Anerfeaa ] Tobacco Co., W. W. Webb, for tho Brittah-Aaaarisin Tobacco Co., J. B. Thonaaa, fortheC. B. Cheatham Co., S. i. Parhaai, for tha Lanratt ft Myera Tobacco Co. Acaoac tea rtoitinf tobac co mea were Mr. J, B. Mahler,- at Dap ham, repreaanMcg the AaMVioaa Tobac co Co. , Mr. H. P. Buell, of Riahmoud, rcpreanting tho Brttiah-Amerlcan "To bacco , aad Mr. Thoaaaa Walker, of Henderaon. Tha opeatn^ waa a Mr aaaeeaa M ?irj way aad am'fhudl ia eoar that Lonlatatf ia Mm HMi? to oetl tobaeeo. *? ~ " ? Mil K. S. Ferd delightfully eater tained tha Weiaeeday Bride* Club ?a the per?h at her baaptifal heme oa Main (treat, oa laet Satarday, tha N| alat ?eetiac iMrinf tiio|oilponKl tut that date. A toad attendance trail MB ant and an ?Mteeutf A moat wjowMt barbecue vu givea to a number of their (rie?d? laat Then day. on >Ml'|li|)lM laws of Mr. Wil liam Bailey' ep.liata tttwt by Mr. aad tin. William Bailey and Mr, aad Kre. R. T. MeAdea. The iadiee mra in ?itad to mia.at eleven and play bride* aad the uautfcwaa to aaato at oat when all would enjoy th? elagaat raaat pig ?aad watemeloaa. All who vara toif tunate enough to ba praaaat will al arara remember tka bapy area! aad lb gracieni hoapltoUty of tka keeta aad boateeeea. Chlloiwa'a Day .Childreni day aineliil wara bald at Prospact church on hat Saaday aad quite a large crowd war* praaaat Tba children did their part* wall aad made the occasion oaa of atneh intaraat to the many praaaat Dtaaar waa earyed on the gpaoada ud a* ia aanal la thia aaetian the gaa? paopla had pcaparad a beautiful repast wklah waa aaJagpaA by all. ' In tka aftoraoaa Mr. Bdwia B. Ma-' lone delighted the audience with oaa ef bia happy and Interesting apeeckes. He is a Una young man aad his addreatea are alwaya eojoyaa. The occaaion la ita entirety waa a succeea la every raapeat and waa great ly enjoyed. . .. A Deli* httal lou* Party Durinc the paat weak tka borne ef - Mr. H. D. Egertea near Laaral, waa the acene of the moat delightful and < moat eajeyable' kouaa party of the aeaaon. Tba fa eat wara charmingly entertained by Mr*. Mattie Williama and Mr>. Bgerton aad all nalta with me in saying that they hare never had ? nicer time, One of the maay faataraa of tka par ty waa a plaaie to Xosat Moraac?7. a pictorefxje eld ealaaial home la Warran aoaaty. Thia trip waa particularly coach eajoyad oa aecooatof tka Mr country dance held ta the old home. jUay iroeata baaidaa that* of tka koaae Mrtrmfca pniwt *D dadat**;** WWW 'tha tims of their ll*sa.", . Besldss this trip tkm w ma?; . "to (Mm" tad MMy beating exear AMsb, at Laurel, Madeline Craws. of Oxford, Mary Hurt Ipttn, EaWMi Egerton, J a Ha Barrow, Aaaia Balk King aad Hedgi* WIlHamn, of Loais O^ta^^rtoa and T. W. Bnfflu. f At* 'tu btertalament * WithbuowsfttimahMagas* p*? ?oting th* work at the church ia St I W. pariah, sml getting tha Mi af the parlab together socially for dUcne sioa of tha work to bo dsaa, thun^i. Bar. E Laelea Maloae, invited to Iba rectory last Taeeday area lag all tba Ma Who ua members af tba puU or aoaaaatod with it, and alao a faw oat of towa gaeata. Thoaa accepting tha tatltotioa waaa. Bar. laaaa Hagbas, Sector eftboCtanh of The Kotylaaa aaata, Keadereoa; Hasan. 4. Oaathfc, W. H. Yarboraagh, Jr., A. i. Ctiftoa, W. M. Paraaa, Jaa. B. Yarboroagh, Joa lfamford, Hagb Hayes, Wm. Bat lay, T. W. Biekett, Wm. H. Ruffla, Jao. W. Xlog. M. S. Clifton, R. Y. Mc Adaa, Gao. Cralla, L. L. Joyaar, R. H. Dayia, ?. F. Yarboroogh. Dr. R. t. Yarboreugh, Wood Eaton, of Louis barjj, aad Haasr?. W. W. Aleoek anh L. C. Plrte, of Franklin too, and Mr. T. J.KIag. of Richmond. Tba gaeata, al tar chatting and smoking aa tha porches and in tba study, wata lorltoi by tba boat Into a banqast spread la tba par lor aad dialog room which wara tbrowa iato one room with a tabla extending through bath rooms. Coras war* laid lor thirty gueets sad tho silver, nepery and decorations wara so slags at la ap psaraaoa ono wondered how a bacbalor oepld arrange his tabla ia sash port set taste; bat the secret wsa oat when ens Warned that tba ladias af the parish with their usual gracious . bispHsllty aad kindly anal tn all go?t .wosks bad .IHadOaaJtoierre IN Jwftft# tor tha host. ' Jt aerro ssaiss baaitoS ?vary cou ray la psHbot taste aad el*-" gaitly serred, reftealtod thagtaosts aad prepared tbecn for tb?.sajsg?to* ef the toasts al tha ffrsntag. The bset appoint ed Mr. Wm. H; fiuffla teaatsaeetar, aad with a jadiclous salaetion of tbs oppor? tone U me b? palled upon Hoa. T. Wat tor Biekett to wpml to 1 Mb toast Of tha "Relation of tbo layMa to tba par iah." It is hardly nassesary to ear that Sectary, Mr. Blckett'* mtllrt ?u stall. deep toned utterance of the eentia^ate of hie own treat, w?r?? heart, fill gf lmud wwwbm far hit Lord and 1 ora aad a dee ire to help hie fallow nan. , It waa a* gaed aa a earmoa and raag aa tow la a ailTp r ball. It vaa an iaepbaMea to hia hearaia aad will ba leaf ram am bared; and, it 1* la ba hapad, headed. . Whea the gueeU had dined to Ml contest aad were lighting their eigare, the toa at master aallad upoa the Ear, Iaaac Hughee to raaptad to th? teaat of "The raiatlaa at the pariah to the dla em iad clorch at. large . " Knb the a waning mteiii to tha alaaa af thU moat admirable reapoase Mr. Haghee had tha close attention of hla haareri; and declaring that tha aerrlea of man to hi* God waa onuttetablr the highest aarriaa of which man 1* capable, ha lift-' ed hla haarara aa thoagh on win^ to higher thiagi and thonghta, aad laepir ad them to aa emalatiaa of tha work he haa ae aueceeef ally acoempliahad la 'hla awa pariah, building it a * ba bfca by lea fa aad bonada into oat a t tha largest parl^aa ?a toa dlo caaa. Tracing man'* aar ytae firom hie heme circle to tha wider circlee of naighborhead, af town, of rtoto and nation, ha thawed that no aaa eaa either lira or die to Wmeetf, aad ia In duty bo aad to gira Ma beet aerrice to his pariah and thraagh hla pariah to hi* diaceaa aad thean to hia ehuieh, Juat aa in e ocular lib ha begina with hia bom* and eftde in aarriee to hla state. Hpace falls for a longer account of thli admirable addraea, a park ling as it waa with eloqaenea and pat forth with tha saal and earaaitqeaa of a charming per ?onahty. It we* apliftiag, ina tree tire and moat helpful; sad, if eraa half of it fall on good ground It will briag forth abnadaat fruit It waa a moot aajojable aceaaion aad the guaat* only loft aa tha mid-night hour approached, each Toiciag hi* ea jermaot of tha eranlag. It is hapad that csai waa awakaaad, *oa*a**aHoa to bettor tartiaa and aa laaplratioa for higher and bettea work gaiaed by thh ?octal gathering of tha naaaber* af It' Panl'i pariah. FRANKLIN SUP'R COURT. ADJOURNED ON LAST F*IDAX ?01NINQ. . ? No CtiN of larrup** TrlM Sine* Oar Last Haport ? Grand Jury Haport. ?Ithoach la aobataaea tha A?wt toon of Franklin Superior Ourt tor tha and haadad la tha follow!** Tha.rapart-fallawa: . . ?v To Bn Hoaoa, R. B. PaaBLaa, JxrD+t PaauoMo ftuMXum Co mm 8c 10a Co oar, Acqobt Taax, II 1Z. ? We tfca |inil Jar?, aawawaad tor tha | tana, bag to aub?u tha foliow Wa hava paaaad oa all bills pwiwuA to aa and hay* alao tayaatigatad aV llWIki whlah fmn bfm ealUd to av itaania* , WahayavWtod tha Coaaty How, aad tod aaaaa ia axaallant oondiUo*. tha pram la aa aaat aad dean, ianataa' watt aarad for aad tatbfiad with tbair aanoaadlac*. Wa reeoaimand, how ?t?T, that tha baUdia* oaad aa dwa for tha faaUly of Ifaa kaapar, and his effleaa ba palatod. Wa haya visited aad earafuliy inapae tad tha offloaa of all tha Coonty QtoMfa aad to<> aaaia proparly kept, aad ao tor u wa could aacartaio, all dacumeats pro parly iadaxad. and ol aaay aetaiTf tha public. Wa flad tha Ctaab'a oMot aadly la oaad of toora room. . . Wa haya alao risitad tha Coaaty Ja^j ton. in matd to tbe cWn , wkieh show* that Mr. Batrow'a aftciao- 1 t; ii MopM b; tl? Mort li no en niatektble way. The rapart fellewi: To Hi? Honor, E. B. PmLM JuDOn Heileiter of tha 4th fSal Dwtriet, Wafw leave t* Mt ka kaa dariac thla torn ef Oenrt I careful anamination and I rupee - tUM of all dockets, recorde and index* ?M>h the law reqairaa the Clark af tfe Mjbrior Cowt to knap In Ma ottea, and flnda that the iini nr. kapt la A No. 1 aaoditioa. and that tbe duties of the ef. flee in other reepeeta so ins u an csa 1 arowde* want ef apfaa there far the prop ' itoeo af all the records, nience Ha officer and tka *okHa ffeoenUy. BeepestfaUy S.bmitUd. U. gaaa at a dinner far their pleasare I by tba chapter oa laat Friday. Tatarana gathered and fern ad at MTt heuee bat were taken to tka pw<d? in asteaobllee, where they ??r? treated with a splendid apaaeh by Attorney -General T. , W. Blekett. Bit dieconrse waa foil of kamor and fun and ru greatly enjoyed. After his address dinner waa aeryed. Maj. BaUock in behalf ef tha reternni Terr gwee fully and in hia own jolly way, ad the ladiea for tha occasion, saying tba veteraa*, were all awnra that lud friendi in need in Franklin ty'S pi trio tic womanhood. After the Msjor had finished yalle for Dr. ?aloha wara beard and the doctor bad to ribpond. Tka doctor la alwaya ready The Hon. T. W. Bickett will speak at Dickens Store, Thursday, Sep tember 5th, at I o'clock. Let ev erybody come out and hear the po litic ?il issues discussed by one of the state's best speakers. JV&PCOIXIS, Chfs&'n. of tlfti Democratic Ex. Com. J. A. TURVE&, Sec'y. ia * body aid tK* Conylet Quartern to Ik* mum yard, tad fcating nl?r ip?? iml inatruetlon* from hi* hater, bag to make the follow) ar raport a* te tha con dition* faaad there: W? fad tha preeent Jail kapt la ** geod aonditien a* It 1* poeelble to keep the building aa it new la, and we wl*h to aayaaially *oaiai?4 Km aflorta of JaUar.pt C. High, to keep the pnmim Is erder uader *a*h adyetae circa ta ?tanoee. It 1* imj plain la' na that tba preeent Jail la aettrely iaadeqaate far the noede of the Caan*y. and wa aaaal mouriy raeemmeod tha hallding of a ?*w and mod am Jail, la which dceper ate criminal* al b* lately eonlned thereby, iaapring thair appaaraaca in aaart, and that thoaa who ara aa nnler taaata aa to ba oonflaed tharaia far mi Bar oflhacee. may ha hapt ia aoma de li aa of ceaafort. Wa And tha Conrict Qaarter* badly aiaadaJ, riaepiag qaar taxa entirely uaflt for tha habitation af MfMitllf tkoM vbe ill filltit a pea te raodar ? ? iln* to tha ta waahip ia tha farm af haid manaal labor. Wa M*oa*a>aad that larger and battar qaar tats, and battar bad*, ha provided for thorn at onca. Wa bog to raport farthar that wa have boon compallad to bold aar Ma rio** ia tha Treaaarer'* affice, which wa Dad daring thl* trying Waathar. te Va rary uncomfortable, and aatiraly too ?mall, aad furnishing rary poor faaill tlaa for *a trying an oar work. Thi* saggeet* to ua the neod of mora room. Wa *lso find that the Superinteadaat of Pablie Instruction la compallad to have hta office hi aaother building. Tajiing tbeaa Caata into eonride ration, the fact af tha crowded condition of tha Clerk1* offiea, alee that o I tba Bagiaterof Dead*, wa uaanlmoaaly recommend that a new Mta ha porehaaed, and thaa anew Court i^oaaa ba built la keeping with the naada of thoaa npoa whom It ia lacum bant to perforin thair dutiee aa Caaaty Officer* in a aatisfectery waaaar. ? F. B. MoKontB, Foreman. Tha following i* tha raport of tha 80 * - ~ ~ with aoaiethina good to uj ud his re mapka weremueh enjoy*! hl? fait 4w comrade*. | ' . The d*y jawed off aplenjlidly and each aad aratr ana teased to enjoy the oc oaalen to the ataaoet. Tkoae of the eld ?eldiera la attendance were: A. W. Jaekaeo, Win. J. Wood, K C. Wood lief, J. G? Creekmora, J. H. Dak*, H. e. Gmtoi>, ft. ft. ttn*a T. P. Bowen, Tb?e- 0. SUffi, A. G. Pearce, Tbocnn* Pearea, ?. F. Bullock,' B. C. K?r- J. W. QariMua, ^, fT. ' Mortal n, Pato* Colli o*, ft JL tUUkm, Robert Ceeper, 1f. lL Youi 8he*rta, W. Wlartea, Bt. 6. Morton, Joe Eod Kere,.T. S. Colli*, T- J. Jaakeoa. B. S. Kearney, J. K. PMpe, W. W. Oaepei, H. C. Dukt.K. T. Cook., W. A. Bear* Willi# Tharriagteo, J. L. Bowden, Wad* Harrl*, , F. T. Thompeoa, J. J. Wild 90*. H. CoUUr, Andrew William* P. F. Dickem, T. J. Maaeey, T. P. Ham. J. R. Cart. Thomas Grfptoa. J. M. Diekana, D. C. Tkarrlmf too, B. D. Joyaar, R. *. Wyaa*, W. E. Joyner, Wiley Oaptoo. W. B. Timber lak a, B. X. Weater, C. W. Daniel, J. W. Gilbert, C. W. CUf toa, L. T. MeGhee, H. 0. Modes, A. D. Ball. A. C. Hedflepeth. P. G. All tea. A. S. Strothec, Thomas W**ter. On this oc*a*loa aararal badge* ware diatiibotod. ?Im Im Harris BatarUlna Mia* Iaa Harrl* delight (ally enter taiaad a number of young lady aad gentleman friends oa Taeaday aTeniag ta honor of her (meat, Mia* Galley, a her home un Main *tr**t, which had bee* made a Mane of beauty by the many pretty decoration*. Many gam** af interaat wire played and the entire crowd ea joyed the oeeaaion to a lata hoar. After the pa** the partner* were seleeted aad they repaired to the Ayeocke Omg Co., wMok bad been aet la readin*** for th* occasion aad pre seated a icena of beaaty, where re ficahaeata war* aerred THE MOVING PEOPLE THBIH MOVEMENTS 111 AMD OUT OF TOW I TfaoM Who Hat* Visited Louls bmrr the Paat Week? Those Who Hare Gone Bloowharo For BusIimss or Plsajsnrs. Mr. H. C. Taylor toft Monday for | Jadge C. M. Cooke returned homo 1 Dr. A. 1 from a trip to Oceaa Vlenr. Mr. A. O. Geeilalu.of laleigh. vUlt ed Leuiaburg the peat weak. Mr. J. D. Odota, of Richmond, ia rial tine hto brother. Mr. K. Odom. Miaa Vrnrlnia Klndall. of (Mdehere, la Tiaitfaw Miaa Jeaoe T.rlar Harrfi. Mr. T. J. King, of Bielunend, Va., ia flatting hi* brother, Mr. J. W. King. Mra. V. ?. Murphy return ad Satur day from a vfait to h?Wit? at Cardo Mr. F. B. Whltehurtt, at Elizabeth 6ty, rialted Mr. F. B. MeKione the Dr. B. P. Bart and family retarned Sunday night aftA aa extended | viait to Oceaa View. Bar. R. W. Bailey aad family, who I havo boon off on a Tacation, retoraod | home the peat week. Mr. A. W. Peraon and wife returned I the peat week from a rlait to her peo- 1 pie at MilUkin. 'Louiaiaaa. Mra. Lea H. Battle left the peat week I for Won College where eke will' take | charge of the boya dormitory. Meaara. P. 8. Allen aad J. D. Hints retaraed the peat week from a trip to Baltimore, New York and other north ern aaarketa where theypnrehaaedalafge and complete atock for the department store. To Telephone Subscribers. We are raqaeeted to state that as the installation of the new system mekee it neceeeary to change a large per eent of prs^iBt telephone aoahera, aaheeri bera are rapeetfully. raqoeMed to. anil by nam* "and not by aamWaa hereto feretnMI the new dJreetorfee ere ia ... : ? '(<'* The tt.W. C. Sept 4, 1911 Seek member of the Jeeefh J. Dariej ehaptai of U. D. C. ia aaraestlr I qoaated te be praasct at the Maaenle I Hall eo the ahore date at S p. m. there. ie important bnalneae te he diaena- 1 Mas. J. P. Wwjttoh, Pres. Flri " On Moaday Morning jut * few nta ntn bafore Hnn o'clock tho people of Leuisbntg wan inkmd by Ik* sound ?( tba fire alarm. The trouble via non located at tka home o I Hr. W. S. Tucker oa Main street a*d the fire departaeata turned out promptly aod tka flaaaee were toon entiagaisked Tba damage waa only aHgkt The fira ru aaaaad frepa a dafaetiT* Haa. Wo?d lappl? Company. Wood Supply Co., waa ieeofporatad tba put weak with a paid in capital of tat.OOO, to do a geaeral merikandielng buaiaaaa at Weod, Fraaklia Ceuaty. Tbay will alao operate fiai, aaw . mllla, (rut milk, bay and sail raal aatato aad aaek other thine* a> la iaaladod la a aaaiaaafal mercantile boainaaa. Mr. 6. J. Hamlet, tka Manager af tfaia boai aaaa will laaro ia a faw days for tka aartkara nsarkota wbara ba will par dttM At krfoot stock af poda aw carriad tp Wood tar tkia firm. They ia fona aa tkoy will taka spaaa la tho Tiaceae tka* la tka oaly way to raaak tba pcopla of tkia aad adjoining cooa tiaa. Tbio firm baa keeome quit* popular with tba paopla af that aaction tba paat yaar which baa nacaaaitatad tka aalarg mant of the buaiaees which baa lad to its incorporation. Dl?kam Items Aftar a lone dry spall and bocausa of right mack o I tho crone beiag lata, tka fsraacrs arc akoat to finiak up thair plowing. Cotton aad aarly planted corn of tkia vicinity arc not mach goad. But lata corn shows np to ba bat tar at tha present. It is hoped that it will not ba all talk this time aboat tho wheat crop bat will bo siora this time than usual. Because of the much dry weather there ia bat little clever sowed at tha present time. . There ia right sack frait and the w onset ?re quite . baay now-a-daya can ning, drying, preoorrlng a tc . Tka Styeriateadeat of our Banday school gare a aico reoeptioa to tk4 ? tt W?dneedfc?;y/ id Itwaaniea and t fcriljtp^? ?? J to aejey It. Glad to Mr our ashool it progressing aicel v Mr. I. H. Diekaoa and a Mr. Walker, of Cfcetalla. wpre la Mr midst on Mat baturday. IT. N. Diekeaa paid Caatalia * vialt on Uat Saturday and Sunday. 6. T. Celttae aad little aaa, Frank, returned bona laat Monday from Nashville, whara Mr. Collins had baaa visiting his blather. Llttla Frank seems to bare as joyed himaelf tea. J. W. Wood haa retarnod homa from tha heepitol at ffkarttnna where ha hashes* far treatment. ChaaUa Colllne aad wife were tha hapfcygneet at tha heme of Eld. W. H. Colli** em laai 8nndwy evening. L. M. Waal aad wife want to Oriffla town laat 8? day tad a pant aoma af tha day with bar father. Bar. B. V. Jehaaton aad wtf s.of Hendeiaoa, hare been spending aeme time la hi nudat. Mr. Johaaton preaehad seme flae sermons at tha Free #14 Baptist eboceh bara aad at ~ Delight. It seems i Bt OalUht It mar as everybody was Mlgktad with his preach Inf. Rat, iaha B. Harper, of . Laurel, preaehad at the Missionary Baptist ehurch Sunday evening to the Sunday school. It baa baaa announced that a aerlea of ias stings Will bagfn at the ehareh at White Level on .tha. first Sunday in Septoaaber. Also we are glad' to leant that the two ohurehee of our town ?ho Free Will and tha Miaalonary Baptist have rta Bided to eosna together to one ani tod masting. Se there, will beoaly on* meeting with na this time. . Cornel Everybody is invited to attended and make jpoaraalrae at homa with us. Aleo wa waat all to toko a part in the eerloa as though yon ware In your own aharah. Wa are expecting Hot. Mr. MeGutre, of Wake Force t, te ha with as aad da moat of the preaching. But there will be several other preaohera with aa. While oar hearts were made aad it was aat surprising whaa the death a acta visited the home of Mr. Ollia " OolUaa aad called hia sister, Miaa Mol lis, away on Aagaat-flth. Sht had been snffariag tor the peat aevaral months. Oar laaala has gain. Bar foaeaal was preached by her pastor, Bar. J. W. Sledge and b?r ?m?uw ware laid U* feat at tha chtech at White Level, whara aba waa a faithfal member. The Diefceaa "Do Nothing CI ah" gave a alee barbecue to ita assashirs an laat Saturday, August 17th, at tha. plaaa known as Seven Springs. Every body that wis prsasatt says It waa tha aieeet that thar yd aver attended, everything pa teed off aa quiet, smooth aad leyely. Tha Dlekena string bead waa preaent with their music and they U their nsoal way played aoma fine piecee. There were aeveial praaent whe vet* not membeia bat aftor they saw things ao aieely earned out, aad tha new leetarar and advisor, Mr. W. H. Joyaer aftor being in trad need by Mr. J. H. Davis, made anah a fine aad good speech, ware impreased ao ssaeh they Joined ? and said thay ware sorry baaaass thay did aot join aooaer. Ia order to ahow why everybody aaema to Ukp It so wall, wa an giving tha nsavss oi ita aAcara aad measbara be low: omens , W. N. Dickens, president; W. H. Joyaer, lecturer sad adrisar; J. W. Wool, ahaplain; E. C. Collins, aearetary Bad trwinrtr, MMfBWU P. L. Collins, P. G. Ce'llas. J. C. Bartholomew, J. W. Bartholomew, C. C. Horn, Henry DwtH, D. B. VMl c. a /oram, riik t. w, Wood, Willi# Leonard, Bob Wnd. Miak Woe<C T. D. Dn?r. Cliff Dayis, C. W. Cobb, W. 1. Brewer, George Collins, Ed Moor#, J. Pete Davis; T. H. OUins, Jobs B. Stu)divant, James G. Hobs*, T. R. 1 lay, 3. P. May, J. H. Dickens, J. N. Pavia, G. B. Leonard, Nick Bartholomew, Ban Collins, R?r. W. H.CgUt? . Special school tax is talkad amoBg soaia now because ?? hare loet oaa af bast teachers this time wbo haa been standing by us for soaay reara aad be cause ha had the chance of aa a If lit months school. Ha accepted it Ho It is hoped it will aot only be talked but will bars an eight months school before time for another session. Dandt, [The above were writtea far last week but unavoidably carried oyer to this iasae. ? Imtol] Buki U Qlof. The banks ia Loaiaburg will tloss on Hoaday, September Sod to obeerfe Labor Day? it being a legal holiday. ? V*?l' ' B -

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