SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 PBB TEAR * ? : r/. < & NUMBER as LOUISBUHG, H. C, ?AY September 6 IS12 JosaphM 0 NtM ?Tec, 1 literary ftm cuU^w t*m many dfpaai clitna Md ?! Roa?r???l a? about 4m would country. "X*W ? and Mki to know * Wrlti* al that Qie 4 democrat! denbofe. T hi* m work ?M> with CWq ?'Tlje beca?*? ?< he m*te IB mentb^ thy ma/um ?< to fall I n rita rf IMaOi M MMr I as ta try ?*?!< W??a k? ?aU ten WOODROW WILSON Sdwhr ^ Statesman, Pqpoooeptanaa aa dldato lor rlca president aa < aratio ticket, a amlltmc wa pod Mora him, and 11 oaa oonld have 1 heard what ake wklapara4 la kia aaa It would have been "Mow, hurry In, Tom, and < alothea." ' ?' j And Tom Marahall for#oi ta |bAa j haada with the enthualaaMa (Ma* natll ha had carried out the oadan at Mr*. Tom. Indiana haa honored lour af ha* am* ; aa vioa prealdentlal caadid Deaaooratlc ticket, but the a THOMAS R. WAMHJtLL 0rMt*4 OoTwn* W?r?han t* ' . The good people of Oolumbla City, ^d.. never thought Thomas Riley Mar stall was a "marrying man." For for ty years he bad lived with Lis parents, mretag both his father and mother, wh* were invalids, which was ths r ea se* Governor Marshall was not a mar rying man. He felt his first duty mi to Ms parents. Meeting Mn. Marshall, j Aitnr the death of his parents Oot i m*r Marshall dhrdd deeper Into hll laxr prBBtloe, and oh day an urgent | ota? took him to Angola, Ind. His du ll ea called him to the cotasty clerk's of tJa* and there ha mat Miss Lois Klm aar daughter of titm oomutj clark, who ?MS aaatottnc her fa (bar ta> the oflce. From that dar Quimn Marshall Ml mora buslweee aronnd (ha eauntry ??rlfl offloe fn Ancdto than anjr law jar tn bait a dosaa ui?hj counties. Qorarnor Marshall .ma torty-twe rears of a?a rk?? be waj married. Ifrs. Marshall betnc nearly twenty yaaia his Juator. ) The Marshall* had been married enly a few weeks when the future t'cs preeldfuit was oalled to an adjoining aonnty on a oaae thai mil oonsame kaa Are cr ? ??>? ef his tla* T'~w, I ?M oct* ? eat to be starting ?ff jft? that." Omnw Marshall e? ylalaod to a fctand eae Mr. -so I Jn? told Mrs. Marshall that 1 tbracht alio aho'ild m *?( iii ?k, did - ?but* t%m Qs?s? ur Marshall baa ?ever mnde a trip wttheat lira Mar Hhnfl going ?1?M They bare towreled all or*- fte awntry ?oirsthrr: they *o to banquets rind peRtteeJ airetlafa to gether until Ik* Ma?4s ot the Indiana ??ec*jttTe d^Jv ta Uaadl hla wife a* the "pardi" "Tom Ma reba* to not jmretraa*." , **VlaUui4. ">? of kla ftrtsads. "^Thlle wit a dethato saaa, "lata etuntW uWen la ~ ft ? ai . ? V? : . . i " -r / Mat oMk? mat iIimim t nc * ''When he get* late a poltttaal battle "tie forget ? bis weataea*. gfraa all that la la him.' sad thai will tall om an; man. - Mre. XanM aeoa dlaeoT ered that tha goveraor would become heated hi making a apeeeh aad tha aext day hla vote* would ba haahj . ?he decided that ha had toMar ?Jra up aeme of the h&ndshafclag aad take ear* of his health first. So whan ran 1*4 Mm making a speech, wfcea ha ha* la tahed he deas not tar around t* hear the applause of the andleaoe. Rather, he hurries te his room aad akaa^aa his clothlag. "Some people hare aald that Tern Marshall Is not a handahaHag pelttl alan. He la boL Hla wtfe ?htak* It la mora Important to goard Ma health thaa to carry out the old Mate pattcy, and she la. correct, aa ab? la la meat all othei things." "H*m* Air* Pravall*. Hie Marshall horn* to tmteal ?* 0M mistress. It 1b r hosts et lull, and still one does not feel "bookish." On* of the Marshall friends atM be always felt like eating vkm ha *otsr*4 the Marshall home la Ootambia COj or the executive mansion at Isdtaimidts. Mrs. Marshall heltoraa la a, hwu drat, and the "home air" iiia?*M "If Governor Marshall ewer oocajMd the White House paopl* weoM aot know that hlstorle tnetttnttrra," de clares an admirer. "ICn. Marshall would hare It a real hem*. P**?le would feel comfortable ev?n k> Ik* midst of the gold and gUttm" But K is not only a* a wUa am 4 th* mistress of a hom* that Un. Marshall shows her ability. Sh* la a poiMeiaa and a clever on*. Mm also has a re markable memory. Governor Marshall ha* laaii th* reputation of being la a *l*a* at story tellars all by hlms*tf. B* eaa mesmd ber stories, but h* foagets s ? i ? A. nam* Is something ft* b* *ul a*ld* with Governor Marshall, aad this to on* of the regrets at his Ilia, tt b* has any r*gr*ts. Th* ims aa1 la aot' a worrying man. H* 1* siMiislial a fa tultirt, bnt If b* couM h* would Nk* t* r*a*aber naa**; hot aot having that ability, h* *o? aot wanj, tor Mrs.' Marshall la Uk* naas ? aiiiln ?r s t th* laaally. Sh* has a yeoallas atM* Maag this ?h* last nam*. bat aay *m?hlnallaa of siissss eottoa a* saaoarf satsr* t* ha* and sh*?krr1e* UkJ* abUtog oa dowa U the ahlldrea aa4 ? ni-'w o < aaf eaa r <*hlng th* goymrmar. Whll* Ch* gvreraor hr Hhahhig haad*. aad li j lag t? r*a?vW wbatha* Ms ?*JV? Is JoaM or am Mb. Mrs. Mawftafl I* bosy applying gk* hironnattsa and askteg ahoi>t all the njlsOra* t#ul psrtrxrs. ?OoTeraor Ms-f?h*n hnwfco bwrtjvor* to ttftan, ul *)? paroU txgM Am leareu htn ?u?fc ?hl,t -W? -mt Ml a ?m V Governor Marshall's Mw* ?pectncular !a hta. ad- j xntDtatrcvtlon. It has been a saao woy. Cantia???ui to ?ympfctky wtkfc oMnOr ?arlrmUMOU tfcw mt public nik. tl>? ?mouet NtoM taTOvS Mmw thj hcra*? 6?ve%M So hard MW?, Yvtrr tli In* ?MWO>il wtrh On AaUw at ajxl oultnraJ Kf?-? Mroert j*Id dM jf C>OpS> ha thk Qoun orjr, vm wBN# m? moat hvporOLnt. Farm*** Have Been Deceived. Durtrw aJ fnwit yea m farmers her* been told what a treat bteeetng bas been &elrs through the so-called protective rtff. and ye 1 ^ And a aaarket for their principal orope they baee bad to qom pete In tbe nmrtwtf of fbe world where the prioe le #xed. But soddoaly ft la dis covered that fbe farmer le fbe sole eauae for the Mrh epet of IfVteW. and what b&Pfnns? The PteaMectt Ob. Taft) with a total disregard fcr Che ftitereets of the farmers. submits a p?*n to ?pen up to competitkm wlCh tbe !???? of the United eta tea the frodoeto of Ohped* while being earefxri to preserve tKe tariff, er move oorreetly speaking tbe teat, on all tbe fanner bas to b?, wbfeb, as cWirfv as anything eMi. emosea the hypocrisy -and Hran-ibugarery" of the elninj that tbe tarfff la utTmmM to agricul tural aa compared wtcfe roanuootured p?V ducts. - 5 . . has never appeared wttmn tnty apeollec tlon, ma th? nakniojjrattb party Ms been compelled1.- by the rorce of jrobtta opinion to nommhte a man for tbe Presidency who hi tmtficqiBtVP** f^ that bHth office of any that feavebeetn nominated or elect ed nlnee Lincoln. A Wan that I apeak of frem a personal acquaintance wtft and a knowledge of hw fitness: a man of greet natural ability, sptendld)y educated; not theoretically but prarttcatty, a beettnesa of In te fleet removable for Hs gsasp ol everv condlffba wtfh wMoh he Is con fronted; an hUtomftabfe ootmt^e to do right; and above an ajgr?at broad tend ency with nI sympathy for all classes. |A? will make one qf th? ipogt acoesalbla Residents aver hi the wTrfN Hobee, and through wheat now wfl be tehaaad a hearing. bowersr humble. nor fen to re ceive fostlee tK lib* land* Be la truly a marvHrrua m* n avid I Wish every perron In the TTmWed mates eouM know ifm at I know him. aad sog?>es*e?t>n* all these qneimes *!>? his home Is one of peefeet None aaa si set fba sclenAM Mrs. Wil son and her tin tcftaeA, erftbeed deugh ters with lfc? p>if tt aatwatoeea. but xnu*t f?el tbe t tbe Whole dsaaOy ef Wood row Wilson was esfec^ally prepared to fill a great aeed la lbe paawsat erlats In the history ef our eowatry, as were Washington. Je?fc?on Jadkn and Lin coln. and I weuU advlae ? fee fArmers upon my reputattea es a man, if you want te protect your own Interests and those of your lemlbee; tt yea went to render the *r?a feast possible apeod to your country sad future generatftcme: ft .yo? want to eenfcribsto ynr part to tbe end that popular government under Ood shall not parish from the -earth, then see that the Hon. Woodaow Wilson \m abated President O OARDKnR | * ? ?' TtM Deoimartt are depending on Uie bsb&U oostrUmtor to help elect Wilson and Marshall. The appottl to bains made te the people, and the people are rcapoadtog. "The Domaerato are not takfng the! election of Wilson for granted. They are working and working bard or than to 4 mow of yeaM and working as a! malted "I > , ' -fix I araicre k&v* aini'rcnfd to the folljr ' Of the to ceifed blosjtngs ct a proUo tt?e tarltt.